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Surprise again...hehe 😂😂😂
Actually here no electricity today... an we have no inverters so I can't study today.... so thought to update...
I hope you like it.....


Gauri came back to her flat...

"What happened mam... are you ok"

Pooja ask who came with her...

"No pooja.... I am fine... May be it's just.... you go I will be fine when take rest"

Gauri said and pooja left...

Gauri sit on sofa at her drawing room...  she don't know what was that.... why she felt something like that when she touched ommkara....
Why he seems so familiar.... She just met him now....
She sigh and lean to her sofa...
Close her eyes to calm herself...
And she drift to sleep....





Gauri open her eyes....
She was still sleeping on sofa..

She rub her eyes and check the time.... it was 1:30...
Lunch time...
She was so hungry...
She skip breakfast because of the meeting and now she don't  have energy to cook...

So she thought to go and have lunch outside....





Gauri was waiting for her food in a restaurant....

"Ms Gauri "

Gauri was froze....
Don't know how she recognised his voice....
She turn and she was right...
It was his voice....
She stood up...

"What an presence surprise... hi"

He came to her smiling...

"H.... hi Mr oberoi "

Yes... it was ommkara.... her heart was suddenly beat fast.... and she was fail to control her....

"Why you left from there like that?  Is everything ok"

Ommkara ask...

"Armm.... Actually...."

She was not finding words...

"It's ok if you don't want to tell"

Ommkara said...

"Arm... you are here?"

Gauri ask to divert the topic...

"I just came for a meeting and thought to do lunch... I think you are also here for lunch.... will you mind if I join you"

Ommkara ask..... Gauri was trap... She was still try to control her heart beats and now he is...

"Ms Gauri? "

He called and she come out of thoughts.....

"No.... not at all.... please sit"

Gauri said...
Both sit and ommkara order his food....

Gauri don't know why her body is  shaking in nervousness..... She didn't even know him.... then Why?

"Ms Gauri.... you are so beautiful "

Ommkara said and his voice was husky..... Gauri breath hitched.... She felt fire running all over her body.... she knew this voice somewhere....

"Thank.... thank you "

She said...

While ommkara was looking at her with so much intensity that she couldn't bear it and turn her gaze to other side.... but his eyes still fix on her...

Gauri hold her hands together tight to calm herself....

"Arm.... Mr oberoi "

"Ommkara.... called me ommkara "

He said with the same deep voice still seeing her...

"Mr ommkara.... Actually.... I.... I need time.... I mean I need break for 1 week.... only after that I will tell you my decision "

Gauri manage to say....

"No problem.... I will wait for you.... no matter how long you take for come to me"

He said .... his voice has something different meaning...


Gauri ask confused....

"I mean you take your time"

Ommkara said....


Gauri said...
Their food arrived....
Gauri start eating try to calm herself.... She felt his gaze on her but she didn't dare to look at him....

Ommkara was eating..... looking at her without blink....
Then his phone beep...
It's a message....

He check...

Mishra: sir.... should I go now..

Ommkara look at his right slowly....
Mishra was standing a little far from them....
Ommkara signal him and he left after nod....





Mishra was sitting in his car...

"Another girl.... again.... and again I am.... Gauri was looking so innocent.... why the hell he want to ruin that poor girl life...  for his f**king one night stand.. how cheap he is.... but I have to do work for him... I need money.... I am sorry Gauri.... it's me who give him all the information about you... and he was here to trap you.... I hope you will escape "

Mishra sigh and drove....





Gauri finished her lunch quickly.....

"Excuse me Mr ommkara.... I will just come"

She said and almost run from there to washroom....
Ommkara looked at her confused....




Gauri washed her face....
She was breathing heavily....
She looked herself on mirror...
She was in ladies washroom...

She notice herself.... why she is feeling so restless.... who is He?
Why he had this much effect on her?

She close her eyes and sigh...

"Relax Gauri..."

She said herself...
She open her eyes....
But suddenly the lights went off... Gauri was shock and scared...

"How suddenly the lights went off "

She said herself...
Then lights came back... She sigh in reliefs....

But her eyes goes wide in fear when she saw on mirror....

That black shadow..... that was standing behind her...

She scared.... too scared.... She was breathing heavily...






Ommkara was waiting for her...

"Where is She?"

He was restless...

"I think I should check"

He stand up to go but his phone rings.... He rolled his eyes to see caller id sakshi.. .he cut the call and went to search Gauri...





In bathroom....

She close her eyes tight and then open.. . Thinking it was hallucination...

But no.... that black shadow still standing...

She gulp and turn slowly.... don't know from where she gain courage....

"Wh.... who are ..... you"

She ask still breathing heavily... sweating.....

Suddenly that shadow hold her neck tightly.... that shadow hand and nails all are black.... no one can detect that face because their only black smokes are coming out from that shadow body....

Gauri is feeling difficulty in breathing....
She try to free herself but fail...

"You have to die"

That black shadow said in  a scary voice.....

Gauri was coughing.... can't breath.... She is going to die...
That shadow pull her up... She was throughing her legs in air...try to free herself....

"Leave her"

A voice came from Gauri right side.... Gauri was unable to see...
Suddenly that shadow leave her and Gauri fall on floor with a thud.....

She is coughing badly but looks up to only got scared more...

That hoodie boy was standing in  front of that black shadow...
Gauri couldn't see the face because she was coughing and her eyes was teary... and vision blur....

"Get... out of my way"

Gauri hear that black shadow saying.... in a scary voice...

"You can't touch her still I am here "

That hoodie person said in scary voice...

Then Gauri saw both are fighting...


Gauri screaming in fear...
Both are fighting with scary voice  while Gauri close her eyes and screaming continually...

"Ms Gauri.... are you Gauri "

Someone bang the door....
Gauri saw that hoodie boy see towards the door then Gauri...
Still holding that shadow...

Then he suddenly pull that shadow with him... and went out from the small window...

Gauri scream in fear....
No one could go through the window.... that was too small...

Suddenly the door break and Gauri saw ommkara....
She was still in shock...
Ommkara run and kneel down in front of her....

"Ms Gauri... are you ok ? What happened? "

Ommkara ask cupping her face... Gauri was sweating...

"Wo.... wo.... that... that"

Gauri didn't able to say anything...
Soon peoples gather there..
Gauri suddenly hug ommkara in fear and start crying....

Ommkara hugs her back...

"Shhh.... relax.... I.... I am here"

Ommkara try to calm her...

"Sir.... what happened "

The manager ask worried...

"I think she was scared from something "

Ommkara said still hugging a scared Gauri....

"Oh.... it was the famous writer Gauri... "

Someone recognised her...
All start gossiping...
Ommkara lift her in his arms..

"I will drop her"

Ommkara said and went out...
Gauri is hugging him like a scared kid....

Ommkara smirk to see her hugging him...

Why the shadow is behind Gauri?  Why Gauri felt strange when ommkara is around?  Why ommkara is trapping Gauri?  Can he just want her for one night like mishra said?  Who was that hoodie boy who saved Gauri?


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