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Sorry for the late...
I join an English learning course online.... and health is also not good...



Gauri is still bind in the tree...

"Ohh.... poor girl.... don't worry we'll make you free soon... from this world"

Maya said and laugh....

"Why you are doing all This? Just for that mere crystal? "

Gauri ask...

"That was not any mere crystal you stupid girl..... that is my dream"

Danish said gritting his teeth....

"Did you even realise.... how many lifes you take for your dreams?"

Gauri said...

"Yes.... I know.... and I will take more to fulfil my dreams"

Danish said with an evil smirk...

Gauri feel disgusted.... it's waste of time to talk to them....


They heard a loud voice.....
They turn and saw that monster ommkara again.... standing there with his blue angry  eyes..

"Ohh.... welcome ommkara.... I must say you are not late"

Danish said...

"I am your enemy.... then fight with me.... leave my gauri"

Ommkara warn...
Gauri see ommkara with teary eyes....

Danish laugh....

"I am not a fool to fight with you alone ommkara....  not for now when you have that crystel"

Danish said...

"Give us the crystal "

Vikram said...

"First release Gauri "

Ommkara said...

"This is my place ommkara.... you have to follow my order"

Danish said....

"May be it's your place... but the crystal is in my hand"

Ommkara show them the crystal....
Their eyes lit up to see this...

"Send Gauri and take your crystal "

Ommkara said....
Danish sign Maya.. .
She nod and untie Gauri...

Danish were gloves without  anyone notice .. .. (It's a bad sign😓)

She walk with Gauri towards ommkara....
Finally they reach ommkara....
Gauri about to go ommkara...

"Give the crystal first"

Maya said..
Ommkara throw the crystal and maya catch it...
Maya see the crystal with a hug smile....
Gauri run to ommkara....
Ommkara hug Gauri....

"Are you ok jaan"

Ommkara ask breaking the hug..
Gauri nod...
Ommkara again hug her...
His life stop when he know she is in danger....

"Ommkara.... sakshi "

Gauri said sobbing...
Ommkara close his eyes disappointed.... he failed to save her...

"No... please don't cry"

Ommkara console her...

"We have to go fast Gauri "

Ommkara break the hug...
Gauri nod...
But just then...


Ommkara scream in pain....
Gauri get shock.. ..


Ommkara hold himself and turn back only to find Danish with an evil smirk...
He attack ommkara's back with a silver knife....
Gauri scarem...

"Nooo.... ommm "

"What do you think huh? I will leave my enemy like this... no way"

Danish evily laugh....
Gauri is standing there in shock....
Ommkara is trying to hold himself.... just to save his love.... he never care for himself....

"Ga.... Gauri run"

Ommkara said with difficulty...

"No .... I am not going "

Gauri cried holding ommkara....

"Ohh.... what a true  love .... don't worry.... we will send you both"

Danish said and sign vikram...
Vikram came and pull Gauri from ommkara....
Gauri is crying badly...

Ommkara try to hold her but fail because his wound start burning his body....

"Leave me   ..... Ommkara "

Gauri is crying badly.... vikram hold Gauri arm and take out a knife.... he about to attack Gauri...

But just then someone pull him from Gauri and within second vikram head is apart from his body.....

All are shock....
They hear a loud rore....
And then they see ommkara came as a wolf....
He looking more dangerous now....he will do anything to save his love....
Gauri is breathing heavily in fear...
Maya and Danish was also scared....
Ommkara went towards Danish with his red angry eyes....
Danish got scared...
Ommkara about to attack Danish....

"Stop ommkara.... otherwise:

Ommkara heard maya and turn ...
Maya is holding Gauri with a knife place on Gauri neck....
Ommkara see them...

"No omm.... kill him"

Gauri said.... but ommkara eyes fill with tear...
He slowly come to his human form.....rikara staring at each other in pain....

Ommkara thought if he would give the crystal then it will end here.... but he never thought that their love again left incomplete in this life too....
He knows what will come next...
But he have to save his love...

"I am sorry jaan.... our love story  again left incomplete "

Ommkara said with so much pain....
Gauri have tears but she didn't understand what ommkara is saying...

Before Gauri figure out anything.... Danish attack ommkara....
He stabbed that silver knife on ommkara left chest ... on his heart....

Ommkara scream and fall on his knees....
Gauri is shock .....

"I know it's really difficult to kill you because you have more power then any wolf.... but I know if I stabbed your heart with a silver knife.... which have touched by a innocent girl.... you will die"

Danish said laughing....
Ommkara look at him while choking his breath....

"And you know who touched this knife.... your beloved jaan "

Danish said smirking....
Gauri is in utter shock.... she is not reacting.... she is the indirect reason of ommkara death...?

Maya cleverly touched that knife by  gauri..... and Danish pick it up wearing gloves when rikara is talking....
Ommkara body is starting burning like a paper....

"Don't worry ommkara... I will send  your jaan behind you.... then you both complete your love story in heaven "

Danish said laughing....

Ommkara know..... it's the last day of his life..... he have no regret..... but he have to save Gauri..... no matter what....

While Gauri can't handle this....
After decades she find him and she can't lose him again....
Gauri free herself from maya and run to ommkara....
Maya about to go but Danish...

"Let them talk for the last time Maya "

Danish smirk.....

Gauri hold ommkara face crying....

"No omm.... please don't leave me.... please..... I love you"

Gauri said crying....

"I am..... sorry jaan..... I again fail..... I love you"

Gauri try to hug him but ommkara stop her.... his body is burning and it could hurt her.. and he can't hurt her....

"I will die without you omm please "

"No .... you have to live .... promise me... you will never.... think like that"

Ommkara said.... his leg sides are turning into ash....
Gauri eyes go wide to see this....
She try to pull out the knife from his chest...
But her hand get burn...

"No jaan... no one can pull.... this..... I have to .... die "


Gauri cried....

"Ohh enough your melodrama ... maya kill her"

Danish order.....

Maya about to go to gauri...

"Daaad ''

Ommkara shout....
Danish and maya was confused...

But suddenly one wolf jump there and take Gauri in his shield.... pull her a little far from there.... Gauri is shock and confused....
Before anyone understand....
Ommkara spoke....

"What do you think Danish... I am a fool? Yes I am going to die... but you never touch my love ever.... and the bonus is you never use the power of the crystal.... Because only I know how to use it.... good by"

Danish and maya is still try to figure out what ommkara said....
While ommkara look at gauri for the last time with tearful eyes....

"Gauri.... I love you forever.... even after my death"

Ommkara said...
Gauri looks at him helplessly...
Not even say a word... only her tears is speaking a lot....the wolf holding her protetively

"Dad.... please take care of her"

The wolf is tej.... he also had tears in his eyes to see his son dying....

Saying this ommkara close his  eyes...
And then he rore to the peak... using his all powers...
No one can handle the sound....
Gauri went unconscious....
Ommkara create a storm....
All the dust and heavy wind make that area blurry....

Danish and maya was carry away from there due to heavy wind...
And tej run from there holding Gauri to save her.....
Danish and maya throw out from there due to wind ....

Tej turn one more time to only  see ommkara burning body... then he vanished in the air...

The strom gone....
Danish and maya is laying somewhere  unconscious  ..

We can only saw a burning body with a knife stabbed in his heart....

The love story left incomplete....






(By the way... I don't like incomplete love stories)





Tej is sitting on a chair....
Lost somewhere....
It's a small house.... in a forest....
Only few people live here....

There is a bed beside the chair....
Gauri is lied there unconscious....

It's almost more than a week after ommkara death.....
Gauri still unconscious....
Tej didn't took her to any hospital or city....

He took her here far from everyone..... treat her with the hurb medicine....

Ommkara already told him that day..... if something happened to him.... he have to save Gauri...
Tej promise ommkara...
His heart aching to remember everything....

Gauri slowly open her eyes.....
Tej see it and sit beside her....
Gauri sit on bed and look at her surroundings....

"Are you ok bera"

Tej ask caressing her head...
Gauri turn and see tej...
Then she remember everything...

She lose her love..... her life....
Those tearful eyes of ommkara come to her mind.....

"Ommkara..... where is ommkara?....  I ..... I want my omm"

Gauri shout crying.... try to stood up...

"Gauri..... calm down...calm down..."

Tej hold her.... try to calm her...

"No.... I want my omm back.... give me my omm"

Gauri is crying badly.... she know that ommkara will never come back.... he left her all alone..... but her heart is not ready to believe it...

Tej hug her tightly.....

"Shhh.... calm down "

Tej said controlling his tears...
Gauri cried her heart out....

"Why you.... save me.... let me die.... I want to go to my omm.... please kill me"

Gauri said crying.....
Tej wipe her tears....

"Don't say like that beta.... he sacrificed his life to save you.... you have to live"

"No.... please do something.... I want my omm"

She a child... tej is helpless....

"Please understand beta.... he is gone.... he will never come back"

Tej console her...

"Then send me to him.... I want to go"

Gauri said sobbing....

"He did everything for you.... you have to live for him.... please stop crying.... it's not good in this stage "

Tej said.... Gauri look at him confused....

Tej sigh....

"I don't know this is unfortun or fortun .......but  you are pregnant Gauri "

Gauri is shock....










Ohh no.... Ommkara is dead...
Gauri is pregnant? Is it ommkara child.? But how? What will happen now? Stay tuned to know....

(Trust me.... I don't like sad ending stories ☺☺☺)


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