4. I'm doomed on my first day.

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I stand in front of the entrance of 'Salvatore Moda', taking a deep breath, I close my eyes.

This is it.

I'm really going to be the personal assistant of Nicholas Hartman, the world's known Billionaire. I still remember every one of my family member's faces when I announced the news on Sunday morning. I got an earful from my mother for being reckless the other night. I blame myself for thinking that she had already forgotten about the incident. You see, it has been a tradition in our family to always gather every weekend ever since we were small. Lucas, Gabriella, Nathan, Aiden, Jake, and his family gather in our house.

Jake lives crossed from our house. Gabriella also becomes a regular since she's engaged to Lucas. Everything is the same except dad. I just wish he was here with us. You could say I'm a daddy's girl. He always put me first above all. He had the ability to see right through me. He always told me the right words I need to hear. Ever since he passed away my eldest brother, Lucas becomes the father figure and brother that every girl wishes they had. He grew overprotective of me eventually. If anyone asked me who's the favorite person in my life that would be him, Lucas.

As always he meddles into our argument that day saving me from mom's wrath. If it wasn't for him I wouldn't know what to do with mom. Even though he lives two blocks apart from our house he never misses the family gatherings. Mom didn't back down easily until I announced that I finally got a job. I never told them my position. Lucas will never agree for me to work as a personal assistant with his overprotectiveness. As sweet as he sounds he's the first person who always scares away the guys who come after me. Thank god he trust Jake enough for me to be around him.

"Good Morning, Izabelle! Glad to see you on time." Harley, the girl who helps me the other day greets me with a smile. "I'm the senior Human resources manager here."

"Good Morning, Harley. Nice to meet you, Madam."

She laughs. She has red shoulder-length hair and wearing a White polka-dotted office dress along with a pair of heels that match her so well. She has an easy-going vibe around her which makes her sound friendly.

"Oh no, Just call me Harley, honey." She glances at her watch adjusting her handbag. "Oh shoot! I have an early meeting to prepare for. Make sure to bring a coffee for Mr. Nicholas." She patted my arm lightly. "Then good luck on your first day."

"Thank you. But what kind of coffee does him like?" I look up only to see her fading figure. She's running to the elevator in hurry like someone is chasing after her. I laugh. She's really something. I wonder how long has she been working here.

I went to the cafeteria only to bump into a lady I haven't met before. She must be a model who works here. Her clothes are a bit too much for an office dress code. If that thing even exists in a place like this. After all, it's a fashion company.

"Are you the new girl, I'm hearing about?"

Her question put me off-guard. I could see her looking up and down at me scanning me with an unsatisfied look. What's her problem?

"Yes, I'm Izabell-"

What a rude bitch!

"Oh, I don't want to know your name. Watch your back if you want to work here longer." I frown my eyebrows. Now she's getting on my nerves. She walked past me. I decided to let it go, she looked like she knows this place than me. Who am I to ignore free advice? One day they might come in handy.

"And new girl, I bet you are here for the coffee. Nicky likes it when the coffee is sweet. Try to survive on your first day." I swear I saw that girl smirk.

The nerve of that girl. I hate her kind of people. Trying to act like they know everything. That's my least favorite kind.

I decided to take her advice and make the coffee sweeter. She may look rude but I guess she always likes to help sometimes.

Once I'm done with the coffee I went to placed it on Nicholas's table with a help of a staff.

It was around eight when I heard a loud noise coming from Nicholas's room. It almost scared me to hear the familiar voice. I quickly ran to the room to look at the commotion in hurry.

"I'm sorry, Sir. It's my fault. I forgot to mention that to Miss, Izabelle."

"Look here, Harley. How long have you been working here? It was your responsibility to teach her right." Nicholas looks like he was ready to explode. I could see the smoke coming out of his ears. Like a burning engine.

What's going on there?

And why am I also mentioned?

"Excuse me, Sir. Is everything okay?" I asked slowly opening the door.

Seeing my face he let out a sigh. I saw Harley's eyes filled with water. She must have been crying.

Is it my fault?

"Harley, Bring me a new coffee." He sat on his chair pushing back his hair avoiding my eyes. Harley quickly wiped away her tears taking the coffee I bought leaving the room in hurry. She gave me a reassuring smile before leaving. I look around the room uneasily. I could sense he's really in a bad shape but boy was he hot? I can imagine what Ria would say if she was here.

She always says that guys who look hot when they are angry are the hottest and sexiest in bed. Yes, that's exactly what she would say. I wonder what he would be like in bed-

Crap! What the hell!

I must be out of my mind for dirty thinking about my boss.

I could feel my cheek heating from embarrassment.

"Izabelle, Can you hear me?" Nicholas's voice snaps me out of my mind. I bet he could also see the slight red on my cheeks. He gave me a smirk shaking his head.

"What dirty thought running in your little head, missy?"

He leans closer only for me to realize he's standing in front of me now. Way too close for my liking. When did he come this close to me? His hot breath is fanning on my face. I felt a shiver running my body being so close to him. What's happening to me? I swear I could hear my own heartbeat at this rate.

Ba bump! Ba bump! Ba bump!

"I'm sorry, Sir. I - I ... I" I try to apologize, avoiding eye contact I look down. I fidget my fingers nervously.

"You know, you are easy to tease. This why I like you." His hot breath fans my ear nearly buckling my legs. I completely lost my composure. The tingles I felt on my stomach hearing his voice is a familiar feeling I felt that day. I make me almost guilty. How could my body betray me like this? I thought it only wants that stranger but now it's also reacting this way to my boss?


How could I have feelings for two men at the same time?

This is not happening!

"Sir, I got your coffee-" Hearing Harley's voice both Nicholas and me jump like we were caught red hand doing something bad. "Oh! Did I come at the wrong time? Should-"

"No need, come in." I didn't dare look at either of them.

I avoid eye contact with Harley who gave me a knowing smirk while Nicholas cleared his throat walking back to sit on his chair.

"Is everything ready for the meeting, Harley?"

She cleared her throat. "Yes, Sir. All ready."

"Izabelle, preparing meeting is your responsibility from tomorrow onward. Please ask what task you need to do from Harley. You will get an office mobile, car, laptop and a notebook for the official purpose. I assume you have a Driver's license and a passport. Make sure you get registered your details with HR before leaving today. I expect the best from you, don't let me down."

"Yes, Sir. I'll do my best. You have my word."

"Good." He checks the time getting up from the chair. "Now let's head for the meeting. Harley, Please give the notebook and other accessories to Izabelle and make sure she's prepared when she enters the meeting room. Don't be late. There are fifteen minutes for you to spare." He left leaving me with Harley in his room.

"Come on, we don't have much time."

I trail behind Harley, who's walking faster than a normal woman.

Damn! This girl can walk.

Once I was updated about the meeting, she hands me the notebook, Car keys, mobile, and laptop. I asked what happened with Nicholas when she told me that Nicholas hates his coffee sweet. He likes it bitter. Which also makes me smile and mad at the same time. The reason I felt happy because I also like my coffee bitter. I told her that I got the wrong tip from a rude girl and apologize. I'm lucky that Harley is a friendly person who understands my situation.

We had no time to leave them in my room so we came in hurry to the meeting room just in time. I could see Daniel, Nicholas's brother, Katherin, Nicholas's sister, and the girl who gave me the wrong tip inside the room. She gave a smirk.

That bitch! She did that purposely.

Instead of doing something that I would regret I gave her a smile. You just wait, until my hands get on you. I swear you will regret getting on my bad side. From outside, anyone can tell I'm smiling but if they look closer I'm sure they'll see my burning eyes of mine which tells a different story.

"I'm sure all of you had heard of my new personal Assistant. Meet Miss Izabelle, She'll be responsible for all the appointments regarding me. I hope you all will treat her well." Nicholas turns to everyone in the room. "Now, for today's meeting. Daniel, Can you give an update on the sales and marketing rates of our previous summer collection?"

Daniel turns to the rude girl who gave him a sultry smile I have ever seen handing him a smile in the process. Her prying eyes then lands on Nicholas, I almost cough seeing her trying to flirt with him as well. Does she have no shame? I didn't even realize my fist getting tight until I felt someone's hands on me. Harley shakes her head lightly squeezing my hand. I glare at the girl one last time focusing on the meeting for everyone's sake.

"Last year, summer collection has the best rating we had so far. It becomes the trend of not only Great Britain but also Italy, France, United States of America. Even Asia counties had a 6.7 rate of growth in sales. Famous models and Celebrities in Europe and the middle-East had a huge impact of influence on our product. Of course, all the credit should go to our Sister, Katharin for coming up with a marvelous fashion idea like always."

"Oh, Daniel you are giving me too much credit. We both know it was Nick who came up with the designs." Katherin cleared her throat gaining everyone's attention. "This is why I need to tell you that there will be two summer collections this year. This also means that we will have to work extra hard than last year. Please do your best to make this collection a success. If both our collection becomes a success, Nick and I will arrange our holiday resort in Hawaii for a one week vacation for all of you."

Everyone cheered louder. Wow! That's amazing. I haven't gone to any country until now. I guess this is what you will get working in a large company like this. I'm already loving this job.

"Now Now, Listen here, you will have to work extra hard. I hope you won't complain when you'll have to work on weekends. This is a huge project, I need all of you to work on it equally. No one, I mean none is allowed to leave your tasks undone. There will be a time where you will have to put an all-nighter, but don't worry like always you will be provided food and sanitary facilities. And yeah, your safety is also granted."

He turns to the rude girl, "Bianca, I hope you have prepared the reports. I need them in my office tomorrow morning." Oh, so that's her name. I will remember it for my safety. That girl can't be trusted. "Harley, is there anything you need to say?"

"No, Sir. Everything's going well."

"Okay, Then that will be all for today. You are dismissed." Everyone left except me, Harley, and Bianca girl.

She smirks getting up from her chair. "Well well, look who's here. It isn't the stupid bitch who thinks girls are better than men. I heard you got scold by Nick today. Serves you right. How could you not like those hot sexy daddies? This is why I always hate lesbians. You bimbos think you have the right to work at a place like this. I don't get why they still keep you here."

My eyes widen hearing her insult. Wait! Who's lesbian? My question was answered when I saw the look on Harley. She's biting her lips uncomfortably.

"Hey! That's no way to talk to someone higher than you." I knew it wasn't my battle to fight but I couldn't stand, doing nothing, when people openly insult others like this. "You better take it back. Who gave you the right to talk to her like that? And do you think I wasn't aware of the little prank you put on me? The more I get to know you, I could see what kind of slut you are."

"Listen here, you bitch! Who do you think you are calling a slut? Do you even know who I am? I will be marrying into this family soon. You better respect me if you still want this job."

I laugh. "You must be delusional to that you think that Daniel will marry someone like you. And I'm sure we all know how you have the eyes for Nicholas as well. You didn't think I saw the way you look at him?" She must be lucky that she's on the other side of the table. If only she was near me, I know what I would do to her. "What should I call a slut who's a 'Slut'? Ah! Maybe a 'whore' sounds better. Don't you think? Since you also have the eyes on both brothers."

Harley laughs but covered with a cough hurriedly. I on the other hand smirk openly. I thought the bitch finally shut up but seeing her smirk makes the blood boil on my body.

"Oh Honey! It's okay. I get it. You must be also into bimbos like her. Such a pity. But then again I can have both brother-"

That's it! She asks for it.

I'm going to kill this bitch!

"You! Come here. I'm going to kill you." I jumped on the table landing on Bianca. I saw her eyes going wide, it's too late when I started pulling her hair in furry. "Let go. What are you doing?"

"Ahh! My hair. You crazy bitch, let off of me." Bianca screamed when I pulled her hair. She grabs my hair pulling it back.

"Huh! Like hell, I'd do that." I punch her with my head. I could see the bump that's going to be there tomorrow. Good! Once I'm finished with her she'll have to stay in hospital for a week.

I heard someone shouting. Considering Harley is the one person with us, it has to be her. I didn't dare to look back. I was beyond mad at this bitch. I'll not stop until she learns her lesson.

"Harley!!! Get this crazy girl out of me."

I land a slap across her face when I felt someone lifting me off Bianca. I struggle to go back and finished her. She has a bruised lip, messy hair, and clothes. She looks like she's been to hell.

"Let me go! I should kill this rude Bitch!"

"That's enough, Izabelle. Let's go." Hearing his voice makes me aware of where I was. I stopped struggling under his grip. He drags me out of the room to his cabin. I could hear Bianca screaming and rarely apologizing.

"Serves her right."

"What did you say?" I freeze when he shut the door turning to me. I must be out of my mind. I could see that he's trying his best not to scold me. I bite my lips avoiding his eyes.

Crap! Crap! Crap!

How did I forgot this is where I work?

I'm doomed on my first day.

Wasn't I?

"Damn it, Izabelle. You never fail to surprise me, don't you?" I came closer to me holding both my shoulders preventing me from moving. "Oh god! What am I going to do with you?" I thought he'll scold me but he did the unthinkable by resting his forehead on mine. We are both breathing hard. I could hear his heartbeat. I heard every person's heartbeat is different. But he and I have the same. It makes me happy and scared at the same time.

Is this destiny?

"Look at you, let's get you clean up. Come here sit."

I look down at my hands. My knuckle has turn red, bruised. I hissed in pain trying to move them. I could feel my hair has already ruined. I felt Bianca trying to pull my hair. She never succeeds in doing so since I had the upper hand. I smiled to myself, At least she has the most damage.

Nicholas put an ointment on my bruised hands. He put a plaster covering my hand. He looks at me when I bit my lip harder to bear the pain. I could feel his gaze on my face. I slowly look at him.

"So you are a feisty girl, after all. Huh?" Seeing his smirk makes me squirm under his gaze. Not because he's scary. He looks hot. He has this bad boy aura around him no matter how hard I try to avoid it. I have a knack for trouble.

Back in my school days, my second name was a Trouble magnet.

I opened my mouth to talk when someone barged into his cabin. We both turned to look at Daniel and Katherin at the door.

"Fuck! She's a feisty cat, isn't she? Where did you find her brother?" Daniel laughs to my disbelief. Katharin also laughs, giving me a worried look.

"Are you okay? I heard from Harley that you and Bianca fight."

"Yeah! I'm okay. Sorry for causing trouble." I apologized.

"Trouble? Girl, you just did us a huge favor. High five." Daniel raised his hand featuring me to go along. I hissed in pain when my hand came in contact with him.

"Careful, you'll hurt her." Nicholas scolds Daniel. "Ask Harley to bring an ice pack, her hand will get swollen otherwise."

As Nicholas ordered I got an ice pack. When I finally heard for my room many of the staff came to visit me leaving their work undone to know the details. She all congratulate me, it turns out I was the first to stand up against Bianca. Some even left sweets on my table. I heard Bianca is losing her temper screaming at everyone. Too bad I couldn't do much to that dirty mouth of her.

The rest of the day went uneventful. Nicholas didn't gave me much work much to my disappointment. When I asked why he dismissed saying that I should rest. I wanted to argue, the guy is stubborn to listen to my hearing. He dismissed me immediately. In the evening Harley came to visit me.

"Hey, there my, wonder woman." I laugh at her lame joke.

"Oh, come on girl that was nothing. I just couldn't watch her bad mouth you."

She smirks. "Is that the only reason? I thought it was because of a certain blue-eyed guy."

My eyes widen, I try to cover it quickly only to end up getting caught red hand. She gave me a wink. I felt my cheek heating again.

"I knew there has to be something about you. Now I get why he choose you." I frown my eyebrows.

"What? What do you mean?"

She leans closer like she's about to say a deep secret.

"Do you actually believe that both Chairman and Director will interview a mere intern for marketing?"

That's when it hits me. Of course, that was a bit suspicious. How did I miss that tiny information? Then it means they were secretly searching for a candidate for the PA role among marketing interns?

"Yup! You are right. It's the best way to find the perfect candidate. The role PA has so many responsibilities to hold. So they go through many resumes to search for the best. I guess, you really fit for the role. You have the ability to blend through any situation. I couldn't believe it at first when I saw you but after knowing you, I can say there's no other person for this role better than you. You really are a hidden gem."

"Wow! I had no idea they have to go through much trouble to find the perfect candidate."

She glances at her watch. "Now enough about gossips. Let's go. Everyone must be leaving early today."

"Why is that? Where are we going? And who's everyone?"

"Daniel, Nicholas, Katherin, and even Bianca will be there. Now come on."

"But where?"

"To the welcome party."

"Welcome party? Who's welcome party?"

"My welcome party." I gave her a look. "Of course, it is your welcome party. Now come on. Let's go. Gosh! How can you be dumb at times like this?"

"Hey!!!" I glare at her playfully.

"Just kidding, Girl" She laughs dragging me out of my office room. 


Hola! 🙋‍♀️

I'm back. 😊

Who wants fried chicken? 😂 I do.🤤 I'm craving fried chicken these days.  I know this is random. But what's your favorite food? I have a real battle between fried Chicken 🍗and Pizza. 🍕

Oh. What do you think about today's chapter? 🤔I hope it's interesting. I keep getting discouraged. 😔😭💔

Don't forget to vote, comment & share. 

Have a great day!❤️

See you in next chapter. 😉



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