The Invasion of Watarano Arc Chapter 1: The Prelude!

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A few hours before the incident on Worlds Destination happened, a discussion between Master Akimitsu and his Vice Captain were taking place.

"So, the battle is to begin soon. Have we contacted him to come back?" asked Master Akimitsu.

"Yes, Master. He's responded and is on his way as we speak." revealed Daiki.

"Good. We need him or we have no chance of winning this battle. The Fujimura Clan are set to return home soon too. All cards are currently in our favour." nodded Master Akimitsu.

"I do hope so, Master Akimitsu." said Daiki.

Meanwhile, over in the Kawamoto household, there was discussions ongoing about their involvement in this battle.

"Man, headquarters are just as annoying as ever, Kantaro." sighed Yoshi.

"I understand that some of their thinking is wrong, but they do have the publics interest at heart." replied Kantaro.

"Do they? I think they just want to purge non Onmyouji's. It's been heavily promoted ever since glasses took over." Yoshi pointed out.

"That isn't the point for now, Yoshi. I take it that the barrier holders are in each corner of Watarano?" Kantaro asked.

"That's correct. So no matter when they strike, we can evacuate people efficiently." explained Yoshi.

"That's all that matters at this moment of time." Kantaro reiterated.

"That's true, but I can't stand it, Kantaro. That last meeting rubbed me the wrong way. The fact that they are jumping on this bandwagon of Suzuki being a threat. It's unbelievable!" expressed Yoshi.

"You're right, Mr Yoshi!" Ryu barged in.

"Woah! Where did you come from?" gasped Yoshi.

"Just because Suzuki has done things that no other Demon or Demi Demon has done, doesn't make him a threat! It's like they see him having an ulterior motive!" raged Ryu.

"Well, no matter what, we won't allow Headquarters to have their way with their destruction of Suzuki." reassured Kantaro.

Elsewhere at the school, all of Suzuki's friends are preparing to move as the news of an evacuation has hit the airwaves.

"So the showdown starts now." said Yuuto.

"That means Suzuki is on his way home." smiled Ino.

"It does. This also means my brother and sisters predictions were correct." Yuuto pointed out.

"What do you mean?" wondered Erika.

"Well, my brother and sister had an idea that the fight would happen today. So, they took that chance and have went to retrieve father." explained Yuuto.

"You guys have been biding your time with this. I'm surprised you've not gone with them." said Tsukishima.

"I have a feeling the person I want to face will be here today. I can leave the handling of rescuing to them." said Yuuto in a determined tone.

Back to present time since Shinra left Worlds Destination:

"You have the leader of the Delta's with you, right, Shinra?" questioned Enosuke.

"Of course." responded Shinra

As Shinra said that, he looked down at the place he once called home.

"Let's crush this puny town!" smirked Shinra.

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Authors Comment: We've 2000 reads on the original Mysterious Ways book! Thank you all so much!

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