War on World's Destination Arc Chapter 16: Clash of Ideals!

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"The whole point of a hero is to protect and save. You can help as much people as you want, but it can drive you insane. You help and help and help, but you don't feel happy in the end."

"How do you cast that feeling the way?"

"You can't. People grow too dependent on you to the point they always expect you to help them. It drowns you completely to the point you don't feel like yourself anymore."

"How can you stop this?"

"Be free, my son. This life I was born into was something I could avoid, but you can. Live, Yataro!"

This conversation has always rang in Yataro's mind when his father told him this on his deathbed.

"Your heroism will only breed more depression in this world." said Shimizu.

"Maybe your idea of heroism is all messed up." replied Suzuki.

Deciding not to respond to Suzuki, Shimizu decided to go for the attack. He launched multiple sand slashes towards Suzuki, but he was able to Flashstar out of the way of them.

"That's a lot of Flashstar moves you are using. It would be no good on your bones to continuously use that move." warned Shimizu.

"I drank a lot of milk when I was younger, so my bones are better than your average persons." jested Suzuki.

As Suzuki landed on the ground, he pushed himself off the ground. He thrusted himself towards Shimizu and used his Deluxe Strike to attack him.

Since he was going at some speed, Shimizu had no chance of blocking. Suzuki was off point, so he was only able to cut the side of Shimizu's abdomen.

"That's one for one!" smirked Suzuki.

"It may be, but don't get too complacent, fool."

Just as Suzuki went past Shimizu, he didn't realised what was in front of him. It looked like a sand ball that was about to blow. Suzuki was able to Flashstar out of the way.

However, the parts of sand grabbed ahold of Suzuki's leg and slammed him down. The sand then crawled up Suzuki's body and enveloped around him.

"Suffocate and die, hero. Your ideal was dragging you down anyway." lamented Shimizu.

Shimizu was able to pick Suzuki up with the sand and keep him upright in the air. Sand kept going around Suzuki and continuously strangled him tighter as every second went by.

"Psamathe: Sand Dial Crusher. Let's see if your obscure bones and can handle this pressure."

Suzuki tried to wiggle his way out, but with his current strength, it seemed unlikely that he could.

"Ah man! I really could have done with Anna right about now. I may not have the ability for Cursed Overtake, but I am able to use Honemaru's power at 50% now."

Just as he said that, bones started poking out the sand. The release of the pressure the sand was creating allowed Suzuki to break free completely.

"What the hell was that?!" gasped Shimizu.

"Fujimura Style: Honemaru's Spider Legs!" called Suzuki.

Now that Suzuki can use 50% of Honemaru's power, he can a good amount of his power. The two he mastered was the Spider Legs ability and the calling system.

The calling system allows Suzuki to gain some of Honemaru's power without him taking over. It's the form below Cursed Overtake. With the calling system, Suzuki is able to recreate his bones if they are to immediately break.

This is how Suzuki is able to use Flashstar freely. With this freedom, it makes Suzuki one of the fastest demons ever.

"It's time to push you back! Fujimura Style: Honemaru's Bones Drill!" smirked Suzuki.

All of the Spider legs came in front of Suzuki. It enclosed him in to make it look like a drill. Suzuki then span around and used the Flashstar ability to make himself move.

Shimizu used his sand to block against the drill and it was equal match.

"I understand where you are coming from, Shimizu. There are times when being the hero is exhausting and tiresome. However, the feeling after helping and saving someone is indescribable. The feeling is that great that all your negative emotions float away."

"Your just too new to this game. That feeling will soon wear off."

"I doubt it. As every time I train to get stronger, I remember that feeling and let that drive me forward. That form of heroism is what outweighs the strength you feel you've gained!"

"You're all talk!"

"The whole point of a hero is to make words like co-existing or becoming a Good Demon Lord a reality. So, thank you, Shimizu! You've opened my eyes to other opinions and I'll never forget that! Fujimura Style: Honemaru's Bone Crusher!"

Purple Demon Energy swirled around the Suzaku sword as he unleashed the power. Suzuki Flashstar'd behind Shimizu and landed the strike.


Shimizu felt the power from strike and thought his spine was going to split in two. He tried to keep standing, but it was pointless.

"Ah, this source of strength, it's full of passion and understanding. I guess I've been the one misunderstanding one all of this time." thought Shimizu.

Just as he was about to fall to the floor, Shimizu said "You win, Suzuki Fujimura.". However, before he could pass out, someone came behind Shimizu and stabbed him in the back.

"As expected, Suzuki. You've always been good at changing peoples hearts." said a familiar voice.

"Why you?!" exclaimed Suzuki.

*Thank you for reading this chapter of 'Mysterious Ways!'. If you enjoyed it, please give this chapter a vote and comment! Please continue to support the story by sharing too!

Author note: I've done my first ever long travel in my car. It was not as bad as I expected!

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