War on World's Destination Arc Chapter 19: The Power of the Haul Bringer!

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While Anna was on her way to Suzuki, it was up to the party closest to deal with the Beelzebub Soul Wrecker. 

"It looks like Arata Nobunaga has got a lot of freedom to do the weird experiments he always wanted." Keiichineko pointed out.

"Curse him! This is beyond unbelievable!" denounced Shinki.

Keiichineko and Shinki were about to go in for the attack, but then someone unexpectedly stopped them.

"You two rest and let the handling of this beast to me," said Alisha confidently.


"We appreciate your concern, but it is we who are supposed to protect you. We can't have you fighting our battles," replied Keiichineko.

"You will be more needed in Watarano than here. Believe in me to hold that being off," interjected Alisha.

"Are you sure?" questioned Keiichineko.

"As sure as I will ever be. I've seen Suzuki and you all train so hard these past four months. You've all inspired me to be different and have given me a new path in life. So, please allow me to return the favour." smiled Alisha.

Just as she said this, Alisha ripped the Haul Bringer chain that was hanging around her neck and held it in her right hand. She clenched hard and started to chant to awaken the Haul Bringer's attack prowess. 

"Let the power of the Haul Bringer trace through my bloodline and grant me power. Notung!" chanted Alisha.

As she chanted this, the yin-yang symbol began to transform into a sword. The blade was a short sword. There were no swirls in the blade, it was just a straight sword. The handle colour was twisted in the colours of black and white with the yin-yang logo on the bottom of the sword.

"Heh! What a puny sword. For a Haul Bringer user hailed to have the best balance in its attack and healing prowess, you don't look like much." provoked Beelzebub. 

"I guess you're right. My Notung isn't the all-powerful Juzumaru-Tsunetsugu blade, but it still packs a punch." countered Alisha.

"Show me then!" grinned Beelzebub.

Beelzebub lifted his arm and was about to smack it down. However, before he could, he realised that a massive cut opened up on his shoulder. Luckily, he had a lot of muscle thanks to his size, but it still shocked him. 

As he looked down, Alisha was nowhere in sight. He began to slightly panic as he just tasted the fear the Haul Bringer brings. Before he knew it, Alisha was in front of him and stabbed her blade in his eye. 

She pulled the blade out and went for the strike at the top of his head, but he was able to launch a 'Demon Arts: Planetary Winds' attack to brush her away.

"You're not much without your Gluttony power." teased Alisha.

"An eye means nothing to this body, brat. Do you think this will be my final form in the future? Did you believe that Arata Nobunaga wouldn't provide me with no power too?" ranted Beelzebub.

Suddenly, a tube fires out of the back of the Soul Wrecker's body. He pointed it at Alisha and let off a chant, "High-Level Demon Arts: Seek out Explosion!". 


A massive explosion went towards Alisha and nearly ended her life. Luckily, Keiichineko was able to step in and drag her away from it.

"Are you okay?" asked Keiichineko.

"I'm fine! Usually, I can escape a move like that. I don't know what happened." said Alisha in a confused tone.

"It's fine. I don't think anyone could have escaped that on their own. It's like Arata Nobunaga has enhanced his Demon powers. He couldn't have given it to anyone worse too. He was the best Demon Arts user!" explained Keiichineko.  

Elsewhere amid the hold-off...

"It looks like we're ready to go," announced Anna.

"It's time we end this and make our way to Watarano!" declared Suzuki.

*Thank you for reading this chapter of 'Mysterious Ways!'. If you enjoyed it, please give this chapter a vote and comment! Please continue to support the story by sharing too!

Author Note: Sorry for the unexpected break last week. A lot of things that have happened caught up with me and I needed that break. I hope you understand!

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