Yuusha Country Arc Chapter 32: A New Found Peace!

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The fight between the Yuusha Country and Megalo's clan is now over. Once Suzuki took down Megalo, he sent him to the Good Demon Realm to be sent to trial. There was a lot of damage and a lot of heartache for the people of the country. However, the people were glad that the fiend that destroyed it all is now gone.

When all was over, Suzuki looked behind him and saw Isoko sobbing hard. He knew that his effort to save Junji came to nought and that he passed on. Suzuki looked to the sky and let out a little tear.

"Rest in peace, Junji Tatsumoto." sniffled Suzuki.

All of the other members made their way to the Yuusha Tower and saw the truth of the battle. The Tatsumoto family members ran over to their father and cried their hearts out.

"We won, but look at the price we had to pay. If only I was quicker," said Suzuki.

"You can't think like that, Suzuki. There will be times like these, but you've got to have the strength to move on. We may be stronger, but we are not immortal." consoled Keiichineko.

"I guess you're right." agreed Suzuki while wiping his tears away.

Feeling more at ease and slowly realising that his Demon Energy is on the low side, Suzuki collapsed to the floor and fell unconscious.

When Suzuki was unconscious, Honemaru used this as a chance to talk to him. He pulled his Soul to his resting place and woke him up.

"You did well, brat." congratulated Honemaru.

"Why am I in the Soul Realm?" questioned Suzuki while panicking.

"Don't fret, I brought you here," Honemaru answered.

"Ah, I see. So, what did you need me for, Honemaru?" asked Suzuki.

"I've come to warn you." began Honemaru.

"Warn me?" queried Suzuki.

"Yes. I can sense that a certain group have got a watchful eye on you," stated Honemaru.

"Huh?! Who are they?!" exclaimed Suzuki.

"If I tell you who the group are, it would cause unnecessary worry. I doubt they will make their move now, but they could soon. Just be on guard, okay!" warned Honemaru.

"Thank you for warning me. It seems you're attached to me now, huh." Suzuki jested.

"Fool! I'm not up for switching to a new host as of yet." Honemaru shot down.

Not trying to question Honemaru's cover-up, Suzuki left the Soul Realm and went back to his body. However, when he woke up, it seemed that a couple of days had passed. Suzuki lifted himself up and rubbed his eyes. He could see that he was back at the Tatsumoto's house along with loads of wet towels. He pulled the sheets back and was about to leave the bed, but that was when he realised that someone was led next to him.

"Hikari!" gasped Suzuki.

"You're finally awake. Good Morning, Master Suzuki." greeted Hikari.

"What are you doing next to me?!" blushed Suzuki.

"That's what happens when you use too much Demon Energy. You used that move, didn't you." scolded Anna as he entered the room.

"How does this situation happen because I lost too much Demon Energy?! If that's so, I would do it all the time!" joked Suzuki.

That joke went too far in Anna's eyes, and she smacked him across the top of his head.

"One of the symptoms of having Demon Energy Deficiency is that your body temperatures drop drastically. After a lot of discussion, we came to a decision that Hikari would warm you up," told Anna.

"Something tells me that it was more of a forceful decision," Suzuki remarked.

"So, how are you feeling?" inquired Anna.

"A lot better in terms of physicality. However, I need to know, how is Erika holding up?" wondered Suzuki.

"They are feeling better now. Tatsumoto-san has been buried in their yard, and a mini shrine has been made in his honour." Anna disclosed.

"I see. I will go and pay my respects now."

Just as Suzuki was about to leave the room, he told both Anna and Hikari this, "I won't let this happen again. I won't allow someone to die while at the side of me ever again. I promise!"

Just as he walked out, both Anna and Hikari thought the same thing, "Then please look after yourself and stop making me worry, idiot."

Suzuki walked downstairs and saw the shrine. He lit one of the candles and clapped his hands together. He thought of a pray and shared it with the shrine. In the midst of that, he also thanked Junji for all his help.

After he was done, he went to go and find where everyone was but was suddenly stopped by Reisa.

"Hey Suzuki, can I ask you something?" posed Reisa.

She leaned in and whispered something in his ear. A wide grin appeared on his face, but he needed to do something first before he could complete her request. He got dressed, ran out of the door and made his way to the Yuusha Tower.

As he was running through the street, he could see all the locals staring and smiling at him. They called out to him and said, "Thank you very much, Demon Hero!". Suzuki smiled back at them all and put a thumbs up to them. This was solid confirmation to him that their job is complete.

Suzuki finally made it to the Yuusha Tower and saw that Yuuto was practising in the front yard.

"Hey Yuuto, join my clan," said Suzuki. 

"As much as I want to, I have to decline. I need to get stronger for this country, and that can only happen if I work along with my Father." declined Yuuto.

"I understand! Well, I'll see you at school!" waved Suzuki as he ran off.

"Heh, just what I expected from you, Suzuki." smiled Yuuto.

Now that he asked Yuuto, he rushed back to the Tatsumoto's house and went to find Erika. 

"Erika! Join my Clan!" yelled Suzuki as he saw her near the door.

"Join your clan? As much as I want to, I think there is someone more suited to join your clan," mentioned Erika.

"You think so too!" grinned Suzuki.

"Huh? You knew that but still asked me?" said Erika in a puzzled tone.

"I wanted to ask you and Yuuto first before asking him. It's only fair since I've known you both longer," explained Suzuki.

After he explained that, Suzuki and Erika went back inside and got themselves ready to leave the Yuusha Country.

A few hours later...

"Thank you very much for everything, Suzuki." thanked Isoko.

"No problem! If you ever need help again, I'll come over as quick as I can." nodded Suzuki.

"I sure will." smiled Isoko.

"Before I go, Hiro, will you join my clan?" stated Suzuki.

"I can't join! I need to be here to protect Reisa and mum." Hiro rejected.

"Hiro, you fool! You've always wanted to see the world but objected to the idea to help us. Stop being selfless for once and follow your true desires! You won't be as strong if you stick around here." convinced Reisa.

"Am I good enough to join you guys," questioned Hiro.

"Who cares about that! Join us!" burst Suzuki.

Tears flowed down Hiro's eyes as he felt touched by Suzuki's words.

"Welcome aboard, Hiro!" smiled Suzuki while they both shook hands.

And with that, Hiro joins the Fujimura Clan on their adventures.

*Thank you for reading this chapter of Mysterious Ways! If you enjoyed it, please give the chapter a vote and a comment! Please continue to support the story by sharing too!

Authors Comment: This now concludes the end of this arc! I hope you all enjoyed this arc just as much as I did writing it. However, I am more looking forward to writing the next couple of arcs. That's because it will progress the story to further heights! I hope you all will look forward to it!

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