41. The Chase : II

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They reach the castle and James could feel a chill down his spine. Somehow the castle looked even more gloomy and dark in broad daylight. As soon as they stepped in, the sky was dark with clouds. The crows were cawing and they had goosebumps all over their body.

Each leaf rustled as they took a step towards the entrance. The backyard seemed to be calling Dylan but he dismissed it. His brother was in danger now and he had to save him.

The entrance doors opened on its own accord which a loud creak. They stepped in and BANG!

The door closes again.

"Is this a horror movie?" Logan asks nervously to lighten the mood.

"Horror story out of our lives," Clive says as he switches on his phone's flashlight. Even with so much light from outside, the castle was dark from its inside. The throne was empty.

"No....." William was about to shout but Dylan presses his hand on his mouth and shushes him.

"He isn't Noah anymore. And we don't know how dangerous he is." He turns to everyone and speaks, "So should we split up to find him?"

"What? Of course not! Have you not seen the horror movies?" Logan protests.

"We shouldn't split up. None of us are armed but Noah has the dagger. At least with a big group, we may be able to overpower him." James spoke as he tries to examine where they should go first.

"Should we start with the servant's room?" Clive asks.

"No. Samuel hated them and wouldn't step in even if died of....."


A sound came from the servant's room and they all look in that direction.

"Or no. Let's go to that room first then." Logan says but he wasn't moving an inch.

"You need to move for us to walk Logan," David says and goes ahead to lead them. They point their flashlights at the room as they slowly move towards it. A rat scurries in front of them and Dylan jumps into James's arms.

William and Clive decide to stand outside the door just in case. Dylan, James, Logan, and David go in. They look through each corner but no luck.

"Maybe it was just a rat?" Dylan says after looking at a dead rat on the floor.

"Let's go upstairs then," David says and heads out but Logan stops them.

"We don't need to use the stairs. I have a map." He looks through his phone and shows them an underground map of the castle.

"My dad had this. According to this, there is a secret passageway from the servant's room to one of the rooms upstairs. And it isn't King Benjamin's or Samuel's room. Noah doesn't know about this passageway." He zooms in a little.

"The passageway then opens to an adjacent room and then it goes directly......uhm.....here down...through the adjacent room."

"That looks like the prison." James looks carefully where the passageway goes down.

"Let's find that passage first then," Logan says as he studies the map. David calls both William and Clive in.

"It is better to go through this secret path rather than on the open stairs. I am scared." Clive shivers to show he was scared and David rubs his back to assure him.

After some digging, they finally found the passageway but it had cobwebs and dead insects rotting inside. William steps up to go first and see if it is safe or no. he is followed by Clive, Logan, and Dylan. David and James are the last ones to go through the passageway and James covers the hole.

William reaches the room to be hit with bright light right on his face. He helps Clive and Logan up. But Clive is frozen in one place.

"I wonder whose room is this." Logan looks around the brightly lit room. It had beautiful red velvety curtains and bedsheets.

"Prince.....Percy...." Clive says this and falls on the ground with a thud. Dylan shouts as soon as he sees this.

"Clive!" they lift him up and place him on the bed.

"Somebody has water?" Dylan asks as he rubs Clive's hands and William does the same to his feet.

On the other hand, after hearing Dylan's scream, David hurries to complete the passage, in the process dumping dirt on James. He reaches and is helped by Logan. He looks at Clive on the bed and goes to him to wake up.

"What happened?" he asks Dylan and furiously rubs his hands.

"I don't know......he just....said something and then fainted....." he panics.

"I'll go down and try to find some water." Logan goes towards the door but it was locked. "Shit it's locked. I'll go down the passageway again."

"But I covered the hole already," James says.

"Let us wait for some time. He will regain consciousness." David says but not with much certainty.

"He said, Prince Percy." William reminds them.

"What?" Dylan asks him and his eyes turn towards the portrait behind him. It was Prince Percy. They all look at where Dylan pointed.

"This is Prince Percy's room, Clive's ancestor." Logan makes sure everyone knows.

"Maybe......." David thinks.

"Maybe....he must have gotten some flashback," Dylan says as he remembers how Noah acted when he first saw Samuel's room.

"But why would there be a passageway from the servant's room to Percy's room? Unless....." James's eyes become wide with realization.

"According to sources, Percy had assisted Benjamin when they were renovating the castle. He suggested making secret passageways during times of war. So that responsibility was given to him. He built it." David says, still holding Clive's hands.

"This means......" Logan realizes it finally.

"That Percy might have been the royal who betrayed the castle. He had an affair with an innocent servant as suggested in one of the poems." William states it.

They heard some whimpers from Clive and David rubs his hands more.

"Baby, please wake up, please...."

"He is saying something." Dylan takes his phone out to type what he was murmuring. After he finished, he read it out loud with tears in his eyes,

"I cannot undo
what I have done,
I cannot un sing
a song that's sung.

And the saddest thing
about my regret,
I can't forgive myself
and you can't forget."

"He is regretting that he betrayed someone," Dylan says in the end.

As soon as he kept his phone down, Clive wakes up, coughing. David rubs his back to pacify him.

"Are you okay baby?" he kisses his forehead, thanking God that he work up.

"Percy.....he....did....." Clive couldn't breathe well. David shushes him.

"Okay, baby okay. Breathe." He breathes in and out to encourage him to take some breaths in.

After some time, when Clive was stable enough, he starts.

"I saw myself, I mean Prince Percy in my dream. He was a bratty royal, a brother of Queen Leila. But he was the best friend of Rufus. He has an advisor named Charles who looked like David." They all nodded in agreement. Finally, everyone's connection to the castle was revealed.

"Percy had an affair with a low level, a servant. Only Rufus and Charles knew about it. Percy really loved her. But Charles did not like it and always advised him to stay away. But Percy wouldn't. He wouldn't pay attention to his shooting lessons or warfare classes. Rufus was excelling in all of these and Leila wouldn't take it anymore. She threatened Charles to tell her what was going on."

"Charles had no choice than to tell her everything. She was fuming with anger and banished that innocent servant. Percy was infuriated when he came to know about it and confronted Charles. He got scared and lied that Rufus was the one who told to Leila."

"In a fit of rage, Percy went and told Samuel about the secret love affair between Rufus and Walter. But he didn't know it would create havoc in this family. He just did a tit-for-tat but Samuel used it to blackmail Walter."

"When he was accused of killing Knight Wesley, Rufus gave him some time to go back to his kingdom and take care of the mess created. But Samuel didn't want that. At that time, Walter could gather evidence against them. So he blackmailed him."

"He said that if he leaves Castle of Nale, his kingdom would be sent a letter of his heinous and unnatural relationship with Rufus. His kingdom would then disown him and be succumbed to the outsiders. Walter couldn't let that happen."

"And then I woke up." Clive looks at everyone.

"Percy must have seen this happening and he might have felt guilty for ever disclosing the secret," Dylan says as he caresses Clive's hair.

"I saw a poem in my dream but I don't remember it now." He says.

"I have it. Here." Dylan gives him his phone and Clive reads it.

"This...this is it! How did you know?" Clive asks in surprise.

"You murmured this when you were unconscious."

Another thud came. This time it was from the adjacent room.

"We should move quickly to the next room," Logan says and tries to search the secret passageway.

Clive points at the chandelier. "It is here. It leads to Rufus's room." He says remembering from his dream.

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