Surface Pressure

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"Norman said you were wringing your hands, but you only do that when you're nervous, so something's making you nervous-"

"Hey move," Wybie warned, cutting off Raz. "I'm kinda handling tools right now, and some of them are sharp-"

Raz groaned. "Wybie?!" He grabs the other boy's shoulder and whirls him around so they're face-to-face. "Will you just- Just tell us what it is!"

"Holding a blowtorch! There's really nothing to tell you-" Lili quickly interrupted.

"You're obviously hiding something! Look, if you know something about this Beldam chick, and shit goes wrong, and it gets worse 'cause you and Coraline won't tell us all what's going-!"

"NOTHING'S WRONG!" Wybie yelled. "OKAY?!" Hearing the tone he just used, and seeing the stunned look on the two's faces, he tries to play it off.

"Wow, uh, sorry. That, uh... That snuck out there... what I meant was, um... Why would anything be wrong? You know, we're all fine, there's no Beldam despite what you heard. Yeah, y-you know, I am totally not nervous!" As he says this, he wrings his hand.

Raz quirks an eyebrow at that little stim. "Um, are you sure? Because you're doing that thing-"

"I'm the mechanic, I can handle it!

I won't stop until the problem's fixed!"

He slams the hood of the Mystery Cart down and the vehicle springs to life as if it had never been damaged, underscoring his abilities.

Lili awkwardly chuckled. "Okay-"

"I'll build mansions, I'll build churches!

I'll do everything for whoever asks it..."

He says this while cracking his knuckles, and the sound is alarmingly loud despite him wearing gloves.

"Of course- Hey, don't leave us here," Raz admonished the cat, seeing it back away.

"I don't ask how hard the work is!"

He takes his wrench and hits it against the palm of his hand a couple of times.

"Got a rough and unbreakable surface!

Ask for diamonds and platinum!

To find 'em, to flatten 'em."

Then to their amazement, he bends the tool like it's nothing.

"I'll fix what I'm handed and break what's demanded!


Lili and Raz yelp as the ground cracks and breaks away before full-on screaming as they falls and land on... A tightrope? Raz is obviously in his element, but Lili? Not so much and she holds onto her boyfriend so she doesn't fall.

"Under the surface!"

Going against her instincts, Lili looks down and sees about a mile drop and a crowd of thousands watching from their seats. Quickly, she looks back up and sees Wybie across from them, holding up a balance beam with the other Mystery Kids on either side.

"I feel berserk as a tightrope walker in a three-ring circus!"

No longer to keep her balance, Lili falls with Raz going after her. The two prepare to use their powers to levitate, only to land in someone's arms. Seeing who it is, Lili looks back up, arching her eyebrow as she wondered how the curly-haired boy got here so fast.

"Under the surface!

Was Hephaestus ever like,

'Yo, I don't wanna fix your mess'?"

In his glory, the god of blacksmiths, craftsmanship, and technology stood before a crumbling Olympus with his tools... Only for him to toss them to Wybie and run away screaming.

"Under the surface!

I'm pretty sure I'm worthless if I can't be of service!"

Before Lili can ask what he means, he's already running towards the crumbling home of the Greek gods. Everything after that is just a bunch of grey smoke that obscured their vision for a moment before clearing away.

"A flaw in the stack!

An unfixed crack!

That ruins the tack!

What ruins the tack it's-"

Around him, cracks start to emerge around Olympus until the floor he stands on crumbles and splits in half, making Wybie fall until he lands on a platform as dozens of screws and bolts fell around him.

"Pressure like a drip, drip, drip that'll never stop. Whoa..."

Wybie held up one end of a golden scale while Lili and Raz stood on one of the platforms until he can't hold it up anymore and the young psychics go flying

"Pressure that'll tip, tip, tip 'till you just go pop! Whoa-oh-oh!

'Give it to your friend, through it, he'll soldier!

Give him all the heavy things that you can't shoulder!'

Who am I if I can't run with the ball?

If I fall to...

Pressure like a grip, grip, grip and it won't let go! Whoa!"

Wybie helps them escape a puzzle room quickly, only to find themselves in a field of geysers. He hastily pushes a boulder onto a geyser and pulls them on top of it with him right before the geyser shot them right into the sky

"Pressure like a tick, tick, tick 'til it's ready to blow! Whoa-oh-oh!"

Another jump and they are hanging off of a cliff, with Wybie hanging onto the ledge with one hand and Raz's hand with the other while he held onto Lili.

"'Give it to your friend, he's always there!

He won't complain, so who should care?'

Who am I if I can't fix it all?

If I falter..."

The ledge Wybie's holding onto cracks and the three of them fall... Right in the middle of the woods with the rest of the Mystery Kids.

"Under the surface..."

Emerging from the dense forest is a quintet of menacing-looking anomalies, and the eight of them have their backs pressed against a dead end.

"I hide my nerves, and it worsens, I worry something is gonna hurt us!"

Wybie boldly made his way to the front with a makeshift rocket launcher in his hands, aimed, and fired at the anomalies.

"Under the surface..."

All Lili and Raz do are blink and they're on the legendary Titanic... Right while it's sinking! They look over the railing and see Wybie scaling down the side to fix the hole created by the iceberg.

"The ship doesn't swerve as it heard how big the iceberg is!

Under the surface..."

But then a wave hits them and pushes the three of them back onto land. Wybie looks like he could collapse from exhaustion until meteors suddenly fall through the sky. From out of nowhere, he pulls out a metal shield and has the young psychics get behind him.

"I think about my purpose, can I somehow preserve this?

Line up the dominoes!

A light wind blows!

You try to stop it toppling!

But on and on it goes-!"

The ground beneath the three of them crumble and break a second before the meteors could hit them, sending them falling once again. Lili and Raz freak out as they try to use their powers, but nothing works. They look down, expecting to see the cold, hard ground that will soon be painted red... But there's nothing there.

Raz looks around and finds that their surroundings are replaced by a beautiful sky with pink clouds.

"But wait..."

Lili and Raz feel as though they can relax now and continue to listen to Wybie sing and watch him float around aimlessly in his own personal heaven without a care in the world.

"If I could shake the crushing weight...

Of expectations...

Would that free some room up for joy...

Or relaxation, or simple pleasures?"

As Lili and Raz listen, they really begin to gain a whole new understanding of what Wybie has been feeling all of these years. Lili can't help but smile at how carefree he looks- His smile is brighter, there's not a single scar or trace of motor oil on his skin, his back is actually straight, and his hair is without a single leaf or twig.

"Instead we measure... This growing pressure..."

The light begins to dim as the sky darkens. Wybie held their hands as they once again fell.

"Keeps growing, keep going..."

Even as the skies became even darker and turned into a menacing red color, Wybie still smiled, but Lili and Raz could tell it was definitely fake this time and only there to reassure them that everything was okay.

"'Cause all we know is-!"

Suddenly, Wybie's eyes shoot open. He pushes Lili and Raz away and the ground appears just in time for Wybie to catch and hold up two giant boulders that suddenly fall from the sky before they could crush the two.

"Pressure like a drip, drip, drip that'll never stop. Whoa...

Pressure that'll tip, tip, tip 'til you just go pop. Whoa-oh-oh...

'Give it to your friend, finally he matters!

When he's of no use, you better scatter!'"

As he says "scatter" Wybie gestures for Lili and Raz to leave so they don't get hurt while more boulders pile on top of the rest he's holding up, but they stay.

"Watch as he buckles and bends but never breaks-!"


The entire Mystery Shack falls on Wybie, crushing him. Lili can't believe it. Raz falls to his knees and sheds a tear, but... suddenly Wybie lifts the shack up from below.

"No mistakes!"

He threw the shack into the air before catching it and lifting it as if it were so effortless, as if he hadn't been crushed moments ago.

"Just pressure like a grip, grip, grip and it won't let go! Whoa!

Pressure like a tick, tick, tick 'til it's ready to blow! Whoa-oh-oh!

'Give it to your friend and never mind if!

These backbreaking tasks will give you a crisis!'

Who am I if I don't have what it takes?

No cracks, no breaks!

No mistakes, no pressure!"

After all that... Wybie is left panting as if he had just run a marathon... Though, neither Lili nor Raz can't blame him. The feeling that things will fall apart if you're not there to fix them is something they can relate to sometimes. But with Wybie, this is a whole new level of pressure. If his inventions don't work, the ones used to trap dangerous anomalies or if he's just not needed at all, then...

Hesitantly, not even sure if it's the right moment or not, Lili wraps her arms around him, much to the other boy's shock, but he doesn't do anything about it. Raz awkwardly joins in.

"I... I think you're doing way too much for others and not for yourself," Lili said to him.

Emotional, Wybie hugs them back. "Okay... Maybe I... Overdo it sometimes."

"... Yeah," Raz agreed.

"Um... There is something you two should know." His eyes dart around, making sure no one else listening in. "Last night, when you saw the buttons... I couldn't speak... Not a word."

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