Chapter two

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Sunkern shot seeds at electric type. Pikachu managed to dodge every single seed to a random beat somehow. And that somehow worked. Of course that alone wouldn't calm down the agitated grass types.

The Sunkern has probably been awoken from their nap when Nick jumped in that trunk. " What do we do now, Pikachu?" Pichu asked, worry in her piercing eyes.

The evolution looked at her. Deep down, he had no idea. The first thought was....Charmeleon, so he changed into that Pokémon. Let the second evolutions have the spotlight for a moment. Pikachu as the Charmeleon, used Ember. It was hard to aim at the Sunkern.

Not only were there tons of them, but they kept bouncing around more swiftly than the originally yellow electric-fire type thought.

Of course, Nick kept getting nervous self around Pikachu, causing him to pause mid fire. He growled at the human. " Are all humans this daft or is it just you?" Pikachu snarled.

Nick was really getting in the way. I have to figure out how to make them stop. But Nick won't stop being a worrywart. Pikachu thought as he used Fire Spin. The Sunkern only got madder and started bouncing and hoping around Pikachu.

Well, that didn't help at all! He thought in disgrace. He held his claws closer as the little seeds all hopped to and fro. One looked as if it was a small child. And it was on fire. And she didn't seem to noticed as she shot multiple seeds at him.

Funny thing was they seemed to explode when hitting their target. They weren't exact Bullet Seeds. They were Seed Bombs. Pikachu barely managed to dodge the bombs.

He looked up as the rest of the group of Sunkern hopped up. " Crud." He comments. The Sunkern weren't as big as a Wailord, but you don't want to mess with them. Like at all. They might look friendly, but they are true monsters.

Pikachu changed back, surprising the Sunkern and used Thunder Wave, making them all fall over, twitching as lightning ran around their seedy bodies. That stopped them from attacking.

They continued to wither. " Why were you attacking Nick?" Pikachu pestered the confused Sunkern. " Who?" They all asked, most in pain. " Nick, you know the guy who was screaming bloody murder when you scared him out of that trunk." He tried to help them remember.

" Oh. He stepped on our heads." A shiny Sunkern commented. " All at once?" Pikachu asked in confusion. " Yup. Surprised us a heck of a bit. And your powers don't help either, Ditto." He addressed. Pikachu shook his head. " I'm not a Ditto." He corrected the strange Pokémon.

" Then What are you? Mew?" The shiny asked him. " No. I'm just...different." He commented, distantly. " Oh. So you're like some sort of mutant Pikachu?" The shiny asked. " Yep." Pikachu stated, looking off into the distance as if something was on his mind.

" Oh. I will stop asking now. Why'd you need to go into our tree trunk?" The shiny asked. " There's some sort of tool that we need from there." Pikachu explains, going on his tiptoes and tried peering inside.

So far all he could see was darkness and maybe leaves from the Sunkern. He blinks. He put his paws back on the ground. " Hmm? A tool you ask?" The shiny asked. Pikachu nodded. " Yup." He replied with a cheerful smile.

The Sunkern shook his head. " Haven't heard of it. But there's this weird looking back scratcher in there..." He commented. " That's probably it then. I don't know what the tool is. It just fixes and makes ukuleles." Pikachu commented.

" Tell your scared friend to take a look in there. He might find what you're looking for." The Sunkern half teased, jumping up and gently body slammed him as a nudge.

Pikachu looked up at Nick. Was he hiding from him? Or from the shiny? Pikachu couldn't tell. All he knew was that Nick's attempt at using Camouflage was a bust. You could see his dang legs. And his legs. They were peeking out of a bush.

Pikachu rolled his eyes. This guy's gotta stop being such a weirdo. He thought as he walked over to his hiding friend. He put his paws on the shrubbery and pulled them back. " You can come out now." He snorted. " I didn't want to continue to be in the-" Nick began before Pikachu put his paws over the blabbing human.

" It's okay. They're friendly. Don't step on them, though." Pikachu advised. " You should get that tool." He told him. This specific job is getting to feel way too long. He thought, as he brushed some of his fur to the side. It felt sticky to him.

" M-me? Why?" Nick asked nervously. " Because I told you so. Be the hero for once. You're way taller than me." Pikachu advised, while closing his eyes and walking over to Ukulele Pichu.

" Don't be too hard on Nick. He might be a scardey-Chu, but he has a good heart." Pichu commented to Pikachu, worry for Nick seemed to be in her gaze. Pikachu felt as if there was something missing.

Or someone. Someone was missing and he had no idea who or why he had this strange feeling. His ear twitched as Nick came back, holding the tool. He was shaking. " What did you see a Beedrill? Because I will battle it! I will! I will!" Pikachu asked, getting all excited.

" No. I saw a Spinark." Nick freaked. " Seriously?" He, Pichu, and the shiny Sunkern asked in disbelief that he was freaking out over such a thing. " And it touched me! I swore it was going to take over the world!" Nick started to ramble. Pikachu spat out spit as he laughed at Nick's ramble.

" A Spinark couldn't take over the world." Pichu said. " I knew people were afraid of big types, but I didn't know they thought they could take over the world." Pikachu commented, even though he just learned this by thinking about Nick's reaction.

" Okay. We got the tool. Now can we please go back?" Nick asked, shivering. Pikachu rolled his eyes. " Fine. But where's the adventure?" He asked. " None of that please." Nick whispered. "What was that? Did you ask for a detour?" Pikachu asked, going towards the beach on the island.

" No!!" Nick wailed, suddenly picking him up. Pikachu felt a really tight pressure on his stomach when the fear-ridden human grabbed him. " Put me down!!!!" He ordered, not liking this at all.

He tries hitting Nick with his paws. It almost works. Of course Nick still didn't want to get into more trouble than they've already been. " No." Nick comments. Pikachu rolled his eyes. " Okay. If you're gonna be like that..." Pikachu began before he changed into a Pidgeot and hit the poor fellow with his wings.

" Let me go! Let me go and we can go back! I was just kidding!" Pikachu commented, flapping his flying type wings, almost burying Nick. Nick let go. " Sheesh. You can't take a joke." Pikachu grumped as he turned back into a Pikachu and folded his arms, trying to look mad. He couldn't make it even seem like he was.

He started to dash up the hill. " Wait up!" Nick exclaimed. Pikachu looked back. Delight spread across his face, even though he could barely stand this wimpy person. " No! The faster you move the sooner you can be with your master." Pikachu commented. Nick tried to make a remark, but Pikachu just ignored him as he hared off.

Pikachu heard a loud thudding sound. He turned around. Nick was trying to keep up. Trying. That's very different than actually keeping up. How Nick was slower than him, he had no idea. He would have assumed the boy was faster since was bigger. Guess he was fatter than Pikachu thought.

Pikachu grinned as he was there first. I win. He thought smugly. He turned around. Nick was walking across the beach at this point. " What took you so long?" Pikachu asked him, his grin turning into a triumphant smirk. " It was not a race." Nick simply stated.

" It was so. Where's Pichu?" Pikachu asked Nick. " Did you leave her behind?!" Nick freaked out. " Boo!" Pichu exclaimed as she jumps out of a tree. Nick screamed and tripped. The suddenness Of Pichu appearing surprised him. Coward. Pikachu thought smugly. I wasn't surprised.

After the first five seconds. As Pikachu continued his thinking, Nick continued to ramble about stuff. Like ghost types. Pikachu sighed. " You two ready?" He asked, both paws out. Pichu held one right away.

Nick was hesitant. One: because he was a coward and didn't trust Pikachu and two: because his ramble went way longer than it should have. Or at least to Pikachu it shouldn't have been that long. That boy needs a huge adventure that changed his personality. Or he needed a braver heart or someone to help him be brave.

Pikachu shook his head as soon as Nick took his hand after a minute. He smiled and closed his eyes momentarily. Then he turned back into Latios and took off. Nick was screaming the whole way. That only encourage Pikachu to do several loops like he was a roller coaster himself.

Pichu was having tons of fun while holding onto her ukulele for dear life. Latichu crash landed. Lots of dust gathered. " What the heck?!" A young male voice exclaims in confusion. " Who are you? And who do you work for?!" Pikachu asks, still as a Latios, and pinned the young boy against the side of the wood near Booker's house.

" Stop!" Nick exclaims, bravely putting himself in front of the boy. Pikachu was confused. Now he's brave? Who's this kid? And why is Nick trying to protect him as if...oh...he does know him. Pikachu thought in realization. " Who is this?" Pikachu demanded as he slowly backed up a little.

" That's Ralph. Booker's grandson." Pichu told him. " Oooohhhhhh!!!" Pikachu commented longly in realization. " Shoot. I'm sorry. I thought you were a threat. Heh. Sorry." Pikachu apologized. The kid just seemed to freak out a little. Actually it was quite a bit more than that.

" Wow! A talking Latios!" Ralph commented finally after a short freak out session. " No. I'm a talking Pikachu. I can just- you know what...this is taking forever. Come on Ukulele Pichu and Nicky boy." Pikachu commented. " Uhh...Okay?" Nick questioned the name. Pikachu just ignored him as he turned back into a Pikachu and sprinted towards the door.

He busts the door because he couldn't wait to get his ukulele. He reached for the tool, but Nick had it. He sweatdropped. " Darn slow Nick." He tried to cover up. He was pretty embarrassed at what he just did.

Nick turned the doorknob and strolled inside. " Missing something?" The apprentice asked Pikachu with a hand in the air, showing the tool. " Isn't that heavy?" Pikachu asked, smugly. " Very." Nick commented, struggling to hold it.

Booker looked glad. " Nick! Escort them out while we make his ukulele." Booker ordered his assistant. " W-what? Am I...?" Nick started in excitement. " Yes. You better hurry. This little guy probably has somewhere else to be right now." Booker hurried. " Oh! You heard him. Out, out You two evolutionary similar Pokémon." Nick commented weirdly, as he shoved Pikachu outside.

He shut the door. It still had it's very big hole in it from where Pikachu had barged in. Pikachu turned his attention to the blue ukulele holding Pichu. " What now?" He questioned her.

" Wanna take a look around?" She asked him. He nodded his head, excitedly. He wanted to explore. And go on an adventure with a family of ducks. He had no idea where he got that from. And now he wanted to be a part of a psychic family. Or at least one with at least one and maybe a psychic vampire. He hoped there was one. Hopefully a female. No reason why.

He shook his head as Pichu indicated for him to follow her. Eventually, because it was actually a shorter time than either expected, their tour of the town had to be cut short as Booker
and Nick made Pikachu a Ukulele.

How Pikachu described the ukulele was: Amazing. It was yellow with black on it. And seemed to have the same spikiness to it that he had on his head and ear. He was surprised to hear even that it was most Nick who made it. He didn't know Nick idolized him.

Actually, Nick claimed it was because of how adventurous he was, but Pikachu knew better. " You know, with that there Ukulele you're gonna need to be called Ukulele Pikachu. Huh?" Nick joked. " That's a brilliant idea!" Pikachu commented.

" Oh boy." Nick commented, seeming less enthusiastic than he normally was. And when it came time for goodbye? Let's just say Ukulele Pikachu was glad there was no Eevee to try kiss him. Yuck. He almost shivered at that fact. " You sure you need to leave now?" Pichu asked. " We could continue your tour, you know? We could.." She began, seeming as if she never wanted the electrical mouse to leave her.

" I must, dear Pichu." He addressed her, as if he was the time travel Pokémon itself addressing Grovyle. " Bye you three. Booker, make sure Nick has an adventure of a lifetime. He's a little bit of a scardey-chu." Pikachu advised Booker before hearing a groan from Nick before he turned into Hoopa and went into another dimension.

This time instead of seeing all those crazy men and Pichu that were on the same island that he was on, he saw a young blond man. Then it changed and he saw fire. And burned ash. A shiver ran down the young pokemon's spine.

Another figure was with him. A light saber in his hand. A blue one. Is the blond guy the bad guy? He asked. The blond guy looked really old. And seemed sad. Why would a bad guy be sad? Did he lose?

One name rang in his mind. Luke. Luke skywalker. A grin went onto the Pikachu's face. That sounds like an awesome last name. He thought. Alas, the one sad is the good guy. Then who is the bad guy? It can't possibly be that younger male could it? Pikachu asked. But before the Jedi voice that was in his head could answer, he was whisked away.

He opened his eyes as he stumbled around. " Why am I having those weird and strange visions?" He asked no one in particular. " Strange visions, hmm?" A strangely familiar voice asked, as a weird green looking alien hobbit hobbled over to him.

" What? Who are you? A hobbit? A stalker? You were in those weird visions!" Pikachu commented confused as heck. " Strange visions I've been in. Jedi need you, hmm." The weird hobbit commented, ignore the obvious fact that he asked if the strange little alien was a hobbit.

" You're talking funny. Did you not go to school?" He asked. " Been to school neither of us have, hmm." The green creature commented. " Who are you?" Pikachu repeated, standing his ground. " Yoda I am." The green alien seemed to introduced.

This is weird. He's stranger than Nick. Pikachu thoughts. He bent his body back away from the creature as if in disgust. Yoda held out his claw hand. Whatever he calls those things. " You are?" Yoda asked, waiting for a response.

" Pikachu. Ukulele Pikachu." Pikachu introduced. " Come with me you must." Yoda instructed. " Why?" Pikachu questioned him. " Need your help I do." Yoda commented. At those magic words, Pikachu jumped up and down. " Yes I want to help you! What do you need help with?" Pikachu asked him.

Yoda then started walking, before beckoning for the electrical mouse/squirrel to follow him. Pikachu shrugged as he followed the green alien. Whatever he needs help with must be serious.

I saw those sabers. Does he have one? How old is he? Does he have a wife? Why do these so ' Jedi' need help? What is the purpose of this little green dude? Who was that villain? And why was that ' Luke' character sad? Does he know him well? Why am I asking so many questions? Pikachu asked in his head.

He bumped into the 'ally.' " Here. Trash needs taking out it does." Yoda commented as he shoves something into pikachu's paws. What?! You want me to take out your dang trash?" Pikachu asked him, trying to hand him back the trash. It didn't work.

There was something weird about this guy. Why'd he want me to take out his trash? Didn't we just meet? He asked himself as he just decides to take it out because Yoda wouldn't take it back no matter how hard he tried to return it.

He grumbles something about Yoda being lazy. He groans as he sees how large the trash can is. I would have thought Jedi would have smaller trash cans, or at least this guy have one because I think I'm literally his height or almost his height.

He scrambles onto the bin, stumbling. It was like he was a wild Pokémon trying to root through the trash. Wait a minute. I am one. He thought as he tries to shove the trash in, without making him or the can fall over.

He leaped on the trash and kept doing that till it was in the bin. He panted, as he jumped off, not even landing on his feet, but he was glad he didn't have to deal with the trash anymore. It was a monster. How could anyone do that?

" Good work. Now wash my dishes." Yoda orders around. " What? I thought you needed my serious help." Pikachu commented, getting mad. " I do. Wash the dishes you must." Yoda ordered him. Pikachu just face palmed. This guy is just trying to mooch off of him or something.

Pikachu grumbled something about Yoda being lazy. " Hush now." Yoda told him. He ignores the green guy and washes his dishes. He didn't know how, so he just dunked the dishes in the water to see how that went.

A beat came into his head. And he danced to it. Well, his tail and feet did. If I sing but don't have love I waste my breath with every song I bring an empty voice, a hollow noise.

There it is again. The songs that apparently I can only hear. Can you bring me a shot gun so I can shot this guy and prove I can be a Jedi? He asked nothing, in his head.

If I speak with a silver tongue, convince a crowd, but don't have love I leave a bitter taste with every word I say.

Pikachu snorted at the song. What exactly is this song trying to convince me of? He asked himself. He shrugged as he felt his tail betray him. Well, not really. Either Yoda thought he was crazy or thought he enjoyed doing the dishes, because he said, " After this, I will show you truly what I need."

What?! There is a freaking dang problem?! He thought, almost getting mad at the crazy hobbit. Or whatever this guy is.

So let my life be the proof, the proof of your love. Let my love look like You and what You're made of. How you lived. How you died. Love is sacrifice. So let my life be the proof, the proof of your love.

Pikachu was getting a little ticked at this song. Love is sacrifice? Not all the time. Shoot. Was he sacrificing for Yoda, or was he just being a Pokémon and obeying his orders. He had no clue. This little guy seemed like nothing, but there was something off about him. Like there was more to meet the eye. Was that what this song was speaking about or was it just a random song that goes in his head, trying to annoy him?

If I give to a needy soul but don't have love then who is poor? Uh poor people? Is this weirdo poor? Or is this song just trying to prove a point? Or not? It seems all poverty is found in me.

" Welp I give up." Pikachu said as he finished and walked away, trying to ignore the dang consistent song. Yoda seemed to be watching him too intently, as he stood there. Pikachu pauses mid-step, creeped out. " Yeesh." He commented.

So let my life be the proof, the proof of your love. Let my love look like You and what You're made of.How You lived, how You died.Love is sacrifice.
Oh, let my life be the proof, The proof of Your love.

" The song, truth it speaks." Yoda told him. " You're hearing it as well?" Pikachu asked as he sighed. " No. You hear it. Hear it I do not. There for a reason. Lessons it teaches. Like me it is." Yoda informs. " Teaches?" Pikachu asked, confused. " Listen to it you must. Must not follow the path of the dark side. Must not!" Yoda screeches.

" What do you mean?" Pikachu asked, getting a little mad. " Doing it right now you are. Anger leads to the dark side. Love, compassion, forgiveness leads to the light. Jedi follow this rule. Dark side win must not." Yoda told him.

Pikachu tipped his head. " So anger is bad and having compassion leads me to the path of a Jedi?" He questions. " Almost, Padawan. Almost." Yoda told him, looking all happy at him, puffed out with pride it would seem.

When it's all said and done. When we sing our final song. Only love remains. Only love remains.

" Only Love remains." Pikachu repeated, looking at Yoda. Yoda nodded. " Truth this song be speaking to you." Truth? Truth? What is truth? Is it something important? Is it...real? Pikachu asked himself. He knew what Love was, but what was truth? What's lies? Is this ' truth' what this song speaks of?

Let my life be the proof, the proof of Your love. Let my love look like You and what You're made of.

What exactly is this you they're talking about? Mew? Me? It can't be me. I'm made of fur, skins, and bones. Pikachu thought.

How You lived, how You died. Love is sacrifice. Love is sacrifice. Pikachu suddenly figured out why Obi Wan and Qui Gon Jinn had been fighting that crazy red sabered male.

So let my life be the proof, The proof of Your love.

Pikachu glances at Yoda who just nods. " Over is it? Cannot tell." Yoda comments. " It is over, Yoda." Pikachu told him. " To the Jedi counsel. Go we must. Great times of peril ahead they are." Yoda told him.

Pikachu tipped his head. " Are you a psychic?" He asked the green alien. Yoda shook his head. He also seemed to be amused a bit at him.

" Jedi I am. Cannot predict things some Jedi. Wise speak of me they do." Yoda comments. " How is this dark side a threat?" He asked. " Witnessed it you have. Hatred we have. Greed. Gifts force users have. Abuse it they do. Use it for evil they have. Rise up from it Siths do." Yoda explained to him.

He nodded in understanding. " Are these siths problems?" He asked Yoda. Yoda seemed to snort as if that was a question. " Still Are problem. Destroy the Jedi they intend." Yoda told him.

" Now hurry we must! Be late we must not!" Yoda exclaimed, as he ran like his life depended on it. Don't these guys have ships or something? He asked in his head.

He shrugged as he followed the green hobbit. Eventually the two creatures found themselves at a very impressive building.

" Why do I have to go in there?" He questions. " Introduce you to the Jedi Counsel. Jedi order needs you they do." Yoda told him, as the two walked inside.

A clearly disappointed face was on Pikachu when he didn't recognize any of the Jedi Counsel. " So..." He began awkwardly as some of the more less human Jedi of the Counsel glances at him in confusion. " When do I get my light saber?"
Authors note:'d I do? I honestly only planned that last line that you read from Ukulele Pikachu. Xd. What did you think of Uku's interactions with Yoda, Nick, and Pichu? Do you ship Uku with Pichu or Eevee?( they are the only girl Pokémon involved so far. Or important girls that I consider as of this point.) What do you think the Jedi Counsel's reaction to his appearance and question is going to be? Well, I better be off doing other writings. Hope you've enjoyed this.

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