Prologue- part 2

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He was actually having fun in his life. That was when it came. The sudden crippling darkness overcame him as he fell over. He got up, but he was no longer in a golden- and- white hallway. Instead he was standing on a weird planet.

It was a brown building with gray-blue flooring. A noise behind him startled him and he tried to move away from whatever the heck the red spiky headed alien was.

Who and what are you? He asked to himself. And why did you just show up in front of me? And who are those two dudes? Should that red dude with black on his face really be looking so angry at those two? They're both just young men. What harm can they do to you?He asked himself.

That was when he saw. Fighting stances? What is this a Pokémon battle? " Hey! Can I join?!" He asked them. The three men ignored him.

" Hey! Face me when I'm-"He began, but at this point 0 of the three listened they were all fighting with weird glows sticks. " You know, you can't fight each other with just glow in the dark sticks you know!" He shouted to them.

Then the younger of the two humans jumped in the air. " Wow! I'll give you my powers just to jump like that!" He called to the one with the blue night stick or whatever he was using to try to poke the red creature with.

The red creature-human was trying mostly maul the one with the green light stick. Pikachu was rooting for him. The green stick guy. It just seemed so right. Like he was meant to be with these two. The blue stick guy especially. There was something special with him.

Suddenly he saw a nasty move made by redfaced dude. He kicked the green stick dude. " Cheater! Wait is he dead?!" Pikachu asked in horror. The red creature did a cart wheel flip. The blue stick guy was trying to fight him alone. " You've got this!" Pikachu cheered at the blue sticked guy.

Redface just decided to move back. Then somehow, he stuck his hand out and something crashed into a button...Pikachu didn't know how do describe it. The door opened up and the really...scary redfaced dude was bringing the fight somewhere else.

Pikachu sighed in relief when green stick man came and joined the fight. He wasn't dead. But then the dude...whoever he was...kicked blue stick to the ground and jumped above green stick dude.

They continued fighting as blue stick joined again. Now they were on a platform. Pikachu dashed to keep up to the sparring partners. Red dude jumped and so did the other two. The sticks collided with each other harshly. Maybe these things aren't sticks. Then what are they?

Mighty Light Sabers!  Are Qui-Gon, Obi-wan, and evil Darth Maul they are. A different voice from anything else he's heard.

Oh. If I had to take a guess Obi-wan is the older one? Not older one he is! Youngest one! Youngest one! Suddenly Obi-wan was kicked off and he was holding on to a platform below.

" Please don't die now!" He pleaded. Qui-Gon kicked Maul off the platform as well. " Yay! Go Qui-Gon! I hope you two win with your light sticks- I mean sabers." Pikachu cheered.

Unfortunately Maul didn't die just yet. His light saber was still somehow on. And it didn't pierce him. Qui-Gon jumped down to fight him. Farther down, Obi-wan watched them fight a little after pulling himself up of course. then he made the most huge jump the little mouse Pokémon ever seen in his life.

I really want to do that. He thought. Qui-Gon pushed Maul back with his fighting skills. Pikachu followed Obi-wans lead as the young fighter followed his friend. His master he is. Jedi they are. Fight for the weak they do.

A hazy red suddenly appeared as Pikachu and Obi-wan ran to see/aide Qui-Gon. Qui-Gon turned his light saber off for some reason. And Obi-wan halted. Pikachu was behind him. He didn't stop. He made it through. Huh. He thought. Why aren't they moving? Is this some sort of thing they can't get through?

Actually there you are not. Vision this is. Why you can go through the walls of red while they can't is because it's a vision yes.

Pikachu just decided to keep glancing between....Padawan and Master. Yes what the voice of some weird creature who doesn't know how to speak English correctly said. Maul looked up.

Maul tried to hit Qui-Gon. No! Pikachu thought. It got blocked by the red light. Is that also a light saber? Pikachu asked. Then Maul sheathed his saber, knowing he couldn't battle Qui-Gon. Qui-Gon kneeled to pass the time and Maul paced.

Obi sheaths his saber as well. Maul glares at Qui while pacing like a stupid idiot. Qui-Gon takes deep breaths. Pikachu tipped his head to the side. As soon as the red door disappeared light sabers were unsheathed and they went back to fighting.

Obi-wan charged at them. He had to stop once more because of the freaking red door. Pikachu bet he was thinking, not this again. I can't help Qui-Gon.

Green and red clashed. Qui-gon was struggling against the red man. Obi-wan was breathing harder. It was an unfair battle. Two blades against one. There was nothing Obi-wan could do but watch. Nothing he and Pikachu could do, but watch. Pikachu knew.

Massacre only begins from here it did. " Why are you showing me this?" He asked. Need your help we do. Hero of the world of the Pokemans. " What's the point of witnessing this?" He asked.

Obi-wan and many others, I myself Included, need your help we do. I cry for your help I do. Padwan, Watch. This is what could happen, yes. But, alas, time alone it can tell, yes.

Everything started to move super slowly. Darth shark face and long hair the Jedi looked at each other for a second. Then it continued.

It was coming. He knew it. But who was going to die? Red saber or green saber? Suddenly, Maul jabbed his saber and knocked Qui-gon back and stabbed him in the chest.

" No!" Both Pikachu and Obi-wan exclaimed at the same time. Pure terror was on Qui-gon's face. He fell to his knees. Angered, Pikachu turned into a Toxicroak and used Poison Jab at same time the poor deceased Jedi curled up in a ball and his body fell limply to the ground. Dead and defeated almost.

Maul didn't even look back at Qui-gon. He was as gone as he needed, just like...he wanted. That clown looking old skinny dude who probably needs a shower. Maul paced and waited for the red door to open so that he could finish his job. Pikachu on the other hand had went right through Maul and it angered him.

Obi-wan was as angry as Pikachu. His saber, which had been sheathed, was now unsheathed. The lasers were gone, so now he can go after Obi.

Harshly, the two fought. Pikachu tried hitting him too. " Bad, Maul! Bad boy! Bad boy!" He screeched as he tried to mimic Obi's every move. Acting as if he did have a saber of his own.

He jumped over the saber. He knew it wouldn't hit him no matter what, but he was trying to hone his skills so he could help Obi. Obi-wan managed to slice Maul's saber in half. " Way to go, Obi!" Pikachu cheered, a paw moving to snap a finger.

Maul was on the ground. He jumped up and the two continued to fight. Maul kicked Obi. " Fuck you!" Pikachu said. " He's better looking that you. Are you trying to make yourself look better than him?" He asked, spinning around.

Maul did a flip. " Show off! A bitch and a show off!" Pikachu said. Their fight halted a second. Obi harshly fought. His teeth gritted. This was for his master, Pikachu realized. Maul put his hand out. Oh no! Pikachu thought with dread.

Obi fell down and held on to a red button thing or something. Pikachu didn't know what it was. Pikachu freaked for a moment. " No! Don't tell me he's dead too?!" He looked in. He sighed in relief. " Phew. He's okay." He breathed, eyes closed.

Maul kicked his saber over the edge as if they were done there. No! He will not be done! Maul slashed at the floor multiple times, trying to make the trash compactor or whatever fall, and kill Obi. Obi looks over near Qui-gon. The other saber! Pikachu realized.

His old one might have fallen, but he could still use his master's. Obi-wan jumps and grabs the saber after apparently moving it with his mind. He slashed at Maul. Shock was on the evil man's face. He blinked once before his two parts of his cleanly cut body fell where Obi's saber will lay now. Obi looked down. He killed Maul. Pikachu, no, Ukulele Pikachu. Help. Only hope you are. The voice said before it was gone.

Pikachu's eyes opened widely. " Just wake up!!!!! Before I get Xerneas!" Hoopa wailed as he shook Pikachu. " Stop! I'm fine." He said. He scrambled up. " Ow! That was really awesome! Yet sad." He said. " What?" Mew asked. " He talked to me. None of the other three. He showed me what could happen in his world." He blabbed. " What are you talking about, U- Pikachu?" Mew asked. " Where's the-" a loud booming voice asked.

An extremely tall Pokémon with bull like feet walked in, more like stomped, as it suddenly saw him. " Pikachu!" It boomed. " I was brought here to meet you." Pikachu said. " I see. But you didn't go to my throne room. Why?" The white Pokémon asked. It had piercing red eyes. Though it wasn't the eyes of evil, more like mercy and understanding.

" He collapsed all of a sudden, sir!" Mew said. " Mew, I've told you a whole lot to just call me Arceus. I created you, but that doesn't mean you call me sir." Arceus said. " Now, young one. You're here for a special power. Come with me. It doesn't matter if he collapsed. He's strong enough to receive it." Arceus said as it stomped away. Pikachu followed him.

Arceus turned as it sat down in its giant throne. " Tell me what you saw and heard, Ukulele Pikachu." Arceus told him. Pikachu decided to. He wanted to get it off his chest and this big alpha was the way to do it. He told it about Maul, Obi, and Qui. He even added the voice parts. " Well, I can tell you your adventure in another dimension is about to begin." Arceus began.

It bent down. " With the power inside of me, I give you, talented Pikachu, the power of the mystery lightning. Now, this attack is very powerful and dangerous. I give it to you out of the good of my heart. Use it against creatures like Maul. Use it only to help those of good hearts and souls, like Obi-wan. Hoopa! Mew! Escort Pikachu to the forest. Hoopa will show up when you are needed in another dimension. But for now, return." Arceus said, bending his head to touch Pikachu's a light flashed briefly and then was gone. " On it!" Mew said as it and Hoopa showed up. " Will do, sir!" Hoopa said. Mew waved its paw and everything golden and white disappeared.

When Pikachu blinked, he was back in that forest. The rain had stopped now. Movements and rustles were all around him. Maul?! He questioned, in a defensive pose. Paws in front of him like he was half dabbing.

All that came out was a tiny brown fluff ball. " Woah!" The Eevee cries out, a forepaw in front of her. A Pikachu was beside her. " Pikachu! Check it out. A strange Pikachu is here." Eevee said.

Pikachu looked at the spikey earred hero. " What a strange Pikachu you are. You have a huge tuft of fur on the top of your head and you have one spikey ear? What's up with that? Not that that's cool." Pikachu commented. " I was born like this." The soon-to-be-called-something-different Pikachu said.

" Oh." Pikachu said as spikey earred Pikachu heard a voice calling for Pikachu. " We have to go. See you later?" Eevee asked. " Or he can come with us." Pikachu said. " You don't have a problem with humans do you?" Pikachu asked the spikey earred Pikachu. " Naw. I don't have a problem with humans, they're pretty cool." He replied, thinking of Qui-gon and Obi-wan.

" Come on, then! You can follow us and chase us!" Pikachu said. " And you might catch us." Eevee said with a wink. The hero Pikachu shivered. Creep. He thought.

Pikachu dashed away with his Eevee friend right by his side. Pikachu watched the two before he dashed after them. It's a good day to have some fun, to run and play.( Oh oh way oh)

Pikachu and Eevee dodged swiftly from a tree. The song Pikachu chasing them slammed his head on the trunk. The sun's so hot, it melts my worries all away. ( oh oh way oh) I'm gonna take it easy, for no reason to work all day.(oh oh way oh)

Pikachu shook his head to clear the pain and he continued chasing after his new Pokémon pals. Oh, I'm gonna keep on smiling, keep on riding all the way. ( oh oh way oh) Come on and I'll tell ya.

Pikachu caught the same gender and species Pokémon by jumping on him and they ended up rolling together like Simba and Nala in a pinning roll.

Ni siku dema wa kimina kumade. Ni siku dema wa kimina kumade. ( Whoa whoa-oh oh) Come play with me and we'll run free.( whoa woah-oh oh) Through the Pride Lands up to the highest tree.( Whoa whoa-oh oh)

Am I the only one of us hearing this music? Pikachu asked himself as he chased the two Pokémon around a tree. Gotta live for fun, it's the only way. It's a beautiful, it's a beautiful day.( Ni siku nzuri)

Yes i am the only one. He thought. Neither are asking about that strange voice. Plus if you think about it, Ive heard songs like this before. He thought as he stretched his paws in another pounce to tackle down the Eevee friend of his.

It's a beautiful, it's a beautiful day.( Ni siku nzuri) It's a good day to have some fun, to run and play. ( oh oh way oh) I'm gonna take my time, gonna live my life a different way.( oh oh way oh) Come with me now!

Ni siku terma wa kimina kumade. Ni siku terma wa kimina kumade. ( Whoa whoa-oh oh) Come play with me and we'll run free. ( Whoa whoa-oh oh) Through the Pride Lands up to the highest tree.( Whoa whoa-oh oh)

Gotta live for fun, it's the only way. It's a beautiful, it's a beautiful day.( Ni siku nzuri) Its a beautiful, it's a beautiful day. ( Ni siku nzuri) ( Oh oh oh oh)( Whoa whoa-oh oh)

Come play with me and we'll run free.( Whoa whoa-oh oh) Through the Pride Lands up to the highest tree.( Whoa whoa-oh oh) Gotta live for fun, it's the only way. It's a beautiful, it's a beautiful day.( Ni siku nzuri)

Seriously song? Please go away! Pikachu thought as he ran through the tall grass with his buds. Oh, it's a beautiful, it's a beautiful day.( Ni siku nzuri) It's a beautiful, it's a beautiful day. ( Ni siku nzuri)

Finally. I thought that would never end. He thought. Suddenly he slammed into Pikachu and looked up. A human with weird zig zagged cheeks was in front of him. Along with a Cyndaquil eyed brown spikey haired man. Is that the first gym leader? Wait why am I even asking this. Of course it's him.

And the sassy orange haired Mewtwo they call Misty. And oh shit is that fucking Gary?! Wait how do I know him? Whatever.

" Hey, Buddy. Who's your little friend there?" The ziggy cheeked human asked, bending down to pet his Pikachu on the head. " It's obvious a Pikachu, Ash!" Gary sarcastically said.

" It has a weird tuft on its head!" Misty said. " And it has a strange spikey ear." Brock added. " Am I not even here?" Pikachu asked loudly. At those words Gary jumped and went backwards into a tree. At that all the Pokémon started laughing. " That's so funny! It's like you never heard a talking Pokémon before!" Pikachu laughed, falling over.

" I've heard one! One! But that surprised me." Gary admitted. " Wow. A talking Pikachu. What do you think, buddy?" Ash asked. " I think you should really be feeding me." Pikachu said blankly. " So, do you happen to want to hang around with us for a while?" Ash asked Pikachu. " Sure. It couldn't hurt." Pikachu admitted. Ash took out a Poké Ball. " No! I didn't give you permission to catch me! You're not who I want to be my partner. Plus you're weaker than me." Pikachu said proudly.

Ash then got mad and tried yelling. Eevee started to flirt with Pikachu. " You could join me and Gary, Pikachu. Hint hint." She said brushing against him. " Hah! Ash you're such a loser! He obviously wants to join me." Gary boasted. He threw a poke ball at Pikachu. He used Iron tail and it hit Gary in the face.

" What the heck!" Gary exclaims. " Sorry, but I don't want to be caught by you. You're weak too." Pikachu said. " I want someone who isn't like you, you know? With powers like me." Pikachu said. " You have powers?!" Everyone said at once.

" Yes! Keep up." Pikachu said. " And you won't let any of us catch you?" Ash asked in disbelief. " Nope. Thank you." Pikachu said taking one of Ash's poke balls. " Hey!" Ash whined.

" Don't worry. You can get more. This poke ball is for that certain person." He said, thinking of Obi-wan and Qui-gon. " Like Who?" Ash asked. " Like someone not from this world for example. I am suppose to be a hero of a whole bunch of worlds." Pikachu said. " I'm suppose to be waiting for a Pokémon to tell me when I need to go somewhere." Pikachu said. " But until then. I'm going to hang with you, Ash, Brock, and Misty." Pikachu said. " Okay. Don't know how you know our names, but I'm just going to roll with it." Brock said.

" What about me? And Gary?" Eevee asked flirtatiously. " Can I get a restraining order on your Eevee?" He asked Gary. " Why?" Gary asked. " She's flirting with me and I'd rather get stabbed by a poison sting than deal with this." He said pointing his paw at her. " No. you can't." Gary said. " Come on. If you're going to be adventuring with us, then we better get going." Ash said. Pikachu jumped on Brock's head and Ash's Pikachu jumped on his shoulders. Gary returned his Eevee and the official adventures of Ukulele Pikachu began.

Authors note: So that's the full prologue. Hope you've enjoyed it. I worked really hard for a whole lot of days that I didn't keep track of. Tell me what you thought in the comments please. I appreciate feedback.

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