003: JESSE

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Waiting at the bus stop was the oddest herd of people she had ever seen. At the front of the group was some sort of hairless looking gopher-man, on his left was a woman slightly younger then him holding a newborn baby, on the right of him was a teenage girl who looked to old to be his daughter, so Jesse assumed it was his niece or something. "Who's the gopher?"

"Gopher? Oh! Do you mean Soos?"

Jesse shrugged, "I don't know. The guy wearing the question mark t-shirt."

"Yeah, that's Soos," Mabel waved at man in his late twenties. Soos waved back, a goofy grin on his face, "He's one of the people running the camp, we're going to be working at the shop he owns in exchange for tours."

"'In exchange for tours' that's the biggest scam I've ever heard," Jesse is grateful for this camp, she rarely gets the opportunity to be away from her grandmother, so of course she is happy to be 10 hours away from her but Jesse is still unhappy about the working part of the deal. It didn't make sense to her, Soos Ramirez wasn't housing them, Pacifica Northwest is.

"Yeah, I found that odd too. Usually Grunkle Stan is the one with the scams," Mabel shrugged, "I'm just happy to be back."

Jesse grinned, although she hated the idea of working at some beat down shack, Mabel was happy and that's enough. "Oi, Solace." Jesse turned to the chair behind her, "Got any candy?"

"Why?" Solace asked as she crossed her arms, the girl was seated next to Aphie Foster, who Jesse couldn't help but feel bad for.

"I know that you always keep a bag of black licorice on you, pass some."

Solace glared at Jesse before grabbing out the smallest piece and throwing it at her, "Have the useless one."

"I will, thank you." Jesse took a bite of the licorice and turned back to face Mabel. Mabel was staring at Jesse. Jesse and Solace used to be friends but when Jesse became friends with Mabel and started trying to be a better person they lost their connection. Jesse tried to get Solace to be a nicer person but she refused. Jesse and Solace just try to do their best to avoid each other.

The door of the bus opened, drawing away Mabel's attention from her. "The first row can leave first, make sure to grab your luggage, you don't want to spend the summer wearing the same pair of underwear," Ms Jones stood at the front of the bus, her whitening blond hair was down and curled, Jesse couldn't help but think of it as odd, she isn't used to seeing Ms Jones wearing her hair in anything other than a bun.

Mabel was the first to stand, she grabbed her flower shaped suitcase and her pink backpack, she outraced Oliver and Ever. Jesse watched as Mabel attacked Soos with hugs, and then the same to the newborn baby next to him. Jesse grabbed her black suitcase and hoped off the bus, "Next row!" She heard Ms Jones call.

"Jess! This is Soos," Mabel was smiling brighter then she was when she won Prom Queen. "And this is Melanie, Soos' wife, and their two children Lani and Ley."

Jesse raised an eyebrow as she looked at Soos' children. Ley must had been the newborn baby, while Lani the teenage girl. The baby made sense to her, both Melanie and Soos look late twenties/early thirties, she could see how they would have a newborn but a daughter in their late teenage years? She didn't understand.

"I'm adopted," Lani said, as if she could read Jesse's thoughts. "It's nice to meet you Jess."

"It's Jesse," the girl corrected, "But same. Nice to meet you Lani."

"Gideon?" Jesse tried around to see Mabel talking to a younger boy with pale skin, white hair, bright blue eyes and freckles, he looked to be about fifteen years old but he had a baby face which made Jesse second guess herself. "You look..."

"Different? You do too, you're even prettier, " the kid named Gideon blushed, which due to his lack of melanin spread all the way up to his ears.

He's the weirdo who had a crush on Mabel! Jesse realised, she remembered Mabel telling her about the nine year old kid who had obsessive crush on her when she was twelve. Jesse didn't think this kid looked like a weirdo but then again, appearances can be deceiving.

"I apologise about my younger self Mabel, I promise I've changed and I hope we can have a do over, though only friends this time."

Mabel hugged the boy, "Friends sound excellent!"

"Is this a kid you used to babysit?" Zelda asked as she approached Mabel and Jesse. Jesse glared at the girl, rarely does Zelda ever talk to them and when she does it usually is just to cause trouble.

Gideon pushed himself out of Mabel's embrace and glared at the stoner, "Mabel did not babysit me."

"Could of fooled me," Zelda muttered as Gideon clenched his fist.

"Gideon, why don't you go and say hi to Dipper?" The suggestion seemed to have made him even more angry but the boy didn't disagree. Gideon gave Mabel one more hug and Zelda another glare before walking over to Dipper.

Mabel folded her arms, "Why did you have to be rude? Gideon is my friend."

Zelda rolled her eyes, "Everyone is your friend," Jesse bit her tongue to stop herself from jumping to Mabel's defence.

"And? That's a good thing."

"Whatever you say Prom Queen," Zelda walked away from Mabel and went over to Ms Jones.

"What a bitch."


"What?" Jesse glared at Zelda, "She's just as bad as Solace and Theo."

Mabel shook their head, "Think of her as someone you need to crack open, that's what I thought when I met you." Jesse frowned. She always hates it when Mabel mentions her past. She knows she's guilty, she has bullied people, some of them she calls friend now, some of them still hate her, still, she doesn't like being reminded of her freshman and sophomore actions.

"Who's that?" Jesse pointed at a blonde girl who was talking to Dipper and Ru, she was eager to change the conversation.

Mabel turned to face the girl but before they answered Jesse's question, they ran up to another girl which was with her, "Candy!"

"Mabel!" Candy's voice was robotic but still had audible excitement. Jesse flinched as the two girls ran into each other at full speed, that's gotta hurt, she thought to herself.

"Pacifica!" Mabel pulled in the other girl.

"Hey, Mabel," the girl said with an awkward smile. Pacifica, Jesse remembers Mabel telling her about the younger blonde. Apparently she had bullied Mabel at the start of summer but by the end they had grew to be friends, Jesse found herself slightly jealous as she realised the similarity between the two relationships. Jesse also remembered Mabel telling her all about how Pacifica had a crush on Dipper after cured her manor of a ghost, Pacifica didn't know what part about the story she believed less.

"Girls this is my best friend, Jesse."

"Jesse! It so nice to meet you!" Candy took her hand and shook it.

"You too Lolly." Jesse knew she didn't get the name right but she forgot and panicked so she said the first name that sounded right her, but by the frown on the asian girl's face could tell that she ruined this first impression.

"Nice to meet you Jesse, I'm Pacifica."

Chapter three is out! Let me know what you think, where your characters accurate?

Also, I just realised Pacifica's family doesn't canonically live in the Northwest Manor, we're going to pretend this didn't happen, okay? (lmao, I can't think of any other place for them all to stay so...)

1330 words

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