Day 12

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Words in brackets are (thoughts)
Words in flower bracket is {information}

They all wake up at noon, as sleep was way to far from them after seeing Ruhana's condition. They all get fresh and head downstairs, towards the dining area to fill their empty stomach. While drinking water Afsha look at the glass door of pool area which was dripping from blood.

Afsha{scream} : Aaaaahhhhh!!!!

Arshi : What happen?

They all look towards the door and gets petrified. Ruhana asks them to be quiet and tell "maybe someone is in the villa." They try to open all the windows and doors but everything was locked. They were feeling like they are trapped. Ruhana (I know only one person on this island who can help us.) She calls Rahil. When Rahil picks up the call, they hear some sound and Ruhana drops her phone on the sofa. They all hide behind the sofa.

Ayat peek and try to look, what she saw made her horrified. {She saw a hooded person with a big axe descending the stairs} She asks all of them to follow her without making a noise to the kitchen. She says "Don't ask any questions and quickly hide into the cabinets." Arshi resents from hiding, but Ruhana convince her. Making sure that they are hidden, Ayat and Ruhana discuss what to do next?

Ayat : I saw a person with an axe he was coming down from the terrace.

Ruhana : What?!!!

Ayat{panick} : What are we going to do now?

Ruhana : Don't panick, listen I will distract him. You go to the terrace and find a way out to get help. Okay?

Ayat : But Di You...

Ruhana : No ifs and buts. We have to do this for our sisters.

Ayat{nervous} : Okay.


Ruhana's POV :

I walked out of the kitchen, I can see the person 15feets away from me. I took this as a chance and started running towards the storeroom. I opened the door and hid behind it with a rod in my hand, which I found there.

The person follows Ruhana, he stops at the storeroom door and the first thing he do is look behind the door. But he finds no one. {At last moment Ruhana changed her position to the side almarah} He walks further to see.

When I saw the person walking further in, I quietly and swiftly got out of the room and closed it. I even placed the rod on the door handles so that he can't open it. He attacks the door which causes a hole in it, I was scared would be an understatement. While I was rushing towards the kitchen, I saw Ayat entering from the main door.

Ayat's POV :

When I saw the person chasing Ruhana Di, I took this as my cue to go up towards the terrace. After reaching on the terrace I started to see all the sides. (I can only get down in the lawn to get help, as other 3 sides have boundaries which I can't cross because of the glass pieces on them)

With the help of cloth drying rope I began to climb down and within 5min I was in the lawn. After that I started to look around for anything which can be useful. Then I noticed a car parked out of the gate, I picked a big stone and broke the lock which was on main door. While I was entering I saw Ruhana Di walking safely towards the kitchen. I was relieved to see her.


Both of them go into the kitchen and open the cabinets to release their sisters. Afsha/Haya were crying, Arshi was in a state of shock. Ayat says "Di I saw a car which we can use to get out from here." Ruhana replies "Okay, let's leave."

They all quickly walk out of the villa and to their luck the car was unlocked. They all sit in the car and manually lock it. Arshi try to hotwire the car, but it doesn't start. All of them were in a panic mood now. Suddenly a hand slams on the window.

All : Aaaaahhhhh!!!!!

Rahil : Relax! It's us. {All girls come out of the car}

Ruhana : What are you doing here?

Rahil : You called me, but when I heard nothing I thought something is wrong.

Arshi : How did you know the location?

Armaan : We tracked down Ruhana's phone.

Ayat : Enough of talking, first we should call the police.

Ahil : NO!!!

Ayat : Why?

Ahil : Because...{he gets a message} first we should see who is it and confront him.

Arshi : He is right.

They all enter in the villa and go to the direction of storeroom. Finally Rahil opens the door and all the boys look around. They find the window open and concludes that maybe the person flew away from there.


In sitting area:-

{After formal introduction}

Ayat : Now can we call the police?

Ahil : What proof will you give them?

Haya : The blood on glass door.

Zain : They will say maybe someone did a prank, as it's just red color.

Rahil : I want to tell you girls something.

All girls : Hmmm.

Armaan : This is our villa.

All girls{shocked} : WHAT?!!!!!

Zaid : Yes, we bought it 2 months ago.

Afsha : Oh! That's why it is named as RAAZZ villa.

Arshi : How come?

Haya : Rahil, Ahil, Armaan, Zaid and Zain.

Rahil : You both are very good in solving things.

Afsha/Haya : Thank you.

Ruhana : Then why are you all not staying here?

Ahil : Because of the rumor.

Ayat : What rumor?

Armaan : That there is a ghost in this villa.

Arshi{excited} : Really!!!

Zaid : We think it's just a rumor and we want to know who is spreading these rumours.

Afsha : How are you going to do that?

Zain : We were thinking maybe you all could help us.

Haya : I will never help you, but on this one I also want to know who scared us.


All the boys decide to stay in the villa till they solve the mystery. Ruhana informs them that they can take any 5 bedrooms, as all the girls will stay in one room.

Ruhana : I'll cook something for us to eat.

Rahil : You wait here, we will prepare the food.

Ayat{astonished} : You boys can cook?

Ahil : Better than you.

Armaan{to Arshi} : Do you prefer a boy who knows how to cook?

Arshi : Who doesn't?

The boys prepare pasta and hot chocolate. All eat together on the dining table. After checking that all the windows and doors are closed properly. They all retire to their rooms.


Who is the hooded person?

Why does he wants to scare them?

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