Day 16

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Words in brackets are (thoughts)
Words in flower bracket is {information}

Ruhana was drinking coffee, Haya was eating her breakfast and Afsha was checking her Instagram stories in their room. Ayat burst into the room with Arshi.

Ayat : Ruhana Di, Aunt called me and said she has sent you a pic of some boy.

Ruhana : What Boy?

Arshi : To whom you will get married.

Haya : Awesome.

Afsha : I so love marriage's, new clothes, functions and lot of food.

Ruhana open Whatsapp and download the pic. As soon as she sees it she spit the coffee on Haya. Haya wipe her dress and asks "What happen Di?" They hear a knock on the door, Ayat go and open it. The room service boy gives her an invite, she returns back to everyone and informs that Rahil has invited them for lunch at rooftop.

Ruhana : How will I face him?

Arshi : Who Di?

Ruhana : Rahil Ahmed Khan.

Ayat : Why Di? {Shows them the pic which is of Rahil}

Afsha : I approve him as my jiju.

Ruhana : Shut up.

Texts between Arshi and Armaan:-

Armaan : Hi! Which color dress are you wearing for lunch?

Arshi : Hi! Wine color, but why?

Armaan : Just asking.


At Rooftop:-

They all get ready and arrive at the rooftop. Ayat wore almond color dress, Ruhana was wearing charcoal grey. Afsha/Haya were in baby blue and baby pink. Coincidence was at heights as Rahil also was wearing charcoal grey suit. Arshi smiles after seeing Armaan who coordinated with her by wearing wine color blazer. Ahil as usual was in black. Zaid/Zain were in brown and blue suits.

They all settle down on the table. All girls sat on right side, whereas boys on left. The lunch was served and most of the dishes were Ruhana's favorite. By seeing this she was a bit confused and happy at the same time.

Rahil : Till now, you all got to know that Ruhana and my marriage is going to happen.

Afsha : Yes, I'm too excited for it.

Zaid : Welcome to family bhabhi.

Haya : (How can I allow my sister to marry a vampire?) I have a question?

Zain : Always ready to spoil the moment.

Haya : You just keep quiet. Well, I want to know are you really a vampire?

Everyone : WHAT?!!!

Rahil{laughs} : No, How did you assume that?

Haya : How did you save the plate on that day{Day 3} then?

Rahil : I'm a sportsperson that's why.

Haya : Oh! But what about the tea incident in the villa?{Day 13}

Rahil : I was coughing because of chilly powder in it.

Haya : But {she gets a message from Ayat "Stop your interrogation, I was the one who mixed chilly in the tea but it was for Ahil which by mistake Rahil bhai drank"} Nothing.

Arshi : Ruhana Di, we all will go and watch a movie. {Teasingly} So, that you both can spend some time alone.

Ayat/Ahil{at the same time} : I will go to my room and take some rest. {Glare at each other. Everyone leaves}

Rahil : I don't want to pressurise you, if you feel like rejecting the proposal you can.

Ruhana : Its not like that, I just want some time to think.

Rahil : Okay.

Ruhana : How did you know my favourite dishes.

Rahil : Hehe, Mr.Farooqui said.

Ruhana : Dad!!!

Rahil : This marriage will be profitable, personally and professionally. Give it a thought.

Ruhana : Sure.


At Theater:-

Armaan : Which movie?

Zaid/Zain : Spider man far from home.

Afsha/Haya : Annabelle comes home.

Zaid : Can you handle horror?

Afsha : Far better than you.

Zain : Really! Let's bet then whoever screams before interval will buy snacks for others.

Haya : Done, be ready to lose losers.

They buy the tickets, enter inside and sit on their seats. Everyone was watching the movie with full concentration. Zain quietly slips from his seat walk behind Haya and when a horror scene was playing on the screen he keep his hand on her. At the same moment Zaid shout in Afsha's ear booh!!! Both the girls scream and lose the bet. At the time of interval Afsha/Haya go out to buy snacks for others.

Counter attendant : Your order Ma'am?

Afsha : 1 caramel popcorn and 2 plain butter popcorn with 6 coke.

Counter attendant : Sure Ma'am.

Haya : Can I get some pepper.

Afsha : Pepper why?

Haya : They cheated, now you watch me.

She adds pepper in two glasses of coke and hold them in her hands. They return back to their seats and pass 2 cokes and 1 butter popcorn to Arshi/Armaan. They give another butter popcorn to Zaid/Zain but when they were giving the coke, Zain takes the coke which were in Haya's hand. They all settle down in their seats.

Afsha{to Haya} : I told you.

Haya : But how?

Afsha : I know the mindset of pranksters, if we would have given them directy the pepper one they would have taken ours.

Haya : Oh! That's why you told me to hold the pepper added coke. Smart!

Afsha : I was born smart.

Zaid/Zain spits the coke after taking the first sip. Both ask "What is this?" Afsha replies "punishment for cheating." The movie ends they all come out of the theatre and decide to go back to their rooms.

Armaan{to Arshi} : I must say you are brave, you didn't scream even once throughout the movie.

Arshi : Thank you and this color suits you.

Armaan : Thank you.


Ahil and Ayat both get in the lift as only that private elevator goes on 6th floor. Once the lift arrives at the floor Ahil immediately walk towards his room. First thing he do is, go into his painting room and starts to search a painting, when he finds it he says "it can't be." 

Ayat's POV :

I was waiting for that Mr.Arrogant to vanish in his room. (Because I came by telling everybody a lie, actually I want to know what is the mystery of room 609.) I began to walk in the direction of that room, when I reached the door I very silently unlocked it. I tip toed inside the room and froze after seeing the basement picture girl sitting on the bed.

I heard Ruhana Di and Rahil Bhai's voice.{Rahil came to drop Ruhana to her room} I peeked and tried to look whether they are coming this way, but to my luck they were not. When I turned back the girl was not on bed, I was bewildered and decided to return to my room. On the way back I bumped into someone and screamed, as I was thinking maybe that girl is a ghost.

Ayat : Aaahhh!!!

Arshi : Relax its me, we saw a horror movie why are you screaming?

Ayat : Nothing just.

Arshi : Okay.

All 10 of them were in their rooms when simultaneously each and every ones phone beeps with a message. Ding ding ding. They all open the message and gets petrified as it states "Did you all miss me? Be ready tomorrow someone's gonna die. Sleep well, who knows maybe its your last night."


Is it a real threat?

Jiju - brother in law

Bhabhi - sister in law

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