Chapter 15: eenie meenie miney GO

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"So why are you living here?" Saeyoung asked first as he took a seat on the couch across from Saeran.

You sighed in relief at the fact that they didn't break anything in the process of their little game of catch. You got out a few snacks and placed them on the coffee table and took a seat next to Saeran.

Why? Cause you can.

"You said to go into hiding, and the rent for this place was perfect." Saeran answered in a more serious tone.

"And why were you threatening Y/n?" Saeyoung asked as he crossed his arms and glared at his brother.

"Hey, In my defense I thought she was one of the people that could have been after me alright?" Saeran defended. "I'm guessing you told her about me since she knew some stuff about me."

Saeyoung avoided any and all eye-contact possible and scratched the back of his head in embarrassment. "Well... not exactly..."

"You didn't tell him?!" You turned to look at your boyfriend in disbelief.

After explaining the whole 'Mystic messenger' thing...


"Actually you're an app game character." Saeyoung corrected.

"Who cares! I'm some kind of emo bipolar guy!"

"For the record, you're one of the most popular characters." You added trying to make things better.

"Oh?" Saeran lifted an eyebrow, his attention back to you. "And was I one of your favorites?" He smirked and casually placed an arm on the back of the couch. You could feel a blush slowly crawl up your face but thankfully Saeyoung decided to get up and sit in between you two.

"Anyway." He began. "I think it's better if you move out." Saeyoung said bluntly.

"What?! Do you know how hard it was to get this place?! Nuh uh. I'm staying. I've been moving from place to place too often man." Saeyoung sighed thinking his brother might say something like that.

"I'm doing it for your own good Saeran." He tried to reason with his brother.

"But why should he move?" You began, joining the conversation.

"Cause he could be in danger." He said simply.

"But V's in the insane asylum, the threat is gone, right?" You asked hoping he would finally spill the beans.

You watched him carefully as he thought quickly so you asked him "There's no real reason for him to move since everything's back to normal, right Saeyoung?" You hoped he would trust you.

"Right." Saeyoung turned to his brother. "Y/n's right. There no real threat anymore so I guess it's fine for you to stay." You didn't know what it was but you could see some kind of discreet sibling communication.

"Yeah. So that means I'll still be your neighbor." Saeran flashed you a smile but you knew they were trying to hide something.

You could feel it.

It only made you angry and frustrated at the fact that Saeyoung wouldn't tell you. After everything that's happened...

"So who wants more snacks?" You said with a smile as you got up. Saeyoung didn't notice how you were feeling and genuinely thought everything he was doing was going well.

You walked into your kitchen and took out some chips.

I just gotta wait until they leave and then Celest can tell me-

"Y/n." You heard your name being called from the doorway.


"I'm gonna head out with Saeran for a bit." He walked over to you and finished his sentence in a whisper. "He's got a few problems and wants to talk to me privately."


"Sure. Go ahead, will you come back later?"

"Yup! Maybe we can watch a movie." He gave you a wink and kiss on the cheek. "See you later babe!" And with that, you heard the door close.

Without a second thought, you rushed to your phone and dialed Celest's number.

"Hello?" She answered.

"Celest! What'd you find out?" You asked immediately.

"There's so much." She said with a sigh. "Y/n, I really think you should just straight up ask Saeyoung." She advises honestly.

"What? Why?? I've already tried to get him to talk but he just won't." You felt bad knowing there really was a big secret and he didn't want to share anything with you.

Has he learned nothing?

"Alright, alright, I'll give you the info I've got but I really think you should talk to him."

"I can't Celest, please just show me the information."

"Open your laptop, I've already hacked into it so you'll see my screen too." She said. You did as she indicated and went you your laptop that was in the coffee table.

With a crunch from the cookie she was eating, Celest began.

"Basically it looks like there's this girl that he keeps meeting up with him."

"A girl?"

"Yup, here's the image." You could see a photo pop up on your screen and went wide-eyed. "Her name is-"

"Rika..." You finished her sentence.

"You know her?" Celest asked.

"Yeah, kinda...but I was told she was dead." You said honestly. You should have known better than to think she was really dead, I mean, the same thing happened in the game. "What else can you tell me."

"They've met up about 3 or 4 times, starting around the time you first got there." Celest displayed the videos of the encounters on your screen.

"Don't freak out when I tell you this." She warned.

"Tell me."

"She's committed homicide." You felt your blood run cold.

"What?" You breathed.

"Well, at first it came up as Saeyoung who committed the crime but as I searched deeper it seems like she framed him."

"That must be why he meets up with him..."

"And this is why you should talk to him!" Celest tried to reason with you. "If you don't then-" You started to hear static on the other line.

"H-Hello? Celest?? Can you hear me?" All of a sudden the call ended and your laptop screen went black.

What the hell's going on?!

You then heard your door slam open. You rushed to your room and locked the door behind you. Your breathing started to get uneven and your heart was racing as you got your handgun from your nightstand. As your hands shook with fear, you heard footsteps get closer and closer. You aimed your gun at the door, ready to shoot. 

You flinched hearing the doorknob shake. They started to ram themselves against the door.



And then the third time causing the door to swing open with the hinges flying off.

"Ahh!" You screamed, shutting your eyes closed as you loaded the gun with a click.

"Y/N!" You immediately recognized the voice to be Saeyoung's. "What the hell do you think you're doing?!" He yelled as he yanked the gun from your hands and tossed it on the ground far away from you two.

It took you a while to actually process what was going on and you simply stared at Saeyoung with wide eyes.

"Y/n, answer me!" He grabbed your arms as he frantically asked you again. "What did you do?!"

You felt your voice get caught up in your throat making it hard to explain.

"Why did I get a notification that I was being watched just now from someone who was in contact with you???" He asked desperately, you could see the hurt and anxious expression on his face.

"I-I..." You couldn't find the words.

"You what??" Tears started to accumulate in the corners of his eyes.

"I needed to know why you wouldn't trust me!" You pushed him off of you and took a seat on your bed before your legs gave out from the fear coursing through your veins.

"Y/n, what are you talking about?" Saeyoung finally calmed down a bit more and tried to take deeps breaths. There had to be a good explanation as to why his girlfriend contracted someone to spy on him, right?

"You've been so paranoid lately and when I was trying to help you out, you brushed it off like it was nothing!" You yelled feeling your anger build up.

"It is nothing Y/n! The only thing wrong was-"

"Why didn't you tell me Rika was alive!" You yelled leaving Saeyoung silent. 

"Why didn't you tell me you've been meeting up with her? Why didn't you tell me she was blackmailing you? Why didn't you tell me she was after you! Why didn't you tell me she was using you! Why didn't you TRUST ME?!" You panted as you tried to catch your breath.

"Because I couldn't risk her hurting you! I'm doing this for you Y/n! And now I find out that you contracted someone to trace me and find out information about me?!" Saeyoung pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration. "You know what, I don't care about that right now, because I don't really pay attention to those kinds of things now but RIKA DOES." You flinched back at his harsh tone. "Who did you contract to look up information about me?"

"I didn't contact just anyone. I've known this person for a long time now and i'm 100% sure she wouldn't get tracked-"

"But I found out Y/n." You didn't make eye contact with him knowing he was right. "From now on you're living with me." He said straightforwardly.


"I can't let you out of my sight knowing Rika might do something to you since she knows that you know about her. You'll stay with me until I fix this."

"Let me help you!-"

"NO!" He shouted in your face making you go wide-eyed. "You've done enough already." You felt your heart drop to the pit of your stomach hearing him say that.

"This would have never happened if you would have just explained and-" 

"That's enough Y/n! Some things are better left unsaid alright!" You were speechless as you watched Saeyoung pick up your handgun a put it back in its place, he would probably confiscate it later.

That's only if he finds it later.

"Is this a bad time to say that I forgot my jacket?" You lifted your gaze to see Saeran in your living room pointing at the couch.

"How long were you there?"

"Since you rushed up here. Did you really expect me to just 'wait in the car'?" Saeran rolled his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest. "By the way, I think I have a better solution. Why not let her live with me?" Saeran offered seriously.

"What?? No way." Saeyoung answered.

"Why not? You keep watch over me anyways, and I know how to defend myself and protect her if needed, and you live kinda far and doesn't she still have to go to work or study or something?" You started walking out of your room with Saeyoung in tow.

"He's right. I still gotta go to college and I've gotta work Saeyoung."

"Then I'll take you, I'll keep watch over you Y/n." 

"You've gotta work too Saeyoung and if Rika found out that Y/n knows about her, don't you think she would get fun ideas with her living with you? There's a bigger chance she'll make your life a living hell if she knew she was with you 24/7, she might start involving other people into this." Saeran tried to reason with his brother.

"Look, when I'm studying, Yoosung can watch over me when he can and when we don't have classes together, he's still got classes on the campus. Plus, you know how secure Working at Jumins office is." You tried to convince your boyfriend.

Saeyoung, on the other hand, was still debating and eventually sighed with a groan.

"Fine." He crossed his arms over his chest. "She'll stay with you." You let out a relieved sigh seeing things finally getting settled.

"I'll go make some room at my place."

"I'll help you out." The brothers both left the room and you just looked at your broken bedroom door.

"This place is a rental." You said sadly, knowing you were going to get an ear full from your landlady.

"I told you, you should have talked to him seriously first." You jumped when you heard the voice of Celest all of a sudden.

"What the- what are you doing on my screen?!" You questioned seeing your friend on your laptop with a brownie at hand.

"I wanted to see if you survived the rath that is ya boyfriend." She answered nonchalantly as she took a bite of the brownie.

"You planed this??"

"Do you think I would let Saeyoung find out I was the one hacking him? Pffft, I might of let a notification slip but that was enough for him to rush to you and not find out anything about me. And don't worry about Rika too much Y/n, I made sure she wasn't able to track me and remember I'm also watching out for you." She gave you a small wink and took another bite of her sweet.

"Celest, thanks for helping out but I couLD HAVE SHOT HIM."

"BUT CHA' DIDN'T. Woman, you gotta put a lock on that thing." 



Hey guys, well, as you can see I changed my Username for personal reasons so... yeah!

Thanks for understanding guys! see you all in the next chapter ;)

(Edit and shameless self-advertising)

Hey guys! My sister and I recently made our own Cosplay Instagram as @red.cosplay28, so if you wanna see me as Mikasa from Attack on Titan you should check it out and don't forget to follow us, we'll be posting more pictures soon! Thanks!

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