Chapter 18: Expect the Unexpected

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All of a sudden someone's phone rings, turns out to be Jumin's. He answered his phone without looking at the caller ID. You then turn to look at your boyfriend through the rearview mirror.

"By the way, don't you have to work or something today?" You asked honestly surprised he came along.

Meanwhile, before Jumin can speak to his phone, a raspy voice breathed, "Y/n." after a short pause. "This isn't over."


Jumin leans back in his couch thoughtful. He was back at his penthouse, the evening sun setting the colors in his house with a bright tint of orange.

That last call had definitely gained his attention and it began to occupy most of his thoughts.

Who the hell is he and how did he know her name?


"Saeran, why are the lights off?" You felt around for the switch on the wall.

"Well, it's all for-" A muffled sound followed.

Sounds of things falling and something just crashed.

"Get off me!" You were stunned at the sudden change. In the darkness, you could see nothing but knew Saeran needed help. You went back to get your phone and other stuff but ended up tripping on something, making who knows what fall on top of you, it smelled like food. By this point, you weren't much help.

Suddenly the light went on and sweat trickled down your temple at the sight.

"Say Uncle!" There they were Saeyoung holding onto Saeran's leg like a child, acting as if he had the upper hand on his brother...

Such little kids. You sigh."Saeyoung just let him go." You were about to walk over to pry him off but then you noticed what had fallen on top of you.


Saeyoung does what you say and shrugs, "We were just kidding around." You struggled to get the sweet filling out of your hair.

"What is all of this?" You finally asked when you gave up on cleaning your hair of the gunk.

"Damn it, you ruined the whole thing." Saeyoung looked anything but pleased as he dusted himself off.

You chuckle at their antics and went to pick up your things and lock the door behind you, just to finally notice the apartment was decorated with flowers, at the center of the dining table stood unlit candles, a bottle of Dr. Pepper and alcoholic drinks? And hopefully under the cover of the plates was some actual food. Calm pleasing instrumental music was playing in the background.

Is that the instrumental version of All star?

Your gaze wandered all around the apartment before it finally landing on Saeyoung, a smile curled on his lips just looking at you. He felt nothing but grateful and as much as he wished he could take you somewhere amazing, he knew the current situation wouldn't allow it.

"Did I miss something?" Then it hits you like a strike of lightning. "OH. MY. GOSH! It isn't your birthday, is it Saeyoung?" You say all panicky. How could you forget his birthday!?

"H-Happy birthday Saeyoung!! Oh! And you too Saeran!!" You tried to fix your slip up and thought of ways to apologize. Saeyoung chuckled and before anything else, he wraps you in his arms. Your head rested on his chest. "Happy anniversary, Gumdrop."

"Wha-What?" You looked around and then noticed the big 'Happy anniversary sign'

Am I really that blind?

"Today's July the 8th! I also invited the others, they're coming in about half an hour." He declared proudly making you think he probably tried his best to organize everything. You smiled at him and felt touched at the fact that he would go through all this trouble.

"If they're gonna be here in 30 minutes that means I've gotta get ready and get this," You pulled out a cookie crumb from your hair. "Out of my hair." You chuckled.

"Did I mention you look sweet today?" Saeyoung added as he got another crumb from your hair and ate it earning a groan from his brother from how bad that compliment was.

"I think you took that a little too literally." You said before walking to your room to get a change of clothes.

You took a quick shower and by the time you were done changing you could hear the doorbell ring.

"Yoosung!" Saeyoung would shout as you exited your room.

"Hey Saeyoung! Hey Y/n!" He said with his bright childish smile. "Happy anniversary guys!" He gave each of you a hug and once you two parted Saeran came in.

"Yoosung this is Saeran, Saeran this is Yoosung." Saeyoung introduced.

"Hey." He answered nonchalantly.

"Nice to meet you," Yoosung said kindly, and right then the doorbell rang again.

"I'll get it!" You said as you jogged over to the door. You opened it and it was none other than "Zen!" You cheered.

"Hey there little lady." He gave you a big hug before entering the apartment and right behind him was Jaehee.

"Y/n!" She cheered and jumped to give you a bear hug feeling as if it's been a long time since you two have seen each other.

"Jaehee! Did you two come together?" You asked as you let them in and closed the door behind you.

"No, I just to happen to arrive right after him." She said as rummaged around her bag.

"Need some help?" You asked seeing her struggle a bit.

"It's fine, just give me a second..." She said before finally taking out what she was searching for. "Got it!" She then handed a small box to you. "Happy anniversary Y/n." She smiled and waited for you to open the gift.

"Aw Jaehee, you didn't have to get me anything."

"I know I know, just open it!" She seemed excited to see your expression. You then did as she said and opened the box revealing a star keychain in your favorite color.

"Ohh! What'd you get?" Yoosung asked curiously peeking over your shoulder along with Saeyoung. You looked at the object a bit confused but then remembered.

This is just like the one I gave them for Christmas!

You turned to look at Jaehee and she only nodded, understanding the silent question.

"And I've still got mine." She said as she took out her phone with the star that you gave her so long ago strapped to her phone case.

"You kept it too!" Yoosung started looking through his pockets and took out his keys to show his green star keychain. Soon enough the others started showing theirs too; Zen had it as a bracelet that was hidden under his long sleeve shirt, and Saeyoung ran to his room to dig it out of his nightstand to present his red keychain the same way you gave it to him.

"I didn't want to hook it on anything just in case so I wouldn't lose it." He admitted as he scratched the back of his head in embarrassment. The only person left was Jumin.

"Hey did Jumin say he was coming?" You asked no one in particular. "He said he would get here a bit late since he had some important business with his dad." Saeyoung answered.

"So what do we do now?" Saeran finally spoke up gaining the attention of the others. Saeyoung smirked and took something out from under the table.



I'm getting late to the party. Jumin paces back and forth in his office.

He halts in front of his desk, staring down at the open note. On it was written a time, place and date.

Today's date and an approaching time.

His gaze, scorn-filled.

"This is ridiculous." He leans against his desk, rubbing the side of his temple and with a heavy sigh, "If it means she's safe."

He waits for the time on the note to pass. The place was en route to your apartment.

So, he waits.

Just let it pass. He folds his arms across his chest. "I will find you and I will protect Y/n."


"Right-hand yellow!" Jaehee commanded. Zen struggled to stretch his hand out under your right arm.

"Lucky me, I get to be right next to such a lovely lady." He said smirking as he purposely got closer to you.

"Oh yeah?" You're face matched his and you got even closer. "I guess I'm pretty lucky too." You inched your way towards him and Zen was surprised by the sudden change in attitude and tried to back away but ended up slipping, causing everyone to fall.

"Ha!" You said in victory even though you were getting squished by everyone.

As everyone got up there was a knock at the door. "I'll get it," Jaehee said leaving the spinning board on the table. With Saeran's help, you were able to get out of the pile of people and suddenly heard Jaehee say "Jumin, it's nice to see you could make it." You turned in his direction and jogged over.

"Hey, Jumin." You said somewhat shyly, still not knowing what happened earlier today.

"Y/n." He said with a soft smile. "I'm not very good at choosing presents but..." He handed you a neatly wrapped box with a nice looking bow. "Happy anniversary you two." You gladly accepted- correction- you almost accepted the present if it weren't for Saeyoung charging in and taking it away.

"This looks super nice! Thanks juju!" He thanked like a child walked away to inspect his new toy. Jumin playfully rolled his eyes and then turned his attention back to you. "Sorry I couldn't make it here earlier Y/n." He apologized but you brushed it off by surprising him with a tight hug.

"As long as you could make it here, in the end, it doesn't matter." You let go of him and he only responded with a simple smile. "Now come on, we're about to start the next game!" You cheered as you took a hold of his hand to guide him to the living room.

"Did you get it ready?" Saeyoung asked his brother. Saeran only smirked and held up two Wii wheels.

"You know I did!"

"Let the games begin!" You shouted as you ran to sit on the couch.

"I think the two lovebirds should go first." Suggested Jaehee with a chuckle. You immediately whipped your head in Saeyoung's direction just as he did. You two glared at each other.

"By this point, we are nothing but rivals." Said Saeyoung as he got a hold of the wheel.

"All's fair in love and war." You replied.

"Is she using that saying the right way?" Asked Yoosung, but anything anyone said after that was drowned out by your excessive cursing and Saeyoung's loud complaints.


Everyone was enjoying themselves and before anyone knew it. "Is that really the time?" Jaehee spoke up just realizing how late it actually was.

"I gotta get going. We got a new member joining our guild. Can't be late." Yoosung sighed.

"You're still playing late nights, Yoosung?"

"Of course, if I want to get invited to the League of Legends internationals."

"And what about the upcoming exams?" You asked worried about his grades.

"I got those covered." He laughed nervously. "Well," Yoosung turned to Zen, who was reclining in a chair, phone in one hand Ginger Ale in the other.

Zen looked up at Yoosung, simply out of curiosity of the conversation and Yoosung was looking back expectantly. "Oh yeah." Zen said, getting up from his seat drinking the last sip of Ginger Ale "I'm his ride back."

He grabbed his coat, "I'll see you soon, Y/n" He said a smile gracing his features.

"Bye, Y/n" Yoosung waves as they both head out.

Jaehee wasn't far behind. She congratulated you and Saeyoung once more and with a hug said her goodbyes for the evening.

Jumin took his cue and got ready to take his leave.

"Thank you for having me, the both of you. I think I should be heading out as well."

"Jumin, listen, about today." You begin but was cut off.

"Don't worry too much about it. I hope you like your gift, Y/n." He gave you a small wink.

"I know I will." You pull him into another tight hug. "Thank you for coming."

He gently lays a hand on your head before both of you pulled away.

Meanwhile, Saeyoung was gesturing Saeran to leave the house for a few minutes, as Saeran shook his head, brows furrowed not complying.

"I'll see you tomorrow at the office." He finally said before leaving, shutting the door behind him.

"Time to clean up the mess." You chuckled out a sigh, still staring at the door.

You had no time to turn around when two arms wrapped around you. "I love you, Y/n." just hearing those words sent a flash of heat to your cheeks and a tingle throughout your body. The way he said it was so lovingly and soft and in his arms, you couldn't help but feel safe. "Thank you."

"Thank you? For what?" You said letting out a small chuckle along with a smile pulling at your lips.

"For your help."

He turned you to face him. "Saeyoung what's this all ab-"

"For your trust."

You stared into his eyes seeing no sign of joking around. Only adoration.

"For believing in me."

"For your kindness."

"For everything."

He gently laid a kiss on your forehead.

"For being you,"

Resting his forehead against yours. You're wrapped in his arms again.

"Perfect in every way."

If the smile wasn't enough to show how happy you were, the tears that slowly slipped down your face was. You two had been through so much and it wasn't until then at that moment did the gravity of your relationship with the man you love finally sank in.

"I-" you were about to return the three words Saeyoung was dying hear you say, but the sound of your ringtone immediately grabbed your attention.

Who could be calling this late at night?

"It can wait." You said as you turned back to Saeyoung as you clicked it off, but as soon as you did, it started ringing again, the caller was Jaehee and it was hard not to get the feeling of urgency radiating from the way it constantly rang.

"Answer it. I'll wait." He smiles and moves over to take a seat on the couch.

You receive the call. "Hello? Jaehee? Did you forget something?" You asked looking around to see if she left her coat or something, waiting for a reply.

"Jaehee, are you there?" You pull the phone away and look if she's still on the line.

Did she accidentally call me?

"Jaehee? Are you there?" You tried again.

"Y/n" Her voice was barely over a whisper.

"Jaehee, what's wrong?" You could feel your chest grow heavy as the seconds passed.

"Y/n." She repeats.

"Yes, Jaehee. I'm here. What's wrong?" You urged her to answer.

Your question is met with silence again, which wasn't helping the anxiety that was building inside you as the grip on your phone tightened. Saeyoung was beginning to worry as he got up to stand beside you, waiting for you to tell him what's going on.

You were going to try again to get her to tell you what's wrong, but the words that you met with next left you with your answer.

"Y/n, Jumin-Jumin got into an accident. He's headed towards the hospital."

~Celestial-Red & MMspaMEM~

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