Chapter 4: Jaehee & Zen

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You were on your way to Zen's concert since you were feeling better the next day.

Yeah, you had a bit of an argument with Nathan about how you shouldn't go out when you were sick but that's all behind you as you quickly made your way to the line. Thankfully you had a reserved seat so it didn't really matter that you were a tad late.

You walked in with the VIP pass around your neck and ticket at hand.

"Ticket please." They asked you. You handed it to the man and he let you in a with a smile. "Have a good time."

"Thank you!" You walked over to your seat but you instantly noticed a certain someone a few seats away.

"JAEHEE!" You shouted. She immediately turned to find out where your voice was coming from and when she did... damn, she was already up and giving you a bear hug.

"Y/n! How are you?? What are you doing here??" She asked obviously elated to see you.

"Zen gave me a ticket to see his show and a backstage pass so we things out." You explained. Jaehee gave you a side smile.

"I see... Well, at least things are getting solved right?" She said trying to look at the bright side.

"Yeah! And I see you let your hair grow out!" You reached for her now long hair, feeling it silky smooth between your fingers.

"Yeah, after I left the Cheritz company, I decided to let it grow, although it doesn't help much when I'm cooking." She said shyly while tucking a few strands behind her ear.

"Right! I heard on the news about your coffee shop, I have to go and visit you there one day." You said happily.

"Of course! And how have you been Y/n? Anything new?" She took a hold of your hands and was excited to hear what her old friend had to say.

"Well, I just got here about 2 weeks ago and I'm doing well in my studies so far. The only thing I'm having a little trouble with is getting a job." You would have sweatdropped if you could in real life.

"Oh, why don't you ask Mr.H- I mean Jumin to get a job as his assistant?" She offered.

"Working with Jumin?... I don't know..."

"Why don't I give you his number so you can give him a call? I think it would benefit you both."


"Yeah, from what I've I heard Jumin has been consistently changing assistants ever since I left. I think he's on the...7th? 8th? So maybe you'll help him out as well." You were still skeptical about it but ultimately agreed and saved Jumin's new number along with hers.

"Oh! It's about to start!" Jaehee cheered. And it sure as hell did. Once Zen was on stage, you could hear the girls screaming like there was no tomorrow.

"I just got your messages!" He began singing. That's when you remembered.

Right! He's the one who sings that song!

You instantly started singing along and you noticed how Zen saw you in the crowd and he started to sing even better of that were even possible.


"Thank you for coming everyone! Have a good night!" Zen waved at the crowd and ended it with a blown kiss in your direction.

"Did you see that?!! He sent a kiss to me!!" A random girl behind you said.

Haha, that's cute. That was for me bitc-

"Y/n you're going to see Zen after this aren't you?" You nodded your head a yes. Jaehee smiled at you and gave you a hug goodbye. "Remember to give Jumin a call." She said with a wink and then made her way out. You smiled at her generosity and then walked over to where the screaming fans were.

"I can't wait to see him!" One of them cheered.

"I know right!"

"Do you think he'll let me take a picture with him??"

"I want to hug him so badly!"

"I wonder if I can get to snip a piece of his hair off!"

"DON'T YOU DARE." All the girls turned to look at you.


One thing you should never do.

Anger a bunch of fangirls.

They looked at you with murderous eyes. "And who do you think-"

"Hello, ladies!" Zen walked into the room with a bright smile.

"ZEN!!!" All the girls took their eyes off of you and onto the handsome man. Zen looked like he was enjoying the attention making you roll your eyes playfully. Such a narcissist, but he was your narcissistic friend.

"Oh!" He noticed you in the back of the small crowd and carefully moved away from the other girls to walk over to you. "It's nice to see you again Y/n." He said with a different kind of smile. Not the one that he would have onstage for his fans, it's was more...kind and adoring.

"Yeah, it's been a while." You looked behind him and saw the fuming fangirls, you couldn't help but smirk. You turned your attention back to Zen and said

"I'll just let you talk with your fans for a while and then we can talk in peace, don't you think?" You said while taking a seat nearby. This only made Zen want to get rid of the others as soon as possible.

"Okay ladies! Who wants a picture!"



"I love you Zen!"

"Marry me!!"

Zen waved awkwardly goodbye as the other girls walked away with security.

"Looks like your career really skyrocketed." You commented from your seat. Zen chuckled and took a seat next to you.

"Yeah, ever since that contract was broken, I could finally pursue my dream." Your smile faltered when he spoke about the past.

"That's good to hear..."

"Y/n I-"

"Let me say something first, please." You said politely. Zen just nodded and let you speak. You inhaled and then exhaled. 

"I recently spoke to Yoosung and it was a bit of an emotional ride. He said he didn't want things to turn out like this, and neither did I so to sum it all up, I forgave him because after thinking about what happened back then...It really wasn't your fault." You paused for a moment seeing one of the workers pass by.

You looked back at Zen with a side smile. "You guys were just following orders from...Seven, to be able to get out of that mess. So why don't we start over? You know, just hit reset?" You shrugged awkwardly.

Zen smiled at you and a few tears were visible at the corner of his eyes.

"Yeah, I'd love that." You opened your arms and he gladly accepted your hug. "I missed you. So, so much." He said as he hugged you tightly thinking that if he let you go, you would disappear. 

You then felt your phone vibrate at your side and let Zen go. 

"Hello?" You answered. "Oh! Right, I'm finishing up here in about half an hour. Okay. Yup! bye!" You hung up the phone and Zen looked at you with curiosity. You were about to explain but suddenly remembered what Zen had told you before you left.

"Because I love you!"

Zen looked at you waiting for an answer but you couldn't help but blush.

"Everything alright?" He asked just in case.

"I just have to do something after I'm done here. You're not busy are you?" You asked casually trying to make your flustered face less noticeable. Zen smiled at you. 

"For you, I have all the time in the world." He took your hand and placed a small kiss on it. Your blush deepened and quickly looked away before he could notice.

"S-So what do you want to do?" You accidentally stuttered.

How about you and I go for a stroll at the park near here?" Zen said as he got his jacket.

"Sounds good to me!" You agreed and you both made your way out.


It was a calm day. Not too many people, and it was nice to have a change of scenery. Zen was obviously having the time of his life with you beside him.

"Hold on a sec! I'll be right back!" You said as you got up from the small table you two were sitting at and went to who knows where.

Zen just chuckled at your quirkiness. But soon he was silenced when he heard your phone buzz. It was just laying there on the table and it was easy for Zen to see the message that appeared on your phone screen.

Nathan <3

Hey, hon, I'm on my way back to the apartment, tell me when you're done so I can get lunch ready. Have fun!

Zen's happiness started to fade.

So you're still going out with him huh?

Zen sighed. 

I should have suspected that someone got to you before I could.

"Zen~!" You said in a cheerful tone as you made your way back. "Here, take this side!" You showed him one of those popsicles that you can split for two people. Zen smiled at you and held the other side and pulled it to split them.

"Thanks, Y/n." He said kindly.

"No prob!" 

I guess you weren't mine from the beginning Y/n...

You then started eating the popsicle, making Zen realize your actions.

C-Controle the beast!


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