Chapter 17: Bowling!

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Today was the day!

After binge-watching anime series' all day (after you got back from work of course), you got off your lazy ass and put on some comfy clothes and nice socks.

Right before you were gonna head out, you received a text.


Hey Y/n!

You ready? 😄

You smiled at your phone.


Ready as I'll ever be!


That's my girl 😉

Tell me when you get to the mall so I can escort you to the bowling place!


Sure thing!

You exited your apartment with a skip in your step. You were obviously more than excited!



"Would you calm down already?" Jumin said as he rolled up his sleeves.

"Alright alright, I'm just excited to see Y/n again." Zen practically sang.

"So what's this girl like?" Seven asked nonchalantly as he drank some soda.

"She's really nice and sweet too." Yoosung said with a childish smile.

"She's also very smart and kind." Jaehee added.

"Not to mention gorgeous!"

"Yes, she is quite good looking." Jumin agreed. Zen looked at his phone and noticed it was a message from you.


I'm here at the mall! 😁

"Speaking of which, she's here!" Zen exited the bowling area and went out to meet you at the main entrance so he could show you were the bowling place was.

"This is getting pretty interesting since you guys are so pumped up to hang out with this girl. I wonder who's gonna to get her first~" Seven teased his friends. They didn't get the chance to respond because Zen soon appeared with you walking right behind him.

"Guys, you know Y/n. Y/n this is Seven." You looked at him a little awkwardly and waved.

"H-Hi Seven, nice to meet you." Seven, on the other hand, was just stared at you for a moment before coming back to earth.

"M-.....Y-Y/N! N-Nice to meet you!" He didn't know whether to feel angry, shocked or elated.

"Well, let's get our bowling shoes!" Zen said enthusiastically. The rest of the group nodded happily.

"What size are you Y/n?" Yoosung asked kindly.

"Huh? Oh! I'm s/size." You said while taking a seat on a nearby bench.

"I'll get you your shoes, just wait here." He sent you a flashing smile and hurried off along with Zen, Jumin, and Jaehee.

You sat there while swinging your legs as you looked anywhere but Seven. Meanwhile, he was staring right at you with his arms crossed on his chest and right foot tapping on the ground like an angry parent.

"What do you have to say for yourself, Y/n." Seven actually enjoyed saying your name, it was something new and interesting.

"Small world right?" You joked, making him crack a smile. "You smiled, I'm off the hook!" You cheered like a child.

"That's not fair! You always end up making me smile..." He muttered the last part.

"Huh?" You said not hearing the whole sentence.

"Nothing. You disobeyed my orders Agent 606!" He joked around.

"Please forgive me oh great god 707!" You said exaggeratingly. The guys were coming back so Seven quickly leaned close enough so he could whisper in your ear.

"I guess I'll just have to punish you later..." Your face flushed a thousand shades of red. "Gotcha!" He winked at you while sticking out his tongue in a teasing way.

"So, who's ready to start bowling!"


"Alright, so Y/n goes first, Jaehee goes second, Yoosung's third, Trust funds kid is forth, I'm fifth and Seven is last." Everyone nodded in agreement while you stared at how Jumin playfully punches Zens arm at the nickname he said.

*Shipping intensifies*

"Y/n~ come on! You go first!" Yoosung waved his hand in front of you to catch your attention.

"R-Right!" You got up from your seat but then thought of a good idea. "First let's take a picture!" You took out your phone and positioned it so everyone would fit. "Ready? Say cheese!"


"That's going on a frame!" You said while looking at the picture.

"Send it to me please!" Yoosung said happily.

"And me!"

"Me too."

"Me as well." You nodded in agreement and did it that same moment if not you were sure to forget later.

"Okay! I go first right?" You said while heading over to pick up a medium weight bowling ball.

"Need some help little lady?" Zen asked ready to stand up and aid the supposed damsel in distress. Although Seven wasn't liking the new nickname.

"Nope! I think I can manage." You gave him a playful wink. "I would go bowling with my friends a lot so I think I got the hang of it." You brought the bowling ball up and lined it up with the pins. You swung it back to gain momentum and flung it forward hearing a thud on the wooden floor. It quickly reached its destination followed by the sound of pins falling and the scoreboard playing an animation.

"STRIKE!" It said.

You turned around to look at the baffled faces of the guys.

"Let's just say, I was the best out of all of my friends." You gave them an innocent smile but they took it as a challenge.

Game on.


You guys were all halfway through the game and the scores were pretty even.

You: 87

Jaehee: 81

Yoosung: 79

Jumin: 80

Zen: 82

Seven: 85

"Okay, it's your turn Yoosung!" You said with a thumbs up. He nodded his head and walked toward the lane. He was fully concentrated and swung back, but right before he let go, Seven came up from behind and startled him, causing the ball to swerve to a side.

"Gutterball!" Said the scoreboard.

"Seven!!" Yoosung pouted as if he was about to cry any second now.

"What~? I was just playing around-TIME FOR FOOD!" He changed the subject as he made his way to one of the workers to order some food.

"Seven!!!" Yoosung took a seat with his arms crossed, obviously unhappy with his score.


"Hey Nathan, can we pass by the bowling place for a sec? My brother wanted me to hand him something." Nathan's friend Chris said while they were walking around the mall.

"Sure, I'll just wait for you at the door." They walked for a few minutes and eventually reached their destination.

"Damn, there's a lot of people, this might take a little while longer..." Chris scratched the back of his head embarrassed about making his friend wait.

"No problem, I'll wait." Nathan shrugged his shoulders with a side smile.



"Jaehee it's your turn!" You cheered ready to keep playing.

"Alright." She smiled but then looked to her vibrating purse followed by her familiar ringtone. She went to take her phone out and answered the call.

"Hello?.....oh, I'm just out with a group of friends." She turned to look at you with a smile which you gladly returned. "Yeah?....oh. How? Alright alright, I'll be there in 30 minutes. Okay, bye." She hung up and quickly started gathering her things.

"What's wrong?" You asked concerned about the phone call.

"Is there an emergency?" Now it was Zen who asked.

"My mothers in the hospital, it's nothing life threatening just a small accident. I'm sorry I can't stay Y/n." Jaehee looked at you with sorry filled eyes but you shook your head.

"No, don't worry Jaehee, your family comes first." You said trying to get a smile I back on her face.

"Yeah! We can go out another day." Yoosung added.

"If you'd like, I can ask my driver to take you there." Jumin offered.

"No, that's fine Mr.Han, thankfully I brought my car so it's fine, thank you for the offer."

"Let me at least see you out." You said while taking a hold of your phone and jacket to accompany her.

"Sure." She smiled at you. While you both were leaving, Seven had come back with a bunch of food on a tray.

"Huh?" Where are they going? Are they leaving?" Seven asked, feeling his mood slowly drop at the thought of you leaving early.

"No, Jaehee had a small emergency and has to leave early and Y/n is accompanying her to the door."

"Oh, okay.."

"I play for Jaehee!!"


"Let all get together again." Jaehee said as you two walked.

"Yeah! And maybe we can go do Karaoke!" You beamed at the thought.

"Sure! That sounds like a plan to me."

"Oh and we can-!" You stopped mid-sentence when you noticed who was at the door.

"Y/n | Nathan??" You two said at the same time. "What are you doing here??" You both said with a small chuckle at the end.

"I'm here with some friends, this is Jaehee." You presented her.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you." She reached her hand out to shake his.

"Nice to meet you too."

"Y/n, I'll be taking my leave now. Thank you for everything." She gave you a hug and then said goodbye to Nathan. After she left, Nathan looked to you with a smile.

"So.....Small world huh?" You laughed a bit before responding.

"Yeah, you could say that- *RIIIING RIIING* sorry, just a sec." You took out your phone and answered quickly.



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