Chapter 26: A Long Day and Some Coffee

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"Jumin?" You asked as you poked your head into his office.

"Come in." He said on the other side. You quietly walked in seeing him in the same place you left him.

"Did you have any trouble getting the paperwork to the main office?" He asked still not looking up as he read some documents.

"No, not really." You said honestly.

"That's good to hear. Please, take a seat." He offered. You did as he said and sat down.

"So, while you wait, why don't you tell me a little about yourself?" You tensed up a bit. Talking about yourself wasn't really something you do...

"Um... What do you want to know?"


Very soon you two started a conversation and it was nice seeing Jumin's soft side.

Now that I think about it, it would be awesome to play Mystic Messenger cause it would feel even more realistic!!!!

"Y/n?" Jumin said, taking you out of your train of thought.


"Our time is up. What's next?" He asked.

"Oh! Umm." You scrambled for the tablet and looked at the schedule.

"Right now we should have lunch and then....another reunion." You said the last part with a tired voice making Jumin give out a low chuckle.

"Shall we go?" He asked with a never fading smile. You returned the action while getting up.



The day went on as planned. Yes, it was hard but then again it was your first day. You'll get the hang of least that's what you hope.

"What is it with you guys and reunions???" You complained as you two exited the last reunion for the day.

"Haha please." Was all he answered.

"You watched 'How I met your mother?!'"



"Anyway~ that's it! Everything's done!" You raised your hand for a hi-five and Jumin look a bit surprised at first but then he returned the gesture. But when your hands collided it seemed like Jumin made them linger together for a second longer.

Or maybe you're just overthinking things.

"You did well for your first day." He complimented. "I'm proud of you." He added. You looked at him surprised. You haven't heard someone say they're proud of you in a long time.

"So what do you say?" He asked.

You had missed the first part of what he said.

"Huh?" Your face then turned into that of confusion.

"Would you like to get some coffee or something before I drop you off?" He asked.

"Oh! Umm, sure." That's when you got a good idea. "Why don't we go to my place?" You said with excitement in your voice.

"Huh?" It was Jumin's turn to look confused.

"I have a friend in Peru and she recently sent me some Peruvian Coffee! It's supposed to be really good. Want to try it with me?" You asked Innocently.

"That....That sounds wonderful." He warmed up to the idea.

"Then let's get going!" The both of you made your way out of the building and waved goodbye to some co-workers on your way out.

It was a quiet and comfortable ride to your apartment.

Jumin told the driver to just come back in about an hour. 

You two made your way to your door and once you opened it, you said "Welcome to my humble abode! Sorry if it's a bit of a mess, I wasn't expecting visitors." You scratched the back of your head in embarrassment.

"It's alright Y/n." Jumin said simply as he looked around.

"You can take a seat on the couch, I'll get things ready." You said while walking to the kitchen.

"Oh, let me help you." Jumin followed right behind you.

"It's alright, you're the guest!" You flashed a smile his way and then got to work. But what you didn't notice was a slight blush that spread across Jumin's cheeks.

"Well then let me at least keep you company." You nodded in agreement and started taking out some cups and brewed the coffee. When you turned to get the cups, they were gone as well as Jumin. You sighed.

He was helping you out either way.

You chuckled at his kindness and let him do as he pleased.

"So how long have you lived here?" Jumin asked.

"Umm..." You thought about for a second. "For about 3 years now." You said simply.

"That's quite a while."

"Yeah." Was all you said, trying to make sure he wouldn't ask anything too personal.

"It smells good." He commented.

"Yeah! My friend says that this is generally a mildly acid coffee, light-bodied but flavorful and aromatic, Peru is actually considered a good blender owing to its pleasant but understated character." You said.

"Oh, really?" Jumin raised an eyebrow.

"Yup! It's ready, let's go take a seat." You started serving Jumin's coffee first and then yours. Jumin looked at you with a smile before taking a sip.

"Wow, this is really good." He commented while taking another sip.

"Yeah! I really like it too." Then you remembered. "Oh! I think I have some cookies left, I'll go get-" 


The two of you immediately turned to the door. 

"That's wired, I wasn't really expecting someone to come today. Just a sec, I'll be right back." You said while getting up and heading for the door but right before you opened it.

Holy crap....please don't be V

please don't be V

please don't be V  

You prayed in your head as you unlocked the door.

"Hey Y/n!" Nathan greeted you at the door with a bright smile.

"Nathan? thank god. whats up? Why the sudden visit?" You sighed in relief.

"I was just getting off work and decided to..." Nathan looked over your shoulder and noticed Jumin walking over to the door.

"Oh, so you have a visitor." His attitude changed slightly.

"Yes, nice to see you too." Jumin responded in the same tone.

"I just got off of work too and invited him over to have a cup of coffee. wanna join us?" You asked not really noticing the mood. Nathan looked at Jumin's face which had a neutral expression.

"Na, I'm good." He said plainly.

"Okay...But! Let me give you some coffee for the ride back!" You said while heading back inside to fill up a small thermos.

Meanwhile, Nathan watched you head back in the kitchen and then looked to Jumin.

"Listen, I know you and Y/n are having some time together and I'm not gonna ruin a good time for Y/n cause I care too much about her. So I'm not going to but in. But, you'd better not let anything happen to her." He threatened.

Jumin wasn't angry at him or pissed off by Nathans attitude because he expected something like this knowing that you and Nathan have known each other for a long time now. 

"I'd never even dream of letting anything bad happen to her." Jumin responded.

"Here you go!" You said cheerfully while handing Nathan a coffee mug. "You can just give me the thermos back any other time."

"Thanks Y/n!" He said while taking a sip. "Damn this tastes good!" 

"I know right!" You both laughed a bit.

"See you around Y/n! Pleasure seeing you again to Jumin." Was the last thing he said before walking down the hall to the elevator.

"So, shall we continue where we left off?" You said as you closed the door and turned to look at Jumin. 

Jumin's smile returned and nodded in agreement.

"By the way, I've been meaning to tell you that these mugs are really nice." Jumin complimented as you two took a seat.

"Oh! Yeah, they were a gift best friend." You paused as you remembered the day she gave them to you when you had just arrived at your new apartment. 

To think, just like that, I forgot about her again...

"Y/n?" Jumin asked seeing you space out.

"Huh? Oh, sorry what were you saying?" You asked trying to mask the worry you had.

"Did something happen with your friend?" You looked to Jumin and he had an expression as if saying he wouldn't let you drop the subject seeing you worry. You sighed and explained from start to end.

"I see, why don't you talk to her? This seems like it's just a misunderstanding." Jumin advised.

"I want to talk to her about it but I feel like I'm going to make things worse, she was really mad that last time I spoke to her." You looked down at the cup in your hands, watching the steam puff out and then disappear.

"How do you know that if you haven't even tried?" You thought about it for a while but then looked up to him.

"Its just kinda hard to talk to her, we've never had a fight so...." You trailed off.

"Well then.." Jumin stood up and drank the last of his coffee." You'll never know until you try." He reached a hand out to you. "Why don't we go pay her a visit?" You looked at him as if he were crazy. 

But you knew he was right. 

You put down your cup and took his hand. Just like before, it was warm. 

You both made your way out and thankfully the driver had already arrived and you told him the direction. It was a quiet ride there since Jumin decided to leave you with your thoughts and sort your ideas out.

All too soon, the car stopped and you looked out to see the very familiar house.

"I know things will work out Y/n." Jumin encouraged with a heartwarming smile. You looked at him with a slightly flushed face, you weren't sure if it was from the nervousness you were feeling or if it was Jumin's smile but right now wasn't the time to think about that.

"Thank you Jumin." You said while reaching over and hugging him to his surprise. But you pulled away too quickly, not giving him time to return the gesture. Soon you were out of the car and Jumin would watch from the window how you walked over to the door and hesitatingly knocked.

He watched how the door opened revealing another girl that looked about the same age as you, maybe even a year older?

Jumin watched you talk to the girl and after a moment the girl took a step forward and hugged you, you were shocked but returned the hug and Jumin could see how you two started crying. 

Jumin smiled to himself. He knew you had the courage to do it. Jumin watched as you two entered the house meaning his work was done.

"Where would you like to go?" Asked the driver. With a sigh, Jumin thought about the empty place he called



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