Chapter 30: Saeyoung?

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You were already getting a bit tired and wanted to sit down but...there were no chairs! Who doesn't put chairs at a reunion??

You decided to just leave the building and sit at the bottom of the grand stairs. You knew everyone on the list was already there so you were sure no one would catch you in your new dress sitting on the stairs.

Once you sat down, you took off your heels and stretched your feet.

"Those must be killing you." You suddenly heard Saeyoung as he took a seat next to you.

"Geez, you scared me. And yeah, I don't know how people can just wear these all day." You complained, making Saeyoung chuckle. You looked at him with a pout and then handed your heels over to him.

"Huh? what do you want me to do with these? Put them on?" He joked and then laughed.

"Yup." He immediately shut up. "Your punishment for laughing at me is that you have to put those on." You said with a smirk on your face.

"And what if I don't wanna put them on?" He challenged.

"Then......we won't see each other anymore!"

"That's harsh!"

"That's life! Put them on!" You couldn't keep a straight face as you challenged him.

"Alright alright!" He started taking off his shoes and put on your force. "These are so small!"

"Suck it up!"

"When did you turn out to be so savage Y/n?" He asked while wiping away a fake tear. He then stood up and tried walking two feet. 

Keyword: Tried.

"Fuck it. This hurts." Saeyoung said while sitting back down. "Those things should be illegal."  Once he took them off, he gave them back to you and you both started laughing. 

"I'm sending this video to the chatroom~!" You said in a teasing way as you flaunted your phone in his face.

"What??? You were filming?! Delete it!" Saeyoung reached over to try and take your phone away but you stood your ground. 

Saeyoung was stretching his arm to try and get the phone that you were holding up high above your head but then you planted a single kiss on his forehead. He froze with a blushing red face and you took the chance to get away from him.

"And that was payback for when we first met and you did the same thing to me at the coffee shop!" You said triumphantly.

"That's not fair." He pouted.

"Haha, it was a joke, I didn't film you, sadly." You muttered the last part.

"Good." You two sat next to each other and looked at the night sky as you two caught your breath.

"Hey, saeyoung." You began.

"Yeah?" He kept his gaze on the crescent moon.

"What happens when I finish the mission?" Saeyoung's eyes widened the slightest bit. To be honest, he completely forgot that at some point, this would all end.

"Well, I don't really know, that depends on what kind of ending your mission had." 

"I talked to V the other day. He told me all about Rika, and how she died." You said remembering that moment. You then explained in detail what he had told you and Saeyoung never made eye contact with you as you spoke.

"I see..." Was all he responded.

"So what now?" You dared to ask. It was silent for a while because honestly, Saeyoung didn't know what to say.

"I don't want you guys to disappear from my life." You spoke up.


"I've never had so much fun in my life. Getting morning calls from Yoosung. Going out to the theater to see Zen. Having a friend like Jaehee. Getting advice from Jumin. And laughing with you Saeyoung. You guys changed my life, I don't want that to...leave." You said as you felt the tears stinging your eyes. "So please promise me that you guys won't leave me." You turned to look at him and felt a few stray tears fall.

"I promise," Saeyoung said unconsciously. "I-I mean-"

"Hey, guys! V's about to give a speech!" Yoosung said at the top of the stairs.

"We should get going." You wiped away your tears without Yoosung noticing. "I don't want to miss this." You said and started going up the stairs with Saeyoung following behind.


"Good evening everyone. My name is Jihuyn Kim, I would like to thank you all for coming here tonight." V spoke at the podium. All the members of the RFA were sitting at a circular table in the front while the rest of the guest sat at the other tables around them.

"I know it has been quite a while since we have had a party since my Fiance passed away." There was a small pause and V looked at you. You smiled and nodded as if saying, 'go on'. V smiled wholeheartedly and then brought his attention back to the audience.

"But I'm thankful that I had the help of my friends" V looked at every member as he called their name. "Jumin, Jaehee, Yoosung, Zen, Saeyoung and our newest member, Y/n." V gestured to you and the audience started clapping. You looked to the other members and they signaled you to stand up. You did as they said and gave small and somewhat awkward waves. 

"Y/n, can you please come." He asked sweetly. You felt yourself starting to panic but built up the courage to go and stand next to him.

"Y/n, is a wonderful girl, she helped me in my time of need and helped me bring this organization back." He looked at you and held your hand.

"None of this would have been possible without her." Your fingers intertwined with his. "Thanks to her, we will be seeing more RFA parties in the future." The audience started clapping and V took a small sidestep, signaling for you to say a few words. Your blood went cold but V rubbed circles with his thumb on your hand to calm you down. With a deep breath, you began.

"Good evening everyone. Was the food good?" You asked causing the audience to laugh a bit making you a bit calmer. "I'm taking that as a yes. Well, where do I begin... Thank you, thank you all for being able to come here, all of this is going to a good cause and it makes me so happy to be a part of this. And I want to say thank you to Jumin, Jaehee, Yoosung, Zen, Saeyoung, and Jihyun for letting be a part of this wonderful organization and..."

You paused and looked at the many faces in the room but then your gaze fell on Saeyoung's face that was filled with admiration and something else...

It looked like love.

"I can't wait to see you all at the next RFA party." You finished. The audience stood up and clapped. You felt your face heat up.

"Ladies and gentlemen, The bidding for the photos will commence in a few minutes." V added.

Once you were off the stage, you let go of a breath you didn't even know you were holding in.

"You did great Y/n!" Yoosung cheered.

"Yeah, you were awesome up there." Zen complimented.

"Congratulations." Added Jumin with a smile.

"Y/N!" Saeyoung jogged over to you and gave you a quick hug. "Great job!" He said with a thumbs up.

"Can someone get me a chair before I faint." You said simply. Zen was the first to help you sit down. You felt your legs shaking and you got a bit light headed.

"Is everything alright?" V asked, concerned for your health. 

"I-I'm fine V there's no need to worry." You tried to wave it off.

"Here, have some of my water." He offered you. You didn't mind that he drank from the same cup but the others did notice this.

"Thanks, V." You said after taking a sip and giving him back his cup.

"Oh, and I got a small plate of food, here have some, it'll bring back your energy." V got a fork and fed you some food. The others look at V in somewhat of anger and jealousy.

"That's really good! Thank you." You said in a kind tone.

"The auction is about to start, let's get going."


It was over.

The time had gone by so quickly. 

One thing led to another and now the only people left were Jumin, Saeyoung and you. V had to leave early since he had a photo session the next day and the others had to leave cause it was getting pretty late. Jumin was waving goodbye as he got in his limo. Now it was just you two.

But something felt off, the mood had completely changed.

"Saeyoung?" You said. Saeyoung had offered to take you home so you were waiting for him to say something.

"We're leaving." He said in somewhat of an angry tone.

"Saeyoung? What's wrong? Did something happen?" You ask concerned.

"I said we're leaving." He grabbed you by the wrist and started walking you towards his car.

"H-Hey, you're hurting my wrist." You said as you looked at the tight grip he had on you.

"Get over it." You looked at him shocked.

"Hey, that's mean!"

"That's life!" He spat back at you. 


What happened?


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