Chapter 1

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(Serenity's POV)

It's been about 2 years since Yoosung and I decided to officially become a couple. Yes, we've had our ups and downs.  But in the end, we still loved each other.

I woke up this morning eager to see how Yoosung was doing.  He had left on a business trip with Jumin just to see if he for sure wanted to work with him; however,  I'm pretty sure that he went for sight seeing because he did major in medicine.  Anyways, I turned on my phone and immediately went to the RFA messenger app and logged into the new chat group.

<Chat Room>

Serenity: Hey guys!!

Jaehee: Hello, Serenity.

Zen: How are things for you and Yoosung going? 😉

Serenity: There going great...  I just miss him so much ToT

~ Yoosung⭐ joined the chat~

Yoosung⭐: I miss you too!!!

Yoosung⭐:   😖

Serenity: Yoosung! Your on the chat?!

Yoosung⭐: We're  already on our way back.

Zen: So soon?!

Jaehee: Yes. Mr. Han called the trip short because Yoosung had something that he really needed- more like wanted- to do. And Mr. Han probably thought that it was more important than this.

Jumin: I hope you realize that I've been on this entire time...

Jumin: And yes,  it was important. Not only did he ask me if he could leave early but... I wanted to see Elizabeth the 3rd.

707: lololol....

Yoosung: Hey Serenity?

Serenity: Yes?

Yoosung: Can you meet me outside of the airport in about 20 minutes?

Serenity: Of course!! Bye guys.  Talk to you later!

<Left Chat Room>

I squealed knowing that Yoosung is on his way back. At least I will finally be able to see him again...  And sooner than I thought! I quickly got dressed in the nicest yet most comfortable dress, grabbed the keys, ran out the door, and to the car.

The drive was quiet considering that I was too happy to play music. The airport was only about another mile away and I still had a pretty good 10 minutes left. So I decided to stop at the store. I wanted to get him a gift. I got out and entered the store and started looking through the books. I know that he sorta doesn't like reading but he reads the stories that I write. I grabbed a book by my favorite author and went to the checkout. Right when the cashier handed me my bag, a man around 25-30 pulled out a gun and pointed it to the cashier.

"Everybody get down on the ground, now!!" The hooded mam screamed as he started moving the gun to were it aimed at certain people. I watched as everybody dropped to the ground with me following in suite. He looked around for a moment before running off into the 'employees only' section of the store. I sat there in silence not knowing what to do. I had been in a situation like this before. But it wasn't this bad... The RFA was only threatened. And Yoosung had sacrificed himself for me. In return, he lost his sight in his left eye.

It wasn't until a few moments later when the man walked out with a heavy bag. "Okay... I know you people are scared right now but I wont blame you. But if you call the police I swear to god, I will- What was that?!" He stopped hearing a slight buzzing sound and I shakily went for my phone without trying to catch his attention in which I miserably failed. "Hehe...." He walked towards me and grabbed my arm. He yanked me upwards and dragged me into the employees only section and shut the door. He looked at me and smirked. "Why don't you answer that deary?" The call ended and he grabbed my phone from me. "Oh. Is this your boyfriend?" I nodded on the verge of tears. I was alone in a room with a stranger that seemed pretty angry that I had received a call in the middle of the robbery. "Mm. Pretty lucky guy if you ask me." He presses the call button and hands it to me. "Why don't you call him back." I hesitantly took the phone and waited for him to answer. I looked up at the hooded man and he seemed to be smirking in a creepy way which scared me a bit. So I quickly decided that once he answers, I'll plead him to come and help me.

"Serenity!! You had me worried sick! You never showed up at the airport and I-"

"Yoosung!! Help-" I started until the hooded man grabbed my phone and put it up to his ear.

"Well, I'm guessing your this 'Yoosung' guy, right?" The man said as he walked around in circles taking a few glances at me. I didn't know what he was up to but it didn't seem good.

(Yoosung's POV)

Who is this guy? I thought as I held my phone to my ear, shaking a bit. "Y-yes... May I ask who this is?" I quickly answered back.

"Oh. Nobody important, but you can call me D." He responded.

"Okay, D. What are you doing with my girlfriends phone?" I asked as I tried to build up a little bit of confidence. I looked to my left and saw a worried Jaehee and a slightly confused Jumin. I held my hand up and waited for an answer.

D laughs slightly. "Well my original intentions were to rob this store and get out of here with no trouble at all. However," I tensed hearing that word knowing that it meant something bad. "Some girl decided that it was okay to try and answer a phone call from her boyfriend. Once I laid my eyes on the girl, I instantly came to think, 'Damn this girl is hot'."

My eyes widened and I started to grow angry. "What do you want?" I asked as I tightly gripped the phone.

"Oh.. Now that you mention it." I could hear faint shuffling in the background. I heard Serenity crying and immediately started to panic.

"What did you do to her?!" I shouted through the phone. He chuckles.

"Nothing.... Yet." I felt chills run down my spine as he said that.

"No! Please! Please, stop!!" I heard Serenity yell in the background. I hated to see her like this. Even if she wasn't directly near me. I could feel myself tear up. He had put it on speaker phone so that I could hear both him and Serenity.

"N-no!!! Please!! Don't touch her!!" I screamed through the phone. I could hear him groan in the background out of anger.

"Don't you worry, Yoosung. I barely touched her. But your in for a surprise once you come and 'save' her." I waited for a few moments for him to answer back and then he continued. "I will be back for her and don't you forget it." And with that he hung up. I turned to Jumin and Jaehee the tears finally falling as I held a determined face.

"Yoosung. Whats wrong?" Jaehee asked as she gave me a concerned look.

"Jumin." Jumin glanced my way with a questioning look on his face, so I continued. "Where's the closest store from here?"

"About five minutes away from here." He responded.

"Can you take me there? Please?" I asked as I quickly pulled my phone back out.

"Of course. May I ask why though?" He asked while I quickly went to my contacts and went to mine and Serenity's text messages.

"There was a robbery and Serenity was there and.... I think something bad happened to her." They didn't need me to say it twice. We got in the cab and left. I looked back down at my phone and texted her,

Don't worry, Serenity. I'm coming to get you.
Sent:<11:02 a.m.>

I put the phone down and silently and impatiently waited for us to get there. Five minutes just seemed too long.

She needed me and I knew it.

Picture is of D X)

A/N: Okay guys... Don't judge. This is my first time writing a Mystic Messenger fanfic and I feel like I did a horrible job. X(
Anyways, I sorta chose to do Yoosung because I've taken only his path so far and I'm working my way to possibly Seven or Jumin's paths. I wouldn't mind taking Zen or Jaehee's but I just really wanna do Jumin and Seven's first... So I hope you guys enjoy this story.

The plot has already begun. ^ω^

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