You Get A New Crush

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"I see you come I watch you go~"

"You never seem to leave me though!"

You instantly stop singing when you hear someone join you. You looked behind you to see a guy leaning against the door frame that belonged to the hackers club at your school. "Uh hey."

"Hey!" The guy smiled. "That was some good singing. Sorry for interrupting you. I'm Goyongee."

"I'm Y/n." You waved back. "You part of the hackers club?"

"No. I just heard the theme song of my favorite anime, and knew I just had to check it out." Goyongee smiled.

You felt your cheek heat up. "O-okay."

Later that night

"Fuck." You put your hand where your heart was.



I will defeat you!" You smiled as you played another arcade game. You kept playing until someone next you started playing their game. You couldn't see their face because they had a fabric mask on.

What? Did they not want anyone to know who they are or something? They were wearing a hood and a baseball cap. "Oh come on." They lost their game. "Shit."

"Want me to tech you?" You asked, and they nodded trying not to make eye contact with you. You started playing the game, and showed them how to pay it. "Oh get that gem!"

"How do you know how to play this?" They asked.

"My teacher made it you replied." They looked at you with what you think was shock. "He designs games."

After awhile the person who was with you got a message. "Hey I got to go."

"Want to exchange numbers so I can teach you more games?" They quickly put your number in their phone, gave you theirs, and left. "What a strange one." You smiled feeling your heart quicken. You saw the name they put down in your phone. Yung Mi.


"Uh.... Y/n?" You heard one of your friends ask. "You okay?"

You were glaring at Adrian. He was flirting with a few girls. "I hate him!" You whisper shouted. "He has no pride, no heart, he's... He's... Ugh!" You hit your head against your desk, and let it sit there.

"Sounds like a crush." Your friend whispered.

"IT'S NOT A CRUSH!" Everyone looked at you as your blushed madly.


"Hey Uncle Jumi-" You walked into Jumin's office to see a man and woman. The man looked kinda young. The lady did too. "Uh bad timing?"

"You have a niece?" The man asked, and you felt your heart beat quickly. His voice was so charming.

"No. She just calls me Uncle because I'm like one to her." Jumin stated, and the man replied. "Y/n this is Mr. Pyeong."

You waved. For once you wear speechless. You had no words. "You can call me Seojun." The man stated.

"I...I.. uh bye!" You quickly left forgetting the reason you need to talk to Jumin.



"I hate you!" You yelled at Darin.

"Likewise!" He yelled back.

"Ugh!" The two of you went to two different rooms.

"They totally have the hots for each other." Jumin glared at Seven because his statement.

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