You Meet Royalty

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"I can't believe this." You mumbled as you got out of your dad's car. "What are we doing here again?"

"Y/n we've been though this." Seven told you. "This family is going to help you with some tutoring as I help them with their security system."

"So you help them, and I get a free tutor?" You ask, and your dad nodded. "So like the mom is tutoring me or something?"

"No one of their sons." Your dad stated. "They have four sons, and a daughter."

"Wow so many kids." You mumbled. Your dad knocked on the door, and a guy in a butler outfit opened the door. "Hmm Sebastian?"

"Excuse me?" The butler asked. "My name is Curtis. You must be-"

"Seven... Call me Seven, and this is my daughter Y/n." Your dad stated. The guy let you two in.

"I'll go tell the master and his wife you are here." You looked at your dad in confusion. What was going on?

Soon a lady with blonde hair and a man with black greying hair walked into the room. "Seven happy to see you." The man grinned.

"Your majesty." Your dad bowed, and you looked even more confused. "Y/n?"

You shook you head, and looked at your dad. "Huh? What?"

"Y/n this is the King and Queen of Glasstaria." Your dad introduced you to the man and his wife. You have never heard of Glasstaria before. "It's a country near England and France."

"Oh." You mumbled and the Queen hugged you tightly. "Uh your majesty?"

"Oh sorry!" The Queen smiled. "Please call me Sara. Seven talk to Edward about the security system. I'll talk to Y/n." She dragged you into the dinning hall. "I'm so glad I finally get to meet you! You dad told my husband and I all about you!"

"Uh really?" You knew dad didn't really talk about his personal life to others so it was kinda weird to hear this.

"Yes! By the way this house is our summer house, and my sons should be here soon!" Sara smiled.

"How old are your kids?" You asked. This lady seemed to be pretty young to have kids.

"20, 19, 18, 17, and 16." Sara kept smiling as a girl with the same looks as Sara walked into the room in a light pink dress. "Oh this is the youngest of my kids, Evelyn."

Evelyn waved. "Hello." She smiled, and walked into the kitchen.

"Evelyn usually helps the chef bake around this time." You nodded.



You were at the arcade when so guy kept watching you. It kinda freaked you out. "what do you want?" You asked annoyed.

The guy had blonde hair, and smiled. "Hello. I'm Oliver."

"Uh hey? Now please explain why you were staring at me." You crossed your arms.

"Oh it's just you're really good at those video games. Do you think you can teach me?" The guy asked.

The rest of the day you were teaching Oliver how to play video games. Little did you know he was a prince of a European country.



You were watching one of your dad's plays, and you were kinda annoyed. So many people loved your dad, and most girls tried being your friend to get close to him. Guys to.

"Wow I bet this guy is a real narcissist." The guy next to you mumbled.

"Dude you have no idea how right you are." You told the blonde. "I'm Y/n."

"I'm Adrian." The guy shook your hand. You could quickly tell this guy wasn't from around your area. "I'm visiting for the summer."

"Cool." You grinned

Later you guys were walking out of the theater when two girls ran up to you two. "Eeee it's Prince Adrian!" A girl screamed.

"Hold up. Prince!?" You looked at Adrian, and he smirked. For once you thought you met a normal guy. "Later." You mumbled as your flipped him off and walked away.



Jaehee needed you to take her something to work one day when she was sick. It was just some paperwork so it was okay.

When you got there you saw two men talking to Jumin. One had black greying hair, and the other was blonde. "Excuse me.... Mr. Han? Sorry to interrupt, but I got some paperwork for you."

"Oh thank you Y/n." Jumin took the paperwork from you. "Y/n this is Edward and Victor. The crowned King and Prince of Glasstaria."

"Um hello." You waved shyly. Victor smiled and waved back.

"It's nice to meet you Y/n." Victor kissed the back of your hand.



"Ugh why did I have to be here?" You asked your dad.

"Well Y/n- I mean G/n you are my. Uh my." Your dad didn't know what to say. He was still trying to get used to the whole transgender thing.

"Son." You told him. "I go by he and him pronouns now dad."

Your dad nodded. "You have to come."

You looked around the ballroom not really caring about anything. You walked around awkwardly in a tux until you accidentally bumped into someone. Oh sorry I-" you looked up to see a guy glaring at you. "Uh... Hey?"

"Move out of my way." He glared, and you quickly moved.

"Wow what crawled up his ass and laid eggs?" You mumbled.

"That's Prince Darin. He hates most people." A girl that was next to you said.

"Um okay, but who are you?" You asked.

"Someone the author added to explain a certain character." The girl broke the fourth wall.


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