You Talk To them About Conspiracy Theories

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"The biggest conspiracy theory yet. DOES JUMIN HAN IS GAY!?" You and Seven laughed.


"I'm telling you dad! It's the entertainment company's big evil plan! They are sending us secret messages through music!" You state.

"Have you been hanging out with Seven again?" Your dad asks.


"Rika isn't dead, and it was just something that Seven and V came up with. She's actually super crazy, and in charge of an organization." You stated as you munched on chips.

Your dad just looked at you confused.


"Google is actually the Illuminati. That's would explain why their logo has three 6s, and why they know everything." You told your mom.

"What?" Jaehee was confused. "Why does that make sense?"


"Cats are higher ranking than humans. That explains why we do what they tell us. We clean after them, they don't listen to us, and they treat us like servants." You huffed.

Your dad and Elly looked at you weirdly.

Elly's mind

'They know to much!'

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