You Write A Fanfic About Them

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A/n: I was half asleep when I wrote these. I don't know what I was thinking when I wrote these. I should stop writing around 3am. Now my head hurts.


"Ah Jumin that hurts..." Zen stated as Jumin wrapped his arms around Zen's waist. Zen was on his lap, and he bit his lip trying to avoid Jumin's gaze.

"It will get better soon my pet." Jumin said before he kissed Zen roughly. 

Just a few hours ago they were fighting, but Zen got Jumin drunk and this ended up happening. All Seen knew was he wanted more of him, and he wanted Jumin to f-

"Y/n I'm home." You heard your dad walk through the front door.

"I DID NOTHING WRONG!" You yelled as you threw your notebook across your bedroom.


707 was finally done with his experiment. He's been working one stop for this. He created a device that could true cats into people. This mean he could turn his sweet sweet Elly into a human.

"And this is why you are my favorite daughter." Seven chuckled.

"I'm your only daughter." You replied.

"Oh yeah."


Legend has it that there's a kingdom far far away. A kingdom that was divided between light and dark. Between good and evil. Between changlings and humans. The only way to get rid of the darkness, and bring peace between changling and human kind was by a warrior born of both. That warrior was none other than Yoosung the Great.

"Amazing." Your dad smiled.


Zen opened his eyes not knowing where he was. He looked around to see he was tied to a medal pole. 'How did I get here?' He thought. He realized quickly his shirt was missing. The only thing he was wearing was some shorts and a collar. "What in the-"

"Hello Zen~" Zen looked tword the room's entrance to see a tall figure. They walked in closing the door. Jumin stood in front of him dressed in shorts and a button up shirt. "You look lovely this evening."

"What the hell do you what!?" Zen screamed. Right after he did he felt pain go down his back. Did Jumin just electrocute him?

"If you speak with out permission that will happen again. Understand?" Jumin asked as he rubbed Zen's cheek. Zen nodded. "Good."

The next thing Zen knew was Jumin kissing him roughly. He could tell he had wine recently. Is he drunk? Zen didn't care. All he cared about was what was going on. He could feel his blood rushing through his body, and-

"What are you writing?" Your dad asked, and you quickly shut your notebook. "Y/n?"

"Nothing! Bye got to go, and meet up with Sachiko!" You left your house with your notebook close to your chest. Him anyone could turn your fanfic into a manga it would be Sachiko.

(A/n: What did I just write?????!)


You never wrote fanfics about your mom because you thought it was a big waste of time. 

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