Your Dad Meet Your Bullies

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Your dad got a phone call from your school explaining you got into a fight with a fellow student. Because it was an important matter he decided to pick you up instead of Jaehee. Don't worry he wasn't the one driving.

"Sorry for arriving late. Traffic was backed up." You were sitting in your seat beside a boy with a black eye. Next to him was his mother. Your teacher was sitting at his desk.

"Please Mr. Han sit next to your daughter." Jumin nodded, and sat next to you.

"Mr. Han your daughter hit Jin." Your teacher stated.

"He called me ugly!" You hissed.

"Did not! I said you weren't prettier than me! There's a difference!" Jin fired back.

"No there isn't!" You hit him in the shoulder.

"Mom!" He hugged his mom crying.

"Mr. Han-" Jumin puts a hand up to cut him off.

"It won't happen again. I'll ground her, and make sure she doesn't do it again." Jumin stated. He looked at Jin's mother. "Sorry for what happened to your son Ms?"

"K-kim." She replied.

"Ms. Kim." Jumin nodded, and the two of you left.

In the car you crossed your arms, and glared at the ground. "But dad he insulted me! It wasn't the first time either."

"Who said I'm done with them? If something greater happens to you I'll sue them for all they're worth." He stated.


Seven was walking to your school to pick you up when he saw something that bothered him. Two girls were picking on you. "You look so weird." One of them laughed.

"Do you always look like that or only on bad days?" The other joked.

"Step away from the Choi." Seven hissed, and they both looked at Seven. You looked at your dad. "Unless your want your parents to go bankrupt from someone hacking into their bank computer system." He picked you up, and walked you back home.

"Was that an empty threat?" You asked.

"No." Your dad stated.


Your dad was playing LOLOL while you were busy doing homework. He was playing when something on the message board confused him.

Ghostgal: Ha Y/n's face was so funny!

LateKate: Yeah! It was! That's what she gets for being so smart.

Yoosung: Excuse me, but who are you talking about?

Ghostgal: Oh a girl from our school named Y/n Kim

Yoosung glared at his computer screen. He started typing away at his computer, and killed the two girls in the game.

Yoosung: Keep bullying her, and I'll make sure no one will want you in their guilde!


"Y/n why didn't you tell me you were being bullied?" Zen asked you.

"I just didn't want to seem weak." You stated.

"I'd never think your week." You dad stated as your bully's mom yelled at them for bullying her hero's daughter.


No one dared to bully you. Most people you went to school with were the kids of people who worked for Jumin. Plus you were so nice...... Most of the time.

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