Reset AU

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AU where the game resets but MC remembers everything

It was wonderful, almost magical. You never expected to find your significant other within the chat rooms of the RFA. Much less marry them right after the first party you hosted.

The wedding was something small and reserved, only limited to the members of the RFA and Jumin's father. Of course, with all the tea that Jumin spilled at the party, followed by a proposal, the media was buzzing around to catch a scoop on Jumin's and your wedding. But, Jumin had other plans in mind, rather than getting caught by the media and the two of you escaped out the back doors of the courts and onto a private jet that led to a faraway place like a pair of forbidden lovers.

The two of you had been gone for nearly two weeks. "I'm surprised that they're coming back in the first place." Yoosung commented as they waited at the private airport.

"Mr. Han can't stay away from work forever. He has to come back to work eventually." Jaehee added.

"Why did we all have to come and welcome them home? I would have stayed home." Zen whined.

"Whoaoa, you don't wanna welcome Celine home?" 707 asked, shooting wiggly eyebrows at Zen. He sighed.

"I would like to welcome Celine home, but I don't want to welcome that guy back." 707 chuckled and he looked towards the doorway, finding Celine and Jumin walking together. "Look, they're back!"

"Celine!" They all gathered around you, welcoming you back with open arms. Although Jumin was holding back a hiss of jealousy, he was glad to be back, surrounded by his companions. Plus, it let him see the beautiful smile of his wife.

Who knew that downloaded this messenger app would lead to something like this? All of you walked towards the exit of the airport, everyone talking and welcoming you back warmly. The sun was bright and slightly blinding, and you shaded your eyes from the sun.

When you opened your eyes, you were sitting on the subway train, looking down at a new chat message.

[Unknown has entered the chat room]

Unknown: ...hello...?

You squinted your eyes at your screen. Was that.. The Unknown guy? The guy that got you to go to Rika's apartment?

You: ?

Unknown: Can you see this?

You: Who are you?

Unknown: I'm sure you're surprised.

Unknown: It's not everyday you get a text from a stranger.

This.. This seemed all too familiar. What was happening? Why were you sitting in a subway? Didn't you just exit the airport from arriving from your honeymoon? Why was this Unknown messaging you again?

Unknown sends you the link to the apartment address and you find yourself at Rika's apartment again. He tells you the code to open the door, but you already knew the door code. As soon as you entered the all too familiar apartment, your phone started to beep loudly.

[Celine entered the chatroom]

Yoosung: Failed my midterm exam

Yoosung: [inserts crying emoji]

707: Cuz u played LOLOL all night lol.

Jumin Han: If you want to work for our company, you should take care of your GPA.

Yoosung: I'm still on the list?! +_+

Yoosung: [inserts star gaze]

Jumin Han: Yes.

707: Nice~ Can't believe u get to work straight after college lol

707: In this day and age!

ZEN: Lame. It's nepotism

Jumin: It's called recruitment actually.

ZEN: It's giving a free pass instead of actually training the worker.

Jumin Han: Whatever. I couldn't care less what you say.

ZEN: What's the difference between recruitment and nepotism?

707: Thought they r the same? o_o?

707: [insert confused emoji]

Jumin Han: It's nepotism if you recruit a person you know and they aren't of any help.

Yoosung: Oh... So you become a candidate for nepotism the time you're recruited!

ZEN: [insert . . . emoji]

707: Wait!!

Yoosung: Why?

ZEN: ??

707: Think somone entered the chat room;;

Jumin Han: Celine...?

You couldn't help the sigh that escaped your lips.

You: Jumin, where are you? I think I was maybe sleepwalking again and I found myself on the subway. I didn't want to bring any attention to myself but so I just headed to Rika's apartment instead.

There was a very long silence that you thought that your message didn't send. Everyone was in the chat room... Why weren't they replying?

Jumin Han: I'm sorry, you seem to be mistaken

Jumin Han: Do I know you?

Yoosung: It talks!

Yoosung: But why is it in Rika's apartment ??

707: I traced the IP address and it looks like it is in Rika's apartment

707: Who are you and how did you get into Rika's apartment?

You stared at your phone. Your chest felt constricted and you couldn't breathe.

You: Very funny guys,,, What kind of joke are you trying to pull Luciel? You had your laughs and so did I,,, it's not funny anymore...

ZEN: It knows 707's name

Yoosung: !!!!

707: I don't know who you are, how you know my name or how you got here

707: but you don't belong here

Jaehee Kang: Luciel, what are you going to do about this situation?

Jumin Han: I can give you the number of my security company so you can send someone there to evacuate this 'Celine'

707: No, I'monthephonewithVrightnow

ZEN: Do you know anyone by the name of 'Celine'?

Jaehee Kang: Mr. Han has no acquaintances by the name of Celine

Yoosung: Maybe it's one of Jumin's fans?

Jaehee Kang: I would think that if anyone's fans were to hack into our messenger system, it would be Zen's fans...

ZEN: Jaehee, you flatter me

Jumin Han: Celine.

Jumin Han: Who are you?

You: I'm your wife,,, Celine Han? We got married two weeks ago and we just got home from our honeymoon,,

You looked at the time on your phone. It had only been a couple hours ago.

ZEN: Wife?

ZEN: Honeymoon??

ZEN: I thought I had creative fans, but this one takes the cake;;

Jumin Han: Sorry, but I don't have a wife.

Jumin Han: I would advise you to never approach me again, unless you want to get the authorities involved.

707: V is on his way to Rika's apartment.

707: The authorities have been notified as well and are on the way

707: You don't belong here

Your phone began beeping again and the screen faded to black. Whenever you pressed your home button, an ominous red skull glowed on the screen. 707 hacked into your phone and fried your phone.

Everything was just like the time you first joined. Nobody knew who you were but you knew everyone. You lived a life with these five people and suddenly, they no longer knew you. You carried these memories; the laughs you shared with Luciel, the scoldings you gave Yoosung for staying up all night playing LOLOL, talking to Jaehee about Zen's productions and Zen's highkey narcissism...

You remembered everything. But it seems like they didn't. They didn't rememebr the moments you shared with them, then didn't remember you. It was like someone had pressed the reset button. The game started over.  

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