Zen x MC: A... Furry Friend

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Dedicated to @NunieNeptune

Of all the people, someone who's allergic to cats. Celine didn't mind, really, she loved Zen loads, but...

There were times when she babysat Elizabeth or when they saw baby kittens at the local pet store up for adoption, her heart churned.

A child wasn't something they wanted yet, but it was often times Celine found herself lonely when Zen had to stay late nights at rehearsal or shows. She wasn't a dog person, and Zen did not approve of any reptile.

A cat would be the perfect companion but there's a tiny, little, itty bitty problem.

"Achoo!" Allergies. Celine looked over from her spot on her couch, towards the door. "There was a cat on my way upstairs and as much as I tried to shoo it away, it didn't and I had to walk around it." Zen rubbed his nose and plopped himself on the couch beside Celine. She opened her blanket for him and he slipped under, cuddling close to Celine.

Once Celine moved in, Zen was able to get a sponsor and scored a popular musical, with help from the RFA. Not to mention with help from Jumin, but Zen didn't know that. They moved out of the basement apartment and up to a newer, more airy apartment.

"I don't want a big, fancy building like that trust fund kid! An apartment will do." Zen had huffed. Luciel chuckled.

"Well, you heard the man, an apartment it is." He ushered Jumin.

"An apartment is very... inconvenient and unconventional for a rising actor like you, Zen." Jaehee commented.

"He obviously does it for attention. Clearly, Celine doesn't seem to be enough and he wants more." Jumin's comment was rude enough on its own and Zen was nearly about to give up when Celine stepped forward.

"Oh, it will be alright! An apartment is a nice start. We will go up from there for we choose. And as long as you don't give out our address, we will be fine." She booped Zen on the nose. "We can get a P.O. box for fan mail." Zen rubbed his nose with a smile. 

"You're the best." He hugged her and placed a kiss on the side of her head. 

"Have you been up this whole time waiting for me?" Zen asked, wrapping an arm around her waist. She nodded, tucking herself under his chin. "You shouldn't have. You should have gone to bed." Celine grumbled. 

"You know I can't go to sleep without you here." Zen rubbed her shoulder gently, sighing. 

"You're so hardheaded." Celine hummed sleepily in response and Zen chuckled softly. "Part of me wishes I wasn't allergic to cats so you could have a companion." He carefully picked up Celine and took her to bed. 


"Okay, okay, deep breaths. Deep breaths. All... All you did was go out shopping. You needed a gallon of milk and you went and came back." Celine smoothed out her skirt, fixing her hair nervously. "You didn't pass by that pet store, look at the adoptables and you didn't adopt a baby. No, no you didn't." There was a small meow coming from her pet bag. 

"Oh, who am I kidding, I'm so screwed. So, so, so screwed." She stuck her hand into the pet bag/carrier thing that was slung across her shoulder. Her fingers were met with warmth and vibration. "There shouldn't be a problem, right? He's allergic to cat hair. Not actual cats, right? And it's not like you-" The front door opened and Celine yelped, pushing the carrier to her back. 

"Celine! I was just about to go looking for you, you never came in." Zen picked up the bags from the ground and left the door open for Celine. She stood at the door, contemplating on whether to go in or just run back to return her purchase. 

"Uh, Zen?" Celine closed the door behind her, careful to not squish the carrier. Zen turned back to look at her.

"What's up babe?" He asked, leaning against the counter. He saw as she looked down nervously and the way she hid something behind her back.

"You don't like cats because of your allergy, right? It's the hair you're allergic to, isn't it?" Zen hummed, already having an idea.

"I'm allergic to the cat hair and because of that, I have a natural disliking to cats but I've never actually interacted with one." She nodded, Zen watching as she rubbed her arm self-consciously. He sighed with a smile, motioning her to come closer. "What do you have babe?" Celine waddled closer, being sure to keep the carrier behind her. Although it was pointless, because the carrier mewed.

Celine stiffened and she made a strangled mew sound, before coughing. Zen rose an eyebrow at her curiously, before a smile crawled upon his lips. "I-I, um!"

"C'mon, bring it out." Zen didn't like cats but he decided to make the effort for Celine. He hated how lonely she would get when he had late nights.

Celine shuffled under his soft gaze and pulled the carrier from behind her. She looked up at him, Zen giving her a confirmational nod. Celine nodded as well and started to slowly open the carrier. She stuck her hands into the carrier and cradled the warmth in her hands, bringing the kitten out.

Zen blinked. "Are you sure that's the cat and not a naked rat?" Celine tried to stifle her laughter and the little kitten meowed. 

"It's a hairless kitten, Zen."

"Is it going to grow hair?"

"They're called 'hairless cats' for a reason."

"Wait, these things actually exist?" Celine rose an eyebrow at him. Her gaze was expectant and Zen's was reluctant, but after staring at hoe the little kitten nuzzled into Celine and she looked so happy to pet the kitten, how was he going to make his princess take it back? "It's a little ugly but..."

"But?" She looked up at him. 

"I guess we can keep it." Celine smiled brightly and hugged Zen, Zen hugging her back.

"Thank you babe. What are we going to name it? The kitten is a boy." Zen scratched the kitten behind his ear and the cat leaned into his hand, purring.

"Why don't we name him Harry? Because, you know." Celine snickered.

"You're so mean."

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