Chapter 10: Fellowship of the RFA

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As she hung her last outfit in the guestroom's large closet, a satisfied smile graced Amy's lips. However, it quickly disappeared when she noticed Zen smirking at her from over his shoulder as he straightened the fluffy comforter on her bed.

"What?" she snapped, scowling at him.

"Aw, don't tell me you're still mad at me? I was just playing around, Amy." the actor purred as he rose to his feet and approached her from behind. However, as he tried to wrap his arms around her in a leisurely hug, she abruptly pulled away with an indignant huff. Zen's smile wavered slightly.

"Amy, you're not actually mad, right? You're just playing around with me, right?" he asked, his eyes sparkling with worry.

Now it was Amy's turn to smirk.

"I don't know, Zen. Am I?" She cooed deviously, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

Zen groaned loudly. "Amy! Don't play with me like that!"

Amy started to chuckle and playfully elbowed her host in the ribs. "What's the matter? Can't take your own medicine?"

"Not when it's from a pretty girl like you." Zen said, flashing her another one of his signature smiles.

Amy rolled her eyes and shook her head. "You're as cheesy as they come."

"Hey, that means I go great with wine." Zen retorted. He immediately paled afterwards. "Crap, I just sounded like Seven."

Amy snorted in amusement. "You say that like it's a bad thing."

"Trust me, it is."

"Hey, I heard that!"

Amy and Zen both jumped three feet in the air before whirling around to see Saeyoung standing in the guestroom's doorway, fiddling with his phone.

"Seven?! What the heck are you doing here?! How did you even get in?!" Zen exclaimed.

"Well, I was going to knock but I decided to pick the lock and let myself in instead because it would be cooler." Saeyoung replied nonchalantly as he returned his phone to his hoodie pocket and approached the duo.

"You're lucky we're friends or I would call the cops on you for breaking and entering." Zen grumbled.

"Eh, it wouldn't be the first time."

Amy eyed the redhead with an air of caution. "So, you're 707?"

Saeyoung shot the woman a smile before giving her a clumsy bow. "Please, call me Seven the Scarlet, lovely maiden Amethyst. It is an honor to finally make your acquaintance, and I must tell you, the image my crystal ball showed me did little to highlight your true beauty."

Zen stared at his friend with a disturbed look marring his chiseled features. "Seven, what are you doing?"

"I'm joining your little roleplay, duh! You're Zen the White Knight, she's the fair but feisty Princess Amethyst, and I'm the beloved, all-powerful, all-knowing, undeniable handsome wizard Seven the Scarlet." Seven crowed, grinning like an idiot.

"I'm not sure of how to respond to that." Amy stated, her expression mirroring Zen's.

"Seven, please tell me you didn't break into my house just to harass my guest." Zen stated flatly, his hands planted on his hips in a rather sassy manner.

"Of course not! What do I look like, a savage? No, I came here to set up for the party of course!"

Amy raised an eyebrow as she gave Zen a questioning look. "A party? You're having a party, Zen?"

"No, I'm not. What's this party you're talking about, Seven?" Zen asked his friend.

"Huh? Oh! I must have forgotten to send you the text! Oh well, I'm already here so it's not like it matters." Seven smiled, shrugging his shoulders.

Zen's ruby red eyes narrowed. "That wasn't an answer my question, Seven. What party?"

"Well, after you and Amy logged out of the chatroom earlier, Yoosung, Jaehee, and I started talking about wanting to meet Amy in person, and Jumin came up with the idea for us to throw a housewarming/congratulations-for-escaping-from-your-psycho-dad party so we could!"

Zen's eyebrow twitched spastically as a dark cloud of shadow settled over his face.

"Jumin suggested that, huh? Of course he did, the rich bastard." the albino actor grumbled bitterly.

"Um Seven, when exactly is this party taking place?" Amy asked.

Seven glanced down at his watch "In about two hours."

"Two hours?!" Zen and Amy exclaimed in unison.

"Yep! Speaking of which, we have a lot of work to get done so let's quit jabbering and start moving people! Amy darling, I'm going to need you to change into something slightly more sophisticated. It doesn't have to be over the top fancy or anything, but it needs to shout 'Look at me! I'm the girlfriend of a famous actor!'"

"She isn't my girlfriend!" Zen protested.

"Sure she isn't, and I'm mentally insane."

"You are, actually."

"And you're hosting a party in an hour and fifty-seven minutes, so less lip and more dip!"

Zen's face scrunched up in confusion. "Dip?"

"Yes dip! I brought supplies over to make homemade bean dip to go with my Honey Buddha chips and you're helping me! Amy, you just focus on getting nice and dolled up; Zen and I will handle everything else." Saeyoung stated before grabbing Zen's hand and dragging him out of the guestroom, leaving Amy alone and rather perplexed.

"What just happened?"


"Mmm, this dip is amazing! Zen, you need to try this!"

"Seven, you completely destroyed my kitchen!" Zen shrieked as he stared at the array of bowls, bags, and stray beans littering his countertop. Saeyoung only shrugged in response before grabbing another Honey Buddha chip from the massive bag sitting in his lap and completely submerging it in the fresh dip.

Clenching his fists, Zen opened his mouth to scold the redhead but stopped when his eyes landed on the doorway. Saeyoung followed his gaze and immediately let out a wolf whistle.

"Now that's what I'm talking about!"

Amy blushed as she straightened the blue dress and fiddled with the sleeves of her leather jacket for the umpteenth time. Most of her hair hung down in pretty ringlets, but a small piece on each side of her head was drawn back to form a half halo. As for her makeup, it was light and feminine, using light pinks and nude colors to give her a sweet, gentle look.

" look amazing, Amy! However, there's something missing. Stay right there!" Zen stated before rushing past her. He returned a moment later and held up a humble black choker for Amy to see.

"May I?" he asked as he undid the clasp on the necklace.

Amy nodded and turned her back to him, holding her hair out of the way so he could see. As Zen's fingers brushed against the skin of her neck, an involuntary shiver shot down her spine, but the actor didn't seem to notice. However, a certain redhead did notice and shot Amy a knowing smile, earning himself a death glare as her blush darkened.

"There, that better-Amy, are you alright? Your face is all red. The necklace isn't too tight, is it?!" Zen asked when he noticed her flushed cheeks.

"No, it's fine. I was just thinking about how I'll be meeting all of your close friends and wound up making myself nervous." Amy lied as she twiddled her fingers like a bashful schoolgirl who was talking to her crush.

Zen couldn't help but smile fondly at Amy as he turned her around to face him and gently grasped her chin between his thumb and forefinger.

"Don't be; they're going to love you." He cooed, his scarlet irises peering earnestly into her blue ones. Reaching over, he began to gently tug her jacket off of her shoulders. "You could be overheating too; why don't you save this jacket for later when it's cooler?"

Amy's heart thundered loudly in her ears as her body went completely stiff. Her eyes remained glued on Zen as he removed her jacket with the tenderest of care, his fingers ghosting over the skin of her arms and leaving goosebumps in their wake. As the jacket slipped off of her arms, the albino made the mistake of glancing back at Amy's face and his face immediately turned cherry red when he noticed how close he was to her.

"I-I'll go put this away for you." he mumbled bashfully and quickly pulled away before leaving the room again, keeping his head low to hide his flushed cheeks.

As soon as Zen was gone, Saeyoung started laughing loudly, causing Amy to whirl around and scowl at him.

"What's so funny?" She barked defensively.

"You two, of course! The look on your face when Zen started removing your jacket was priceless!" Saeyoung explained between chuckles.

"It couldn't have been that funny." Amy grumbled in response.

"Trust me, it was. So, when you going to tell him that you're crushing on him?" Saeyoung smiled, a mischievous sparkle in his eye.

"I'm not crushing on him. Zen is just a good friend." Amy stated flatly, crossing her arms.

"You can lie with your lips but not with your eyes, and your eyes are telling me Zenpai is your senpai." Saeyoung cooed.

Amy raised an eyebrow. "How the heck are you engaged to MC?"

"I have no clue; now stop trying to change the subject! When are you going to tell Zen that you like him?"

"There's nothing to tell! I don't like him!"

"Ah, you can fool yourself, princess, but you can't fool Seven the Scarlet."

"Whatever. You're crazy."

"And you're in denial."

Amy clenched her jaw and raised her hand to smack the smug redhead but stopped as the ringing of the doorbell echoed through the house.

"They're here!" Saeyoung exclaimed as he leaped from his chair and made a mad dash for the front door. However, the klutz tripped over his own two feet and collapsed in the middle of the floor. Shaking her head, Amy stepped over him and opened the door to see Jumin, MC, a boy with purple eyes and blonde hair, and a short-haired woman in a suit standing on Zen's porch.

"Amy!" Yoosung exclaimed excitedly as he threw his arms around her.

"Yoosung, let the poor woman go. She has no idea who you are." Jaehee scolded the blonde. "Forgive him. Despite being in college, he still has the maturity of a five year old."

"Jaehee, you're so mean!" Yoosung whined.

"It's alright." Amy's chuckled and returned Yoosung's hug before pulling away and ushering everyone inside.

"Here, Amy, I got these for you on my way over. I hope you like them!" Yoosung smiled as he handed Amy a bouquet of buttercups.

"Aw, that was very sweet of you. Thank you." Amy smiled as she gingerly accepted the flowers.

Jumin raised an eyebrow when he noticed Saeyoung laying on the floor. "Luciel, why are you on the floor?"

"Because it'll hurt too much to get up." Saeyoung moaned in reply.

Amy raised an eyebrow. "Luciel?"

"It's his baptismal name." Jaehee explained. "I'm Mr. Han's assistant, Jaehee Kang, by the way. It is nice to meet you."

"It's nice to meet you as well; you have my condolences." Amy replied.

Jaehee's lips curved upwards ever so slightly. "Thank you."

At that moment, Zen rounded the corner and flashed his award-winning smile at everyone other than Jumin.

"Welcome everyone! Feel free to take a seat. Seven, get off of my floor." he stated. Noticing the flowers in Amy's arms, he asked, "Where did those come from?"

"Oh, Yoosung got them for me. Do you have a vase or something I can put them in?" Amy asked.

Zen glanced at Yoosung with a raised eyebrow before taking the flowers from Amy. "Yeah sure. Let me take care of that right now."

As Zen hurried into the kitchen with the flowers, the rest of the group settled down on the couches and chairs of the living room and sat in uncomfortable silence.

" are the other members of the RFA? What does RFA stand for exactly? No one ever told me." Amy said, wanting to disperse the awkwardness clinging to the air.

"It stands for the Roma Fundraising Association. Rika was our founder." Yoosung answered, a sad smile on his face.

"Rika huh? Is she not coming?" Amy asked.

The deathly silence resumed for a moment.

"No, she couldn't make it." Jumin answered gravely.

Amy frowned when she noticed everyone's long faces.

"Did I say something wrong?" she worried.

Fortunately, when Zen entered the room with bowls of snacks in his arms, the depressing atmosphere cleared and the bright smiles returned.

"Really, Zen? You couldn't have gotten anything better than this commoner food?" Jumin complained as he eyed the food in disgust.

"If you don't like the food then you can leave and buy you own, or even better yet, you can host the party next time." Zen snapped in reply.

"They really don't get along, do they?" Amy whispered to Jaehee.

"Not at all. Although, Mr. Han doesn't get along with most people."

"Glad to know I'm not the only one."

"So, Amy, what do you do for a living?" Yoosung asked as he grabbed some Honey Buddha chips.

"Well, I'm finishing up my last year of college at the moment. After that, I was looking at getting a job at a local library till my writing career takes off." Amy stated.

"That sounds fun, though I hate writing papers so maybe not." Yoosung stated, earning a chuckle from Amy.

"Amy, I have a really important question to ask you that could save or destroy society as we know it. Which is better: cats or dogs?" Saeyoung exclaimed.

Amy blinked in confusion. "Um, both?"

"You can't choose both! That defies the laws of the universe! It's like putting pineapple on a pizza; it isn't right!"

"Hey, I happen to like pineapple on my pizza, thank you very much!" Yoosung protested.

"Well you're not normal so your opinion doesn't count."

"I'm more normally than you!"

"Would you both shut up? You're giving me a headache." Jumin grumbled.

"If you're not feeling good then why don't you go home?" Zen snapped.

"Trust me, if we were doing this for you, I would, but I'm here for Amy." Jumin replied.

"So Amy, you been in touch with your sister since your great escape? Emerald, right?" Saeyoung asked.

Everyone immediately went quiet as Amy's face fell.

"No....No, I haven't. Um, could you excuse me for a moment?" she said and left the room before anyone could protest. The others immediately turned and glared daggers at him.

"What? What did I do?" The redhead asked.

Jumin rolled his eyes before and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Unbelievable."

"Seriously, what did I do?"

"Oh, Saeyoung." MC groaned, shaking her head.

As the others started to give the hacker a long lecture, Zen quietly crept out of the livingroom and scurried towards Amy's bedroom. Inside, he found her seated on her bed, her phone pressed firmly against her ear.

"Pick up. Please please pick up." she pleaded, her lip quivering as she drummed her fingers nervously against her leg. When her call went to voicemail, she angrily chucked her phone at her pillow before burying her face on her hands. Frowning, Zen quietly crept over to her side and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"Amy? Are you alright?"

"I'm so selfish, Zen! All this time, I never once tried to get ahold of my sister to make sure she was okay. Knowing my dad, he probably flipped out and took all his anger out on her. Now she isn't answering and I'm worried something really bad happened." Amy lamented.

"Amy, your father probably just took her phone like he did yours. Don't get yourself too riled up." Zen cooed comforting as he gently pushed her hands away from her face and wiped her tears with his thumb.

"You don't know him like I do, Zen. He probably has her confined to the house with zero methods for contacting the outside world, and it's all my fault."

"You can't blame yourself for his irrationality."

"But I can for other things."

Zen sighed loudly and pulled the woman into a hug. "Amy, forgive me if this seems blunt, but you blaming yourself isn't going to get us anywhere. If you want to help your sister, then we need to put our heads together and think of a way to get her away from your father as well. Now, how old is your sister?"

"She-She'll be turning nineteen in a few weeks."

"Which means she'll be a legal adult and your father can't force her to stay with him!"

Amy laughed bitterly. "Zen, I thought you would've figured out by now that things like that don't matter to my father."

"Maybe not, but it matters to the law."

"You wouldn't."

"If it would free your sister and ease your conscience, I would."

The faintest traces of a smile appeared on Amy's lips as she buried her face into Zen's chest. "Zen...thank you. You've done so much for me even though I can't pay you back. You're an angel."

"Well, I know a certain C&R director who would disagree with you but I'm not complaining." Zen joked, his heart leaping excitedly when a soft chuckle escaped Amy's lips.


Zen and Amy both looked up to see MC, Yoosung, Jaehee, Jumin, and Saeyoung standing in the doorway of the guestroom. Balanced on one of Saeyoung's arms was a laptop.

"Aw, Amy, don't cry!" Yoosung exclaimed as he hurried to her side and wrapped her in a hug. Zen's eyebrow immediately started to twitch.

"Go on, Luciel, tell her." Jaehee stated.

Blushing, Saeyoung lowered himself down onto the bed, cringing when he noticed the death glare Zen was giving him, and slid the laptop over to Amy. Displayed on the screen was a flickering image of what appeared to be the main foyer of her house.

"What's this?" Amy asked, clearly confused.

"My form of an apology. I hacked into the feed of your dad's security cameras. You can flip through the different cameras if you want; I left it on this one to be safe and make sure I didn't see something I shouldn't. For a wealthy businessman, your dad's firewall sucked." Saeyoung stated.

Eyes widening, Amy hastily flipped through the different feeds till she found the one of her sister's bedroom. Fresh tears flooded down her cheeks when she saw her sister sitting on her bed, staring blankly at a picture tucked in an ornate silver frame. Even though so couldn't see it, Amy knew what the picture was off because it was the only picture her sister ever bothered to frame. It was a picture their father had taken of his daughters and their mother at a beach during a vacation to the Bahamas the summer before he and their mom divorced. As she started to cry again, Amy was pulled back into Zen's chest as Yoosung gave her shoulder a comforting squeeze.

"We'll get her out of there, Amy; I promise." MC stated as she approached her friend and rubbed her back.

"We'll all help; after all, you're one of us now." Saeyoung said as he offered Amy a weak smile.

"W-What do you mean?" Amy asked as she wiped her eyes.

"Well, you're not exactly an official member, but the moment you first entered the RFA chatroom, you became part of our family. Now it's our job to help you and support you like a real, non-sucky family would." Seven replied.

"It is extremely likely that your father will still be in contact with Chairman Han, so Mr. Han and myself can serve as informants." Jaehee offered kindly.

"I'll keep watching the security feeds and hack into the phone lines too." Seven stated.

"And myself, Zen, and MC can be your emotional support group. Here," Yoosung added, handing Amy a tissue.

"You...You all barely know me. Why are you doing this?" Amy blubbered as she dabbed the corner of her eyes with the tissue.

"Seriously?! Did she not hear the whole spill about us being family now? Okay, let's take this from the top." Saeyoung exclaimed only for MC to shove a bag of Honey Buddha chips in his face to distract him.

"We're doing this because we care, Amy." Zen stated as he gently tilted her chin so she was looking directly at his face.

"I-I don't know what to say."

"You don't have to say anything. Just smile instead; you look prettier when she smile!" Yoosung said, obviously to Zen's murderous stare. Saeyoung bit his lips to keep from laughing out loud.

Glancing around at all of her news friends, Amy allowed a broad grin to grace her features, a sight that made Zen's heart melt.

"Everyone...thank you."


When he heard the door to his study swing open, Chul Hall glanced up from his writings to see a butler standing by the door.

"What is it?" he asked curtly.

"Sir, there is a young woman here to see you claiming to have information about your daughter, Amethyst." the butler replied, keeping his head down and eyes glued to the floor.

Raising an eyebrow, Mr. Hall gracefully stood up from his desk and grabbed his pipe before approaching the window off to his right.

"Show her in." he stated as he gazed out at the night sky and lit his pipe.

"Yes sir."

After a few minutes of silence, the door to the study squeaked open again and the sound of heels clicking against the wooden floor greeted Mr. Hall's ears. Turning around, he masked his surprise when he beheld a beautiful lady with vibrant blue eyes and a youthful face gazing up at him.

"Is something the matter?" she asked in a voice that resembled the sweet ringing of bells.

"Forgive me. I am just surprised to see a child standing in my study."

"I am not a child!" the woman huffed indignantly, stomping her foot in a way that seemed counterproductive. "My name is Echo Girl, and I have a proposition for you regarding your daughter Amethyst and the actor known as Zen."

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