Chapter 11: Princesses Don't Take Breaks

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When she woke up the next morning, Amy was surprised to hear the clanging of pots and pans filling the air. Rising quickly, she hurried from her room and into the kitchen to see Zen frying eggs on the stove.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Did I wake you?" the albino cooed when he noticed her.

"Zen, what are you doing here?! Shouldn't you be at work?" Amy exclaimed.

"The director's wife went into labor this morning so shooting has been postponed for a few days. Why? Do you want not want me around?" Zen replied with a wink.

Amy's heart instinctively started to beat faster and butterflies began to swarm in her stomach.

"No! No no no no no! Bad Amy! Stop that! Ugh, great! Now I'm fighting with myself. Psyche ward here I come." she thought to herself.

"N-No, it's not that. I just don't want you skipping more work because of me. I would feel awful if you got fired." she managed to stutter, nervously playing with the hair tie wrapped around her wrist.

"Don't worry about things like that, your majesty. If I lose one contract, I can just get another one." Zen stated cheerfully.

"But if you keep blowing off jobs, people will stop hiring you. You can't be foolish!" Amy declared indignantly.

A smile crept onto Zen's lips as he slid the skillet off of the stove and turned to his house guest.

"I won't be. I promise." he cooed, taking one of Amy's hands and kissing it.

Amy's cheeks flushed bright red as her mind temporarily shut down, leaving her to just stare at the actor with wide eyes. Zen eyed her shocked expression with a hint of concern.

"Amy, is something the matter?"

"N-No. I-I'm still just half asleep." Amy lied hurriedly, looking away to avoid eye contact with Zen while she silently cursed herself for being careless.

"Well, I think I have something that can help with that. Which sounds better to you: green tea or coffee?"

"Mmm, I'm going to put a ton of sugar in either one so let's go with the tea since it's supposed to be a little bit healthier, I think." Amy replied as she sat down on a stool along the island countertop in the kitchen and rested her head on her arms. A loud and rather unladylike yawn left her lips as she listened to the sound of water bubbling, food frying, and birds chirping.

"Ugh, since when have mornings been so loud? They're supposed to be quiet and peaceful, not full of racket." the woman grumbled, closing her eyes to block out the piercing light of the morning sun.

Zen chuckled in amusement. "It sounds like someone didn't get very much sleep last night."

"Well of course not! I was up all night catching up on all the college work I missed. I'm so close to graduating; I can't afford to fail now." Amy mumbled in reply.

"That sounds stressful." Zen mused as he scraped some eggs onto a plate and set it down before his guest.

"You have no idea. I only got through half of the work last night and have to finish it today."

"It sounds like you could use a break."

"I don't have time."

"Don't be silly. Everyone can afford to take a break, even if it's just a short one." Zen purred as he set Amy's tea in front of her as well before grabbing some coffee and a plate of food for himself. "Here, I've got an idea. If you let me take you out for a bit to calm your nerves, I'll help you with your homework."

Amy raised an inquisitive eyebrow at the actor. "I thought you didn't go to college."

"I didn't but how hard can it be? If I can't actually help then I can at least keep you company while also making a fool out of myself."

Amy giggled as her mind conjured an image of a frazzled Zen staring at her homework with a look of horror on his face.

"That would be rather amusing."

"Alright, you've got a deal." Amy purred with a smile. "You have any ideas about what we should do?"

"Hmm, maybe just one." Zen replied with a smug smile as he reached into his pocket and produced two theatre tickets, setting them on the table. Amy read the title and raised an eyebrow.

"Tangled? Wasn't that a movie? When did it become a show?" she asked.

"Just recently. However, it isn't super popular since it community theatres have been the main ones putting on the productions."

"Judging by your tone, I assume you beg to differ."

A warm yet distant look captured Zen's eyes. "Community theatre was where I started. It was what got me through my troubles with my family and the lonely night after running away from home. It was where I made my debut and also where I got my big break as an actor. People give community theatres a bad rep but honestly they have more value than any non-actor could ever understand."

Unable to look away from the fond, passionate fire burning in her friend's eyes, Amy started to smile as well and hastily snatched up the tickets. "Then what are we waiting for? We better hurry up if we want to be on time."

"You haven't eaten yet though." Zen chuckled.

"I can overindulge on theater snacks later to make up for it! Meet me by the front door in ten to fifteen minutes on I'm leaving without you." Amy called before running out of the room. Zen merely shook his head in disbelief before shoveling a few forkfuls of eggs into his mouth and hurrying into his room.


"Zen? Amy?"

Amy turned and blinked in surprise when she saw Yoosung walking towards her. "Yoosung? What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in class?"

"Shouldn't you?" Yoosung replied.

Amy gave a short laugh. "Touché. Still, I didn't take you for a theatre person."

"One of my LOLOL buddies is performing in the show so I came to support him. How about you?"

"Zen wanted to come and I needed to take a break from my work before my head exploded." Amy replied, causing Yoosung to chuckle.

"I feel ya there. College is hard! At least you're in the homestretch." the blonde smiled.

As he watched Amy and Yoosung continue to chatter back and forth, Zen felt his body start to grow hot. For some reason, the sight of his two friends conversing so casually and easily irked him, causing the hair on the back of his neck to stand on end.

Yoosung suddenly gasped, his expression brightening. "Hey, I've got an idea! Why don't we sit together-"

"No." Zen cut in, his voice curt and flat.

Amy blinked in surprise. "Why not?"

"Yeah, why not?!" Yoosung whined.

"Because I said so!" Zen snapped.

As she stared at him in utter confusion, Amy noticed how tense Zen looked. His lips were pulled downward into a tight frown as he glared hostilely at Yoosung. It was only then that Amy realized how close Yoosung was standing to her, their shoulders just a hair's width apart and the backs of their hands brushing against one another. Almost instantly, a lightbulb went off in Amy's head, its light shining in her eyes as she shook her head in amusement and disbelief.

"He's such a dork." she thought to herself.

"It's okay, Yoosung. We can talk later on the messenger, okay?" Amy said as she stepped away from the blonde and looped her arm with Zen's.

"Aw, alright. I'll talk to you later. Enjoy the show!" Yoosung said, waving cutely as Amy was quickly escorted away by her albino companion.

"For an actor, you're pretty bad at your job, you know." Amy whispered to Zen as they slipped through the crowd towards the doors of the auditorium.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Zen replied, purposely looking everywhere other than his friend's face.

"Don't lie to me, Zen. I know you were jealous."

"Jealous? Don't be ridiculous."

"Oh? If that's the case, then I'll just text Yoosung and let him know we can sit together after all."

Zen's grip on Amy's arm tightened, his scarlet irises flashing fiercely as he stared down into her sparkling blue ones. Amy's smirk widened.

"Yep, you're so jealous. Oh, how the mighty have fallen." she sneered smugly, giving his arm a gentle squeeze.

Zen sighed loudly in defeat. "Can you blame me? I set this up for just the two of us to do together, and next thing I know, Yoosung comes waltzing in and intrudes. Furthermore, he was being way too friendly after only just meeting you in person yesterday."

"That's funny coming from the dork who has known me for only a little over a week." Amy clucked playfully.

"Hey, this dork is the one who's buying your snacks so I would keep my mouth shut if I were you." Zen growled back, though his sly smile revealed he was merely jesting.

Grinning from ear to ear, Amy and Zen wandered into the theatre auditorium, which was still quite deserted. Locating two seats that were relatively close to the front of the room, Zen ushered Amy into her seat before draping his jacket over his own.

"I'll go grab us something to eat. What do you want?" he asked.

"Hmm...Surprise me." Amy purred, giving her escort a wink.

Smiling, Zen slipped his wallet out of the pocket of his jacket and disappeared. Meanwhile, Amy fished out her phone and fired off a quick text to Yoosung.

Amy: Thanks for being so understanding earlier.

Yoosung: It's fine. Zen is a dork.

Amy: lol that he is.

The soft thump of someone sitting down next to her caused Amy to look up from the screen of her phone. To her surprise, she saw a young man with shaggy brown hair, lightly tanned skin, and hazel eyes lounging in Zen's seat, his gaze fixed on her as he hungrily drank in all of her features and curves.

"Um, that's my friend's seat." Amy remarked.

"Sure it is, cutie. So, what's your name?" the brunette cooed, his forefinger brushing gently against Amy's chin.

Amy's eyes narrowed. "None of your business."

"Aw, don't be like that, princess. Tell you what, why don't you give me your number and I can take you out for a drink later?"

"Thanks but no thanks. I have other things to do that will be much better uses of my time."

"Ouch, you're so cold. Why don't you let me warm you up a bit?" The man purred, reaching his hand towards Amy's thigh.

"Excuse me, sir, but it appears that you're in my seat."

Amy breathed a sigh of relief as the brunette turned to see Zen looming behind him, a disapproving frown on his lips.

"Is that so? What are you going to do about it?" the flirt sneered.

"I could do a lot of things. I could physically fight you for the seat or I could publicly humiliate you. It all depends on your personal preference, really." Zen replied icily.

The brunette's eyes narrowed. "Do I know you from somewhere?"

"The name is Zen. You might have heard of me."

The man's jaw immediately dropped. "You're-"

"Shh!!! My lovely lady and I would like to remain as inconspicuous as possible, so if you could keep it down, that would be wonderful." Zen hissed, forcing a grin onto his face.

"I-I'm sorry. Don't sue me or whatever you people do when you get mad. I-I'll move." the man stuttered, rising to his feet.

"Splendid. Thank you so much." Zen purred as the man slipped past him and shuffled towards the back of the auditorium.

"You know he's probably going to start some rumor about us dating, right?" Amy said as her friend eased into his chair.

"So what if he does? Would that really be so bad? It would help keep slimeballs like him far away from you." Zen replied.

"It would also cause a social media uproar that neither of us want to deal with-"

"Hush! It's starting!" Zen whispered as the lights began to dim and the first notes of the opening tune floated through the air. Amy just rolled her eyes, snatched her food from Zen's hand, and slouched down in her seat, her eyes fixed on the stage. However, her look of boredom was soon replaced by a sincere interest as the first scene unfolded. Zen couldn't help but smile when he noticed the intrigue in his friend's eyes.

"It would be a hassle to deal with, but for you, it would be worth it."


As the taxi pulled up in front of Zen's house, Amy bolted out of the vehicle and up the walkway as Zen paid the driver and hurried after her.

"Amy, wait!"

"I can't believe you, Zen! We've been gone almost two hours! Two hours! At this rate I'll be up all night again doing make up work!" Amy exclaimed, pacing anxiously back and forth on the porch as she waited for the actor to unlock the door.

Zen hastily caught her in his arms. "Amy, just calm down. I think you're overreacting."

Amy glared murderously at the male, sending chills down his spine. "Zen, you never tell a woman she's overreacting. Ever."

"Alright, but are you seriously telling me you would prefer to not have gone?" Zen asked.

Amy grew quiet for a moment.

"I wouldn't say that...I'm just stressed, that's all." She finally replied.

"Why? You're going to finish; I know it."

Amy sighed loudly and leaned against Zen for support. "Well, that makes one of us."

"Hmm, tell you what, you go start on your homework while I make you some soothing tea, okay?" Zen stated as he unlocked the door and pushed it open.

"Okay." Amy replied, reluctantly removing herself from Zen's embrace and trekking down the hall. Entering her room and flopping down onto her bed, she opened her laptop and selected the assignment she had been working on most recently. Before too long, the clinking of a porcelain teacup and dish and the patter of a pair of feet echoed behind her, signaling Zen's arrival. However, a squeal of surprise left Amy's lips when a pair of arms suddenly wrapped around her and a toned chest pressed against her back.

"Zen, what the heck are you doing?!" she shrieked as her face started to resemble a living cherry.

"What does it look like? I'm helping! I'm not very good at books or school so I'm providing emotional support and stability instead." Zen replied, sounding rather pleased with himself. "Now go on. Act like I'm not even here."

Biting her lip, Amy turned her gaze back to her laptop and started to type again, but her strokes were now slower and more indecisive.

"Ugh, I can't think now!"

Zen frowned when he noticed Amy's brows pinching together in intense concentration. "Is something wrong, Amy?"

"N-No! I'm fine. I was just looking for the right word." Amy replied rather quickly, mentally kicking herself when she realized how desperate she sounded. However, the return of Zen's smile banished those worries to the back of her mind and sent a pulse of warmth through her body.

"Alright. Don't work yourself too hard though; you don't have to be perfect." Zen purred softly before resting his face against Amy's back and giving it a soft nuzzle.

Amy felt her face heating up again, but rather than scold the actor, she held her tongue. As she turned back to her work, a faint smile tugged at her lips as the flock of butterflies Zen had awakened continued to flutter around in her stomach.

"This dork doesn't seem to know the difference between flirting and giving a compliment, but I'm not complaining." she chuckled to herself. "After all, getting this kind of attention from him isn't so bad, not that I'm going to tell him that. His ego is already inflated enough."

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