Chapter 17: A Ceremony of Clichés

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That night, Zen could hardly sleep a wink and every time he did manage to drift off he was startled awake by vivid nightmares, so when the first rays of sunshine began to reach out to him from over the horizon, he gave a loud groan and sluggish rose to his feet.

"No Zen! You gotta wake up! Today's the big day!" he mentally scolded himself, slapping his cheeks several times in an attempt to wake himself up. Heading into the kitchen, he hurriedly started making himself some coffee, and as his drink brewed, he dashed into the hallway to check his bag one last time.

"Looks like everything is still here." he mumbled as he ran his fingers over the black suit he had found in his closet. Closing the satchel one more, he dashed back into the kitchen and guzzled the scalding hot coffee in a few ungentlemanly slurps before bolting back into his room and hurriedly changing.

After he had freshened up, the actor picked up with earpiece MC had delivered the day before and popped it into his ear, turning it on with a tap of his finger.

"Testing. Testing. One, two, three. Seven, can you hear me?" he said as he bent down to slip on his shoes and grab his bag.

"Loud and  clear, buddy. You ready?" Seven chirped.

"No but that doesn't matter. You have the address for the chapel for me?"

"Yep. Your phone's GPS should be getting directions right!"

On cue, Zen's phone gave a short hum, alerting him that the directions had successfully downloaded.

"Thanks Seven. I memorized most of the blueprint yesterday but I still might need your help if the navigating depending on the positioning of the security team."

"Gotcha. You have your change of clothes?"

"Yep. Anything else I should bring as well just in case?"

"Just the devilish charm that made Amy fall for you. Now get going! The wedding starts in twenty minutes and you're about fifteen to sixteen minutes away from the chapel if traffic flow is steady." Seven said.

"Roger that. Is MC here with the car?"

"Yep, so get going already!"

Smiling, Zen slung his bag over his shoulder and dashed out of the house, practically throwing himself into the backseat of MC's car as he chucked his phone into her lap.

"Drive, woman! Drive!" he exclaimed as he shut the car door and yanked the seatbelt across his lap.

MC didn't need to be told twice and slammed her foot down on the break, causing her and Zen to streak down the quiet street like two maniacs. Pulling a rather fast and sloppy turn, she leaped onto the main road and sped down it at a speed that was most likely illegal, switches lanes almost a dozen times as she tried to get around some slow moving trucks. Zen swore he saw his life flash before his eyes more than once but he was too busy replaying the plan over and over again in his mind to care much; besides, they were making great time and would probably make it to the chapel before the wedding even started. However, the sound of beeping horns and screeching tires hastily put an end to that fantasy as MC came to an abrupt stop, her car mere centimeters behind the bumper of the car in front of her.

"Crap! This road is backed up for at least a mile!" she groaned as she surveyed the row of almost completely still cars in front of her.

Zen cursed and hastily started to undo his seatbelt. "I can't wait that long. I'll just have to run."

"Hurry Zen! Going on foot will take a lot longer than driving!"

Jumping out of the car, Zen immediately sprinted down the sidewalk, causing heads to turn and whispers to erupt.

"Isn't that Zen, the famous actor?"

"What's he doing?"

"Where is he going and what is in that bag?"

Shaking his head to drown out the noise around him, Zen refocused his attention on his breathing and occasionally cast a glance down at his phone to make sure he was headed in the right direction. Given that this day was an exceptionally hot one, he quickly became drenched in sweat due to the exercise along with his heavy coat. After what seemed like an hour, Zen paused for a moment after rounding a corner and took a few deep breaths to steady himself, and when he looked up, he was both surprised and relieved to see the chapel building across the street. Fishing his invitation out of his pocket, he tried to straighten himself up a bit before strutting across the road and heading towards the door, which was surrounded by paparazzi. One woman let out a scream.

"Oh my gosh! Everybody look! It's Zen!"

More screeches rose from the crowd as Zen blushed and awkwardly waved before approaching a group of burly looking men wearing suits and sunglasses that were standing in front of the door. The largest of the men, who was holding a clipboard, cast a look of disdain at the actor.

"Can I help you?" he rumbled.

"Yes. I'm here for the wedding. Has it started yet?"

The man's eyes narrowed suspiciously as he scanned Zen from head to toe. "Yes. Where is your invitation?"

"Right here, sir." Zen smiled, handing the slip of paper to the guard.

Scowling, the guard flipped the invitation over a few times before glancing down at his clipboard. Turning to a couple of his companions, he exchanged a few words with them before turning back to the actor.

"Where did you get this?" he asked bluntly.

"It was given to me, same as everyone else."

The guard's frown deepened. "I don't buy it. Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to please leave."

Zen scowled at the guard before whispering into his earpiece, "Seven, I need a little help here."

"I got it. Just make sure your earpiece doesn't get wet."

"What do you-"

Loud shrieks rose from the crowd at the chapel's sprinkler system roared to life, spraying everyone within a ten foot radius with icy cold water. Taking advantage of the chaos, Zen hastily ducked between an opening in the security guards' formation, but as he reached for the door, he felt something yank him back and looked over his shoulder to see the head guard clinging to his bag.

"Hey, get back here!" the man barked.

Cursing, Zen released the bag and dashed into the building, leaving a trail of little puddles behind him.

"Thanks a lot, Seven. Now I'm soaking wet and have no change of clothes." he grumbled.

No response.


Pulling the earpiece out, Zen glanced down at it and cursed when he noticed water dripping from it. "Crap! It's broken! I'm on my own. Memory don't fail me now."

Recalling the image of the blueprint, Zen dashed around a corner only to stop when he noticed a  wealthy looking man about his height standing by the bathroom door, looking down at his phone. Straightening his jacket and running his fingers through his sopping wet hair in hopes of making himself somewhat decent looking, Zen approached the man, who shrinked back at the sight of him.

"Pardon me, sir, but could I borrow that jacket of yours?" he asked with a charming smile.

"Absolutely not! How did you even get in here?! Get back to the street where you belong, you filthy rat-"

"Oh my gosh! It's Zen!"

Zen glanced in the direction of the voice to see two girls, presumably the man's daughters, standing by the entrance to the girl's bathroom, their eyes sparkling with excitement as they stared at him.

"Hello girls. Lovely day, isn't it?" he crowed, flashing the ladies a wink that made them squeal like piglets. "Tell you what, sir, I'll give each of your daughters an autograph completely free of charge if you give me your jacket. I think that sounds like a fair trade, don't you girls?"

The two daughters nodded vigorously and shot their father pleading glances. Sighing loudly, the man stripped off his coat and handed it to Zen while his daughters screamed and each pulled out a picture of Zen that they had gotten who knows where.

"Thank you, sir. I knew from the moment I saw you that you were the reasonable type." Zen clucked as he fished a pen from his pocket and scribbled down his signature on each girl's photo before dashing into the bathroom and stripping off his wet jacket. Retrieving his phone, he was relieved to see it hadn't be damaged by the water as well and hastily dialed Saeyoung's number as he shrugged on his new coat.

"Zen! I told you not to get the earpiece wet!" Saeyoung exclaimed when he answered the call.

"Then don't turn on the sprinklers next time!" Zen snapped in reply as he pushed open the door to the men's bathroom. However, he quickly slammed it shut again when he saw several security guards standing in the lobby, scanning the room for any sign of him.

"Saeyoung, I need a little more help here!"

"Give me a second! I need to find where you are!" Saeyoung grunted, followed by the rapid tapping of his fingers against the keyboard. "Okay, run when I tell you to, alright? Go now!"

Throwing open the door, Zen flew out of the bathroom as a sound like nails on a chalkboard filled his ears. None of the guards seemed to notice him as they stared down at their phones, completely baffled as to why they were watching a video of two cats fighting. Not wasting time to question his friend's methods, Zen sprinted down the hallway that led to the main room of the chapel only to skid to a halt when he saw a few guards stationed by the door.

"Seven, where's Jaehee?" he whisper-yelled into his phone.

"I'm texting her now. Hold on."

Zen held his breath and watched the chapel doors anxiously as he waited for Jaehee. Slowly, one of the doors opened and out slipped a beautiful woman wearing a long golden dress with a matching handbag and heels, her many bracelets jangling loudly as she moved. Zen's jaw dropped in utter shock as he watched Jaehee sashay over to one of the guards and lean in close to him, making him blush.

"Excuse me, handsome but do you know where the ladies' room is?" she cooed sweetly as she placed a hand on his arm.

"Uh j-just down the hall, miss." the man stuttered in reply, his eyes fixed on Jaehee's rosy lips.

"Thank you." Jaehee smiled sweetly before flipping the man with ease, sending him to the floor. The other men stared at her in utter shock as she grabbed the taser from the one guard's belt and pointed it at them threateningly.

"Hurry, Zen! They're starting the vows." she stated as the actor left his hiding spot and barreled towards the doors.

"Thanks Jaehee. You look great by the way."

As the assistant's cheeks adopted a pinkish hue, Zen pressed his hands against the smooth wood of the double doors and threw them open with much gusto.



As Amy stared at herself in the mirror, a long,weary sigh escaped her lips.

"You need to smile, Amethyst. This is your wedding day." her father snapped coldly as he walked up behind her.

"Sorry father." Amy mumbled softly, her eyes fixed on the floor.

Scowling, Mr. Hall stepped in front of his daughter and grabbed her chin, forcing her to look up at him. "Did you actually think what you and that actor had was love? Love is not created that quickly, Amethyst; it takes years to grow and even then it might not be love that you truly have but instead a momentary lustful passion that fizzles as you go on. You do not need love; all you need in a partner is that he is wellbred and wealthy."

"Yes father." Amy replied halfheartedly.

"I thought I told you to smile. I won't refrain from yelling at you even if it's your wedding day." Mr. Hall growled.

A small, obviously fake smile graced Amy's lips. "I'm sorry, Father."

"You should be. Now, quit gawking at yourself in the mirror and come along. They're almost ready for you." Mr. Hall grunted, taking his daughter's hand and guiding her out of the room and towards the chapel doors. Amy remained completely silent as she followed helpless behind him, the aching in her chest growing more and more prominent as she got closer and closer to the room where her inescapable destiny was waiting for her. As two of her father's three bodyguards opened the doors, Amy allowed her father to slowly escort her down the aisle, her blank gaze fixed on the very front of the room as she walked. Jumin looked just as thrilled as she felt, his steely gray eyes watching the doors behind her like he was waiting for someone. All too quickly, the aisle came to an end and Amy's arm was transferred from her father's to Jumin's as she was guided up the steps. As she and Jumin turned to face one another, the preacher began droning on and on, not that either one of them heard a single word he spoke until a key phrase caught their attention.

"Do you, Jumin Han, take Amethyst Hall to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold in good times and bad times, in sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live?"

Jumin released a heavy sigh. "I do."

"And do you, Amethyst Hall, take Jumin Han to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold in good times and bad times, in sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live?"

Amy bit her lip and glanced uncertainly at her father for a moment, earning herself a disapproving scowl. Shuddering, she turned her gaze back to Jumin to utter the words that would both save her and kill her at the same time.



Gasps rose from the crowd as all eyes whipped around to see Zen burst through the doors of the chapel and charge down the aisleway. Amy's jaw dropped to the floor as Jumin rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"You're always one for the dramatics, aren't you, Zen?" he grumbled.

"Zen, what are you doing here?! How did you even get in?!" Amy gawked.

"It's a long story that doesn't matter right now. Amethyst, you can't marry Jumin; I won't let you!" Zen exclaimed as he raced up the steps and snatched her hands up in his own, weaving his fingers with hers. "Amy, I know you think you are doing the right thing by sacrificing yourself for you sister but there are other ways to deal with this, ways that can end with both you and Emerald being happy. Please, come back with me; I need you."

Amy's lip quivered as she drank in the passion swirling in Zen's scarlet orbs, but before she could say anything, she was roughly jerked away by her father.

"How dare you! How dare you! You have some nerve coming here uninvited and interrupting a sacred ceremony!" Mr. Hall spat angrily as he glared down at Zen.

"And how dare you force your daughter to marry someone she does not love for your own personal gain!" Zen retorted defiantly.

"It is my right!"

"It is not your right!"

"Zen, please stop this." Amy whimpered.

"No! Amy, I won't stop! You don't deserve this! You deserve to be with someone who loves you more than anything!"

"What do you know about love?! You're an actor, aren't you? You pretend to feel things for people's entertainment! You could be lying about loving my daughter and just be toying with her heart because you are bored!"

"My love is not an act, and I obviously know more about love than you do, old man!" Zen barked. Turning to Amy once more, he reached out and pulled her to his chest, cradling her close to him.

"Amy, people may say that the chance of falling completely and sincerely in love with someone in only a couple weeks is one in a million, but you are my one in a million. In the days we've been apart I've barely been able to crawl forth from my bed to greet the world and everything I used to love brought me no joy because all it did was remind me of you. Amy, I may trust Jumin with some things since he is a member of the RFA, but you are not one of them. The only one I trust to truly take care of you is myself which I why I'm begging you to abandon this wedding and come with me back to the place where you belong."

Amy swallowed the golf ball sized lump in her throat as tears started to cloud her vision. "Storming the wedding...begging for me to run away with're so cliche, Zen."

Zen chuckled softly as he buried his face in his hair. "I thought you found my clicheness to be amusing."

Amy giggled and wrapped her arms around Zen's neck, swaying back and forth with him for a moment as their hearts beat in unison. Taking a deep breath, she turned to face the preacher and Jumin, who were watching her curiously.

"Jumin, I'm sorry but I can't marry you." she said firmly.

"You do not need to apologize. Now hurry and go with him. Emma, you join them as well." Jumin replied with a slight nod.

"Wait just a minute! My daughters will not be going anywhere! One of them is going to be your bride whether they like it or not because I need a son-in-law to take over my company!" Mr. Hall screamed, his face red with anger.

"Mr. Hall, I do not need one of your daughters in exchange for your company. I will gladly take it off your hands, but I have a few conditions." Jumin stated as he looked Amy's father dead in the eye, sending chills down his spine.

"And what would those be exactly?"

"You are to let Amethyst and Emerald move out and live their own lives, and you are not to pressure them or intervene with their lives any more. Those are my conditions. Should I give you a couple days to think them over or-"

"No! I...I agree to your terms!" Mr. Hall said quickly, shooting a glance at his daughters before awkwardly shuffling his feet.

"Good. I'm glad to hear it. Zen, Driver Kim should be waiting out back with the limo to take you three home. Emerald, MC has offered for you to stay with her until you can afford your own apartment." Jumin stated calmly.

"Jumin, thank you. I can never repay you for what you have done." Amy stammered, tears rolling down her cheeks.

"I do not require you to repay me. Just make Zen happy so he whines less."

"Will do. Come on, Em!"

Tightly gripping each other's hand, Amy and Zen barreled down the aisle with Emma in tow, cheers rising from many of the spectators as they went. However, one of the few silent spectators scowled at the relieved bride as she watched her disappear.

"This isn't over, Amethyst Hall. Not even close." Echo Girl vowed, her hands clenching into fists.

Meanwhile, Zen, Amy, and Emma all hastily clambered down the steps at the back of the chapel and climbed into the waiting car. As Emma shut the door behind her, Zen pulled Amy into his lap and pressed his lips to her own in a passionate kiss.

"Finally! Finally you're mine again!" he whispered as he peppered her neck with loving pecks, his grip on her waist tightening.

"Zen, that tickles! Knock it off, you goofball!" Amy squealed, smacking his chest.

Grinning like an idiot, Zen pressed his forehead against Amy's and rubbed his nose lovingly against hers.

"You are safe now, Your Majesty. The dragon will never come near you ever again." he whispered as he lost himself in her eyes.

Amy smiled happily and placed a gentle kiss on Zen's nose. "Thank you for saving me, my darling White Knight. I knew I could count on you."

"Now, do you still disapprove of being swept off to my kingdom and becoming my queen or have you warmed up to the idea?"

"At least take me out to dinner first, you dork."

As the couple continued to cutely banter back and forth with one another, Emerald looked on with a broad smile on her lips. This was the fate meant for her sister; this was the role she was meant to play all along. By abandoning the script her father had forced upon her, she had found something much greater, something nothing and no one else could replace; she had found freedom. Oh, and she had found Zen too. That was a plus.

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