Chapter 2: Princess in a Tower

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((Contains a somewhat of a brief spoiler from Zen's story!))

"Wait, you mean to tell me that your parents were so clueless about what to name you and your sister that they just named you after your birthstones?" Zen asked incredulously, his eyes wide.

Amy giggled and nodded. "Yeah, it's pretty sad, isn't it?"

Zen chuckled in disbelief. "How could they still not know what to name you after nine months of waiting?"

"They had ideas but they couldn't agree on any of them, so by the time we were born, they were too tired to care." Amy shrugged. Her face suddenly became sad as she thought about her mom. Zen immediately took notice.

"Hey, what's wrong?" he asked worriedly.

"Huh? Oh, it's nothing. Don't worry about." Amy stated, shrugging off her sadness. She decided to change the subject before Zen could argue. "So, you seem to not like Jumin much. What's the story behind that?"

Zen immediately scowled. "Does there have to be a story?"

"There's always a story behind everything." Amy smiled slyly.

Zen sighed and glanced out over the balcony at the horizon. The two had been talking for hours, and the sun was starting to set, casting a warm, golden glow over everything in sight.

"I don't like him for a lot of reasons, but what I find most despicable about him is the fact that he reminds me of my brother." he stated flatly.

"Oh...Did something happen between you and your brother?"

Zen's lips curved into a wry smile. "That's a can of worms you really don't want to open, sweetheart, trust me. Just know that we don't get along."


"Now, you've been awfully curious about me, and while I love talking about myself, I want to hear more about you. What is the story of Amethyst Hall?" Zen purred charmingly, his scarlet irises fixed on the girl's face.

Amy blushed and looked away. "My tale is nothing unique. It merely tells of yet another princess locked away in a tower guarded by a dragon till some prince comes and drags her off to his kingdom far far away."

Zen smirked, somewhat amused. "The princess doesn't sound too enthusiastic about being saved."

"Would you be excited if your only options in life are to either remain in captivity or be swept away by a prince and forced to marry him even though you barely know him?" Amy asked.

"Hmm, I suppose not." Zen stated, holding his chin thoughtfully. "Has the princess ever tried to escape?"

"Such a task is easier said than done. The dragon keeps all exits well guarded. While the princess can try to escape, he is always watching and can seal off the new opening in the blink of an eye."

"I see. So does the princess just give up and do nothing while she waits for her fate?" the albino actor asked, intrigued by the tale he was hearing.

Amy started to smile and shook her head, chuckling. "No, she is quite stubborn and insists on fighting even though the odds aren't in her favor."

"Her sense of spirit is admirable." Zen mused. For a moment, he grew silent, deep in thought. "Has the princess perhaps ever tried asking for help in her escape?"

Amy raised a questioning eyebrow. "Who would she ask? She has spent her entire life in that tower. The only other beings she has encountered aside from the dragon and his other prisoner are the princes who come to try and steal her away from the tower. She would never ask for their help."

"Surely there must be a window in the princess' tower through which she can look out and gaze upon the world below, and there must be men and creatures alike that pass by each day to whom she can call out when the dragon's back is turned."

Amy smiled. "I guess there are a few..."

"Perhaps the princess has heard the rumors spreading across the land about a great knight who has appeared nearby?"

Amy shook her head. "No, she has not."

"He is supposed to be extremely kind and powerful. Some say he can fell an entire army with one glance. I'm sure he would help the princess if she tried to contact him."

"And how would she accomplish such a task?"

"Well, the knight is also secretly a wizard, so those who wish to contact the him must perform a certain spell known only by his most trusted associates. Many however perform the spell incorrectly so the princess must be very careful and precise when casting it." Zen stated as he pulled a piece of paper from his pocket and hurriedly scribbled something down on it. Holding it out, he flashed Amy a dazzling, pearly white smile. "Fortunately, I know the spell by heart. Could you deliver this to the princess for me?"

"Of course." Another smile graced Amethyst's lips as she gently took the paper from Zen and slipped it into her handbag. Suddenly, her phone went off, the screen lighting up with a text message. A groan escape her lips when she read who it was from.

"I have to go. The dragon is beckoning for me to return." she sighed, closing her bag.

Zen's face fell, a sad glimmer in his red eyes. "I see. I hope to see you again soon, princess."

"I the same. Goodnight, fair knight."

Before the woman could slip away from him, Zen gently grabbed her hand and brought it to his lips, placing a delicate kiss on her knuckles. Blushing, Amy pulled out of his grasp and slipped off into the crowd.


Upon returning to the safety of her room, Amy immediately retrieved her notebook and flopped down onto her bed. However, as she was opening the book, pencil in hand, she stopped when her sparkly handbag caught her eye. Grabbing it, she retrieved her phone and the piece of paper from its belly and set them down on her bed. Opening her phone, she went to her contacts and hastily entered Zen's number in as a new contact. However, as she prepared to type his name, she paused. Smirking to herself, she typed in another name instead and then sent him a text.

Amy: Is this the line of the great knight, Zen?

A reply came almost instantly.

❤️The White Knight❤️: I am he. Could this be the fair princess Amethyst whom I met earlier?

Amy: I am she. You answered quite quickly. If I didn't know any better, I would think you were waiting for me to text you.

❤️The White Knight❤️: Maybe I was. Perhaps I enjoy your company, my lady.

Amy: You're such a goofball. What are you up to?

❤️The White Knight❤️: Just running lines for my next musical. Are you sure you haven't heard of me before?

Amy: Nope. Sorry.

❤️The White Knight❤️: I am hurt. It wounds me that a fair lady like yourself has never heard of me...

Amy chuckled to herself.

Amy: Well, if you give me a list of your productions, I'll look them up and watch them. I've got nothing else to do while I'm locked away.

For a moment, the line remained silent, and Amy grew worried. Had she said something wrong? However, her fears were quickly brushed aside when her phone vibrated once more, signalling she had received another text. Opening the message, she found her friend had sent her a random link.

❤️The White Knight❤️: Whatever you do, do NOT watch footage from this musical. Please!!!

Amy raised a confused eyebrow.

Amy: Um....okay?

❤️The White Knight❤️: So, are you going to watch it?

Amy: Didn't you just tell me not to....?

❤️The White Knight❤️: You're such a goody-goody, Amy. I was trying to use reverse psychology to make you want to watch the show I just told you not to so you would go behind my back and watch it anyways.

Amy: Okay....why?

❤️The White Knight❤️: Because I think you'll enjoy it, disregarding the script and the other actors. Their performances were just average.

Amy: If they're just average then why do you want me to watch it so badly?

❤️The White Knight❤️: Well, there may or may not be a scene in the play where my shirt has been ripped open to reveal my flawless six pack and pecks...

Amy's cheeks immediately turned bright red as her vivid imagination painted a picture of the image Zen was describing.

Amy: Are you trying to seduce me?

❤️The White Knight❤️: Perhaps. Is it working?

Amy: Of course not, you dork.

❤️The White Knight❤️: Are you sure? You're not even slightly attracted by the thought of seeing me shirtless?

Amy: Nope.

❤️The White Knight❤️: Darn, I'll have to try harder.

Amy giggled in amusement.

Amy: So, are there any other productions you "don't" want me to watch? Lol

❤️The White Knight❤️: Very funny. I honestly don't care what you watch. I've got nothing to hide.

Amy: I see....I guess I've got a long night ahead of me.

❤️The White Knight❤️: I'll gladly keep you company.

Amy: You don't have practice tomorrow?

❤️The White Knight❤️: I do, but I'm used to working on little sleep. I'll be fine.

Amy: Yeah right. You're not fooling me. Get some spell. Your princess orders you.

❤️The White Knight❤️: Well, as a knight, I cannot refuse the orders of my princess. I bid you goodnight, my fair lady. I shall send you a message of my love in the morning. Till then, I bid you ado.

Amy rolled her eyes, chuckling to herself.

Amy: Whatever, you goofball. Sleep tight.

❤️The White Knight❤️: I will be waiting for you in dreamland, my darling. Don't stay up too late; it's rude to keep your date waiting.

A smart aleck reply immediately popped into Amy's head, but for some reason, she couldn't type it out.

Amy: I'll be there soon, I promise. Goodnight, Zen.

❤️The White Knight❤️: Goodnight, Amy.

Smiling, Amy copied the link Zen had sent her and searched it with her laptop. As the video started to play, she curled up underneath the covers and watched as a familiar face lit up the screen.

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