1. After Ending Reset

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A/N: WARNING! This story will contain multiple [spoilers] for each character end. Read at your own risk.

If you haven't already, you may want to read all of the Secret After Endings before reading this as well. This story branches from Seven's Good end and the Secret After Endings.

It was like a dream.

A wedding strewn in colors from a galaxy that could only be seen via telescope or satellite. Jaehee wasn't wrong when she once before mentioned that a wedding at a space station would be dangerous for attending guests but Saeyoung was determined. Together, he and I plotted out a magnificent wedding here on our own planet (against his wishes) but it was probably the most beautiful thing I could have envisioned. And to top it off, Saeran attended as his best man.

I was so happy and so was he...

Despite one unfilled chair in the very front row, however. A portrait of V sat in in its intended guest's place and even though I'd only met him once, the very thought of V's absence ached deep in my heart. I watched him die after all. A single bullet from Saeran's gun sent him to an early grave and that in itself was a nightmare that repeated in my dreams almost every night.

Tonight was no different.

I woke with a start, jolting from my sleep in a panicked sweat. To my surprise, the room was bright and sunlight filtered in through familiar curtains. My gaze traveled around the room and my brain struggled to register where I was at.

(Rika's apartment?)

I glanced over all of her belongings, wondering how and when I'd gotten here. I knew for sure that I'd been at Saeyoung's place last night but I couldn't recall coming back here. I had no reason to since I'd been staying with Saeyoung anyway.

I decided to log into the messenger. They might know why I came back here last night.

The screen on my phone lit up and I opened the RFA chatting app. Once all the options loaded, I tapped the Chatroom and clicked on "Today". Yoosung was the only one in the room.


MC has entered.

MC: Yoosung! Good morning

Yoosung: MC! Did you have breakfast yet? I had to skip it since I was late for class T_T

MC: I did.. But I have a question

707 has entered.

707: Hey

707: Both

707: of

707: You!!

My heart skittered at the sight of his screen name.

MC: Saeyoung~ When did I go home last night? I don't remember leaving your house T_T

Yoosung: ????

707: ...

Yoosung: Seven? MC was at your house?!

707: No.

707 has left the chatroom.

Yoosung: He left

Before I could reply, my screen flickered and it showed that 707 was calling.

MC: Yoosung, I have to go now. I'm getting a call

MC has left the chatroom.

Yoosung: No one even said bye T_T


I swiped right on the call button, answering with a short hello.

"MC, are you at Rika's apartment right now?" Saeyoung's voice rung out urgently as soon as I answered.

"Yeah, I don't remember when I got back here from your house though-"

"My house?" he questioned. "You've never been to my house. Did you go through any of the files that V told you not to?"

"What?" I responded in a confused tone. "Saeyoung, we opened that together and found the Mint Eye blueprints," I said, wondering if he was playing some sort of joke on me. It wasn't completely unlike him but this seemed to be going a bit too far for a joke.

"Mint eye?? MC, I don't know what you're talking about. And why do you keep calling me Saeyoung? How do you know that name? Is it written somewhere there? I'm calling V."

His flurry of questions had my mind spinning and I hesitated to say anything else.

"Wait, did you just say V?" I asked. This was definitely going too far. "That's not funny, Saeyoung. And that's your name! You told everyone when we went looking for Saeran."

The line was silent then but I could still hear him breathing.

"Saeyoung?" I asked after a few seconds.

"MC, who the hell are you and how do you know about Saeran?" he asked, his tone deep and more serious than I could have imagined.

"Saeyoung," I said, growing weary of this spiraling conversation. He seemed legitimately upset and I couldn't understand why. Had I done something wrong last night? At my own expense, I decided to play along with the situation. "Y-You're right. I opened the drawers and found all this information," I said in a shaky voice. I glanced down at the desk then and found the drawer handle still perfectly in tact.

(That's impossible... Saeyoung and I broke that while looking for more information on his brother...)

I reached down and tugged lightly on the handle but the drawer was still locked.

Finally, I heard Saeyoung let out a deep sigh. "We told you not to go through anything in that apartment. I'm calling V now," was all he said before hanging up.

I felt like I'd done something terribly wrong but I simply couldn't comprehend what was happening. I opened the RFA Chatroom again but no one was online. It was then that I noticed that there was no chat history, no message logs, or phone calls. Everything was gone aside from one log from yesterday. I hesitantly clicked on the chat box and the log popped up.

I instantly recognized the conversations as the chats from the first day I joined the RFA. My stomach dropped and my mind bounded through unreal explanations of what was going on. Zen and Yoosung were warm and welcoming, Seven was rarely online but was the same goofball I remember talking to, Jumin was cold and robotic, Jaehee didn't trust me... and V had come in momentarily to layout the ground rules for staying in Rika's apartment.

There was no way this was real. All of this had already happened once before.

I started to feel dizzy then and my body swayed as I struggled to stay standing. I toppled over onto the bed and the room seemed to almost be closing in around me and my vision was fading fast. Before long, my senses left me and everything went black.


A/N: I'm off to a rough start with this story but I'm hoping it gets easier soon~ I'll update soon too! ^^

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