Review - Her Soul

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Author : Nefili123

Introduction -

Title : ‘Her Soul’ is an ambitious title which made me think again and again about whose soul you must be referring to and that lead to series of amazement pondering over what types of magic realism I am going to enter into. It was a cool idea of using it as an attention-grabbing title.

Cover : You have done a beautiful job in projecting the basic idea of the story through the tag – will he take her soul or fall for her? -  but I personally believe you could have done an improvement with the chosen graphic photos used for the cover, a bit easier way of displaying rather than going too deep into the plot keeps the viewers interested for what is going to happen.

Blurb : It is the first insight into your story which determines the reader in diving into the journey or scurrying away for another one. What makes a blurb appealing is – who are the people and context, which you have done a great job introducing but it isn’t enough for a reader to get into the story. So, what is the key? People, love conflict, and you have mentioned it, and even connected both Aviana and Riaan’s world. But it would be lovely if you have given an insight of their team and friendship, that will give a glimpse that the story is not all about love.

Analysis and Evaluation

Characters : Generally very few stories try to portray multi characters and a beautiful bonding family because too many cooks spoil the taste, likewise too many characters confuses the plot but you have taken a powerful risk and donned it very entertainingly. Be it a sibling bonding, a binding family, hot-cold supportive mother daughter duos and many more, my favourite being the friendship of the unit. The way they argue and then talk it out explains how mature and confident they are with their bonding.
The way you created Aviana is really wonderful, a total round character where we get to see her imaginative world of stories, almost become a reality, then her desperation to have friends and her strong optimism to survive. A mentally strong character she is, it is not easy to live being labelled as a murderer!
Riaan has so much of realisation and developments as he learns about Aviana from a new perspective rather than just an assignment helps him grow visibly.

Plot : Writing fiction is the act of weaving a series of lies to arrive at a greater truth, this was said by a very powerful man and I believe that is what you are doing. Beautifully connecting and at times realistic yet hilarious and having both these words in the same line is a mysterious honour itself. Of course, we all thrive for getting a better self of us every next day so there is always a scope for improvement in its own best ways. As it might be the first draft, make it a point you read it again and you will understand where it does need polishing and remember you are always your first reader.

Descriptions : This is a place where I am going to make it a point to take a break and let you know where is your major scope for improvement. I am not going to suggest anything, only state the useful sketch which has gone messy because at the end of the day it is your story and you will only be the author.
In the very opening paragraph, now we wouldn’t want the readers to feel off putting about the complete story and judge it – let’s be practical, opening attracts or repels so, the powerful it is the best impression it makes. You did an applauding job!
Dialogues, they are very creative but it is being overshadowed by a bit of messy presentation – like over usage of . . . and improper display of case sensitivity. And it is always Okay to use ok but okay looks more attractive than ok in sentences.
Now coming to the supporting sentences which can make or stake your story, your idea of a soul world and how lives are bought to justice through them is literally breath taking (I would love to know where you got it from?) but the way you presented the sentences are all informative. You enjoy a dish not only through the taste, the aroma, plating and atmosphere makes it more delicious. That is why when you use informative sentences we only concentrate on the shared info rather than wondering why it happened or what will happen.
For having the readers guessing and hanging informative sentences plays the role of a spoiler, so, try constructing the sentences in a way where you make it a combination of information and questioning, like leaving a trail for the readers to find out what happens next. Let the reader realise things, don’t put it out on a platter for them.
Besides your display of affection for and among all the characters is very captivating to a point that I started hoping, Aww, I should also have had such a family or friend. Ah – man, I loved that feeling and it is very lovely.

Grammar and Punctuation : It is something which is like the icing on the top of the cake giving an eternal beauty to the cake itself, the same with stories as these two attributes can make a plain looking girl into a Chanel – perfect – waist model. I loved the way you expressed the whole plot and it was just enthralling. But what can make it more magnus is the polishing of tenses and better usage of punctuation marks. Just you need to do is spend some over it to read again and check the fitting of sentence formation and if you aren’t up for it then we always have Grammarly, just drop into it and make the amends then there is no stopping for you.


The story till where I read is very joyous and even manages to hold you onto it. Kudos to your hard work for making it happen and putting out for us. I am not going to emphasise much because I think I have done a good job in helping you go through something which others wouldn’t want to point out.
In the end line I would simply take the liberty to say I enjoyed your story and take this review as a positive criticism and sorry if I went too harsh, and I would love to see the changes if you are thinking to do.
All the best.
Thank You.

(P.S : Sorry for such a late review, I really wanted to read all the chapters and review but we have a time constraint and that is why I skipped writing the summary part not wanting to do injustice to it)


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