I - Rogue

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1 - First Impressions are Terrible

"So, it has been a while." A feminine voice talked, a girl walked out from the Werewolves Pack, she looked like about around 18 - 20. Her bare arms were covered with Tribal Tattoos, she wore a black sleeveless hoodie that show off her muscles on her arms. She looked like a punk. She wore black fingerless gloves, black combat boots, and black ripped jeggings (leggings that look like jeans). She wore no make-up but it doesn't matter, she had natural beauty. Her hair was like a dark brown, kind of like midnight brown. But it was lighter than my hair for sure though. Her loose bangs were brushed to one side, the other side was edgy-braided. Her hair-style was an edgy-braid ponytail. Like the side of her hair was braided then put into a ponytail. Hidden in her loose bangs were a thin braid for some apparently reason. Her one ear that isn't hidden from her bangs, has ear piercings, one normal like a Standard Lobe Piercing, the ear piercing was a stud. Then she have 2 golden helix ring ear piercings. She looked like a punk-tomboy, who looked like a rebel, a leader, who looks pretty strong and someone you shouldn't get in a fight with. Her brown eyes were shining in the moon-light, she would glance at the moon every so often like it bother her. She was pretty hot to be honest. She turn to me, like I offended her. "Rogue." Her voice was cold and determined, like she hold grudges against me.

"Huntress." I called back, keeping my voice determined and cold as her's. 'Huntress' and I had a long history together, but it's not important. Huntress was the leader of the Werewolves pack, or the Alpha of the pack. Huntress looked away and looked at the other 2 species that was present with us; Vampires and Fairies.

Vampires are pretty much aggressive people, like they don't like being betrayed. One wrong move with them, everything can go to world war 3.

Werewolves, they are almost alike. But Werewolves, they are very loyal people. But once you manage to break it, you can never have it back. You see, I have broken my loyalty to them, well, not really 'them' but to 'Huntress'. I, being the douche-bag I am, broke everything. Since, Huntress is like the Alpha of the pack, she doesn't trust me anymore, and the Werewolves doesn't trust me anymore. Well, they still kind of trust the Elves but still, Elves are naturally very 'hard' to trust.

"So like I have called. It has been a while. I have seen, that some of your commanders are new here." Huntress announced. She turned to a blonde hair guy. His blonde hair was a mixture of golden highlights, his hair look like the sun! His hair was a mixture of sandy blonde and dirty brown. Like I have mentioned; his hair look like the sun! Funny, because he's a Vampire. His loose bangs were covering one of his eyes, giving him a small emo-like look. He has ocean blue eyes that are bright and colourful. He looked like he was full of life, pretty funny because he's an undead. He wore a brown leather jacket and a white t-shirt underneath. He wore blue jeans, pretty casual. Around his neck he wore a Wolf's' tooth, hinting that he can kill a wolf. He wore some kind of combat boots. His name is Rare, well code name anyways.

"Well yes, I guess." Rare agreed through his Swedish accent. We do this type of meet-ups/Meetings every January, March, May, July, September, and November. This is the May meetup, and we have to skip the March meeting because of other purposes. But here we are now, a lot of things needs to be catch up now. "Meet, Shadow. The newest Vampire we have turned and past the tests." Rare explained, you may be wondering 'What Tests?' Every Month, the Vampires get a group of people and round them up. They will tell them about the Supernatural Myth is true, they will compelled them to forget everything, but they can make a choice to come back. On Average, about 5-7 people come back. They will turn them into Vampires, and they will do a fight to the death. The Winners, will do some type of 'Vampire' challenges to see who the best is. It's usually seeing who's the more aggressive one or the more loyal one (the one who won't turn their backs). Most Vampires aren't loyal, but some are. Then the Counselors of the Vampires decide on who they would kept as a Vampire. They can only choose ONE. What happens to other ones who wasn't chosen, well they get killed (by stabbing a wooden stake through the Vampire's Heart). Anyways, I'm guessing the new Vampire, near Rare, is Shadow.

'Shadow' has jet-black hair, one side of his head is pulled back, looking like he edgy-shaved hairstyle. His hair was brushed to one side, making him look Emo-ish. His bangs covered one of his eyes. He has an ear brow piercing and some lip piercings. He has very pale skin, which is pretty normal for a vampire. But his pale skin really fit him, like he was born with the pale skin naturally. Shadow was fit, but awfully skinny. Shadow wore a black leather jacket with a white t-shirt underneath. He wore casual black sneakers, also around his neck he wore a dog-tag. He wore a black snap-back and some dark blue jeans.

"Hm, Hello there!" Shadow greeted awkwardly, so he won't have the eyes on him. Shadow sounded nervous to be here in this meeting, it's probably he knows all of us are supernatural like him. Shadow probably doesn't like the spot-light or something, he's like one of those shadows that just follows the 'Popular' in High school, thank gods that I graduated from High-school already. Because I don't want to deal with anymore drama.

"Hello, Shadow. I'm Crystal, the leader of the Fairies." A girl from the fairies Clan greeted right away. The girl has natural light pink hair and crystal blue eyes. She has pale skin and she has a British accent, she wore a brown leather vest with a pale lime green low-cut tank-top, brown knee-high boots and bright blue jeans. Her name was Crystal (well codename), just like she introduce herself. Crystal was very down-to-earth and very kind. But she can be a demon if you mess with her, especially if you steal some of her flowers for tea. Trust me, she loves her tea. She even send the whole Werewolf pack after me! Shadow looked like he wanted to laugh, me and Shadow locked eyes for a short second but it was enough time for me to give him the warning look saying "Don't laugh, I swear, if you laugh you're dead, trust me". Shadow got paler, and he took a small nod like he understands and probably went back to listening to Crystal and her greetings. "This is Angel, Urban, Infinite, and Oak." She introduce each one of the 'Commander' fairies. Angel has ombré brown hair and brown eyes. Angel has a little bit of make-up, only eye-liner that's all. Angel has pale skin that goes with her beautiful hair. Angel's hair was pulled into a long braid and a bit of her hair was loose to make side-bangs. Angel wore a bright flower dress with a jean-jacket on top. And she wore golden sandals which fitted on her 'outfit'. Urban, he's still kind of friends with me. Not really, but he is kind of. Urban has black messy hair and dark brown eyes. Urban wore a yellow baggy t-shirt that looks like the sun! And he wore dark denim jeans that has grass stains on the knees area. Urban is kind of 'skinny' ish. He's pretty short compared all of the other members of the Fairies clan. But most of the Fairies are short anyways. Infinite has a British accent just like Crystal's. Infinite is like Urban, skinny-ish and short. His hair was a mixture of straight and wavy hair. His hair is like a very light brown colour, I can't really explain it, but it's a very light brown. But he has dark brown eyes, heck, I don't even know what colour they are, they were a coal-brown eyes. He wore a white t-shirt with light denim jeans that are grass stained at the knees. Now, there's Oak. Oak has a mixture of curly, wavy and straight short hair. His hair was an oak brown, like an oak tree's bark. He has deep brown eyes that are like the rich soil from the underneath ground. And heck, he's one of the tallest Fairies I ever have meet in my life. Also, a fact; the Fairies are very close to nature, so that's why they have these characteristic that are similar to nature.

Soon after she introduced her commanders, it was the Elves turn or 'Mine' to introduce ourselves.

"Hello Shadow! I'm Rogue, co-captain of the Elves. And this is Demon co-captain of the Elves with me!" I greeted cheerfully, trying to make a good impression of myself. So far, I think I'm making myself a retarded person. I glanced at Huntress, we locked eyes for a quick half a second before she has to looked away to study Rogue. Huntress does that to everyone new to her, Huntress would study someone and study each move the person makes and right away Huntress knows what type of person he/she is. Shadow shifted to his other foot uncomfortable like he knew that Huntress was studying him, he was probably scared to make a wrong move/impression to us. Don't worry Shadow, I already made a bad impression of myself. "And this is; WatchDog, Omega and Hawk. " I pointed to each one of the other commanders as I introduce their names. WatchDog was pretty avenge height, WatchDog has amber brown hair with blonde streaks, and his eyes were amber brown with a fleck of silver. Silver not grey. He wore a grey hoodie with a black omega sign that appears on the back of the hoodie, he probably got it custom made or something. He wore navy blue, worn-out jeans. And dusty wore-out camouflage hiking boots. Omega has a darker shade of hazel brown hair and light hazel brown eyes. Omega has a round-ish face, like a baby-face. He stood shorter than everyone in the Elves, around 5'7, as WatchDog being 5'11, I being 6'1, Demon being 6'2 and Hawk being 6'1 too. Omega wore a dark forest green hoodie with a blue and white striped t-shirt underneath the sweater. Navy wore-out blue jeans and blue sneakers that looked worn-out and dusty. Hawk was pretty tall, around my height, maybe a bit taller than me. Hawk has dark oak brown hair and dark oak brown eyes. Hawk is wearing a black hoodie that is unzipped, a faded-out gray t-shirt underneath (that used to be a graphic tee). He wore a silver dog-tag around his neck, he wore navy blue jeans that were faded and worn-out. It was dusty and grass-stained along with mud stains and dirt stains. He wore black and gray high-tops. Then there's Demon. Light hazel brown hair, along matching he has a caramel brown eyes. He has very pale skin. I'm serious, he has pale skin. Hawk is tanned, Omega has pale skin, and WatchDog he's tanned like Hawk. Demon is the tallest of the group, he wore a dark blue t-shirt (you can sometimes confuse it for black) and black worn-out jeans. He wore forest green camouflage sneakers that seem wore-out and dirty from running.

"Hello Shadow, I'm Huntress, the alpha of my pack, the Werewolves." Huntress introduced after I done my introduction. Huntress brushed her thick brown hair to the side, trying to probably see once again through her thick bangs. "This is Rapid, Titanium, Silver and Hunter." I caught Rapid glanced at me at the corner of my eye, then I look toward his direction, he looked away quickly like he doesn't want me to notice him looking at me. Rapid's face was red like a bamboo's butt, but he tries to hide his face in his black sleeveless-hoodie. Rapid has short hair that has a mixture of curly and wavy, his hair is pretty light almost like caramel or maybe brighter. He has amazing emerald green eyes, Rapid is short, a bit muscular and bit chubby, but otherwise he's can be very cute like a panda-bear. Like, I would like to be friends with Rapid, but the thing is; like I have said; I and the Werewolves aren't really . . . on the right terms. Titanium, he's kind of short but that doesn't stop anything for Titanium, he's pretty muscular, he's very strong and very quick on his feet. He's like a perfect wolf, which I'm surprised that he isn't the Alpha instead of Huntress (Don't tell her that I have said that, she'll kill me if she finds out). But Titanium is very calm and very nice, but once you manage to break the boundaries of offense or something, Titanium can be really scary. If you can manage be Titanium's enemy or on his bad side, then you have talent. Titanium has very dark brown hair, calm & warm brown eyes, he sometimes wear glasses, and sometimes he doesn't. Then there's Silver, he is very similar to Titanium. Silver and Titanium are best friends that are actual brothers. They are almost twins! (Not really, they don't really look alike and they aren't twins). But Silver is older than Titanium by a couple weeks. Silver has dark brown hair with dark hot chocolate eyes. He has a southern accent, it wasn't really thick/strong; but it was pretty noticeable when he talks. Silver might have actually grew up on the farm, because of how he says stuff. Like "Y'all" and all of the southern talk. Just like his step-brother; Silver is very calm, laid-back and can be pretty lazy. The lazy part is the only thing that he and Titanium doesn't have in common. Lastly, the 3rd in common; Hunter. I don't know why his 'code-name' is Hunter, it's very similar to Huntress'. My theory is; that Hunter isn't that original. Like seriously, Hunter? He's a werewolf who's name is Hunter, very original. Well, Huntress' is Huntress and she's a werewolf . . . Well, curse all my logical theories. Hunter has amber brown hair that's sweep to the side, he wears a mask that can some-how connected to him, like magic! Like, the mask can show his emotions, but sometimes he can choose to not show his emotions (which is all my theory). Most times his mask on something I like to call 'poker-face' mode, where literary the mask is a poker-face (the mask's face is emotionless right now). It scares me sometimes. Hunter is the anti-social one, he doesn't talk much but he's pretty strict and scary when angry. I have a slight suspicion that Hunter don't like me because he growls at me if I ever try to talk to Huntress if he's around. Maybe, jealous? But, I just know he's angry at me.

As the usual meeting goes on. We talk about changing some of the rules and talk about our locations were changing. Huntress warns us that something is going to happen. Probably more drama. But who knows? No other creatures will dare to come to Mystical Island, because the 4 creatures here are powerful and deadly without trying. So, who's the real threat here? Each other.

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