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Chilled dig the arrow into the bark tree, craving a 'M' in the tree bark. He finished the 2 words with adding a 'D' at the end. Chilled smiled lightly. He put his arrow back to the quiver of arrows that was strapped around his back. Chilled blushed lightly as he took a step back, looking at the words he wrote. Chilled smiled lightly, as he looked at the cravings he made on the tree branch.

"CHILLED!" Chilled heard Minx's voice, calling through the trees. It was echoing, bouncing through the trees. Chilled turned to see Minx, running toward him. Her arms were fulled with at least about 5 leather bracelets on each hand. Her hair was up into an edgy pony-tail, she wore a brown leather vest, underneath was a white thin t-shirt, she wore brown hiking-shorts that are a bit short. She wore black combat boots. Her hair was a chocolate brown, with a few streaks of purple. She has shining amber brown eyes that look like coconuts, fuzzy and warm brown with a thin streak of silver. Chilled glanced at her with a smile on his face. He pointed at the craven picture that Chilled has made. Minx catches up to him and studied the craved in picture. "Not like that's going to happen." Minx joked, Chilled went red.

"Can I at least dream about it?" Chilled asked, as he brushed his dark chocolate hair out of his face.

"You can dream all you want, pretty boy. But that isn't going to happen." Minx joked along, she smiled. "I'm going to keep it there through. So one day, when we are like old and we're still friends. We can walked over here and look at it. Laugh at our stupidity at our rebellious teen-years. And remember everything." Chilled felt a little disappointed when Minx say "Still Friends" but he covered it up with still the smile on his face. "Why do you always smile?" Minx noticed.

"Why not? Smiling is contagious, if one person is smiling, everyone around him is smiling and happy along with him. And what makes me happy? Being with my best friend."

"Your such a flirt." Minx stated as she traced the cravings with her index finger. Minx flinched when Chilled hug her from behind, Minx wasn't comfortable at the solution. But soon she lead back and she lay her head on the crook of Chilled's neck making herself comfortable.

"You know . . . I love you. Not as a relationship, but as a friend way, you know?" Chilled mentioned.

"You know, I see you as more than a friend. More like an older brother to me, you know. You're the best brother, that I can always have." Minx smiled, as she found a way to snake out of Chilled's arms. Chilled smiled, Chilled knew she was the only child. They meet really young, preschool! Like, they were around 1 years old when they meet for the first time! That's crazy! And they grew up as brother and sister, most people mistake them as dating, they are really close, too close to even date. If they end up dating, everything would be awkward. They have once tried to date, but it didn't really work out because it was awkward between them. But, they would be each other dates in dances.

This was the good old days with Minx and Chilled. Before knowing everything. Well, Minx knew at preteen age. But Chilled, he has no idea about it. Minx was already a werewolf at 13, around 15, she was recruited to the Werewolf pack. They're about 16 now, they dropped out of High school; because they don't like school. Their parents don't care if they do or not, they are like "Go Ahead".

Minx grabbed Chilled's wrist and slightly dragged Chilled along with her, deeper into the forests.

"This is getting . . . kinky weird," Chilled mumbled, as he was getting dragged by Minx. Minx kept running, she looked around her surroundings; like she looking for a place. She stopped and studied her surroundings. She saw a bright neon yellow ribbon wrapped around a tree, Minx smiled at her clever thinking for a Way point. Minx pointed at the bright object, but she put down her hand quickly before Chilled gets to really see what Minx was looking at. Minx started running toward the bright colour, Chilled was still in the stage of confusion and questions. Minx ran pass the tree and she keep running forward; into the misty air. The air was getting warm and wet-ish like it rains a lot in this area. Minx stopped in front of a small pond. Minx smiled. "It's a pond." Chilled stated, in confusion. Why is Minx so excited for this location? It's nothing much, just a small pond full of clear water and tiny fishes; that are swimming around and doing their daily things.

"This is Spring Water." Minx introduced to Chilled, Chilled raised an eyebrow. "Spring Water is very special. Mystical Island has a lot of these ponds around Silvis and Antrum."

"But we're in Montibus. How can there be any Spring Ponds here?" Chilled asked the intelligent teen in front of him.

"This is the very first Spring Pond. Mark told me all about them." Minx said. Chilled was confused now, 'Who's the hell is Mark? And why is he hanging out with Minx?', Chilled twitched his neck, in thinking of regrets of being very protective of his best friend.

"Who's Mark?" Chilled asked.

"Oh, Mark? He's just a friend." Minx smiled, Chilled knew the meaning of her smile. Chilled felt jealously in his heart, she obviously hangs out with this 'Mark' guy; who is intelligent and an 'amazing' guy according to Minx. Chilled knew that Minx has some-what feelings toward the guy; Chilled felt angry at himself for not being 'good' enough for Minx. "Are you okay, Chilled?" Minx asked, making Chilled get out of his thoughts.

"Yeah, I'm alright, just thinking." Chilled answered with a smile on his face; to cover up every emotion that's running through him; hatred, jealously, angry and depressed.

"Chilled, smiling doesn't always help. It might help everyone else, but I'm not as stupid as everyone else; you know?" Minx stated. "Chilled, I know you. You always like to cover your emotions to the emotion that's the opposite. Tell me." Chilled sighed, he doesn't want to talk about it. He doesn't want to be reminded that he's not good enough for her.

"Nothing. Just second thinking myself." He answered shortly and quickly.

"Chilled, I don't care if you're intelligent or not. You, are an amazing guy. Who is confused about everything. You confuse about your life. How many girl have you dated since 6th grade? Oh right, about 20 or more. I don't judge you for anything; you're an amazing person. You are . . . well you. It's pretty obvious why girls are into you." Minx smiled; she talked like it was the truth. She carefully chosen her words, and she talked like she can read Chilled's thoughts.

"You're a true friend, you know. You're always so; creative, thoughtful, and very loyal. I don't understand the loyal part, but you're very loyal. You're also a follower and a leader."

"I probably get the Loyalty part from my Mom, and the other Intelligent traits from my Dad." Minx sighed.

"Shouldn't it be the around? Like, your Intelligence from your Mom and the Loyalty part from your Dad?" Chilled asked, Minx smiled at the stupidity of Chilled is talking.

"No. I'm completely right. Don't stereotype things, my Mom is a very loyal person. And my Dad is very wise and Intelligent." Minx answered. "You are very stereotypical, you know."

"Yes, I know. I have been told that about . . ." He stops to think/count. "About 10 times a damn day."

"Dam. 10 dam times." Minx repeated with a smile, like it was a joke.

"What?" Chilled asked, he was confuse of Minx's small joke.

"It's nothing. Just an inside joke." Minx sighed. She stared at the Spring Water, then she saw her reflection looking back at her. She stared at the reflection of herself, then she looked at her friend; who was also looking at his own reflection. Chocolate Brown hair was brushed to the side; kind of hiding his one eye. He has chocolate brown eyes that showed his emotions a lot; that's the one thing he cannot hide. His skin was a mixture of olive, peach and pale skin; it was weird, but that's Chilled. He stood at 5'12, he was almost 6 feet tall! But once again, he's 16, he can still grow in the years. He wore a black sleeveless hoodie (he also has his hood up). He wore black sneakers and he wore black track-shorts that goes to his knees. Chilled was pretty fit, but lucky he wasn't ripped or something. Minx signed out of her thoughts and looked at Chilled for some weird advice to get out of the awkward solution they are in:

Both looking at each other; one isn't interested and the other is the opposite: interested into the other person. In sync, they looked away; and they turned a bit red. But they quickly hid it with their emotionless-face.

The 2, both, have bows and a quiver of arrows that were scrapped around their backs. You might be wondering about; why do they have bows and arrows? Well, it's pretty simple, you know? They need to hunt for their food. You may be 'blabbing'about how they can go to the grocery stores or that both of their families are fairly rich; how can they not have food at home? Well, welcome to Mystical Island. Where, you only eat Fresh Foods and the Meat has to be Wild Meat. There is no grocery stores you can go to, there's only the stock markets. The foods are ALWAYS fresh.

So, anyways. Their parents made them to go hunting for dinner. Minx and Chilled were planning to sneak out and go camping with another friend. So really, they're looking for a place to camp; rather than hunting. If they are hunting, it would take them about 30 minutes; rather than 3 hours.

Minx and Chilled walked a little deeper into the forest, something caught Chilled's eye. He ran toward the thing that caught his eye. Minx chased after him, curious of what he saw. Chilled kept running forward, as Minx ran behind him. Chilled made a sharp turn at a tree, Minx tried to stop her tracks, but instead she slide on the dirt on her feet. In a quick second Minx turn toward Chilled's direction and ran after him. Minx saw Chilled look back with an evil smirk on his face. 'That bitch' Minx thought to herself. Minx caught up to Chilled quickly, Chilled was surprised. Minx smirked as she tagged Chilled and went ahead, like they were playing tag like little kids.

Chilled tried to catch up, but he really couldn't. But he kept running after Minx, hoping that Minx hopefully slow down. Chilled then remember, that he and Minx are part of the Track Team, and they can run pretty far with amazing speed. There's probably no chance of Minx slowing down. Minx jumped onto of a boulder and kick the top; to give a little boast of speed. Minx saw what's coming up ahead, Minx smirked in thinking of an evil plan to revenge Chilled. Minx slowed down, Chilled caught up quickly than Minx thought. Minx speed up, Minx was going to take a scarp turn. But Chilled was way too quick than Minx thought. Chilled bumped into Minx, and the 2 fallen into the mud puddle. Minx was more in the mud than Chilled was.

"Your such a bitch." Minx stated. As she got out of the puddle, not even going to help Chilled out. So Chilled got out of the mud, himself.

"Oh, I'm the bitch. You're the one who knew this was going to come up." Chilled replied in one breath.

"Well, I'm sorry that my brilliant plan didn't work!" Minx replied back in anger.

"Yes, landing in the mud, is such a brilliant plan, Michelle! Tell me more of your so-call brilliant plan!"

"Shut it, Anthony." Minx hissed.

You see, they might be really good friends. But they have their problems. Like earlier I have mentioned, until one day. Minx and Chilled got mad at each other; and they don't like each other anymore.

What is this, they have fought over that have ended their friendship? It was something. You really want to know? It'll be revealed . . . as the story goes on. Just still tuned, because soon; everything will make sense. Their secrets, their hatred to each other. And even . . . some feelings.

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