~Fan-Fiction Results!~

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DUN DUN DUN! The results for fan-fiction are here! We are thankful of everyone that participated! 




Title: Phobia -> Jason Todd | TITANS

 Total: 97/100

 Review: The cover was really nicely done, it's both creative and simple enough to catch the audience's attention, and let them know what they're reading. The blurb was also done perfectly, you might want to consider changing the dialogue in the blurb however, as it doesn't really seem to catch the overall vibe of the whole book, nor catch the audience's attention. The writing is very nicely done, the dialogues, descriptions, and everything is just perfect. There was this one paragraph where the old Robin came in to fight in the scene, and you repeated the word 'before' multiple times without a comma. Other than that, the grammar of the book is chef kiss. The plot is interesting and unique, the fight scenes are also really nicely done, it really keeps the readers at the edge of their seats whenever the chapter ends. There's almost nothing to complain about, I loved everything about this book. I could also see that you have your own writing style, which I love by the way. I really enjoyed reading your book, GOOD JOB!!!




Title: Ophelia | Frank Castle

Total: 96 /100

 Review: The cover is nicely made, though the color of the font and the placement of it makes it a bit hard to see. The blurb was very well done, the word choices makes me want to read it more. There's some typos here and there in the book, but there really isn't much to complain about. Everything is so well written, I would've mistaken it as a completely original book. I'm genuinely surprised that there isn't more views or votes! The book progresses at a perfect pace, and the plot itself is so well written, it's unbelievable! The imagery and descriptions are perfect, the metaphors and the comparison is just chef kiss. I really really enjoyed reading your book, GOOD JOB!!!!!!




 Title: Shooting Star

 Total: 85/100

 Review: The description of everything is very well written, I can picture almost everything in my mind perfectly. The cover too, is very unique and eye catching. If I was to scroll through the many other fanfics, I would definitely tap on yours to read first. However, maybe it's because I'm not in the fandom, but the plot itself seems to be lacking of something. Things are progressing, but they don't seem to connect with one another. I don't see how anything Twilight does is significant and will impact the story. The description is extraordinary, which makes it somewhat enjoyable to read, but because of the lack of plot, it gets boring, and makes me want to drop the book. Try to end the chapters so the readers are on their toes, keep them excited and intrigued for the next chapter.




 Title: Kaori is Back?! (A Your Lie in April Fanfiction)

 Total: 82/100

 Review: The style of the writing is very unique and engaging with the reader. The words seemed really well thought out, and very interesting to read. Over all, the story was an amazing read, I really enjoyed reading it. They have a lot of potential in writing, being able to put down emotions in very vivid details. One thought to go over however, is to try and plan out a more unique scenario for the story, make it so the places they go is alot more exciting. (Like the ice-cream place they went.) You might want to avoid using phrases such as " I jumped down the staircases," or "I cried the whole night." Show and not tell, you can search for examples and replace those sentences with more ways to express/write action. The cover choice is fairly nice, it's nice to read and it's very easy to tell what it's about, however, the details of the pictures is just a smidge too much, that makes it a bit hard to see the title.



 Title: WHO

 Total: 82/100

 Review: The book idea is very interesting, though I can't say it's completely original. However, you've twisted it so make it seem as a somewhat different story. I think what would make this story a bit more special is to write this book from Kim's perspective, as if she's writing a journal, or a letter to him. Starting with "Dear Jimin," in the beginning of each chapter would help make everything seem as formatted and organized as the cover itself. I think you did a pretty good job describing and explaining the sadness from Kim's point of view, but the other emotions, such as anger, doesn't seem to be written as well as sadness is. You might want to add some emphasis of the tones in dialogues to help bring out the emotion more. Overall, I had a pretty good time reading your story, continue doing what you're doing and you can overcome the line that is preventing you from doing your ultimate best




 Title: A Chance To Win The Crown

 Total: 61/100

 Review: The cover is pretty eyecatching, it definitely catches the audience's eyes and makes them want to tap into your story, however, the color choices and the placement of it makes it a bit hard to differentiate the words. The chapters were also kinda hard to determine, the title of it also weren't very appealing to the eye, maybe try and remove the p.o.v so it doesn't seem as cluttered as it is. The description of the ball was mediocre, however, in that one particular chapter of Sophie's makeup was amazing. The plot of the book was semi-ok, Fitz doesn't seem to fit well in the story though, him lurking and spying on Sophie for two chapters doesn't cover for his absence in the story action itself. The blurb and the scene in which everyone kisses each other was a little obsessive. There were too many repeats, and the different point of view is honestly unnecessary. You're just saying everything but changing the word in every point of view, all in one sentence. The first chapter was kind of hard to understand, the introduction seemed rushed, and maybe even unfinished. Instead of writing in each character's point of view, you might want to consider writing in third person for this book. Your book is not particularly bad, I had laughed at some parts of the book, particularly in the beginning. Your accent and own spice added into the book made it very enjoyable to read. Edit a bit here and there, and you're good to go.


Author: BlizarrKaneki

 Title: Painful to Love and Lose

 Total: 53/100

 Review: Though I was fairly intrigued on the first chapter, the excitement begins to drop. I would suggest to write more in a chapter, not as in more events, but as in more details. For example, the university part could be in itself a whole arc to further deepen the reader into the story. The story itself seems hurried, and the explanations to events don't really make sense. The plot idea itself isn't too bad, but the execution of it is very important. Try to avoid using cliches as they can get tiring to read out loud, if you do, make sure to add your own twist into it to make it sound more unique. To make the book seem somewhat more organized, you might want to consider writing dialogues instead of writing it as scripts. Make sure to double check your work before you post too. The cover is something that first meets the reader's eye, making it too complex would make it less appealing. Try to find a more simpler design that is easy to read and/or represent the book.



 Title: American Dream: A Spider-man Story

 Total: 32/100

 Review: You seemed to have used the wrong point of view, first person should have more experiences and feelings coming from the person itself. Instead of saying "I felt scared", use phrases such as "My fingers trembled upon thinking of —. I tried catching my breath but no matter how much I breathe, there just never seems to be enough air." Something like that. The first chapter has way too many skips that are way too large too, each skips lasting only a paragraph after jumping for more than 2 years. Your story is much more like a draft rather than a completed chapter, take a few more days if you have to, add more emotions, and thoughts to the chapter so it's more exciting. The dialogues can also have more emphasis upon body language such as a tilt of a head or a raise in pitch when speaking, not just back and forth talking. The last two chapters was somewhat a little bit better, put that much effort in the rest of your chapters and the book might just be a little bit better. The plot is a bit confusing, if Peter being captured by the HYDRA is the climax, then the story is going on way too fast with too little information. We have yet to know the other characters you've mentioned in the last few chapters, or even Peter's parents. The cover isn't that eye-catching either, try adding a frame to add it some accent instead of just finding a picture and plastering a title on top. ( unless its for aesthetics )



 Title: Breaking Apart [K.TH]

 Total: 78/100

 Review: The cover is very nice, simple and easy to understand. I love everything about it. The blurb was also very nice and intriguing, it was both unique and promising for any readers who would read a book by first looking at their blurb ( like I do.) The plot was okay, but it doesn't connect to each other in a smooth way, I can see how each event would help progress the relationship between Nova and Tae, but it doesn't seem special for the book. There's too much cliche moves, and reading about Nova being constantly saved in the same scenario gets boring. Nova always seems to be stuck in a situation, being hold off by a guy. She always have to seek out from someone to help her, by this time, shouldn't she be able to fend for herself? Seeing that she seems to be getting into these situations a lot. The words that you use and grammar is also fairly nice, however, your first chapter was a but hard to read. You might want to look back at it, and add some commas to the sentences so it's easier to read. Descriptions for everyone but Junkook and Taeyoung isn't very much described. I only know that Nova looks english (?), and that Jade has brown hair with a skinny figure. Unless this is an x reader, which I don't think it is, You might want to at least, add a note as to what Nova looks like. The story was somewhat interesting though at the very least, everything was very aesthetic, and neatly organized. You have a lot of potential in writing, keep practicing and I bet you can create some awesome, original romance books.



 Title: Gregor the Overlander : Book 6 in the Underland Chronicles

 Total: 29/100

 Review: There's a lot of stuff that can be fixed for your story. The cover of the book is bland and not very attractive nor appealing to the eye. Though we say to never judge a book by its cover, the cover still has to at least have a clear title, something in which you don't have. The plot idea is also bland, there's nothing much to the story that makes me want to continue reading it. Adding big words to dialogues that no one else can understand is also not a good idea. After each dialogue, you're also suppose to separate it into another paragraph. The whole story just needs a lot of work or edit. Most of the story is filled with dialogue, which makes it kind of hard to understand especially if its not organized. Add more details and explanations, you need more narrative to the story to make it more enjoyable to read.



NOTE:- The prizes will be given to you in a time span of 24 to 48 hours!

Your host, 


Credits of poster and stickers goes to; LagendaryReaper

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