~Fantasy Results!~

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Alright! We thank our judge papercutsunset for such a speedy judging! Please give them a permanent follow, just to be fair.^^

Here we go!


3rd Place:-


Book: Crow 

Total: 96/100

 Review: This was a wonderful read. The first time I read it, it was great, and it just got better the second time. I'm excited to judge this again in the future; I love the characters and their relationships; I love how gloriously wicked some of them are. Thank you for sharing your story with us!


2nd Place:-


Book: The Dark Places

Total: 97/100

 Review: I was actually really pleasantly surprised by this one! I love the concept, I love the language used, I love the sentence structure... Honestly, there's not much here to improve on. I especially love the way that the characters feel real. I mean, in Chapter 2, you can really feel how disgusted and annoyed Sarah is with the idea of them making out in her back seat. It's vivid, and it kept me wanting to read more from the prologue on. All in all, this is a great read, and I'm going to recommend it to anyone who's looking for something like this (that's not an exaggeration).


1st Place:-


Book: Calcifer 

Total: 98/100

 Review: I was unsure about it at first, but, once I started reading, I couldn't stop myself from whispering, "This is good!" over and over. The first paragraph drew me in and the other chapters kept me going. If I weren't sitting in the middle of my bed, I would say that I was on the edge of my seat. The characters and situations are engaging, and I loved finding out what was happening along with the main character. This is a great read!


Honorable Mentions:-


Book: The Lavorian Rider

Total: 90/100

 Review: Honestly, I didn't like it, but that's not the author's fault; this type of narration just isn't my cup of tea. All in all, the language is vivid, the characters are engaging, and the whole thing is incredibly well-written. The illustrations are the icing on top of the cake. This is a great read.


                                                  ~Reviews for Participants~

Book: ~Profound~


 Total: 53/100

 Review: I kind of dig the premise and the way that the characters are introduced. Your description is extremely lacking, though. If you changed it from one simple sentence to describe the scene to a variety of sentence structures and more vivid imagery, people would be more drawn to it. Honestly, that's the only thing that really needs changing. Good job!


Book: The Crimson Curse

Total: 71/100

 Review: The tenses are really the biggest problem that I have with this. You frequently switch between present and past tense. It makes the timeline confusing and makes reading it a bit of a pain. That being said, your description, especially in the prologue, is wonderful. I love the characterization of Gaelle and her hopes and worries.


Book: The Souls of the Earth


Total: 58/100

 Review: My main grievance at the outset was that Samuel's dialogue was unreadable. I understand that it was probably written in the way it was intentionally, but it makes it hard to get any meaning out of anything he says. Also, the prologue moves around too quickly. That being said, I liked the characterization of Celia and the description vastly improved once I got past the prologue. Good job!


Book: Heroes of Layrucia 


 Total: 89/100

 Review: I actually really enjoyed this! The introductions of the characters were succinct and memorable. Your grammatical errors were minimal and of the kind that could be easily fixed once spotted. All in all, this was a great read!


Book: Spellbound


: 85/100

 Review: All in all, a very good read! I like the way that the characters are linked. The only real problem is that it could use some more description and the characters could use some clear motivations. I liked this one very much



Book: Mystery became surprise

 Total: 45/100

 Review: Your use of grammar and punctuation is, in a word, lacking. I know that's harsh, but it needs to be said for the sake of improvement. I would recommend looking up some writing advice on dialogue, comma use, colons, and semicolons. As you practice, your craft will improve, I promise. Also, you shouldn't use the "time-skip" type of header-based transitions. They make your writing clunky. It's better if you say what you have to say in your writing itself. Now that all of the harsh stuff is out of the way, I have to say that I really like your characters. I like the concept of the story, as well. Seriously, though, as you practice writing, it'll get better, I promise.


And we are done! Thank you to everyone for participating! We hope these reviews helped you all in improvement! Don't worry, all of us are growing on this plat-form! We look forward to your growth. ^^ 


Note:- Please PM me your gmail so that, I can give you your stickers! ^^ Moreover, the rest of your prizes will be given to you in at least 24 hours and at most 48 hours! So don't worry, we remember you. :)


                                                                       Good luck!! <

Your host,


         Credits to LagendaryReaper for the stickers and poster! Check her profile! <3

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