~Horror/Paranormal Results~!

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We are thankful to each and every one of you that participated in our contest! Do not be demotivated if you're not a winner, for life gives a lot of opportunities and this is not the end! If not now, you will someday and we look forward to it. <3





1 Place:-


Title: Making a siren

 Total: 80

 Review: This book kept me captivated! From start to end I was completely involved in the story. The story itself and the plot were wonderful, but grammar and punctuation were not very well done. It flowed very well but it felt like there was missing something within the story that just made it a little confusing. The cover is very eye-catching so good work on that! I'd work on the synopsis, to make it stronger (as strong as book/cover) and work on descriptive words but other than that good work.

2 Place:-


Title: Small Town Gods


 Review: An interesting title, although a better book cover might help gain more audience. Stupefying characters and vivid descriptions that tend to make you want more. Although the literary part and the plot development is wonderful, the author should stress on the outer, the one that will make people go for what's inside. The blurb could be made more exciting.


Username: LukeandhisGible

Title: Tales of Sinaloa

 Total: 76

 Review: So overall, good book the punctuation is near perfect. With the main characters you able to feel what they were feeling & feel like you were experiencing it yourself. The cover really doesn't do the book justice tho and doesn't really connect with the story. There are a great start and a wonderful ending but towards the middle, it Dulled. So I would suggest making sure you keep up the hype and with the chapters. I'd suggest not making them as long I would try to break them up so that you have wait or anticipation, also maybe make things more mysterious So that the readers have to feel worried or fear for the characters. But a great job! The first chapter really open things for so many different ways to happen, you kept good adjectives and descriptions and I really felt like I was there.

3 Place:-


 Title: Drugs

 Total: 75

 Review: An apt title with a lucid language and comfortable pace. Though initially not very riveting, you start getting absorbed after five to six chapters. The cover could be much better made. A good language with effortless description is worth the praise and time. The concept, to be honest, is neither very common nor very foreign.

Honorable Mention:


Title: The lone home

 Total: 73

 Review: the grammar and language were perfect but the plot was slow and didn't give a good hook that a horror novel needs to be. The first chapter had a good flow And transition from one scene to the next and had me interested but it just lacked good transition and development for the rest of the time. I would suggest when you write horror to really hook people like in your first chapter where you started off so strong and everything was so neat and captivating. I like how do you be able to really capture the essence of their emotions and what they were exactly experiencing at that time. All you need to work on is when you write horror is to make it a little more terrifying and where the chapter flows and you have a hook or a climax/cliffhanger. But your grammar and your descriptions were very nice and I was able to understand what was happening with little to no confusion.



Title: Sadies nightmare

 Total: 40

Review: This is going to come off harsh and I apologize but this is a review and I need to be honest. The chapters are barely 200 words and they lack description and depth. Sadies character barely does anything and her parents are more the main characters than her. The cover relates to your username but not the story at all. The grammar and language were very good and you kept a good job keeping within her age.


 Title: The Dark Street

 Total: 58

 Review: A gripping plotline with comfortable transitions from dream to reality or hallucination to reality. A lucid show does not tell language progressing the plot at a decent pace. Although, grammar and language could be improved. Some of the sentences had grammatical errors and structural flaws. Some descriptive facts which were put in brackets could have easily been added as phrases. It would look better and good to read. Lastly, some words were italicized. Some made sense, some didn't.


Title: Alone

 Total: 62

 Review: This might be harsh but, a sad love story circling a curse doesn't quite come off, as a horror story. Slight typos and grammatical errors were evident. The atmosphere, an important aspect of a horror story, had to lack. The gloomy and melancholic feel could be better written. Although the concept and plot are superb, the portrayal isn't. You said it was spring, why not show it was spring. You could do better if you read some classics and embrace the art of description.



Any queries? Ask away! ___>>

Your host,


Credits of the sticker and poster go to LagendaryReaper

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