~Poetry Results!~

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   We are thankful to each and every one of you that participated in our Contest! Do not be de-motivated if you're not a winner, for life gives a lot of opportunities and this is not the end! If not now, you will someday and we look forward to it. <3






Book Title: In The Deepest Depth

Cover= 10/10= Beautiful and so expressive! Great cover, especially for poetry!

 Blurb= 9/10= Nice job, especially with the section that was almost a glimpse into your talent. Also, congrats on the other wins!

 Style= 9/10

 Word choice= 19/20= Kept getting better as the chapters kept going!

 Language= 20/20

Description= 10/10

 First chapter= 9/10= Word choice got better in the later chapters but it made me want to keep going.

 Enjoyment= 10/10= Loved every second and every line I read!

 Total= 96/100

Review= First off, you should start a graphic shop if you made your cover! Aside from that, your poetry had me feeling your emotions, and it opened up perspectives for me. Amazing words, and please continue to write! 




Book Title: Untitled

Cover= 9/10= Beautiful art, just maybe have a title next time!

Blurb= 9/10= Descriptive and makes me want to read, the inclusion of different fonts was nice.

 Style= 9/10= Good, I love that you included graphics and photos.

 Choice of Words= 18/20

Language= 17/20= Vocabulary isn't too advanced, but you still find a way to make the poems flow.

 First chapter= 9/10= Made me want to keep going

 Description= 8/10= Fairly descriptive the whole time

 Enjoyment= 9/10 Total= 87/100

Review= First off, if the art of the cover is yours, you have an amazing talent! You know how to write as well, especially when it comes to making readers want to keep going! Word choice and language are important, and you did well on those things. Nice work! 




Book Title: Crescent Diary

Cover= 6/10= Like the title created imagery in my head, the cover was a bit plain, but not bad

 Blurb= 8/10= Not bad, on the shorter side with errors in punctuation at times. (There shouldn't be gaps between words and commas or periods.)

 Style= 9/10= I am a fan of the way the words move, which has gripped me since the beginning

 Choice of Words= 18/20 For the most part, word choice is good, but in some spots, another word may fit better.

 Language= 18/20= Like word choice, for the most part, it was exceptional

 First chapter= 9/10= gripped me and made me want to continue.

 Description= 10/10= Made me visualize everything

Enjoyment= 9/10= Slight revisions could make this book of poetry even better! Total= 86/100

Review= This book of poetry really opened up and showed me your emotion, which I loved! For the most part, your word choice really made your work amazing! My only negative feedback would be to remember that there is no space needed between a word and a period or comma, but that's nitpicking. Great work! 




Book Title: A Collection Of Short And Sweet Poems

Cover= 9/10= Color blend is really nice, pleasing to the eyes!

 Blurb= 7/10= Short, but I love how you described what poetry is to you!

 Style= 8/10= Nice for the most part

 Choice of Words= 18/20= Creates images in my head, vocabulary makes the poems more relatable and enjoyable

 Language= 16/20= A bit of improvement would make this amazing, but it's already very well written.

 First chapter= 9/10= Word choice and language made me want to continue reading

 Description= 10/10

 Enjoyment= 8/10= Nice work!

 Total= 85/100

Review= All in all, this book was written well and you've definitely created something to be proud of. Slight revisions would make it even better, but you've definitely gained a reader in me!




Book Title: The Twisted Way Of Cheating Life

Cover= 10/10= Really pretty and the author found a way to make the font stand out against the background!

 Blurb= 3/10= Not really much of a blurb at all, just a sentence.

 Style= 7/10= Choice of Words and flow could be improved a bit for more enjoyment.

 Choice of Words= 17/20= Add some more advanced words or words with more meaning! For the most part though, not bad.

 Language= 17/20= Could be revised to make the poem feel like it flows together more.

 First chapter= 6/10= Gripped me but could've been better, which likely would've made more readers continue.

 Description= 9/10= Fairly descriptive

 Enjoyment= 7/10= Revisions would make this poetry book more enjoyable for readers.

 Total= 74/100

 Review= For the most part, this book of poetry was fairly gripping. However, writing a longer and more hooking blurb could make more readers start their journey with this book! The cover is simple but gorgeous, and all in all, this wasn't bad to read. 



Book Title: The Lost Words

Cover= 7/10= Not bad, try and find something to make some of the font pop and be easier to read.

  Blurb= 8/10= Including the quotes from other poets was an amazing idea!

 Style= 8/10= Like the font you chose, created images in my head. Maybe just a bit more descriptive at times?

Choice of Words= 5/10= Not terrible could definitely be better in some areas.

 Language= 15/20

 First chapter= 6/10= You did an okay job at drawing me in, could've been executed better.

 Description= 7/10= For the most part very detailed!

 Enjoyment= 6/10

Total= 76/100

 Review= While for the most part the description and word choice were on point, some changes could be made to improve the writing. Also, make sure that against the background of your cover the fonts are easy to read. 



Book Title: Lemonade Serenade

Cover= 8/10= Pretty cute, though a bit on the plainer side. Does represent the title well.

 Blurb= 9/10= Nice in length allows a bit of a preview to your poetry. Changing around the font location a lot does get distracting. 

 Style= 7/10= Nice, for the most part, could use some slight changes to make the words move better together, almost like a flow.

Choice of Words= 18/20= Referenced above!

 Language= 14/20 First chapter= 18/20= Did a nice job of making me want to keep going.

  Description= 6/10

 Overall Enjoyment= 7/10

 Total= 79/100

 Review= This book of poems was definitely a great start for a writer with amazing potential. The cover was cute, and you should keep striving for your dreams! Nice work on this!


Book Title: Blackberry Thistles 

Cover= 8/10= Nice, but try and make the font a bit easier to read against the background!

 Blurb= 4/10= Not much of a blurb at all, but the quote was interesting.

 Style= 7/10

 Word Choice= 15/20= For the most part I was able to paint the poems in my head. It also created a very nice flow.

 Language= 16/20

 First Chapter= 8/10= Made me want to keep reading! Description= 7/10= Not bad, but a bit more detail could make it even better.

 Enjoyment= 8/10= I really did like these poems, especially their uniqueness!

 Total= 73/100

 Review= Pretty much listed above, make sure your font is more visible against the background. The imagery was very nice, but maybe include a bit more of a blurb to convince more readers to give your poetry a shot! 


Username: MightySoul9

Book Title: My Sweet 

Cover: 10

Blurb: 8 

 Style: 6

Choice of words: 18

 Language: 18

 First Chapter: 5

Description: 8

 Enjoyment: 6 

 Total: 79

 Review: First things first, I love how they made the picture on the cover and didn't just find a random one on the internet. As for the poems, they seem to focus on rhyme a little more than flow. I could definitely picture them as a song but I can't find much feeling in them.



Book Title: Poetry Book

Cover: 7

 Blurb: 6

Style: 8

Choice of words: 15

Language: 16

First Chapter: 5.5

Description: 7

Enjoyment: 6.5

Total: 71

Review: One thing I found captivating in your book was, your style. It was quite unique and I appreciate it. However, a lot of grammatical mistakes were detected that makes it hard to keep up with the flow. The choice of words can be widened. Read up different poetry pieces and try to acquire a broader range of vocabulary. I would recommend you to pay attention to references and rhythm as they play a key role in the pace of your poetry. All in all, I enjoyed reading your book, and I hope to see you grow!



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Credits of the stickers go to LagendaryReaper

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