Back To Their Old Days

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*Mature Content warning.*

Men are April when they woo, December when they wed...


I wondered whether it was true for me as well. Life was no longer as crazy as it used to be. She was a mature woman now, not the vivacious women I knew.

Maybe the responsibilities had transformed her. Being a mother had marked a remarkable change in her. It had made her more superintendent.

Our life was more or less the same. The same routine, the same old ways. But I realise that I no longer waited to be home, to find her in a miscellaneous mess.

But I din't like it a bit. We barely took out time for just the two of us. We had been running a crazy race of daily life. But the sparks were fading away.

I din't like it a bit that, she no longer looked at me with that blush when I stole a kiss. Because I no longer did. Maybe with time we both had matured in our ways. But I missed, those days a few years back, when, I couldn't keep my hands off her. The feeling was precious and personal. Something that nothing but her could make me feel.

I shut the laptop and walked towards the kitchen. I had last seen her there a few minutes ago preparing Rihaan's lunch basket for his day long trip.

"Daddy!" A squealing Rihaan ran into me, close to my destination.

I smiled and lifted him up. "So my big boy is all set for his picnic?" I ruffled his hair.

"Om! I had just combed his hair!"

Reprimanded my wife, walking towards me with Rihaan's bag in hand.

For a second, I zoned out. Her hair was tied into a messy bun, strands grazing her face on the sides. The apron was still on her. As dirty as it always was.

I blinked, as she stood beside me, almost touching, setting Rihaan's hair which I had just spoilt.

"Be a good boy Rihaan. No fights, No complaints. Okay!" She spoke taking him from my arms and making him stand on a chair nearby. While she did a last minute check on Rihaan's clothes I stood behind the chair gazing at her adorably.

"Bye!" I said immediately when she nudged me out of my thoughts. Rihaan's bus had arrived and off he was running to the gates, followed by his caretaker maid we had hired.

"Where were you lost?" She turned to me amused.

"Ahhh..nothing!" I stated casually.

I followed her to the kitchen. "Gauri,?"

She hummed in response, figuring out from where to start cleaning up.

"Take that off first!" I reacted to her confusion.

She giggled taking off the stained apron.

"I was wondering for how long have I disregarded how beautiful my wife looks even in a mess?" I whispered into her ears. My nose rubbing against her earlobe, as I hugged her from behind.She stiffened immediately, reacting to the touch. Oh, I loved it.

"Since forever Mr. Oberoi?" She continued working, I knew she was smiling.

"And how long have you disregarded the fact that your poor unattended husband is still ravishing handsome and sexy?" I bit her ear.She threw her head behind, and bit me on my cheek.

 "Don't try turning tables, Hubby!" 

I turned her arpund roughly, hands on her lower back pushing her into me.

"Omkara!" She gasped. "Leave me. I was.."I looked at her chocolate tanned hands, and then looked at her.

"No." She warned, her doe shaped eyes widening. 

I winked.

"No." She tried pulling her hands back. No point. I was already licking her fingers.

"Om someone might see us. It's going to be embarrassing." She tried to convince me, her husband, who suddenly seemed to be drugged.Annoyed by her constant, deterrents, I pulled her fingers up to my lips, leaving the chocolate all over.

"Om, There is chocolate all over your lips!" She scolded me, thinking it happened in a minute of carelessness.

I twisted her hands behind her back, shoving her closer to me. Leaning over her small frame and bending my lips close to hers, I stood still. My eyes telling her what she had to do.

She stared into my eyes, like recognizing something forgotten.

She inched closer, I closed my eyes.The traitor was kissing me on my ears instead.

"Mr.Oberoi, kitchen is not a good idea." Her voice was seductive.

"Oh, really. You seem to have forgotten that day , long time ago, when we ..."

"Shut up Om!" She bit my ear once again.I closed my eyes. My body was screaming with need.

"Carry me!" She commanded. My eyes shot open.Was she crazy? She had put on a good amount of weight, in past few years. More than that I doubted my ungymed arms. But her request was my command. I lifted her up and carried her to our room. Glad that we had shifted downstairs after Rihaan was born.

* * *

No sooner than I had shut the door than she crashed into my body,pulling down my face to her level and her tongue all over my lips.At once I cupped her full butt-cheeks pressing hard as she finally kissed me.The passion that had turned us on seemed insane. Years it had been since we were behaving so insane. Love-making had gradually become a steady-paced ritual with years. But the old sparks of thrill that I felt left me craving for more.

 I pushed her to bed. She sat there quickly, arching up to kiss me again. I placed my one foot up on the bed, on cue she unzipped the necessary. Her experienced hands moved on my thighs inching up.

"Gauri! " I groaned her name like a mad man.She pulled me over her on the bed.

"This is crazy, Ommm.!" She whispered, her voice excited.

" Insanity! Is the word. " I nibbled her neck making it to her cleavage, loving our sudden hot need for each other.

Impatient, she got my shirt off, her hands roaming all over.

"Let me! " I cut in her action of getting off her clothes.

She chuckled. "Why are you behaving like a new husband!" She laughed, a certain unsettling feeling in that laugh. Oh she was slightly nervous.

I squeezed her full bosom. She moaned. "Like that huh?" I snickered.

"Love it!" She gasped, looking straight into my eyes.

"Hell!" I claimed her lips roughly. Her eyes when looked at me with need drove me over the edge.

She broke the kiss abruptly.

Knowing why, I moved my lips down to her globes. She fisted my hair, arching, pleading for more.I had had enough torture given and taken.After those few days what felt like years, I made love to her, just like those days when we couldn't seem to have enough of each other.Her moans, my groans and our rattled breaths filled the room.

"We should do this often!" I tickled her arm.

She shot me a gaze. "Grow up, hubby!"

" Hey, that's my dialogue! " I said. Something I always used to tell her when she landed up in the most surprisingly stupid situations due to lack of presence of mind.

"Tables have turned!" She winked her fingertips running on my chest.

"So...I should be a stubborn as you were... That implies..." I kissed her earlobe, letting her understand the unspoken.

"Ommmmmm!" She laughed, lying on my arm.

"You have put on, don't you think?" I said randomly. Cursed myself the minute it had left my mouth.

"Be happy, you get more of me to love!" She pushed herself into my body.

"Insanely True ! " I laughed, kissing her nose.

She blushed. "I love you!"

"I love you more now!" i winked.

"Aren't you going to punish me for, spoiling Rihaan's hair." I added.

She tittered and ruffled my hair, giggling as I hugged, and came over her for a rougher round this time.

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Hope you enjoyed it!


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