His Busy Wife

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Omkara : A middle class man with a huge family living seemingly happily in a small but sufficient home. Father of a five year old cute little girl. Elder brother to two idiots who count him as the third. The doting son to his parents. Lastly, the invisible man to his wife as he puts it!

Gauri : Biologically mother to a five year old, cute little Anaya. Logically mother of the Oberoi family! She has not one kid, but three men– her husband and his brothers and his parents as, her kids as well.

" Gauri... I need to talk." He said as he followed her into their room. He quickly shut the door lest another human would come looking for his wife. It was a late Sunday afternoon. Ever since the morning Mr.Omkara Singh Oberoi had been trying to get some quality time with his wife which like any other day did not happen. Finally. Finally, he got her inside in a closed space alone! He had complaints. Many.

"What? I am listening my ears are open. From morning you've been saying you want to talk, but aren't saying anything." She spoke folding the clothes and glancing at him. She paused seeing him sigh. She walked up to him. "Everything is okay, right? Work? You ? You're okay?" She immediately checked his forehead, stretching on her toes.  Did he have a fever? No.

"Gauri...!" He siad exasperated holding her hand. "I want to talk to you.."

"Yeah say.."

"No No..not like this.."

"Over the phone?" She asked bewildered.

"Wonder why God gave you less logical reasoning!" He commented irritated.

She pulled back her hand, folding her arms. "Yeah all the understanding and reasoning was bestowed upon you." She walked back to clear the clothes off the bed.

"Gauri" He followed her trail and sat opposite to her as she folded the clothes. "When was the last time we sat and just talked..." He shrugged. She eyed him. "Right now."

"No. Not this way. Like before." He tried explaining.

"Om, I don't understand. I am talking right? We are talking. Things change with time. We have a daughter now. Shivaay Bhai's marriage has been fixed. Rudra returns home stressed everyday, owing to his new job. Mom doesn't keep well. Dad's trips are there. Then there is Anaya, she acts like she's my mother. There's so much to do. You want me to sit and talk?" She said softly hoping he understood.

"So they all get you and I don't." He exclaimed stubbornly his disapproval of her point on his face.

"Omkara, we cuddle every night, don't we? Tell me then. We stay in the same room, practically I am the longest with you. " she said exasperated at her husband's stubborn behavior.

He was annoyed now. "And out of all that time– you're somewhere else in your head or sleeping!" He stared at her.

She fell silent, that was true. "Sorry." She whispered.

"I don't want apologies Gauri, I want my wife. Is it too much to ask for?"

She nodded in a no, feeling guilty.

"Hey, I understand you have responsibilities, all of them on you because of me. I brought you here and you became the superhuman of this family. We all love you for that. I love you more, though."

She smiled as he came closer cupping her face. "I just want you to understand, that I need you as well. A little more than them all because you understand me the way no one does. Yes, I am unreasonably jealous of my own family. I need you a little more for me. There are days I crave for you Gauri, as my wife, as my lover, as my friend. I never say because I see you are busy with the family. I understand they are important to you as much as to me. I know you're still trying to fill that void the absence of your first family has left and I know you're happy we make a family. But then, you have a husband whose looking for a friend, for a lover in you, not just his family's superhuman. I know, I am asking for so much, but I don't know... I miss the old us." He spoke softly looking at her lovingly.

She bent forward and kissed his lips. Then burying her head in his chest wrapped her arms around him. "Sorry, I miss us too. But I don't know, there's so much happening, time's running so quickly that I am overwhelmed. Can't believe our daughter's five. Seems like just yesterday we got her home. I am so worried about her, her studies, career, future. I want to be the best mother she could have. I am just very anxious Om."

He smiled rubbing her back. "Ahh, after how long are you wearing a saree?"

Gauri grinned resting her head on his shoulder. "You noted that now! I have been dressed in this since morning. You didn't even notice. "

"I did. You went for the Pooja with mom. That's why otherwise when do I even get to see you like this!" He ran his fingers over her back from the top to the waist running over her blouse.

" Ouch!" She sat up straight abruptly, breaking their hug.

He looked startled, "What happen?"

"Something poked me." She said,her hand reaching for the back of her blouse. "Ah, I think it's the hook!"

"Let me help." He said teasingly moving closer placing his hands on her waist.

She smiled blushing, "back off, I can help myself at this."

"Oh Gauri don't. How much you work! Let me do this." He teased reaching her hands. She now blushed profusely, "Omkara!"

"Gauri. Please. " he pressed.

"It's done", she said pushing away his hands.

" Now tell me, Mr. What you were saying ."

Omkara stared at her dejected. They could have some fun. Their sexlife had reduced to twice a week rocking on bed. He craved the old passion. "I was ah..thinking, about a second kid!"

"What!" She almost shrieked. "No way. Now it's only you fighting for my time next there will be your princess Anaya. I can't go through that " push a little more" phase again."

He chuckled remembering her delivery drama.  It wasn't all that horrible. "I am ready to go through your hormonal battle with you again. Nothing gets worse than your mood swings." He smiled.

"If you carry the baby this time I am all welcoming for a new baby!" She laughed.

"That's not biologically an option. " he sighed. "On a serious note, you don't want more kids. "

"Let's be sensible citizens Omkara, the world population will.."

"But, Anaya won't have a sibling." He argued.

"Like Shivaay Bhai and Rudra won't have kids! She will be the Boss Sister." She grinned. "Just like her father." She kissed his cheek.

He smiled at the thought. His smile faded. "She'll go away when she's a lady, to a family where she's loved." He looked disappointed. Gauri was amazed at how far he went. "Well let's hope till that women make new rules. It'd be so cool if a man had to live with his wife at her parental home. A swap of the whole idea."

"Not a bad idea. But coming back to where we were. It's a lazy Sunday afternoon everyone is busy with their own things at home. " he leaned closer. "There is so much we can do!"

She blushed pushing him away. "Tonight!" She got up to check what was her daughter darling up to.

"Now!" He said pulling her by the waist as he sat on the bed and she stood inches away from him.

"Omkara, I need to see what's Anaya up to. " she said placing her hands on his shoulder. She was a mess now. The way he looked at her was enough for her to give in. She wanted to make him feel cared for, through their intimacy. But right now what her daughter was up to bothered her. She was a naughtiness personified thanks to the pampering she got.

"She's taken care of. Rudra is teaching her drawing. I am the father, I know things even if it looks like I am not in picture." He grinned drawing patterns on her bare waist.

She smiled, locking her hands around his neck. He kissed her abdomen. "Gauri, I am going to strip." Saying that he did what he told. His hands worked hurriedly getting her clothes off. She moaned as he teased her body in the process. He got up and claimed her lips, hovering upon her small figure. She kissed him, back, fervently, her hands disappearing into his locks.

He dragged her back to the wall peeling off her blouse. She gasped as her skin met the cold wall. He kissed her crazily, everywhere his eyes lay. She moaned grabbing his biceps for support. "Om...."

They were busy kissing each other insanely when a knock was heard on the door. She broke away her face from his body staring at him. He heaved dragged breaths staring at her face which was red with passion.

"O, Ananya had dozed off. " came a voice from the door. Gauri bit her lips, glaring at him. They were practically naked making out like crazily, against the wall. But her irritation was more than embarrassment.

When Rudra knocked the second time Gauri knew she had to hurry up and rush to the washroom. He stopped her before she could.

 "Stay. He'll think we're sleeping and leave." He whispered. Even that to her was sensually stimulating. She bit his ear. He gasped staring at her. He glared at her, then was looking at the door again hoping his brother was gone. The next thing he knew was his wife's hands moving rapidly down his abdominal muscles. He galnced at her. She bit her lips to keep from laughing and continued her shenanigans.

He gave her a warning look and she didn't obey. That was it. 

He roughly dragged her into the washroom careful enough to not make the slightest sound. Once inside the washroom he smirked at her pinning her hands to the wall and kissing her crazily. Gone was the Omkara. Gone was the chivalrous father of her daughter, the rough lover had just made a comeback.

Hope you liked it!

Anyone with requests?

Do drop in your requests of you have any. Something you haven't red before. Something you think can't be written on. I will TRY to write on them. It could be ..

* A few random words , I could try weaving them into something meaningful.

* Give me a short character trait...eg. He is a heavy sleeper and she can't sleep. Anything like that.

* A theme/ line/quote or a lone from a song.

*Anything, you think is impossible to write on.

I will TRY .

– Anami!

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