One Year Anniversary

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Stand-alone one shot.
The idea came from the prompt I came across.

* * *

"I just love how we first met. It was so romantic." She spoke leaning over his shoulder, snuggling close to him as they walked.

"Oh yes. I too have fond memories of you throwing me off a bridge." He chuckled.

"Omkara!" She whined.

"What- wasn't it that?" He grinned taking a deep breath as the December breeze blew against them.

"That was because you creep-ed me out!"

"That's because I really thought you were planning to jump off the bridge." He turned to her, to find her fondly smiling at him.

"Whatever - however - I am glad it happened."

"Hmm. To that I agree." He smiled, holding her palm and raising to his lips.

She smiled shyly.

"Issshh- you're blushing." He grinned saying that.

"No." She looked away blinking, unlocking her arm from his. He bit his lower lip playfully and quickly put his arms around her engulfing her in a hug.

"Omkara!" She exclaimed widening her eyes, caught off guard at his action. "We're in public place." She said trying to push off his arm.

"Who cares, no one's here anyway." He whispered huskily over her face, grazing his lips on her cheek affectionately, thoroughly enjoying the teasing.

"Ahhh Omkara!"

"Tell me Gauri, you can't control when I am so - so-" he tightened the hug, "so - close to you."

"Omkara!" She exclaimed giggling trying to get out of his hold. He laughed stepping away. "One year and you haven't even let me --"

She raised her eyebrow folding her hands.

He gave a half-smile, raising his hands in surrender. "Not complaining."

"Good!" She replied pulling him back by his arm and began walking once again.

"God, if this is before marriage then after--" he sighed aside.

"What did you say?" She asked frowning.

"Nothing." He smiled casually.

She nodded giving him a suspicious look.

"What?" He shrugged.

"Nothing. Let's sit here." she said pointing to the bridge.

"Not again." he sighed.

"Remember we are celebrating one year of togetherness? We met here exactly one year back. We ought to celebrate it here." She explained.

"Right!" He said bending down and cautiously and slipping his legs down and sitting.

He turned offering his hand to her. She looked at him and smiled not taking is offer. He shook his head as she bent and sat stretching her legs. She stumbled a little and he caught her immediately stabilizing her. "It's okay to take a hand sometimes." He spoke looking squarely into her eyes. She nodded sitting comfortably while he looked away. She knew that the little imbalance worried him and her small sized stubbornness angered him. But he didn't say a word. She gazed at him fondly. What good deeds had she done to get a man like him? She smiled leaning her head over his shoulder.

"You okay?" He asked. She smiled. "Hmm."

They needed no words. Their silence was comfortable. The occasional audible breath of the other was music to the soul. It was perfect. Seconds turned into minutes and those minutes summed up to an hour.

He looked at her, "let's get back?"

"Hmm.." She said pulling away from his shoulder. He rose to his feet. He waited for her to get up.

"Hand please?" She looked at him.

Their eyes met. Everything went still for a few seconds before he outstretched his hand and then gave that smile. The smile that could break through the hardest of hearts. With his help she got on to her feet and losing her balance on purpose this time, she propelled forward over him. His arm swiftly encircled her waist, steadying her.

A slow smile spread across his handsome as though he knew she did it on purpose. The twinkle in his eyes gave her that impression. She smiled intertwining her fingers with his. In soulful silence they began walking back.

"Oh wait.." He broke the silence. In the dark night, illuminated by streetlamps, his face looked radiant and his voice was clear.

"What happened? " She asked not leaving his hand.

"I forgot something."


"On minute." He slowly untangled her fingers from his. "Close your eyes."



Taking a deep breath she closed her eyes. He got out the ring from his pocket. How could he forget the main thing he had planned for today? Well she was to be blamed. She always took him into another world. Her mere presence. "Open."

She smiled opening her eyes to see him standing before her with a ring held between his fingers.

"Will you marry me?"

Gauri was short of breath. She exhaled audibly after a few seconds. He waited patiently. She bit her lower lip looking into his eyes. Hoping he'd read what was written on her heart.

"Omkara --I--"

"It's okay. At least let me slip this on, pretty please?" he made that heart-melting face she couldn't reject. She smiled extending her hand towards him.

He slipped the ring on, and then raising her palm to his lips kissed it. She smiled her eyelashes fluttering.

"Oh there comes the blush." he teased winking at her. She playfully whacked his upper arm pulling him close. "I am not!"

"I wish I had mirror right now."

"It's perhaps the street light!"

"That's a very lame explanation."

"Shut up Mr.Oberoi."

"Now that's your I-give-up statement."

"Can we talk about something else?"

"Like how romantic this night is?" There was playfulness in her tone.

"That, it is."

"Do you have other plans?" He asked suggestively concealing his anticipation.

She smiled looking away and then hid her smile. "Yeah, sleeping. Snuggling into the blanket and drifting away into slumber." She snuggled closer to his arm. The woolen sweater he wore gave her more warmth than her very own.

"Sleeping beauty, that's my arm."

"I didn't know!" She rolled her eyes.

"There's lots you don't know." He whispered. She met his eyes and then looked ahead not wishing to respond to what he said, even though she understood it to depths. Even though she knew it all. She needed time. Some more time. How much more she couldn't tell for certain, but she needed some more time!

"Here we reach." She said turning to him.

"won't invite me fora little, umm , coffee?"

"Caffeine at night? Not good for health Mr."

He sighed. "Warm water?"

She chuckled, nodding, as she proceeded to open the door. She turned back at him putting her finger on her lips indicating him to quieten.

He followed her to the kitchen.

"Oh this feels so much better." He muttered enjoying the warmth of the house in contrast to the cold air outside. Decembers in Delhi were like a freezer.

She quickly warmed some water and poured it into a glass. He leaned against the counter admiring her. She handed him the glass and he leaned forward kissing her cheek."Thank you." he whispered.

She blushed turning away. To busy her self at the moment she poured out water in another glass. Standing opposite to him, leaning against the other counter she sipped the lukewarm water. His eyes did not leave hers, nor did hers leave his.

Placing his glass he looked at her. As though programmed to mimic him she placed the glass she had been holding on the counter top.

He slowly walked over to her. His hands held hers. Then slowly they made way to her face. Cupping her face, he leaned, inching his lips closer to hers. She parted her lips in anticipation. He smiled and brushed his lips over hers. Gently at the start. They kissed letting their bodies closer. The kiss fueled their passion. Soon the winter was burnt with the growing heat. He broke away panting and got rid of his sweater. She waited. Pulling her to a wall, he stared at her. Once again his lips were over hers. While his tongue tasted her mouth, his hand unbutton her sweater. He peeled it off her shoulders dropping it to the floor. She pushed him away taking a deep breath. Once she knew she had taken enough air, she met his lips. Their tongues indulging in a passionate salsa. She moaned when he broke apart and kissed her neck and then her collarbone.

Cupping her face, he kept her face away from his at an arm's length. She was panting. "I should leave." he finally spoke when her breathing normalized.

"Stay the night."

He looked at her and nodded, stepping away. Not before kissing her forehead. While he disappeared to freshen up for the night she stood biting her lower lip. What was she even doing?

* * *

Gauri woke up in his arms the next morning. He had his arm securely around her. She kissed his forehead and woke up to check on Aditya, her son.

The little six year old was fast asleep. She smiled and placed an affectionate kiss on Adi's forehead. She quickly took a shower and got busy preparing breakfast. Minutes later she felt a kiss on her shoulder, immediately her lips curled into a smile.

"Good Morning."

"Good Morning" Omkara huffed nuzzling into her hair. "Is Adi up?"

"Nope. He's not, check on him please." She said pivoting around to kiss his cheek.

"Yes Ma'am. By the way that smells good."

"Luckily enough you get to taste it as well."

"Pleasure's mine." He chuckled leaving the kitchen.

* * *

"Adi, Omkara?" she called looking around the living hall. They had certainly not stepped out of the house considering the temperature outside.

She walked to her Adi's room to find the duo engaged and engrossed in their stupid video game. Addicts!

She walked over and switched off the television.

"Mom!" , "Gauri!" Two voices shouted.

She folded her hands standing before the television screen. "Breakfast is at the table."

"i was winning!" Adi whined.

"Exactly, I was winning!" Omkara complained pouting. Adi turned to him perplexed. "I was winning OSO."

"Adi boy, I was winning."

"He's lying mom."

"Haww...cheater deserves tickles." Omkara declared and he had barely turned towards the boy when the boy ran out. Gauri smiled shaking her head."You guys bring the ceiling down!"

Omkara smiled following her outside.

* * *

Gauri retired to her room to tidy it up while Adi was busy watching his favorite discovery channel show. Omkara had just left. Gauri opened her cupboard and for a moment she was lost. Biting her lower lip she closed her eyes. Smiling she opened her eyes and rummaged through the contents of her drawer. She ran out shutting the door. Luckily enough Omkara was just there by his car.

"Omkara!" She called.

"Hmm.?" he turned confused. Had he forgotten anything?

He had his phone. He had his car keys. He looked up to find that she had reached close to him.

"You forgot something." She told him, taking a deep breath.

He frowned, "I -have my-" Before he could say anything she raised his hand and took it into hers. His heart skipped a beat when he saw her slip a ring on his ring-finger. He raise his gaze up to her eyes. "Yes- you forgot to take my answer." She smiled with tears in her deep brown eyes. He was speechless. He parted his lips but not a word slipped out. His eyes grew moist and she raised his palm to her lips kissing it.

She was willing to leave her past behind her. She was ready to fight her insecurities for him. She was ready to leave behind that man who left her pregnant. For a man who truly deserved her. Who won her heart! She wanted a new future a better one. For her son and herself. For him. For she knew he'd never move on without her. She was willing to give love a second chance!

Because . . .

With this I mark my 1st Wattpad Birthday !Thank you for all your love, encouragement and support

With this I mark my 1st Wattpad Birthday !
Thank you for all your love, encouragement and support.

From being a binge-watcher To being a binge-writer,
my journey,
happened because of all your support.

Coming to this one,

What did you interpret? 

Eagerly waiting to know.


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