The Reunion | 1

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Firstly, thanks to all those who replied on the last note. It totally got me into writing mode. This is the first part of this probable two shot. It is more of a Gauri story than Rikara. I hope you like it and perhaps can related to it. :)

❉ ╤╤╤╤ ✿ ╤╤╤╤ ❉

𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚁𝚎𝚞𝚗𝚒𝚘𝚗 - (𝟷)

She took a deep breath getting out of the vehicle. Five years was a lot of time. She ran a hand on her dress, straightened the strap of her long sling purse that hung on her shoulder and looked around. The school ground had been converted into a parking lot for the night. It was flooded with vehicles.

School played a very important role in one's life was a known fact. But for her, her school days defined her future, moulded her personality and restructured her thoughts about herself. She stared at the building that used to house her senior year classes. So many memories came rushing back — some good, some bad.

Up until now, Gauri had been very sure of this. For a heroine to make a comeback after five years into the film industry would probably be easier than this was for her. Only an year back she had returned home from the States after completing her graduation. Last year she had skipped this annual reunion despite being in the same city, just Ike she had missed the previous four. However, this time around she had made up her mind to attend it and show everyone who laughed at her, made fun of her, pitied her for what her future would be that she had turned out to be just perfect.

She glanced at her phone that vibrated.

"Sweetheart, you'll rock. Don't overthink and walk in with your head held up high."

She smiled and quickly moved her fingertips on the screen and reacted to the message with a heart.

Shoving aside her doubts she walked ahead, taking a deep breath. Ready to welcome demons of her past and defeat them once and forever. With careful steps, she covered the distance between her car and the sports complex which housed the assembly hall, where the gathering was held. The entire building was decorated with fairy lights. Even on her farewell the building didn't look so nice.

She was surprised to see the inside of the building. Although the building looked same on the outside, the inside had been renovated so well that she could barely recognize.

She walked towards the hall, looking around, people walking past her. Their was chatter, giggles, laughs around. Weirdly, she felt nice instead of threatened or bored how she usually felt years back whenever there was a gathering.

Her lips curled up as her gaze fell on a similar face. Mrs. K.Ravi her computer ed. teacher stood on the doorway of the hall conversing with a group of guys.

Computer classes used to be her favourite. Sadly for her, they only happened once a week. Mrs.Ravi was a young teacher in her thirties when she had joined the school when the new computer lab was introduced. Now in her forties, the woman looked as energetic and welcoming as she looked back then. Age definitely didn't show on her except the few pounds that were added.

Gauri suddenly had all her memories with the teacher in her mind. She remembered how she had got a straight A always in the subject. Her performance had dipped only in ninth grade when programming was introduced. It took only a year with the teacher's help for her to go from average to class topper. Gauri wondered if the lady would recognize her. For that matter, if anyone would. She caught glimpses of familiar faces, faces that she couldn't put a name on but recognized with house colours they belonged to or by their achievements.

Gauri slowly approached the door of the hall. The old peon was asking people to enter in for the address by the principal. She decided to quietly pass by. She wasn't miss popular at school for all teachers to recognize. Besides she looked very different now.

Her long braided hair was a sharp contrast to her shot, straightened hair that ended at her shoulder blade. Her thin, flat figure had transformed into a generously filled, curvaceous body. Her face had also gone from thin and small to full with cheeks. Glasses replaced by lenses for the night.

She was almost into he hall, just a step short when Mrs.Ravi glanced up and a smile graced her features with a twinkle of recognition in her eyes.

Gauri's lips immediately into a wide smile. She remembered! "Good evening, Mrs. Ravi!" She greeted.

The teacher stared at Gauri's face carefully. Gauri's heart sank. She probably couldn't put a name to her face. "I don't think you'd remember me, I was in 2015 batch. Ga-"

"Gauri!" the lady said with a smile as the prompt helped her recollect the name.

"You look lovely dear! Haven't seen you on the last few reunions."

Gauri smiled, very much aware that the group around which consisted of three girls and one boy were looking at her.

"Yeah, actually I was studying in the States."

"Oh wonderful!" The teacher's attention was solely on Gauri now as she shot her questions. Gauri for once confidently answered all her queries and gracefully accepted and acknowledged all her appreciative remarks. Gauri felt warm and welcomed. The group of her batch mates were also listening to her with undivided interest. She recognized only one face among them, the girl who wore a red top. She was the vice captain of the girl's throwballl team.

Soon they've in and Gauri's look moved around looking for one particular face. Her friend — Tanya's whom she had completely lost in touch with after she moved to the States for her career studies. She knew just the person who'd know about her whereabouts — Fatima Ma'am, their Physical Education Teacher. Fatima Ma'am treated Tanya as her own child, always signing class exemption letters for Tanya so that she could train her. Gauri wouldn't be surprised if Tanya was some district, state, or national level athlete.

After the new principal's address which was pretty much boring, the gathering was encouraged to visit the various stalls put up. Some of them were food stalls others were business promotion stalls set up by the alumni of the school. Gauri had ran into a few of her classmates who seemed to have recognized her and gushed over how pretty she looked. She had to pay back the compliments to some of them too, who had transformed beautifully into young women.

Gauri was really appalled. Some of the serious, studios girls whose face no one would remember in the crowd, like herself, had transformed into divas. While some popular pretty faces were easy to overlook in the crowd. Gauri had to admit that the annoying boys of her school had grown into wonderful men. Most of them were dressed in formals.

Gauri decided to walk around and visit the stalls put up at different sports rooms. Thirty minutes flew by. She was actually enjoying herself seeing the stark difference and some uncanny familiarity in people. For a span of ten minutes she hung out with a group of nerds who still seemed to be the same. After that she parted ways with them and headed to the so called tennis court. The donations the school got were finally reflecting on the infrastructure. Back in time when she was in school, this was just one building with pretty high ceiling s that were multipurpose use.

Luckily, she ran into Fatima Madam who didn't recognize her at all. Gauri wouldn't blame the woman, she hated P.E periods. She'd usually sneak away to the library to issue books to avoid the rush during break times, since attendance was never taken for P.E. Only when she mentioned Tanya's name and asked about her whereabouts was she able to get the woman's full attention. "Tanya Soni?"

"Yeah!" Gauri smiled.

The lady gave her an odd look and Gauri felt the need to explain how she had lost contact with her good friend after school. The woman looked at her sadly and informed her that Tanya had passed away an year after they had all passed out of school.

The news was shocking for Gauri. It left her disturbed. She wouldn't exactly call Tanya her best friend but they definitely hung out together whenever she would attend classes. Tanya would often taker notes before exams. Gauri had even helped her in many subjects to help her at least pass. Gauri could only wonder what would've happened. She didn't have the guts to ask Fatima Maam that. She was definite that her question was the reason why the woman's face went pale and she quickly left.

A little dazed and disturbed Gauri simply walked past the remaining stalls. She made her way downstairs deciding to leave when she ran into her classmate Simi, short for Smriti, the girl Gauri had hated with all her fibre.

As usual she was with a group of people. Two men and two women. Gauri instantly recognized the faces. She was surprised that these five were still together. They were on of the most mischievous groups of school.

She still remembered all the drama that had happened in sixth grade when Simi's friend Tanushree had stole her English textbook before a back to back double period. Gauri had assumed that she had forgotten the book back at home and had silently stood for the two hours at the back of the class where Naman and Jairam would chuckle an try to annoy her and she'd feared getting called out by Mrs. Charles, one of the most strict teacher in the school. After that day she had while leaving class she had found her textbook on Tanushree's table. She was furious and had complained to Mrs.Charles the next day. However, Tanushree had put up a spectacular performance and accused her of lying to get out of the make up assignment which was another part of her punishment along with cleaning the black board after every period for the whole week.

Mrs. Charles was upset and never again did Gauri see the woman's smile at her. It was weird how the seemingly title nuisance had left her scarred.

That was just one of many messed up situations. If Gauri began counting she'll need a book and pen to keep track of the list. Like the time the girls had exchanged wicked smiles when she had accidentally stained her uniform in seventh grade. Then, the sports practice her the third out of the three girls, Niharika had reported her missing to Pushkar Sir during the marching and she had to stay back for two weeks after school to practice marching with mostly boys, where Naman the lead captain would make her life hell by saying she had to show more enthusiasm and what not.

"OMG, Gauri!" Niharika exclaimed with a hint of surprise and launched forward to hug Gauri like they were long lost friends.

"Jeez, Gauri!" Simi shrieked and have her a quick hug. "It's been so long. I heard from Nina that you were in the States."

"Been long baby doll!" Naman exclaimed with a teasing smile stepping forward. Gauri quickly put forward her hand for a shake. He grinned shaking her hand.

"Hi!" Jairam muttered.

"So, how have you been?" Tanushree asked.

Gauri was beyond shocked. The people who made her life hell at school were behaving like they were her long lost friends. Was this a joke to them? She could never erase the bitter memories of school they had given her.

"Good," Gauri smiled formally.

"So, you stay here or States?" Niharika asked curiously.

"Now, here," she replied.

"I am actually planning to move to the Bay area." She smiled proudly. "Where did you stay?"

"Lowell, Massachusetts," Gauri answered.

"Oh, my brother went there too!" Simi smiled. "But you obviously ... aren't much of a social person."

Gauri managed a smile.

"So, What you up to these days? Bhopal maybe so boring for you after life in America!" Naman spoke up.

"Nothing of that sort," Gauri answered.

"Anyway, Anytime you need a tour of New Bhopal or a guide through it's nightlife, you know who to contact!"

"She doesn't have your number idiot!" Tanushree exclaimed, giving Gauri a smile that Gauri would bet was fake.

He smiled, handing his phone to Gauri. Gauri was in a fix. The way Naman was openly gawking at her and flirting away , wasn't welcome. She wished she could give him a pinch on his face and damage that nose.

"Wouldn't be required," Gauri answered, thrusting the phone back into his hands. "My fiancé knows the best places around here."

"Ooh, you're engaged. When do the wedding bells ring?" Niharika asked.

Even if she was genuinely being sweet, Gauri wasn't liking it a bit. She had way too many bitter memories associated with these people to accept their friendliness now.

"a year or so!" She replied, she needed to escape. She briefly noticed how Simi and Tanushree were giggling and discussing something right before her. As though she wasn't talking.

"Aww... " Niharika cooed. "do invite us!"

That was it, Gauri didn't want to do anything with these people anymore.

"Yeah, sure. I should get moving actually, there's somewhere I need to be! "Gauri quickly said a polite 'bye' and walked past them feeling much better. She heard a laughter roar from their group as she walked away. She didn't I've a damn. They could go to hell , she didn't care.

As she was heading out of the building she ran into her classmate teacher for the final two years of school, Mrs. Ratna.

Gauri smiled and greeted her, surprised that the woman instantly recognized her. Well, she had always been the one with sharp eyes. Gauri loved chemistry because of her. She made it fun and easy. The best part was, in her periods the class was disciplined and Gauri could easily focus.

Her kindness among other things, had always made Gauri look up to her. She showed no hurry and asked Gauri about her parents. She then spoke about her career in length, expressing her thoughts.

"So, do you have any plans for marriage little one?"

Gauri smiled at her endearment. It was surprising how the lady remembered so well about the time in lab where Gauri had successfully carried out a complex experiment perfectly. Gauri herself had forgotten about it until she was reminded by the kind teacher.

"I am engaged," Gauri answered and almost instantaneously the woman's gaze fell to her hands which held Gauri's.

"Oh dear, such a pretty ring!" Mrs. Ratna remarked looking in awe.

She went on to ask about what did her fiancé do and if she was happy.

After a nice long chat with her teacher Gauri stepped out of the building. She felt nice and lighter. School had a fair share of bad memories for her. Maybe because she was sensitive and took everything to heart.

Well, one good thing school had taught her was never to be sensitive to outside factors. There were actually many life lessons school had taught her and changed in her. The Gauri who trusted people in the blink of an eye, could never trust a person after consistent acts of goodness. The Gauri who believed in going out of her way to help people, kept to herself most times. The Gauri who believed in random acts of kindness now doubted every kind act.

Gauri looked up at the sky folding her arms. The evening had had rather eventful. There was too much to absorb. Her mind was crammed with thoughts. Among everything there was a handful of regret, a pinch of anger, sprinkled hurt. But there was also a cup of heartfelt gratitude, a spoonful of pride in herself and a whole lot of feeling of achievement.

She was better of then so many of them. She felt nice when she saw pride in the eyes of her teachers. She felt gratitude. She had come a long way from being the stupid weirdo nerd Gauri who lost her temper at the drop of a hat and went around complaining for everything. She smiled as she realized that she had become a better version of herself and she owed that to herself.

Her gaze travelled around and paused on the library building which stood in silence behind the tree. She smiled, that building was her go to place. A place where she would find a world away from her reality. She looked around, the gate seemed to be open. Maybe it was open and she could have a walk down the nostalgic lane or at least have a closer look at her favorite place. With quiet steps she slipped into the shadows of the tree and made her way to the building that had most of her endearing memories from school.


Can't wait to receive your feedback.

What are your thoughts, guesses or musings?

- Anami!♡

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