• The Unexpected Proposal •

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When the hell is he going to ask me to marry him? The question was found in Gauri's mind almost any time of the day. She was patiently waiting for her boyfriend of six months, best friend since more than a decade to pop the damn question - Will you marry me?

It had been a little over six months to the day when he had confessed that he liked her and that he couldn't see her marry another man. The memory was deeply etched in her mind.

* * *

Gauri was twenty four and her family, including her parents, relatives and even neighbors had started asking out her plans for marriage and bringing in prospective proposals. She had finally decided to meet one guy from the many pictures her mother had shown her. She stood before her wardrobe wondering which dress to wear. Her mother had asked her to shortlist two or three then she would make the call. The brief vibrations of her phone didn't waver her attention.

Half an hour later she had finally shortlisted the best from her wardrobe and had also found some really pretty cool dresses she never got to wear. Still not sleepy she decided to try out a few dresses. She stepped out of the washroom dressed in the deep navy blue off shoulder tube dress. She walked over to the mirror and frowned. She had to get rid of the bra. She decided there was no harm in trying. Anyway her parents had probably slept and her brother wouldn't leave the football match for anything. Besides her room's door was locked. She scuttled away into the washroom.

She stepped out feeling a little awkward. Biting on her lower lip she looked at herself in the mirror. She had never felt so sexy as she felt in that moment. She quickly opened her hair and combed it. It had been a while since she did this stupidity of dressing up and taking pictures and saving it in a password protected folder. She quickly applied a little lipstick and twirled.

"I didn't know you were the bimbo kind too." The voice made her jump up and turn.

"Fuck!" She cursed. "What on earth are you doing here in my room?" She asked her best friend Om.

"Looking at you..." he answered looking at her from head to toe.

Gauri suddenly felt too exposed under his gaze. "Stop staring like that." She mumbled. "And answer my question, why are you here?"

"To see you. You didn't reply to my messages." He shrugged his shoulders, his gaze once again swiftly swiping up and down her frame.

"Om, stop looking at me like that!" She rebuked.

"What! It's not my fault. I have barely seen you look like that." He muttered pointing at her.

Gauri realized that it was indeed the most revealing dress she had very put on. She walked up to him and covered his eyes using her palm.

"What the hell?" He exclaimed not anticipating that. His hand held her right wrist trying to pull her hand down.

"Now tell me, what so important that you had to break into my room?"

"I didn't break into your room. I just walked in through the open balcony door." He answered.

"Uh, Om!" Gauri mumbled. "Answer the Why part. "

Om pulled her wrist down and looked at her. "You said you're going to see the guy tomorrow."

"Yes, tomorrow." Gauri confirmed.

"I don't want you to see him." He spoke honestly.

Confusion made it to Gauri's face and it was slowly replaced by nervousness, "Did you find out something that bad about him?"

The moment Gauri had select the guy she had immediately sent the picture to Om for his opinion. He had also offered to run a background check on the guy.

"No." He answered looking away momentarily.

Gauri's eyebrows furrowed, "then?"

"I love you." He uttered the words that he had wanted to tell her for a very long time.

Gauri blinked, "what did you say?"

"You heard it Gauri, I love you." He spoke irritated. His heart was racing like crazy. Taking risks in business was his forte but putting his friendship with her on the line wasn't. But he was doing it anyway. He didn't have the guts to be her Maid Of Honor equivalent when he wanted to be the man she would put the ring on.

"Is this a joke?" She mumbled. If it was she was going to kill him with her own hands.

"Are you freaking out of your mind? My sense of humor is much better than yours. This is not a joke. I mean it Gauri. I have loved you for a very long time.... more than a friend. I was just scared to even tell you. But I can't let you go hunting for a groom when I want to be the one."

Her lips curbed upward, "that's a good one liner..."

He stared at her waiting for her to say more. When she simply kept looking at him, his patience snapped. "Will you say something..."

"Give me a minute to sink it in, will you!" She muttered.


Gauri's smile widened. She loved Om, as a friend. Yes, there was a time when she had a tiny crush on him but she was over that and their friendship was something she really treasured. If there was someone who she could absolutely be herself with, it was him. She hadn't really told her parents of the friendship she shared with him but her brother knew well.

"Okay!" She answered. She would have chosen him any day over any other guy. Plus he said he loved her. If he said it, then he meant it.

"What do you mean by okay?" He asked with heightened uncertainty.

"I won't see the guy,"

"You're convinced, just like that?" he asked astonished.

"You were expecting me to push you out of my room?"

"No," he grinned. "But I still can't believe I told you what I feel and you said okay."

Gauri chukled. Thinking quickly, she leaned closer, got on her toes, and kissed his cheek.

"Fuck!" He mumbled instantly.

"No, there's time to that!" She replied cheekily, her cheeks pink with the blush.

He instantly circled his hands around her, taking her into a hug. Gauri giggled hugging him back. "Pinch me, Gauri. I still am not able to believe I finally told you.." he spoke parting from her.

Gauri rolled her eyes. She grasped onto his tshirt and pulled him closer placing her lips on his. He froze in the very moment.

Gauri could hear his deep breaths. She slowly opened her mouth and almost immediately his eye shot open and he pulled away.

Gauri blinked, "That's rude."

"I am unable to understand... you're just accepting me and... not saying those three words."

Gauri looked at him frustrated, "I will say it when I mean it. I want to kiss you."

"Isn't this a big deal to you? I mean... why doesn't it feel big?"

"Om," she whined, "do something... go home, sleep and come and tell em the same thing tomorrow."

Om grinned pulling her closer by the waist as soon as she took a step away. He didn't give her the time to even think, his hand reached her hair and he pulled her closer placing his lips down on hers.

It was literally like he swept her off her feet. She opened her mouth and she was lost. She had no clue that he'd be so good. She placed her palms on his shoulder and tilted her face slightly giving him more accessibility to her mouth. His tongue swirled against hers. She felt his hands glide over her waist down to her hips. His palms kept the motion going. She finally pushed him away and pulled back when she really needed to breathe.

Her eyes meeting his. It wasn't sparks, there was a full fire. His breath fanning her face. Gauri had never been so mercilessly aroused as at the moment. She'd even lose the virginity card to him the very night if he asked her.

"It feels big now," he uttered smiling.

"Was that intended to be an innuendo?" Gauri asked grimacing.

He chukled, "Why are you so.... different today?"

Gauri cocked up brow, "different? Different how?"

"You're wearing this sexy dress, talking things directly ..."

Gauri smiled, "because now you are my boyfriend. Not boy plus friend."

"Oh, you already promoted me, huh?"

"Let's just say you got some real good points for the kiss that promoted you." She smirked.

He smiled kissing her forehead, "You will still be my best friend first."

Gauri smiled as her heart filled with warmth, she wrapped her arms around him resting her cheek agaisnt his chest. They stayed there like that sinking in the new feeling.

"Listen, what do we do about the guy who is coming to see me tomorrow?"

"Tell your parents you changed your mind and you don't want to marry as yet. I am sure you can convince them."

Gauri looked up at him thoughtfully. "Hmm, okay leave now. I need to prepare for that."

"Seriously, Panda?"

Gauri nodded smiling at him. "You know..I need.. "

"I know." He nodded. She always needed to think over everything and be prepared. He wondered how she easily a accepted him as more than a friend just over a few minutes.

"Are you going to move out?" She asked folding her arms.

His gaze dropped to her cleavage and then went down her exposed legs. "Okay, hottie!" He winked at her.

She blushed picking up the cushion from her bed and threw it his way. It was their thing. When she saw a really handsome guy she'd immediately tell him that she classified the guy to be a hottie and he did the same when he spotted a real gorgeous girl. But, to be getting that tag from him for herself did give Gauri's pride a kick.

"Good night, Panda!" He said aloud.

"Shh," she glared at him, following him to the balcony. He immediately turned and she ran into him.

"What?" She mumbled.

"One more kiss?"

"F off Om!" She said adamantly.

"I hope you don't get sleep at night and keep thinking about me." He cursed.

"Same to you Monkey!" Gauri replied as he got over the railing and climbed down the wodden ladder which she had no clue where he got from.

He blew a kiss at her once he reached down and she chukled waving back at him.

* ♡ *

"Panda are you awake?" Gauri heard from the other end when she picked up the call. She sat up on the bed.

"It's freaking one in the night. What do you need?" Gauri asked her boyfriend annoyed.

"I want to talk to you. Were you asleep?"

"No, I was looking for my hockey stick to beat you up." Gauri muttered.

"Okay, sleep. I didn't want to disturb you. Will talk tomorrow."

"Don't you dare hang up!" Gauri threatened him, sitting comfortably on her bed. "What is it?"

"Mom wants me to get married, she told me we have to go to the girl's house tomorrow."

Gauri sat up straight, all sleep gone from her eyes. "You still haven't told her about us, have you?"

"I was busy with the merger, Gauri. I didn't get time. I didn't even know she was..."

"Good night Om!" Saying that she ended the call. "Fucking idiot!" She cursed him and as though on cue her phone lit up with his picture.

"What ?" She mumbled picking up the call.

"You can't hang up on me."

"I can." Gauri snapped. "It's been more than six months Om. I am tired of waiting for the day when you will finally officially ask me the damn question. Now you're going to see some girl tomorrow. While I refused to even see a guy."

"You haven't told your parents either!" He pointed out.

"Cause I want you to come home and ask for my hand first."

"Okay, then I will come to your place tomorrow."

Gauri blinked. "What do you mean?"

"Good night, Gauri!"

"Om-" the beep rang and the call ended. "Uh, idiot."

* ♡ *

Gauri's mood was off. She had been learning how to cook since past five months. She cooked really well now. Her thoughts were stuck on Om. He hadn't called back, responded to her calls or replied to her messages. Her mother had told her that her father's some friend was coming over. So here she was making some sweet for them.

She walked out when she was done with a tray carrying the bowls of the sweet she ha prepared. Her gaze met a familiar pair of eyes and she freaked out. She glanced at her father and then at his parents. He smiled at her. No way!

"Sit Gauri. This is Shakti Singh Oberoi and his wife Pinky. And their son Om, you must know him, don't you?"

Gauri looked at her father shocked. He smiled. She looked around and everyone was smiling. An awkward silence fell.

"Gauri, do you like him?" Her father asked softly.

She simply looked at her father and blinked, unable to utter a word.

"Maybe she wants to talk to you, Om."

She looked at her father once again, this time with questioning eyes.

"He told us about you two." Her father added.

She threw a glare at him uncaring about the other people around him. She silently got off he chair and walked to her rolm6while he followed. She held the door for him and once he stepped on, she shut it and looked it. In the next minut, her hands were around his neck. "What the hell, Om!"

He chukled holding her wrists. "Gauri, stop it."

"I am killing you. Do you have any idea how embarrassing that was for me?"

He overpowered her and pinned her wrists to the wall. "You're a freaking wild cat!"

"You're very annoying. I am definitely not marrying you."

He smirked leaning closer, "Sorry sweetheart, you have no other option. Your dad always knew about our friendship. I finally got the courage to confront him last week and talk to him about us. He was really.."

Gauri now had tears in her eyes. "He would hate me!"

"No, Panda." He said quickly. "He was a little shocked. But he said he knew, that there was someone definitely on your mind given your constant denial to even just meet guys. He was glad that it was me." He smiled broadly.

Gauri breathed heavily, "then why did you call last nigh..."

"I was just trying to have some fun." He answered sheepishly. "The intention was to tell you everything. I changed my mind when I heard your voice."

"You're such a..."

"Don't!" He warned leaning closer to her. "I want to kiss you right now." He mumbled.

"My dad will slaughter you."

"I don't think so." He replied smugly before letting his lips land on hers. Gauri's constant struggle made him leave her hands. He was prepared to be punched or pushed. But she only wrapped her arms around him kissing him back with equal fervor.

"Wow, that's the best we've had!" He muttered breaking away breathless.

Gauri smiled and then punched him right on the center of his abdomen. "The next time, I swear I will break bones."

"Remind me WHY I am marrying you?"

She grabbed his shirt pulling him closer. "You wanted to be the one I put a ring on!"

He smiled, "I can't wait to actually do that. Let's go down and hurry this process. "

"No way. You made me wait for six freaking months."

"Hey, cheater. Reality check you didn't do anything to get us together anyway."

"So? I was the first to kiss you, remember?" Gauri smirked.

"So? I was the first to say I love you!" He declared jabbing his index finger on her nose.

"I was the first to have a crush on you!" She announced and when she noticed the surprise on his face she realized what she had said. She blushed looking away. He was not supposed to know that.

"Now it makes sense to me." He muttered as his eyes twinkled. "Is that why you didn't react? You just accepted me? Because you.. "

"No, Monkey. I had a crush on you but it was like... when we started college. After that I got over it."

"I don't think so you ever got over it." He grinned widely. "Panda loves me from a really long time!"

"Shut up !"

"Panda loves me, Panda had a crush on me, Panda wants to marry me.." he went on, in a sing song voice.

"Shh, Om!" Gauri exclaimed covering his mouth with her palm. He pulled her wrist down, "Panda loves to kiss me, Panda wants to make love to me, Panda is so whipped!"

"Shup up!" She mumbled embarrassed, covering his mouth again.

He finally stopped. "You make me a happy man, hottie!"

Gauri smiled widely, pulling him for a kiss.

Uff! So that was the prompt I received - the first statement of the one shot.

Do let me know your thoughts.

And prompts are welcome! :)


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