Vehement Desires

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Ten, nine, eight, seven, oh she couldn't. She looked up at him. He was standing with his back towards her. His broad shoulders, his perfect back, and his well shaped rear. Gauri couldn't keep her eyes off. Her boss dressed in tuxedo was the sexiest man she had come across. It had been sic months, now. She had been working as his personal assistant. 

Initially it was just swooning and stealing glances at him. But, after what had happened in the party last week Gauri was driven by frenzy. She has never felt so strong a lust. His huge hands. His long hair. His deep dark eyes. His rough, yet perfect stubble. She shut her eyes once again. From the past ten minutes she had been doing this in loop. Trying desperately to look anywhere but at him. Gauri was sure she would be damned. Her thoughts had never been so wild. All she wanted to feel was– him!

Shit No. Once again she was looking at him.

Her eyes met his when he turned swiftly walking closer. How she wished he'd just come against her now. God, she should apply for leave on days when she was PMSing. She swallowed the lump that had formed in her throat. "Good morning Sir."

"Morning, Gauri." He stared at her. She just seemed to be growing beautiful by the day. His gaze landed on her light pink lips. Oh no! Was he at work? Yes. Why? He took in a sharp breath moving close to her. He clearly couldn't forget that evening, whatever had happened in the party. He wanted more proximity like they had in that evening. Like his strong liking for her nature wasn't enough that he had begun liking her body. Not to forget the way it responded to his touch. 

* * * 

"Can I have a dance?" He asked leaning sidewards as she was intently watching the dancing couples. Gauri looked at him surprised. Her boss was asking her for a dance. Jeez, had he been hearing her thoughts or something?

"Isn't it too much? There's media out here. "

"Rest assured no crappy rumors will be out."

"Too much for a professional .."

"Personal.." He said slipping his hand between them to hold hers. 

She parted her lips at the sudden warmth that her tiny cold hand hand felt. 

"You're my personal assistant. Dance isn't a big deal."

"Mr. Oberoi, you'll find a better partner. I am not the kind..." She said unsurely. God she was so fluttered inside. How she wished to accept the dance. But she wanted to make it clear, she wasn't the one night kinda girl. Seeing his eyes filled with the sensual kind of shine she made it clear.

"I am not taking you to bed. It's the dance floor."

Gauri widened her eyes . Simultaneously a blush crept up her cheeks.  "Ah..I didn't mean.." She mumbled, inwardly glad he got the implication.

"Shall we?"

"Don't fire me if I don't dance good enough!" She muttered quickly.

He chuckled. This woman had that thing that made him very comfortable around her. He felt like he was home when he was with her.  

"I can make you dance, don't worry." He said, moving her palm and placing it on his shoulder. His look implying much more than his mouth had spelled.

She let out a long breath when she felt his huge hands on her waist. Even through the material of her gown she could feel the firmness. As they swayed her pressed his hands perfectly against her waist. Gauri lost the little sanity she had. She felt heat flowing through every cell. Her breathing was uneven and heart rate erratic. She looked up to find his gaze fixed in her face. That did not help. She was worried he'd make out what he made her feel. 

He stated at her slightly parted luscious lips. It was hard to not dive down and kiss them. He particularly liked the fact that he was taller it gave him a better look of her central valley.

She turned to face the side, shifting her hand from his shoulder and meeting his palm. Both their gazes drifted to their palms. Their fingers fit into the grroves of the other's. Though her hand was tiny it looked good with his. She instantly switched her gaze to his face when he dug his nails into the back of her palm. She took in a ragged breath, wondering if he heard her breaths.

Unable to keep the gaze she drifted it around. He smiled, a little appreciating her features. Her cheekbones seemed perfect but that pinkish hue on her cheek was the best. He rolled her away and pulled her back to him. She twirled with utmost grace. Has her body collided with his, both let out a audible breath. Omkara kept pacing up as the music caught speed. She tried her best to match his steps. His movement became more dominating. His hands brushed her hips, shoulders, abdomen as they executed various steps. 

Gauri was a heated mess. As the music climaxed, Gauri felt herself being dragged. Soon they were standing in an isolated corridor looking at each other. She took in a deep breath leaning her back on the wall. It was a matter of seconds, she had closed her eyes and opened to find him hovering upon her. His gaze pivoted on her face. She swallowed hard and parted her lips to breathe. His gaze went lower in her lips. Gauri couldn't help, but respond by looking at his parted lips. An automatic solution was arrived at on its own, both inched closer and their lips met. Hungrily their lips moved over each other's. In seconds his hand was cupping her face and hers were pulling down his head. Their tongues swirled. It was short lived a sboth broke part to breathe. Those two or so minutes were the hardest. Their gazes shining with hunger. 

Once he was sure his breathing was back to normal, he stepped closer. She took in a sharp shot of air. He loved how her body responded. He took it to be anticipation. His hands found hers. Her breathing wasn't settling. Her eyes swore to not move from his face. Her lips quivered. For a moment Omkara stared at her face picturing her beneath him in the bed. His fingers left her hands and caressed her cheeks. 

"Om-mm-k.." She couldn't even say the word. He smiled. His desires were brewing. He wanted her to moan his name. He wanted to make love tot his beautiful woman who stood before him. To this one woman who had cast her spell on him.

Not wasting a moment more, he captured her lips again, while his hands wrapped around her waist pulling her closer. At first she was stiff but soon enough she have in responding as madly as he initiated. 

They broke apart when he felt her struggle for air. She immediately moved her hand to her chest. God her heart had been replaced by some tuneless vibratory device.  He grinned seeing her crazy reaction. She looked up and regretted to have. 

There was amusement on his face and passion in his eyes. She was going to drown in him if she stayed any longer anywhere close to him.

"Gauri." His husky voice made her look up. 

She couldn't refrain from staring at his moving lips. He had kissed her with those. 

"Yeah." She said blinking and looking away. 

"Uhh..are you okay?"

"Huh?" She turned back at him. 

"Uh, I mean.. I meant. " he pocketed his hands thinking of something. What was he saying? What should he say? Well, according to his brain he didn't want to talk he wanted to act. 

"Let's go?"

She nodded at his abrupt suggestion. 

"I hope didn't mind what happened mutually between us!" His words echoed in her head. She was down with Omkara syndrome. 

* * *

Gauri cleared her throat to bring him out of his thoughts. "Files?"


"Files to be revised?"

"Right." He shook his head walking over to his table. He had so badly wanted to kiss her again. He didn't find an excuse to. He knew she wouldn't accept casually relationship. Did he want a 'casual relationship' with her? 

Darn No. He wanted much more than that. 

She walked over to the door of his cabin, carrying the files in her hand. 

"Gauri!" He called. 

"Yes Sir." She turned swiftly.

"Can I take you out on...on a dinner date?"

She gaped at him. Her lips parted and then she fell silent. He carefully observed her walking closer. 

"Please keep distance." She said quickly.

"Ahh, what?" He asked baffled and slightly irked.

"Umm, I...I.. " she groped for words unsuccessfully. 

He smirked and walked closer. "You what...?"

"I- I." She stuttered staring at him coming closer to her.

"You like it?" He whispered in her ears. Slowly he picked one file and shoved it on the couch.

"Tell me.." Gauri couldn't find it in herself to speak. His actions were way to sexy. Despite the fact that he was doing nothing but taking the files gently from her hand and putting them down on the couch aside, one at a time. 


"Omkara!" He whispered.

"Om-kk-aa." She was almost hyper ventilating when he bent his head down over her shoulders. 

"Om...!" She gasped when she felt him nuzzle her skin at the neck. The hold Omkara had on him so far, disappeared, he grabbed her waist using one hand while the other was around her head. He pulled her into himself passionates taking her lips in a kiss. She moaned at the sudden contact. He wrestled his tongue against hers. Gradually she moved her fingers to fist his shirt and began responding. 

They broke apart panting. She gulped. He smriked. Her heart froze as her eyes analyzed his face. "Date it is. Tonight at seven thirty. " he said softly thoroughly enjoying her look, while his fingers brushed aside the fringes of her hair. "To remind you, we have a conference in ten. See you around." Winking he walked past her, on purpose brushing his shoulders against hers. 

Gauri blushed ginning when he was gone. Her boss would be the end of her. Why did he have to be so freaking hot and adorable at the same time. 

Little had she known then, that he'd remain forever by her, in her happily ever after.

Hope you liked it. 

Dedicated to alexa_quenzy !

– Anami!

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