C h a p t e r ♤ T h r e e | A p o l o g i e s

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I arrive home, shock still linguring on my face. I can't believe that I was chosen for their dumb school. It's really hard to take in that I'll be ripped away from my parents soon. I know I'm a grown teenage kid and all, but I don't want to part from them. They're my everything. Unless there is a way I could convince the school to bring them with me? No, that seems too much of a stretch to attempt. Possibly not to that extent, but somewhere close like the nearest neighborhood. It doesn't seem to matter right now however. Whatever comes afterwards will happen after I tell them about my situation.

I open the door and casually walk in, trying to play it off that everything's fine before breaking the news to my parents. "Mom, dad! I'm home," I announce as I place my bag off to the side of the door. My mother walks out from within the house, a confused look on her face. "Tyler, you're home already?" She questioned, wiping her dirty hands with an old towel. I chuckled awkwardly, "Yeah, unfortunately." She stopped to think for a bit before walking up to me and putting the towel in her pant pockets. "Did something bad happen at school?" She asked me, concern and worry in her tone. I shake her off and make my way towards the couch, "Suppose it depends on how you see it."

"Oh, something bad did happen at school, didn't it?" She ran over to sit me next to her. "No- I mean," I facepalm myself, the conversation being harder to spit out than I expected, "I'll tell you when dad gets here."

"I'm here," Dad popped out of nowhere, making his way to sit on the opposite side of me. "What's up kiddo?" Now that the spotlight is on me, I wish I didn't have the burden of going. It could've been someone else's line to say, but it chose me. I bite my bottom lip hard before saying, "The organization did a test on me and I came out positive." My parents had this look on their face that just screamed confusion and concern. "Positive for what?" Dad asked, patting my back as a way to comfort me. "Positive for being the kind of special they're looking for," I shrug, knowing as little of the meaning as them. "They said they were going to take me away to this school of theirs and- I don't know. I don't feel to good about this."

I pulled the business card out from my pocket and handed it over to my mom for her to see. She observed it closely, flipping it back and fourth as if looking for a clue. She looked over at dad and passed the card to him, "What do you think?" Dad grabbed it and looked at it the same way my mom did, bewildered. "Uh, son. This doesn't have anything on it," He told me. Now I know I must be crazy.

"What?!" I forcefully take the card away from his hand and look at the side that should have the holographic projection on it. No surprise, it was still there written in the same font, same format, and had the pop out holographic gemstone glitching out from Ian's misuse. "But it's right here!" I slapped the card in my hand, "Clear as daylight. It says I'm going to be transfered to a different high school called Quartz High. Its so out of this world that it seems unlikely for anyone not to see it. Why can't you see it?" They obviously looked worried for my well being by how crazy I must seem in their eyes. "Ty, sweetie. I think you should-"

"No! I shouldn't relax," I stood up from the couch before she could grab my shoulder. I swirl around and face them with clear intentions marked on my face, something they can see. "It doesn't make sense mom! How come only I and the woman from the organization can see this futuristic holographic card? How come no one else can see it? I can't be crazy if I can describe every bit of detail in the card everyone sees as blank, right? Isn't that how it works?" I look at them pleadingly as if they'd have an answer to this phenomenon, "Please, I just want some sort of explanation."  My mother was covering her mouth, her eyes looking like they were about to tear up. She looked over to my dad and made him read her eyes. I kind of felt bad now, seeing her on the verge of tears. I might have stepped my boundary a bit. All I wanted was an answer to something they probably can't provide. I shouldn't have yelled at them. "I-i'm sorry," I apologized as I slowly sat down on top of the old wooden coffee table we had in the center of our small living room. "No," My dad exclaimed, "We're sorry."

"Sorry?" I questioned, confused on the sudden shift of tone, "Sorry about what?" He sighed as he rubbed his face, "For lying to you all these years." My previous thoughts push to the back of my mind, no longer being my main priority. "What?"

"Look, you're not our real son," My dad announced without warning or smooth ease into the topic, "You're adopted." I couldn't believe the words that were being fed to me. My thoughts jumbled up in my mind as I tried to take in the realization. The blank stare I was giving off was enough for my mom to continue my father's words. "It's true Ty. I remember the day you appeared at my doorstep," She began explaining it better than my father who was more blunt and straight forward about it. "Your father and I weren't even married yet or even planned on having kids. But when you showed up, it was such an exciting day for us. It was full of mixed emotions considering I had to present you to your father and suddenly being thrown into the position of raising a baby. It was a very unexpected sequence of events."

This didn't make me feel better. I no longer feel like the gift my parents expressed me to be at my so-called "birth", but an unexpected child my parents didn't plan to raise. It stung my heart in a way I hadn't felt before. It hurt more than the brutal beatings Ian tends to give me. I slouch over and grab my face, covering my eyes before the waterworks could begin. A hand gently clasped my shoulder, comforting me. "We loved you from the moment our eyes met," Mom said in the sweetest voice possible, perfectly representing the angelic mother she is to me. "Not being our biological son doesn't change the fact that you are our son," Dad continued, "Don't ever forget that we loved every second raising you."

A smile manages to make it's way onto my face, some tears rolling down my cheek. I wipe them away as I fix my posture. They're absolutely right about everything. Even if I'm not their's, they're still the only people I can count on for encouragement. Even though deep down I still feel a slight disconnect, they'll always be there for me. "Thanks mom, dad," I face them, "But what does me being adopted have to do with this card?" My parents look at each other once more, still unsure of the answer. "We- actually- uhm, I don't know," My mom stammered her words. I sigh, disappointed that my questions remain unanswered as I stare at the card. It's too out of this world to miss, but everyone somehow does in the end. I place the card down and rub my neck awkwardly, "I guess I should start packing my stuff? To bring to my new school and everything." My parents nod as we all stand up to get back to doing our regular life routine. My father starts heading back to our cotton garden to pick some fresh cotton, my mother to the kitchen to begin cooking, and I towards my room to begin packing up.

A knock on the door stumps us all halfway to our destinations. It doesn't grab my attention as my mother is the one to scurry around the bar table and see who's at the door. She pulls it open and is surprised to see three people there, one woman and two men, wearing lab coats and looking very ominous at her door step. "I'm Director Palos Bleu of the organization, I'm here to announce that we're ready to dispatch your child to his new school," The woman in the center spoke up. I quickly turn my head, immediately recognizing the voice as the organization lady with the odd blue eyes. My mom is caught without words, unsure how to respond to her. My father peeks out from around the corner, he as well at a loss for words. My mother turns to me as if I had the answers for this dilemma. I don't, I really don't.

The woman named Palos looked over at me, her eyes brightening up through her glasses. "Ah, Tyler Ellis. Please come with us to Quartz High where you will begin the rightful education you deserve," She let herself in, heading my direction with the other two male workers. Her eyes stared directly into my crimson ones, feeling slightly threatened by them. "Excuse me, who said my son would be going anywhere?" Dad came up beside me and hugged me close to him. It made me feel safe next to him, but at the same time brought up this nagging feeling of how short I was compared to him. "We found his blood had come out positive for hybrid DNA, so this school would teach him all the proper subjects and education any hybrid should learn."

My dad pressed me tighter, this news seeming to have shocked him. I couldn't help but gape in awe. A hybrid? The term used for an outcome that required two separate entities to create, and I fall in that category? But why? Why am I a hybrid? Most importantly, what am I? This is harder to process than being told I'm adopted. At least that makes sense to me now. I swallow hard, a knot forming in my throat. "A hybrid?" I repeat, the words falling flat. "Yes," Palos answers, "I assume this was prior knowledge, correct?" I look at my mom who is still by the door with a shocked expression on her face. She begins shaking her head for a no, "We had no knowledge of this. I- we- didn't know our son was a hybrid." Palos raised her head, taking in her statement, "Ah, I understand. That's a shame, I was hoping the guardians or the boy himself knew what form of hybrid he is."

"You mean, you don't know either?" I asked, disappointed. "Sadly. Normally, our test can decipher a hybrids capabilities and easily identify what they're made of. The only thing we know is you're half human, and generally the human gene can hide the hybrid gene from being detected at all in any kind of tests done to it. This mishap happens because your human gene is dominant to whatever hybrid side you have, and/or the hybrid gene isn't fully developed as your human side." The room was silent, her explanation still being hard to process. I personally can't get over the fact that I'm a hybrid. There's another half of me that I never knew existed, or even know whatever the hell it is. The curiosity is going to kill me if I don't discover it soon.

"Whatever may be the case, you're going to discover it yourself over at Quartz High," She looked me in the eyes, her blue eyes shimmering, "Shall we get our leave?" I finally snapped out of this weird funk her heavy news put me in, being able to convey some sort of coherent sentence. "Wait, right now?" I questioned, so many things cruising through my mind at once. "Yes," She replied. "What about his things?" Dad butt in, "He hasn't packed anything yet."

"Everything he needs is provided at the school. Anything you deem necessary for him to have can be mailed over to the school and delivered to his dorm room," Palos answers. The way she responds so fast and perfectly is very unnerving. It almost seems like she can sense what we're going to say before we can finish our sentences. "Does he have to go?" My mom asked, seeming on the verge to tear up once more. "Yes. Once approved positive, they're immediately granted a free scholarship into the school. I'd suggest it, this is an opportunity you cannot miss." My mom hesitated to respond. She looked puzzled as she thought long and hard before coming to a final conclusion. "Alright, he can go," She says, sounding defeated, "Can we at least say goodbye?"

"Of course," Palos nods, bowing before making her way to the exit. She leaves and waits outside as one of the male (I assume they're nurses?) closes the door and blocks it, standing and watching us to make sure we don't go anywhere. Out of pure desperation, I run up to my mom and give her a bear hug, wanting answers more than I wanted comfort. "Mom, I don't want to go to this school. I can't leave you!" Tears started rolling down her face as she tightly hugged me back. We're about the same height, so it wasn't uncomfortable laying my head down on her shoulder to let out a couple tears of my own. "Please.., I don't want to go."

"I'm sorry," She cried softly, "I'm truly sorry, but maybe this will help you find yourself more than what you discovered here in Demrik." I sniffled, not wanting to let her go just yet, "But what if I don't."

"Then they'll send you back," She released me from her hug, looking me in the eyes, "Just please, be positive about this." The way her soft voice resonates with me urges me to cry some more. I wanted this day to come for so long, but now that it's here, I don't want it how it arrived. There doesn't seem a way out of this scenario either. She wipes my tears away with her hand as a way to cheer me up. Dad places his hand on my shoulder and presses tightly. "Be careful out there, I wouldn't trust anyone you meet right away," He gave me advice, coming in closer to my ear to whisper, "Especially the staff, these folks look sketchy as hell." I chuckle, the tension in the room slowly fading away, "Okay dad."

"Ready to go?" The male nurse assumed, seeing how we're all more calm than before. His voice startled me when he spoke up, not expecting such a low pitch for the guy. I slowly make my way towards him and awkwardly nod a yes. He opens the front door for me and plays the gentleman card by letting me out first. I continue outside where Palos and the other male nurse were waiting patiently for me. I was expecting the male nurse to be following behind me, but instead I hear the door behing shut. Behind me, I see nothing but my front door. My blood began to boil, concern sweeping over my emotions. Worry quickly becomes panic as my thoughts lead me to unsettling conclusions. "Hey, what are you doing!?"

Before I could make an attempt at getting back inside my house, I get very roughly yanked by my arm and forced to walk their direction. It was the other male nurse that was pulling me along with Palos being a couple steps ahead. "Your parents are fine, they're just receiving some mandatory parent information and pamphlets about the school," Palos explained as she walked towards the direction of the Demrik school building. "Will I see them again?" I ask, hoping for a yes. "Only on certain occasions like holiday breaks and summer vacation. Some are allowed to go visit over the weekend because they live fairly close, but in your case that will not be possible."

I grunt in response, trying to recollect everything that had happened in the last couple minutes. Some know-it-all people tell me I'm a hybrid and their school is the bees knees for my kind of abominations, my adoption makes sense with how my parents knew nothing of me being said hybrid, and that stupid card isn't worth anything if you're completely human. Dear god, what is wrong with today. This excessive amount of personal information thrown at someone can't be healthy. I already feel myself slowly breaking apart the more I continue to process everything over and over again. I don't want to be forced into this new unknown life. I know I wanted to see the world outside of Demrik, but not like this. I swear I'll crack under the pressure any minute.

The way he's holding my arm is becoming irritating, especially having to trip over my own feet just to be at speed with him in this awkward position. I shift my arm violently till I finally get myself free. I rub the spot where the nurse had a death grip on me, seeing how he left a red mark. The male looks at me with such an enraged expression that just screams every possible violent action he could take to force me to behave. "Oh please, it's not like I'm going anywhere," I quickly say before he actually does anything. He relaxed his stance ever so slightly, still giving me a stern look as he went back to facing front.

For the first time since stepping outside, I finally began questioning where exactly they were leading me to. By this point, we already went around the school and past the last couple houses behind the building. We're going to hit the edge of town any minute if we continue heading the way we're going. As suspected, that's exactly what happens. Demrik is surrounded by thick wilderness which is far too threatening to even think about passing through. I always thought I'd be the first to try and make it to society alive, but I wanted it to be by my free will; not these people. Hold on, how did the organization get here to begin with? I hadn't thought of that. Maybe they created their own path in? Seems the most logical considering I'd never seen an opening big enough to fit trucks like theirs.

We arrive at their trucks and they're all lined up in a row with the RV being the closest vehicle to us. Palos steps in front of me, stopping me in my tracks as the nurse minds his own business and goes handle one of the trucks. She looks at me with a smile, sticking out her hand towards me and stating, "You'll be riding with me in the RV." I don't know what this woman expects of me. I'm obviously some sort of toddler in her eyes if she wants me to hold her hand. I'd rather die by the hands of Ian than be seen holding her hand like she were my mother. God, I hope not.

I ignore her gesture and walk right around her towards the RV. From a distance, I can hear her say, "Well, this is going to be an interesting ride." I admiring the vehicle at such a close proximity. It's very stunning. Something inside me bubbled with curiosity and excitement over the advances in technology, blocking out my negative emotions for a little bit. The black coating had such a nice glossy finish, and the tires were the cleanest I've ever seen rubber. I couldn't see anything through the windows by how pitch black they seemed to be, but I assume I'll see the interior soon since I'm riding this to the new school. "Tyler, the entrance is over here," Palos exclaimed.

I rushed around the vehicle to see her standing near a cylinder panel protruding outward from the side of the RV. She waved her hand over it and triggered the entrance to revealed itself, the doors automatically sliding open. My eyes glistened in interest. The smooth motion and overall technological uses of the vehicle are so advanced. "How did you do that?" I asked, wanting to understand what I saw a little better. "This bracelet I'm wearing acts like a key. I just simply wave it over this and it unlocks," She explained, showing me her bracelet, "However, it doesn't operate the vehicle, only opens the door."

I nod in understanding as I admire the entrance. I'm first greeted to wood polished steps leading up to the drivers seat with a steering wheel and an arrangements of buttons. Off to the side was the rest of the interior, still unable to be seen from my bland view. Then, something hit me hard; my negative emotions flooding back in all at once to remind me of the one thing I want to forget.

I'm leaving home.

Everything I've known is being thrown out the window as simple as that. I know I'll be back soon enough as Palos explained, but I still feel overwhelmed by all of this. These are the staircase to a new opportunity I'm blindly walking into, but should I take them? Is it too late to go back now and pretend none of this ever happened?

"Go in Tyler," Palos moved out of the way of the entrance to give me some space. Yup, most definitely late. With nothing else to lose, I step right into the RV and grab hold onto the metal bar for extra precautionary measures. The first remarkable difference is how cold it is. It's a refreshing feel, a lot more refreshing than the air conditioning at my school. Uh- prior school? Yeah, that's weird to think about. I make it to the top of the platform and look into the interior located on my left. The vehicle serves its purpose pretty well. It has three beds stacked on top of each other off to the far left buried inside the wall, a small kitchen set up to my closest left, tables and couches on my right, and across the room was the restroom and closet. It was much more clean than the homes here in Demrik. I feel like I don't deserve to be here. This was meant for anyone else more worthy of such luxury than this pathetic boy.

I shiver as I make my way deeper into the van, the cool air becoming freezing. I hear Palos' footsteps as she makes it up the steps. I turn to see her removing her lab coat and hanging it on a coat rack built into the right wall. She's wearing a casual, yet professional, blue shirt along with blue jeans. It surprisingly made her look more threatening than when she had the lab coat on. Palos professional and perfect posture just really stuck out to me. She notices me staring and gives me a smile, "I do hope you find yourself at home here for the time being. The trip won't be too long, just two days at most," She explained.

I'm reminded again of why I dislike her with a passion. This isn't my home nor is it remotely similar to my living accommodations. I know she's trying to be nice to me, but I'm still salty about my first impression of her. Doesn't help kids in need, takes them from their families through manipulative persuasion, and forces them into this new life style unbeknownst to them. God, why can't I just not care for once and be grateful. My emotions keep bouncing back and forth wether I should think of her as a bad person or as an okay person. Wish I could just make up my mind.

"While the driver arrives, I'll make us something to eat," Palos offered as she made her way into the kitchen set up. I hugged myself for comfort and declined, "I don't want anything."

"Hm?" She hummed intently, yet confused, "Why not? I thought you might be hungry considering the only thing you've digested today was breakfast."

"I'd rather starve," I exclaimed harshly as I made my way to the beds constructed into the walls. It was three beds all placed above each other with a sturdy ladder right next to it. Since I don't want to hassle myself with climbing up and back down, the bottom bed will be mine. "Excuse me?" I heard Palos exclaim in a very offended manner, "I was only offering you food, there was no need to lash out at me with that rude tone."

"Leave me alone," I climb into the small cubicle, facing the wall. "I'm sorry that your parents agreed to let you come, but I figured kids like you would appreciate life more and the opportunities they're given instead of hating everything." I pull on the curtains that are draped back and drag it across the entrance to the bed. It's not completely sheer, still letting in some light, but it does cover up any distinguishable object outside. I roll back to my side and face the wall once more, ignoring reality for a bit as I force myself to sleep.

Palos didn't say anything after that and went on to cook something. I could hear clanking and movement from her cooking process. After a couple minutes went by, I was hit by the smell of something delicious. I don't know what it is, but it smelled marvelous. My stomach growled as it started to become clear how much of a fuck up I am. I finally cracked when the RV began shifting and moving. The transition from being still to being propelled by a moving vehicle really threw me off, never being in one before. Asy body adjusted to the motion, my eyes welled up with tears. I clutched my shirt tightly as I began to cry. My eyes stung from each drop that made its way out. Since I was laying down, the tears rolled over the bridge of my nose and found its way to the other eye, enhancing the puddle of tears I'd create.

This is it, no turning back. Goodbye Demrik, goodbye mother, father, goodbye life. Palos is right, I should appreciate what life is giving me and the opportunities it has presented me with. An example being i'm the only kid in Demrik diagnosed as "special", or a hybrid as I'm newly informed it means. Will I be a monster? Am I secretly being dragged away to get experimented on like a lab rat and the school is what they tell people as a disguise? I sure hope not. I have a family even though they're not my birth parents. My real parents can go to hell for all I care. They probably abandoned me for a good reason or flat out didn't want me anymore. Probably the only good thing about this is I'm as far away from Ian as I can be and I like that.

My heart hurts so much emotionally that I just want it to stop. I let out some whimpers and crises as my thoughts continued to dwell deeper into the negative than I'd want them too. At some point, my crying stops in a gentle ease and I accomplish my goal of falling asleep. I let reality fade away and enter the world of make believe, dreaming up a better reality than where I am.

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