Gray & Juvia

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Sup guys! I just want to point out that this is the 22nd chapter!We're so close to the end of this book!My goal is to have 37 or less!So I also want to point out how forgetful I am, last chapter I realized I didn't mention StingYu and RoKu getting their own chapter before the wedding, when they are.Well its GrUvia time!

-Juvia's POV-
I was cooking we I heard shuffling behind me.I chose to ignore it and after a while, two big,strong arms wrapped around me and picked me up.I was now on Gray's shoulders.He was tasting my cooking.

"Ummmm how is it?",I asked, embarrassed.He finished tasting the gravy and looked at me.

"Mmmmm.....its good!",he said and smiled.Looking at him made me blush.

"Thanks!But good is not enough!",I told him and more determined then ever began to cook again.


"Well Juvia doesn't know....",I said realizing I was still on his shoulder."Oh well"I continued to cook.

"Your not getting off?",he asked and I nodded.

"Nope",I smiled."Finished!"

"Finished?Good my legs was gonna give out due to your weight!",he said.

"HEY!",I shouted and hit him.

"Its because I'm weak!",he told me as I was put onto the ground.

"Good!",I told him and put the food on the table.He sat down with me and we began to dig in.

"I'm so hungry I could eat a live cow...", he said as he dug in.

"Well don't. Juvia heard from Levy that if you eat raw meet you have a 95% chance of getting poisoned...... The other 5% usually died.",I told him.

"Really?",he asked looking at me with a biscuit shoved in his mouth.

"Well that's what she really isn't a fact.",I explained eating my eggs.

"Oh and we kinda have a problem.",he told me.

"Mmmm.....what is it?",I asked putting my fork down.

"Remember that photo we took as we moved you in here?",he asked and I nodded."Well my father saw it....and convinced himself that he's getting grandkids...."I blushed at his words.

"Juvia and Gray-sana aren't giving him grandkids are they?", I asked.I'm not ready!Physically nor mentally....

"OF COURSE NOT!",he shouted before shoving his fifth biscuit in his face.Good thing I made ten because I'm still used to cooking for the girls.

"Then what's the problem?",I asked.

"Well he's coming over tomorrow.......and well I hate him, a little, because he left me then came back later on.....and he's embarrassing.",he told me.

"Mmmm well Juvia will help!",I told him and smiled cheerfully and reached for my third biscuit."THEIR ALL GONE! GRAY-SAMA HOW'D YOU EAT EIGHT BISCUITS?"He saw how angry I was and ran for it.I chased him around the house we bought just for us.

"Merry go 'round-",my phone went off playing my ringtone,but before it could go onto the Japanese lyrics I answered.

"JUVIA LISTEN I JUST SAW NALU HAPPEN!",Mira shouted through the phone and my mouth hung open.

"REALLY?JUVIA IS SO HAPPY FOR LU-CHAN!",I said and we had a little conversation on the details.

"Yeah, and they held hands,but I got overexcited and jumped out,ruining the moment.....",she trailed off.I was gonna say something,but Gray took my cellphone from me.

"Hey!",I shouted reaching for the phone.

He held it to his ear and said,"Sorry Mira Juvia has to go!",and hung up.

"Why'd you do that?",I asked and he smiled.

"I'm taking you somewhere!",he said and dragged me out of the house.We arrived moments later at a theme park."Today's the last day its gonna be here so let's have fun while we can!"

We rode the Water Log first.Its a ride exactly like a rollercoaster except with water.....

"I regret that one....",Gray said,looking at his drenched clothing.

"Juvia doesn't, she loves water!",I said and pulled him to the Tornado. The line was long,but we only waited for ten minutes.

"Whhhheeeee!",I shouted as he turned the wheel,making the small cart-thing we were in spin.We were slowly rising,and soon one side rose higher then the other. The first time we hit the higher side I squealed and held on to my surroundings like there was no tomorrow,but after a few times,I just enjoyed it.

We left and entered the Alien Abduction. Its a ride where you stand in a designated spot and gravity keeps you in place along with the amount if force and pressure.We took our places next to each other and the ride started.They were sixteen other people there,all lined up on the walls where a soft-ish place was with a number above it.As the ride spun faster,the more we were pressed against the wall.Soon we could barely move our bodies,and the soft slab behind us went up along with us.At the end of the ride the slab went back down and the pressure lightened so we were able to move again.

After that ride we were dizzy a little,but nothing to serious.We walked along the rides and thought of which one to ride next.

"How about the Mega Drop?",Gray asked and I nodded.Of course I was scared. We were about to ride a ride that goes probably 45 feet in the air and drops you at 30 miles per second!I guess...

"Wow such a long line.",I said as we waited.It was a lie there were seven people in front of us,but it took forever for us to get on the ride itself.When we got on it, we strapped ourselves in and I prepared for my ultimate death.It rose up,very slowly if I may add.When it reached the top I took a deep breath and held it.

Its dropped.Gray and I screamed our lungs out.When it jerked to a stop and went up again,we clung to each other with our arms, preparing again for the terrifying drop.Three more to go.It dropped the second time and I could feel my nails dig into Gray's skin.It rose again and we clung to each other, strongly. When it dropped the third time we had slowed our screaming.On the last rise and drop we barely even screamed,just sat in fear.

"Never ride that again?",he asked and I nodded."Want to stop for some food or ride another few rides?"

"Rides", I answered.After all those rides that involved pressure,force, and cool air,our clothes and hair were dry.
"Mmmm how about....Bumper Cars?"

"Sure its a slow-ish ride",he said and we got lucky and gained first place in the line.After we got in I grabbed a blue car and he grabbed a light gray one."I'm going after you,so be carful",he told me.

"Same for you.",I said and the game started.I turned the wheel and hit someone in the back.I then turned to face Gray head on.Everyone around us seemed to ignore us and no one drove between us.I rambed him as he rambed me with his car.

In the end we lost count of who won. "How about Speed Rush?",I asked and pointed at the ride.He nodded and we walked to the line.After five minutes we entered a car and waited for it to start. The Speed Rush is a ride where all the cars are connected and goes pretty fast in one direction then does the same backwards.After the ride I saw my third favourite.

"Let's do that ride!",I siad pointing and he looked.He said he didn't do things that went high,but I forced him on it.The ride really has no name and if it does then I've never seen it,but the ride is where you lay down in this two seated placing. After it starts, you fly in circles above the ground and if you look up its like your flying.There's also a spot higher then the other so I got a little scared.

Afterwards I was ready for food.We got Funnel Cake and Fried Oreos.

"Look at the time...", he said."Pick one last ride."

"Ferris Wheel, I've never rid one.",I said and he looked at me.

"I haven't either!Let's go!",he said and we took our food and snuck it on.We watched as we raised to the top and stopped so someone else could get on a cart.We looked at the lighted theme park.

"Amazing....", we said in unison.We looked at each other and laughed. Suddenly I felt Gray put his lips on mine.I imminently blushed and kissed back.That ride was one to remember.

When we returned home Gray got a text message.
(I=Gray,J=Jelly.....Jellal, N=Natsu, & G=Gajeel)

J:Did anyone else forget to record the girls?Cuz I completely forgot and the only footage as proof we have is when we found them.I guess I got distracted.....we all did.


G:Ugghhh....I didn't even get the camera after the meeting we had...I left it there.

N:Do we even haft to.......I wanna quit the club,for right now.....I mean,it would ruin or status with the girls....if they learned why we went to go meet them

I:Flamebrains right

G:Yeah,I agree

J:Agree to delete and forget the whole thing?Also delete all evidence, text messages and all....we can't allow the girls to see any evidence.....



G:Yes,for shrimp

G:Sorry meant Levy....


up guys enjoy this chapter?Well I did GrUvia4LIFE Lol anyway see u next chapter and byee~

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