N tells the truth about Him and the final fight

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N: is seen killing a worker. He sits down and says I am bored.

N: at the mansion I had some entertainment even on copper 9 during the daytime I try and give hints But I guess they don't have a high IQ level if they can't figure it out.

N: I guess it's time for me to go for a walk I mean I could go out and kill workers but I get enjoyment in seeing J getting mad.

I was on a walk until I saw this worker interesting I never have seen a worker with red eyes before he started to climb up the building she rather not use his wings as they remind him too much of people he doesn't like.

so while she was picking something up N was inches away from her until she turned around he said hi she screamed a little bit in the fray and use the knife and cut off his head that's whenever he grabbed it and he said whoa whoa careful there crazy woman.

She is the powers of the absolute solver and asked on what the hell are you doing here well I was taking a walk then I saw a pretty woman with a Red visor.

Doll blushes and says OK but anyways why did you follow me she held her weapons knives.

Well I saw you picking up parts and I wanna ask you what are they for.

Doll: that's none of your business

N: oh come on why don't you tell the size I already know what they're for anyways you're trying to repair someone aren't you.

Doll: how did you know

N: because I repair drones here usually to make J and V Job harder I usually follow J And after she kills the drone I repair the drone are usually follow her 60% of the day I might not get a lot of kills but I still entertainment at its finest house have a usually a lot of spare time so I go to the corpse spire and repair workers can't help it I am bored so I have to entertain myself somehow. messing with my teammates can get boring I will be honest.

Doll: grab my hand

N: OK I like trying new things but I don't know why you want me to grab your hand while he was talking it was teleported and after they got teleported to her room or whatever you call it kills on the ground saying on how he's seeing stars. As he's never been teleported before something new for him he asked her never to do that again.

N: OK so this place could use a Little bit of redecorating.

Doll: yes I know it's disgusting.

N: to be honest it's better than the place I always stay at this place has more room. And best of all there's no V and J to ruin it like they always do. They always ruin my fun.

Doll: besides N was that your name I can't remember.

N: me and him or one of the same entity but because you won't understand it yes that is my name.

Doll: OK well she pulls off the cloth and shows her parents.

N: Wow to be honest I was expecting them to be in worse condition considering they were attacked by by that oil addict.

Doll: sighs can you fix them or no.

N: I can fix them even if they were in far worse condition even having only their head left I could easily repair them.

After that he was sort of making something inside of his own body he started to cough a little bit which a drone shouldn't be able to cough it's impossible.

A few seconds later he spit out something that looks like coagulated oil but it landed on fish like spit out two of them and they went inside of the two dead drones.

Doll: disgusting

N: I know it's disgusting but it works

After A couple of seconds it took a little bit more time than what he said it takes.

Doll: I knew it was too good to be true before she was able to finish her sentence two Drones just woke up.

She instantly retracted her statement and said oh my God you did it.

Doll: She was quite happy until her parents saw the disassembley Drone wake up a little bit scared until she calmed him down saying that he's the reason why they're alive in the first place.

Doll: hugged him and said thank you. My mother noticed something and said so when's the grand children she turned around and said the what.

You heard me loud and clear mom no, Mom yes. Dolls Dad decided to speak up and said do I get a say in this dolls mom turned around and said you don't get any choice in the matter of fear he said yes ma'am.

N being clueless and him being a little bit innocent not as innocent as he was originally

Doll: don't worry about it let's just go I guess. after that doll decided to ask a question she's been wanting to.

Doll. Hey N I have a question I've been wanting to ask you for a while now but how strong are you.

N: well I am almost impossible to kill so I have that going for me

Doll: well I know that I cut off your head with a knife.

N: wow frankly I believe if there is any alternate universe I believe that most the universes a N is usually a strong guess it's either that they just don't want to fight for the aren't ever serious or they don't use all of their weapons I only use my claws and machine gun I don't use any other weapons you see my team members use usually because it's too gory although I'm sure other alternate versions don't use other weapons because of them being too violent.

Doll had a dumbfounded face that is basically saying you don't not tell me you don't usually kill drones improve always whenever you tell me you killed a random Drone by basically eating him for weeks and apparently dropping his oily corpse in front of a humans mother.

Doll: whatever you say

Uzi: was walking down the hall whenever she saw a disassembley Drone.

She went to try and use her Raygun or whatever it's called on it but what really caught his attention was the eyes so he jumped off the wall and whenever she was about to run away he tackled her to the ground.

Doll: thought not again she was running herself over there she asked if she was OK.

Uzi: of course I'm not a Disassembley Drone attacked me and is for some reason hugging me.

Doll: bad N we talked about this.

N: What a Beautiful and adorable Drone I've never even seen a purple visor before either.

Uzi: blushing she's never been called beautiful before she's usually made fun of or hated by the entire class.

Doll: yeah sorry about that whenever he sees something new he gets curious and chases after it like a dog without thinking.

Uzi: OK good to know and let's keep him far away from Lizzie.

N: Who is Lizzie

Uzi and doll: no one important and no one you have to find at all.

N: Ok well let's have a group hug then.

Doll and Uzi: no thank you

N: why not because we hate each other. Oh well that's good trying to friends with the person you hate is always the best. If not I mean there's also always force I can try for you guys to get along

Doll and Uzi trying to think what he's thinking of until they thought of torture and they realize I'd rather hug her then get tortured.

Doll and Uzi were being squeezed pretty hard

Uzi and Doll: ok N please stop you're going to break our spines.

N: sorry about that

Uzi and Doll showing him around the colony.

N: Checks the time well it's been nice meeting you but it's almost day and I got to get back.

Uzi and Doll: wait

Doll Looks on the ground and see is one of his coagulated oil add a note that says give to UZI mother.

Doll knows exactly what N means by this

N was out the metal doors he dive face first into the snow it made a huge crater more than anything and he was left unscathed.

Once he got back into the ship before his teammates he was looking at some notes it was called
J,s NOTES KEEP OUT especially you N.

N was looking at it for a little while until started to laugh a tiny bit.

N: these warnings can't stop me because I can't read so he opened up the book I saw it had some pictures and some words.

N Kept on flipping pages and each one had some pictures of him each one was getting more disturbing by the second is frown turned into a huge grin.

It seems like the company has been putting their noses into places that it didn't belong N was looking at the book while his face was distorting and N was turning his head into unatural positions N endoskeleton was making crackling sounds.

That's until N heard the door open he put the book back.

N: Took you guys long enough to get back.

J: we don't need your shit N

N: J how much

J: The hell are you on about now:

N: how much do you know

J what are you even on about N I don't even know what you're saying right now.

N: I looked into that book of yours.

J looked pissed she stormed over to N.

J: The hell are you doing did you even read the warning and that's my privacy.

N: your privacy there were a lot of photos of me and those which is my privacy but anyways what the hell have you been doing looking up the past I never knew you cared enough to find out more about me.

J: I don't it's just well it's just...

N: wait I know what this is all about you're still so curious of what happened that day at the engineers office there's a reason why Tessa's parents were looking scared with a hint of terror when they said I was fine I wasn't I was far from it as they found out One of my many secrets One of the very few people who knows the most was Tessa's mother she died with those thoughts in her head and she took them to the grave with her same with her husband.

J: i've never seen you act like this why are you acting like this all of a sudden J yelled out in anger.

N: don't start pretending to care J The only person you've ever cared about was yourself you do everything for the company all because you want to please a company that's possibly already dead we haven't had any contact with them for years the company including the CEO is probably dead.

J had her hands in a fist position a little bit with anger.

N: what do you want to do now J do you want to punch me beat me to death go on do it.

J was pissed she has never been so embarrassed in her life.

N: I know you want to do it. Because your love for the company won't allow you to we're always The easy one for the company to control especially for me to control and use.

That was J Final breaking point she went and punched him in his face he fell down it wasn't making any noise he wasn't actually having any reaction to this at all.

J kept on her relentless punches N didn't bother to defend himself.

V: J chill I've never seen you act this way do you need to calm down.

J: you're right

POV V: you made J snap and were those actual tears I sought in her visor or some of the things you were saying true because I've never seen her have any tears in her visor.

N: It has hit night already

N: it seems like J and V have left I should get going to.

N flew out of the pod

Uzi and Doll: Doll we have been searching for N for hours, I know Uzi he's a disassembley Drone he can only be out at night.

While walking something landed It was J.

Doll and Uzi: Damit well their goes our night. (this is not part of the story I just wanted to explain that they weren't scared they were actually just annoyed as I could definitely see J getting angry that they aren't even afraid.

J attacked ferociously Doll was using her powers to hopefully give UZI a direct shot.

Doll and Doll: Uzi shoot i'm trying but my gun won't shoot. Doll: damit

J got the upper hand and cornered Uzi and Doll, J stabbed them in their sides.

J: I will admit I am toasters had the upper hand but you lost it quite fast. Any last words

UZI: Yeah just one are you even paying attention

J looks in confusion J got punched and landed a few meters away.

N: are you guys OK

Uzi and Doll: yeah we're fine but you still have someone to take down.

N looks over and hears J start talking

J: I never thought this day would come I have a reason to kill you.

N: you kill me don't be ridiculous you're the one who's gonna get yourself killed you can't beat me and you'll find that out the hard way because if you attack my new friends then you mess with me and now I am going to Fuck you.

Uzi J and doll had a what look on there face

N smiling not realizing what he said

UZI: N its fuck you up.

N: wait what did i say...

J tackles and takes N to the sky's.

(I would just like to mention that these weird lines are not at all part of the story I'm sure I already told you that but just skip over them if you don't want to read it
I just wanted to say that if you don't like the fact about the whole thing with some Hazbin hotel lines I don't know why I just thought it would be a little bit perfect for the story well the short one because of how N reacts I hope you're OK with it)

N: so have you been training and firearms since we've been back at the mansion got to say you really haven't gotten any better have you.

J: shut up you're the most annoying and hated drone i've ever laid my visor on

N: well Tessa seem to enjoy my existence more than yours, that includes her parents.

J: I will fucking end you

(OG V would be laughing at this to be honest N destroyed any ounce of pride J had in her in one go)

N: well I had my fun, N slams J with a kick to the ground J seemed unconscious.

N: well that was entertainment wouldn't you agree

UZI: that was oddly satisfying, Doll: agreed.

N: OK well let's get back to the colony as I am not going to be welcome here anymore without fighting them.

N heard a noise he saw V telling J to wake up.

N: relax she's going to be fine might take her a while to get healed but what I said won't be healed from her mind.

V: what the hell is wrong with you why didn't you help J defeat those 2 workers.

POV N: Is V completely oblivious to the situation.

V: I will take care of them, you take J back to the pod.

V starts trying to walk towards The drones before realizing She can't move and she was up in the air.

V: N what are you doing

N: something I should've done the day I met you.

N slams V so hard in the ground it made an earthquake.

N: finally been waiting to do that for years

V: I can't believe you chose to the betray us for some workers.

N: you see the difference between them and you is one of them is worth something to me.

That did not sit well with V

N: I mean if you still want to fight I'm all happy to except me think of it as our final piece of friendship in the last memory with each other.

J wakes up looks at N pissed J has never felt so humiliated in her life.

J: Im going to torture you slowly before I kill you.

V: Well we are in luck because he wants to fight.

N: let's see who's course stops working first I'm counting it's gonna be yours.

Before we we're about to fight we heard a noise it was nori and yeva.

Nori: you guys are gonna fight without us The both of us still has a score to sell with them this time we're not gonna be the ones to die.

Yeva: yeah I have a score to settle with that Bitch.

J: if you came here to die yeah I can help you with that.

N: oh this Will be fun

All of them were staring at each other for a few seconds then started to run at each other getting ready to fight to the death The absolute solvers have been activated.

N slamed his fist into J Head J slashed his body and threw him Oh and started to shoot at him.

J: N I have a question oil is in one area.

N POV: oh J if only you knew the truth.

V: J i need your help.

J looks over and sees that she has been wrapped around her tail with Yeva with weapons hovering over her.

J: it hasn't even been a minute

V: I might've underestimated them a tiny bit.

Doll: are you even paying attention to your fight

J looks back with N punching her so hard she was sent Flying when ever J caught her footing her visor was completely shattered but its healing.

N: I thought you learned the first time to be careful around your surroundings.

J shot at V tail to get her free which she did she also slashed everyone around her causing them to sustain injurys.

N looks at them getting distracted then he was punched with J rocket point blank causing both of them to get launched back N going through multiple walls.

J: hopefully that makes him stay down for good so V have you finished disposing of the rest.

J looks at V sing she's still being overpowered

J: oh come on how do you have a higher kill count then N not even he managed to get himself this overwhelmed by four sentient toasters.

J flew to help V we see inside The rubble N,s visor is showing stars.

N: ouch i'm seeing stars... N sits up and has a headache.

N sees something red and shiny N has a look of curiosity.

N: Oh N has found a new toy... N walks off screen

J and V are scene overpowering the four of them they fell down after losing a leg.

J you sentiant toasters have been a pain in my ass Long enough the last time any last words... N: I do have some

Everyone looks where N was sent flying with smoke still clearing.

N: J no that wasn't very nice shooting a rocket point blank or are you just desperate to kill me at this point HaHaHa Explosion might've destroyed any type of weapon I had on my body but i still I am very capable of killing you.

J: I see you're still alive rocket to the face plank destroyed how do you plan on beating us you worthless pile of scrap. J says with a smug grin.

N started to laugh a bit and then started to laugh like a crazy person and the smoke started to clear away.

N: well I got my hands on to test it out so Who wants to help me out with it.
He pulled out a chainsaw and started to start the chainsaw while saying that One of his eyes on his visor was twitching showing that he's completely lost it.

J and V Felt both they're oil going cold and their cores stopping. As they had the look of fear in their eyes.

N starts to run and chase after them they were screaming and yelling. N was waving his chainsaw back-and-forth hoping to hit one of them at some point.

J: where the hell did he get a functioning chainsaw.

V: how the hell am I supposed to know that he has lost his mind.

J and V we're tripping over each other every now and then.

Uzi Doll Nori Yeva were put in there legs and body parts back on with your regeneration.

Uzi: what the hell do we have to do the money he got his hands on a chainsaw he just started to scream and panic and fear. We were not able to handle both of them but he's able to handle them single-handedly with only a chainsaw by the way where did he even find one.

Doll: I don't know but it definitely saved us so I'm not complaining and this is very never knew I would see a disassembley drone afraid of death once in my life.

Nori and Yeva: Agreed

N was laughing get back here N landed one hit on J

N: J do you know better than to turn around when was running away now DIE.

J: get away from me you freak... she shot the motor of the chainsaw causing it to stop.

N: Damit J you always ruin my fun.

J aims her rocket still terrified she fires N jumps out of the way.

N: I haven't had this much fun since I've been at the mansion... N is just laughing while holding his head.

V aims her Gun at him he runs out her and just dodges all the bullets... N picks up Jay and runs into a wall with a metal pole sticking out of it and rams her straight into the wall impaling her stomach.

N: oh V what's that look why are you having fun girl what's with the scared expression.

N tear V off the wall with some of her organs still on the pole.

While in the background Uzi Doll Nori and Yeva i'm just drinking oil from a oil pouch enjoying the show.

V shoots a rocket at him launching him into a wall he comes back with a large piece of concrete and hits V into the sky.

J: J think what can stop him from treating us like ragdoll's... J sees a harpoon gun. Well it's better than nothing I hope this works.

N: V you've truly gotten slow when you're in a panic and when you're afraid.

V holding is holding her head in fear.

V: you're not N, you're not N, you're not N, you're not N.

N: wow after all these years you finally figured it ou... before he could he was impaled onto the wall by a harpoon.

J: V are you all right... V: yes i am

J: OK then I think it's time we end this now as at harpoon should've pierced his core.

J and V walks up to N Who is pierced on a wall J rips the harpoon out.

J: any last words before you die here and now.

N: I have only one thing to say... I know nothing that he would say will change your mind... but is this what you want... it's a shame really N would've loved to see a good ending... what? We both know I'm not as real and alive as I have been... Who knows what I would be doing if I was here for real... sorry guys... he glitched a little bit and started to speak like he was glitching.

(And those who knows what disbelief papyrus is I got this line from that because I thought it would be a good plot twist a little bit)

V and J were kind of confuse until is a loud noise behind them it was a large monster who looked pretty similar to N... The monster looks like it was dripping oil like tears from his eyes.

N: he's not real we are him me and N what is the same entity... he couldn't stand the thought of killing the both of you because he knew at some point he was going to have to stand the thought of it so that's where I came in she wanted me to take away your lives to protect the others from what he meant by that I had no idea until now he wants me to protect copper-9 with all my life... before he disappeared he asked me is this what I wanted where is the store best way to solve it I'm starting to have second thoughts... yes and then matter what you did to him and all the pain you've put him through he was having second thoughts about this plan of his...

But with me and him being the same I'm here to bring his final list he told me to tell you guys he's sorry hope you guys become different he tried...

After that J and V Lost their will to fight as reality came hitting them instantly N has been gone possibly dead for years or even tell the difference were their friendship with him really this terrible.

So now V and J is just going to let whatever happen happen.

N: don't worry I'll make this quick and painless. N walked forward and was about to deliver the finishing blow...

J and V: We want to ask a question.

N since you're about to die I have no problem answering your final question.

J: how long how long have you not been N.
There was a long silence

N: since my supposed demise... and yet you couldn't even figure it out of all the things and different says that's been going on in the mansion you didn't even believe Tessa's mother when she said there's something wrong with me.

J and V POV: wow did we ignore him that much and we couldn't even tell the difference between the original and the new one... well it seems like it's the end of the line for us hopefully next time we will be better.

N then went and crushed their body destroying their core and all.

N Set Stana start to Pant someone not believing of what he just done.

Uzi sat up and went to N... Uzi: is everything OK big guy.

N: yes everything's fine it's just even though I am not him I still have that lovable personality still in me.

Doll: so what now N what do we do now.

N: there is still one more until I can be satisfied there's one person who got away from me and I'm going to correct that mistake.

N: CYN I know you can hear me come out stop playing and fight me.

CYN: that was quite a show you threw together so what's your plan this time going to try and kill me like you did to them.

N: of course you're the last one I need to take down before I can finally be at ease but this time I'm not gonna play with you as I know what you're capable of so I'm not gonna toy with you this time like at the mansion all those years ago.

CYN: well that's a shame I would really like to see what you would try to use the toy with me this time like all those years ago but to make this fair I'll use my Real form... She trans forms into a giant Creature.

N: I see you're still as ugly as you were back then in that form but no more talk just fight me.

We see both giant creatures running at each other they put their hands or claws on each other... Cyn charms one of her claws into his body... N bashes some of her eyes or rips them out from her... CYN quickly found out she doesn't stand a chance even the Solver on her side... she was looking around for an exit but there wasn't one... CYN What's the weight for one minute and she was thrown to the side.

N: it seems like you've met your match but now it's time to feed.

N i'm starting to rip into her body devouring every part of her... Uzi Doll Nori and Yeva being traumatized is an understatement.

Nori and Yeva: sweetheart your boyfriend is horrifying... Uzi and Doll: he's not my boyfriend.

N was finally finish he turns around and the absolutes is now in his system by the look of his eyes

Uzi: is it finally over... N: smiles and yes it's finally over.

N here's something that looks in the sky and there's more pods.

N: you have got to be kidding me well there goes the rest of my night.

Doll: seems like we might have to take the fight to the company...

N: yes my fault though that the company has sent more germs down here it doesn't help whenever you're responsible for the founder sons death.

The four girls looked at him with confusion.

N: what I got hungry but anyways let's do this.

The five of them started to run at the disassembley drums and then it cuts a black with a huge oil like splash and screams.

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