Ludwig / Germany

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How we met : ( I was less then a year old and so was Holy Roman Empire )
My brother was walking to a home but I didn't recognize it . Suddenly a teenage man with white hair and red eyes came out I think he's called an ... Albino I think that's it . The albino looked at my brother and me happily and once my brother was close enough the man took me as I panicked .
Prussia : don't worry little one I'm Gilbert or the awesome Prussia I'm your brother in a way
He hugs me lightly not wanting to hurt me as I nuzzle him and he takes me inside as Red follows .
Prussia : so Red she's the one ?
Red : yeah she the only pup from moms litter so she is ..... How's Germania holding up ?
Prussia : ever since Tiger died he's been so depressed but who could blame him most countries get attached to there wolves .
Red : Yeah most do ... ....... But on a happier note I think it's time Na got her collar .
Prussia : Yayy!!! I've been waiting so long for this
He gets out a light purple collar with a iron cross hanging off it like a dog chain and puts it around my neck .
Prussia : yeah she is the one it fits
Red : alright I think she's ready to meet her master .
Red picks me up and walks into the other room and puts me down in front of a baby .
Red : Na this is Holy Roman Empire it's your job for the rest of your life to protect him no matter what . We are put on this earth to protect until we cannot anymore and a bond grows a bond greater then anyone could ever imagine .
Na thinking : it's my job .... It's what I was put on this earth for .... Alright I promise I will protect him .
I lick the baby's cheek not being able to talk yet and cuddle up beside him .
Red : they are going to be super close
Prussia : oh yeah
Normal day as kids : ( we were both around 7 )
Na: Come on Holy Rome !!
I run looking back at Holy Roman Empire who's chasing me .
Holy : ha .... Ha .... I have no idea why you think running is fun !!
Na : causes it's great to feel the wind in our fur and just like your running away from the world away from all your problems .
We run until we're under a tree where we can see our house .
Holy :...... Do you think we'll be great one day like Prussia and Red ?
Na : we will were two powerful people well person and wolf but we're powerful and we have courage so I think we can and even if we don't I'll be here with you threw it all cause your my purpose in life .
I smile and lick his cheek I can only do that when we're alone cause he gets embarrassed and he hugs me tightly back .
Holy : I ... I love you Na your my best friend
Na : I love you to
The Natzi era : ( we were around older teenagers ) I watched as Ludwig talked to this ..... Hitler .... I don't like him he seems evil but if Ludwig likes him he should be alright .
I walk over and sit beside Ludwig and nuzzle his side and he smiles and rubs behind my ears . Suddenly Hitler snaps Ludwig's hand away from me and I start snarling at him getting in front of Ludwig but he grabs my collar and pulls me back .
Germany : I'm sorry about her she's just protective but why can't I pet her ? she's my best friend and sister
Hitler : she's making you soft so no petting her !
After that day I hated that man and I noticed Ludwig stopped giving me a lot of affection which he didn't do a lot to begin with but he always did when I wanted him to or I needed it . Days went into weeks and weeks went into months and this Hitler made us into Natzis and it just makes me angry that he did this. He changed Ludwig he doesn't give me any affection and he's meaner to people now .... Including our brothers .
Na: sigh ....
I go into his office and it's different then it was before ... So much different before it had color and there were pictures of me , Red , him , and Gilbert ( or Prussia ) and he had bones in the floor for me to chew on if I was with him and stressed or sad ........ Now it's all black and red ...... There Natzi flags on the walls and all the pictures are gone there's just maps for his planning and some whips there's no more bones on the floor there's some blood and the whole room is black and red .... Oh Ludwig my brother what have you done ....? I walk in and Ludwig is standing with his back turned to me looking out the huge widow in his Nazi uniform he used to wear his green uniform and his cross necklace now it's gone the thing that symbolizes our and our brothers bond is gone he now wears a black leather uniform with a hat and very thick and loud boots ..... Of corse I'm not the same either I have to wear a black collar but I wouldn't let that that Monster Hitler take my cross away from me ...... I also was forced to wear little black clips on my ears I don't really know why but I do ..... And lastly leather black gloves on my paws like Ludwig's but smaller of corse but I can make my claws still go in and out because there's holes so I can kill people says Hitler but I'm not gonna kill anyone unless I'm told by Ludwig and if that person deserves it then and only then I will do it .
Na : Lud-
He turns around and snaps his fingers reminding me .
Na : oh sorry ...... Master
I bow down to him as I'm supposed to do ... I never had to do this until Hitler came ..... Sigh oh Ludwig I want the old you back .
A while later still in the Natzi area : ( same age ) I was running threw the battle field killing any wolf I saw that was against me . I had gotten deep into this Hitler did this to me he made me evil , dangerous, and the thing that hurts the most ...... He made me forget my bond with my brothers .... I still had my cross necklace but at that point it didn't mean anything to me........ and it hurt so bad . I continue to run threw the field when I heard a loud gunshot and a scream and gasp from behind me and as I turned around it was Hitler . I ran over to him and sniffed him then I heard footsteps behind me and I turned around to see America and Ray ( Americas wolf ) and Ray stared growling .
Ray : look what you and Germany have done Na !! Look around you at all the destruction , pain , and sadness !!!!!
I slowly looked around not wanting to be caught  off guard but I couldn't look back at them . As I looked around at all of the destruction I caused I just starred then looked back at them with sadness in my eyes .
Na : .........
I looked at Ray then I saw Ludwig about to get shot by a American solider . I knew very well he wouldn't have died for he's a country but I refused to let my master get hurt . I ran over there and jumped in front of him and the bullet hit my hip as I fell to the ground . Ludwig killed the guy then went over to me .
Germany : Na !!! Are you alright ??!!?
Na : I'm f-fine m-m-mast-
Germany : no don't call me that ... I'm not your master I'm your friend .... I'm your brother don't call me master my little sister
He rubs my stomach as Shadow my medicine wolf ( Black female wolf with grey at the tip of her tail with dark blue eyes ) starts putting herbs on my wound .
A week later after everything has settled down and my bullet wound was better
Ludwig walks into my cave with a sad look on his face .
Ludwig : Hallo Na .....
I perk up and smile at him walking over and rubbing on his legs .
Na : good morning brother .
He rubs behind my ears and sits down beside me while I'm on my moss bed .
Germany : Na ...... I .... I'm .... Sigh ....... I'm so sorry for what I did I know I shouldn't have agreed with Hitler and gone along with his plans but I thought it would finally get us power like we dreamed when we were kids but after a while I .... I got out of hand and I'm so sorry for everything I put you threw .
Na : oh Ludwig ...... It wasn't your fault and I don't blame you at all you got blinded by power it happens to the best of us and I think it's all Hitlers fault !
Germany : then why do I feel like it's my fault .....?
Na : because your a great man and you feel bad cause your country is hurt
Germany : I guess ........
Na : if it makes you feel any better I don't blame you at all
I smile at him and lick his cheek and jump on him trying to pin him but he laughs and pins me .
Na : lucky son of a bitch
Germany : unlucky bitch
Na : oh I'm gonna get you for that
I get up and chase after him as he runs away .
Present time : ( we're adults ) ( also this time is like when we see in the show ) I wake up early in the morning and go into Ludwigs room .
Na : Hey asshole wake up!!
Germany : you could be nicer about it .
He comes out from the bathroom and picks me up hugging me tightly as I lick his cheek .
Na: good morning brother .
Germany : good morning sister .
We leave and get Italy Sun Japan and Katro and go running . A little while after were running track with Ludwig Italy Japan Katro and Sun although Sun and Italy were more walking then running . Ludwig looks at me and winks and I wink back and slow my pace till I'm running at the same speed as Sun and Italy which is very slowly and I snap at there feet making them scream and run faster as I run ahead of them back to Ludwig and he scratches behind me ear as he jogs .
After were finished jogging
We go back to the house and watch a little TV .
Na : no !! No !! Don't die!!
Germany : I told you he would die
Na : I hate you !
I jump on him pinning him to the couch and biting his hand affectionately.
Germany : mein little sister
Na : I'm not little you know
Germany : you are
Prussia and Red come in from outside and jump on the couch .
Prussia : Hallo siblings !!!
Red : Hallo !!
Na : hey guys
I lick Red's cheek and rub against Prussia's side .
Germany : yeah I'm going to bed goodnight I hate you all
Na : you love us and you know it !
I say goodnight to them all and go to my cave and fall asleep .
( World Meeting ) : ( adults ) I am running around my den making sure my fur looks alright and there's no meat in my teeth . After that I run and check on Red.
Na : Red I swear to god if your not ready !!!
Red : I'm ready I'm coming !
We both run to our masters and we get into the car and head for the world meeting which is in Germany. I'm sitting in the back with Red,Cinder , and Wave ( Grey wolf with black stripes and light green eyes ) Red's medicine wolf while Germany and Prussia are in the front seats.
After we get there
We walked into the room and it'd already chaos Italy and Sun are yelling pasta France Pitch England and Light are arguing Hungary and Cream and yelling Japan is nicely arguing with Switzerland as their wolves are glowing at each other and America is telling he's the hero with Ray . I can already see Germany's blood boiling as we sit down and Cinder sits close to me knowing what Ludwig is going to do .
I slightly roll my eyes at the others they should know that Ludwig will get mad when they argue and waste time .
I sit and listen to the people and wolves talk until Pitch comes up beside me and wraps his tail around me and smiles .
Na: Pitch you better remove your tail from around me
Pitch : and if I don't mon cheri ?
Na : I will rip your little tail off and shove it up your -
Cinder : Na !
Na : fine ....
I keep listening until it's over .
Germany : come on let's go you guys
We walk home and Cinder and Wave go sort herbs while Red and Gilbert go party and me and Ludwig lay together on the couch tired .
Germany : that was very stressful .....
Na : don't worry you'll live
Germany : oh hush
I yawn loudly and lay my head on his lap and he pets my head .
Germany : just go to sleep
I slowly fall asleep smiling .
Germany : goodnight mein little sister .

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